GOP Senator Susan Collins Throws Support Behind Law Protecting Same-Sex Marriage

I have been hearing that shit for years and i would just laugh and laugh.
Not anymore. They are going to come after the kids.

Come on, you are better than this.

There is no connection between same sex marriage and "going after kids"
Man is called woman
Woman is called man
Marriage is anything the governnent decides

I want the governnent to let me have a dog relationship but I am a cat
Here's an idea ...

... how about removing any laws that legislate marriage which, after all, is a strictly personal arrangement, and has nothing to do with The State.

That is a great idea, at the same time you would then have to remove any benefit the state ties to marriage.
Man is called woman
Woman is called man
Marriage is anything the governnent decides

I want the governnent to let me have a dog relationship but I am a cat
Sad that you can't tell the difference between people with rights and other animals.
I'm all for making it easier for folks to raise a family.
If we got rid of all the ridiculous cash and prizes in the tax code, we could lower tax rates for everyone.

They cost $1.4 trillion a year. It's a massive government wealth redistribution scheme. Every dollar you deduct or credit you receive has to be taken from someone else's pocket in the form of higher tax rates.

We have an insane system where people earning identical incomes are paying radically differing amounts of taxes.

I have this crazy idea that people earning identical incomes should be paying identical taxes.

That is if we have income taxes, which I think should be abolished and replaced with a consumption tax like the Fair Tax.
And the baseline question the Supremes asked the bigots was, "In what way is interracial marriage harmful to society?"

Words to that effect.

The same question applies to gay marriage.

And all the bigots have been able to come up with is, "The children! The children! Pedophiles!"


Its the same schtick. And all their fearmonger about the collapse of marriage if gays are allowed to join turned out to be typical conservative pearl clutching.

Destroying the entire institution of marriage and invalidating every marriage in every state ....just to keep gays out, is equally pointless.

But conservative values (the actual ones, not the 'family values' talking points they give only lip service to) is about other people being LESS. The outrage of gay marriage isn't the harm it does to anyone (there isn't any)....but that gays and lesbians would be equal to them under the law. That their unions would be just as recognized, just as legally valid as their own.

This is the affront that conservatives can't abide. And why they fixate on the issue despite the lack of any negative consequences and the benefits to millions of Americans and their children.
No, brokeloser is racist (and a coward, and a hypocrite).

Anyone who has been here long enough knows that Brokeloser can't really help himself. Every conversation eventually comes back to black folks.

Its like talking to a fundamentalist born again Christian. You could be talking about new cars, sunsets or Cap'n Crunch....and they'll somehow make the conversation about Jesus.
Its the same schtick. And all their fearmonger about the collapse of marriage if gays are allowed to join turned out to be typical conservative pearl clutching.

Destroying the entire institution of marriage and invalidating every marriage in every state ....just to keep gays out, is equally pointless.

But conservative values (the actual ones, not the 'family values' talking points they give only lip service to) is about other people being LESS. The outrage of gay marriage isn't the harm it does to anyone....but that gays and lesbians would be equal to them under the law. That their unions would be just as recognized, just as legally valid as their own.

This is the affront that conservatives can't abide. And why they fixate on the issue despite the lack of any negative consequences and the benefits to millions of Americans and their children.
People like adulterer Newt Gingrich and his three wives, and adulterer Rush Limbaugh and his four wives, and adulterer Donald Trump and his three wives are the ones who destroyed marriage.

A gay couple arrives at a government facility to have their pending marriage recognized by the state.

The government employee behind the counter, who has been married FIVE TIMES, refuses to recognize their marriage.

Because Jesus.

In some bizarro cognitively dissonant way, the "Religious" Right makes the clerk a holy martyr.

The stench of their hypocrisy should make everyone vomit.

People like adulterer Newt Gingrich and his three wives, and adulterer Rush Limbaugh and his four wives, and adulterer Donald Trump and his three wives are the ones who destroyed marriage.

Family values was just another expression of conservative elitism. They didn't have much use for it save for making other people be LESS. Single mothers, gay people, lesbians, any relationship outside of marriage (except their own, of course)...and go back a couple of generations, interracial marriage or the *existence* of gay people.

To the conservative mind, homosexuality is wrong. And whatever is wrong must be shown to be LESS. The people have to be LESS, their unions have to be LESS. And gays have to know they are LESS.

Most conservatives have reached a place where they are comfortable enough with minorities, women, gays, lesbians, single moms and the like that they will allow them to long as they 'know their place'.

This perception of hierarchy is key in understanding the conservative mentality.
For them to win, someone has to lose.

Thus, the value of marriage to conservatives is in its EXCLUSION of gays, the demonstration that their unions are LESS. If gays can marry, if their unions are equal under the law, conservatives would rather destroy the entire institution.
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The county clerk behind the counter, who has been married FIVE TIMES, refuses to recognize their marriage.

Back in the day, women always died in childbirth so a guy could have multiple wives and never get divorced.

Back in the day, women always died in childbirth so a guy could have multiple wives and never get divorced.

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What's fascinating is the new testament fixation on divorce being adultery. Jesus waxed poetic on the topic.

He never mentioned homosexuality once.

But as usual, conservatives had carved out exclusions in their religion and the law for themselves.

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