GOP Poll: Women Think Republican Party Is 'Stuck In The Past'


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
A new internal Republican report confirmed that women are not fans of the GOP, and Republicans have more work to do if they want the female vote.

The study was commissioned by two conservative groups: Karl Rove's Crossroads GPS and the American Action Network.

The report, which was obtained by Politico, found that although Republicans have tried to improve outreach to female voters, women still believe the party is "stuck in the past" and "intolerant."

It offered a stark picture of how women view the Republican Party as a whole. Women are "barely receptive" to the party's policy proposals, the report said, in part because Republicans "fail to speak to women in the different circumstances in which they live."

The report drew its conclusions from focus group discussions and a poll of 800 registered women voters. In top issue areas, such as health care, the economy and education, the poll found that Democrats held a huge advantage. For example, when considering which side "wants to make health care more affordable," the women surveyed chose the Democratic Party by a 39 percent margin. They also said that a policy of equal pay for equal work would "help women the most."

To make electoral gains in 2014 and 2016, the report suggested that the GOP soften its opposition to legislation supporting pay equity. The party should also tackle economic issues like gender bias in the workplace, the report said. Given that abortion can be a wedge issue among women, the report recommended that the party "deal honestly with any disagreement on abortion, then move to other issues."

GOP Poll: Women Think Republican Party Is 'Stuck In The Past'

Does anyone honestly expect that Republicans will "deal honestly with any disagreement on abortion"? I don't.
Anti-choice pro-birth fanatics try to restrict women's access to abortion and contraceptives - and then condemn them for not wanting to deliver a baby that they don't want. One would think these fanatics would want women to have totally free access to contraceptives and all associated doctor visits - which would be much less costly to all concerned (both morally and financially).

It totally amazes me how little concern the anti-choice zealots have for the financial/mental/physical welfare of pregnant women who don't want babies for various reasons. These women should come first. According to Roe v. Wade - they do come first.

Republican anti-choice pro-birth fanatics have no moral standing in forcing and/or shaming a pregnant woman into giving birth to an unwanted baby.
Republican poll, by establishment statist Rs, confirms what the D Party says about Rs.

Could this is a transparent attack on the Tea Party by the R Party? Seems likely me.
Karl Rove releases this right before the election.

Anyway, I don't doubt the future is bleak for conservatives, and it's why I'm getting the fuck out of here within the next 7-10 years.

As far as right now though, despite this poll, the Dims are highly UNLIKELY to win the House back this election, and in fact it's likely the GOP will at least make a gain in the Senate. I personally doubt they'll take the Senate, but they do have a chance.

Once the dust settles, the GOP overall will likely have a net gain.

The future though is fucked. You're gonna see a country of potheads demanding more and more government programs, and wanting someone else to pay for it.
Our southern border is essentially gone now, but in the coming years it will be officially gone, as we become Mexico north.
And as far as women go, we will always have a substantial # of women who believe in family.
The Dims will always have the feminists, which is quite fine with me, in fact feminists can go fuck themselves.
Which of course is exactly what they do in fact.
My wife always checks with her vagina before voting. Don't all vaginas, er, I mean, women?

PS - Sometimes she defers to the clitoris....

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Anti-choice pro-birth fanatics try to restrict women's access to abortion and contraceptives - and then condemn them for not wanting to deliver a baby that they don't want. One would think these fanatics would want women to have totally free access to contraceptives and all associated doctor visits - which would be much less costly to all concerned (both morally and financially).

It totally amazes me how little concern the anti-choice zealots have for the financial/mental/physical welfare of pregnant women who don't want babies for various reasons. These women should come first. According to Roe v. Wade - they do come first.

Republican anti-choice pro-birth fanatics have no moral standing in forcing and/or shaming a pregnant woman into giving birth to an unwanted baby.

One would think these fanatics would want women to have totally free access to contraceptives and all associated doctor visits - which would be much less costly to all concerned (both morally and financially).

Pro life people do want full access to contraception,and people do,your lie doesn't make it so.

Claiming the moral high ground while humans are being kiiled is absurd and shows your rationality and lack of humnity
It was all that democrat stuff enabling them to have recreational sex without negative consequences.

So the only thing women care about is having inconsequential sex?

Who's being sexist here?

What's more telling is all this progressive crap has really done is allow MEN to have recreational sex without negative consequences.
Anti-choice pro-birth fanatics try to restrict women's access to abortion and contraceptives - and then condemn them for not wanting to deliver a baby that they don't want. One would think these fanatics would want women to have totally free access to contraceptives and all associated doctor visits - which would be much less costly to all concerned (both morally and financially).

It totally amazes me how little concern the anti-choice zealots have for the financial/mental/physical welfare of pregnant women who don't want babies for various reasons. These women should come first. According to Roe v. Wade - they do come first.

Republican anti-choice pro-birth fanatics have no moral standing in forcing and/or shaming a pregnant woman into giving birth to an unwanted baby.

One would think these fanatics would want women to have totally free access to contraceptives and all associated doctor visits - which would be much less costly to all concerned (both morally and financially).

Pro life people do want full access to contraception,and people do,your lie doesn't make it so.

Claiming the moral high ground while humans are being kiiled is absurd and shows your rationality and lack of humnity

You would have to consider the IUD to be birth control for that statement to be true.
It was all that democrat stuff enabling them to have recreational sex without negative consequences.

So the only thing women care about is having inconsequential sex?

Who's being sexist here?

What's more telling is all this progressive crap has really done is allow MEN to have recreational sex without negative consequences.
Hey, blame me for the fcking poll, gandolf.

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