GOP Staffer Elizabeth Lauten To Resign

Seriously though, are you Communist/Progressive wankas really gonna feign outrage over this? I mean come on, that's just plain laughable. Uh let's see, you guys viciously attack Palin's handicapped child, but are now freaking out because some wingnut said your Dear Leader's kids were dressed like shite? Ha, you guys are such loony hypocrites. Funny stuff. :laugh:

Rand Paul took some serious whacks from the ugly stick

Uh huh, and viciously attacking Palin's handicapped child is somehow 'different.' We got ya. You guys aren't just deranged, you're also dishonest. But i can deal with derangement, it's the dishonesty i can't stand for.
What was the viscious attack against her child with Downs syndrome? Who said it?

Back up your nonsense for once

You must have been stuck under your rock in 2008. The Libs had a field day insinuating that Trig was really Bristol's baby. Daily Kos has deleted the blog posts, but references can be found elsewhere.

iReport Sarah Palin s child may be her daughter s
you are an idiot

journalists aren't on the taxpayer payroll like this rw hateful rw Lautnen rw woman was

That link did prove very convincing about the whole Palin baby's momma episode though :eusa_think:

She apologized. I realize that the concept of an apology is something that is foreign to uncivilized cretins such as you and your ilk, so you have to insist on obliterating her out of existence. What appalling people you are.
you are an idiot

journalists aren't on the taxpayer payroll like this rw hateful rw Lautnen rw woman was

That link did prove very convincing about the whole Palin baby's momma episode though :eusa_think:

She apologized. I realize that the concept of an apology is something that is foreign to uncivilized cretins such as you and your ilk, so you have to insist on obliterating her out of existence. What appalling people you are.
she attacked the under aged children merely to segway into an PREDICTABLE cheap political attack on the parents. Stay classy :thup:
Ron Paul sucks as a parent and Rand Paul was one funny looking kid

Seriously though, are you Communist/Progressive wankas really gonna feign outrage over this? I mean come on, that's just plain laughable. Uh let's see, you guys viciously attack Palin's handicapped child, but are now freaking out because some wingnut said your Dear Leader's kids were dressed like shite? Ha, you guys are such loony hypocrites. Funny stuff. :laugh:

Rand Paul took some serious whacks from the ugly stick

Uh huh, and viciously attacking Palin's handicapped child is somehow 'different.' We got ya. You guys aren't just deranged, you're also dishonest. But i can deal with derangement, it's the dishonesty i can't stand for.
What was the viscious attack against her child with Downs syndrome? Who said it?

Back up your nonsense for once

You must have been stuck under your rock in 2008. The Libs had a field day insinuating that Trig was really Bristol's baby. Daily Kos has deleted the blog posts, but references can be found elsewhere.

iReport Sarah Palin s child may be her daughter s

Doesn't appear to be an attack on the child with Downs syndrome.....just conspiracy bullshit
you are an idiot

journalists aren't on the taxpayer payroll like this rw hateful rw Lautnen rw woman was

That link did prove very convincing about the whole Palin baby's momma episode though :eusa_think:

She apologized. I realize that the concept of an apology is something that is foreign to uncivilized cretins such as you and your ilk, so you have to insist on obliterating her out of existence. What appalling people you are.
she attacked the under aged children merely to segway into an cheap political attack on the parents. Stay classy :thup:

Oh Puh-leeeze. She posted a Tweet encouraging them to dress and behave in a manner respectful of the White House. If the Obamas had ANY CLASS, they would have accepted the apology and indicated that the matter be closed. Instead, just as in Ferguson, it's all about Revenge and Vengeance.

How Hopeychangey.
I get you’re both in those awful teen years, but you’re a part of the First Family – try showing a little class,” she wrote. “At least respect the part you play.” She added: “Then again, your mother and father don’t respect their positions very much, or the nation for that matter, so I’m guessing you’re coming up a little short in the 'good role model’ department.”

Where Lauten really reveals what partisan scum she is. No matter how much you oppose the Obamas politics, attacking their parenting is out of line. Attacking the girls parents and claiming they are not good role models for children is a low blow. There is nothing the Obamas have done to indicate they are not good parents. The girls have been a credit to this country and have avoided the embarassments of other Presidential children. Telling children they do not have good parents, just because they belong to another party, is despicable

So glad she got fired

Lauten showing her true agenda
THIS crock of an apology? PUHLEEEASE :rolleyes-41:

Oh Puh-leeeze. She posted a Tweet encouraging them to dress and behave in a manner respectful of the White House. If the Obamas had ANY CLASS, they would have accepted the apology and indicated that the matter be closed. Instead, just as in Ferguson, it's all about Revenge and Vengeance.

How Hopeychangey.
So Maobama called the Repub Rep's office and instructed him to fire his staffer? :doubt: In who's universe did that happen? :rofl: You really are a hack par excellance. :thup:
Oh Puh-leeeze. She posted a Tweet encouraging them to dress and behave in a manner respectful of the White House. If the Obamas had ANY CLASS, they would have accepted the apology and indicated that the matter be closed. Instead, just as in Ferguson, it's all about Revenge and Vengeance.

How Hopeychangey.
So Maobama called the Repub Rep's office and instructed him to fire his staffer? :doubt: In who's universe did that happen? :rofl: You really are a hack par excellance. :thup:

You really are clueless about the way politics works, you sad little booby.

One think I find horrifically amusing is all the ire the Progs aim at this tweet while completely ignoring how Gruber and the Dems committed fraud with ObamaCare. That fraud has harmed millions of people in terms of their health and finances, but an insensitive tweet! Now that's a National Scandal! Heads must roll!
The First Daughters seem to be dressing in the latest style and fashion as dictated by all the teen fashion magazines, including the prevailing trend for hem lines. So are we attacking all teens trying to following the latest trends in teen fashion? How about their parents? Should we attack all parents of teens who allow their girls to attempt to be fashionable and up with the latest styles, or is this just another lame attempt to bash the President and First Lady?
She resigned after giving an honest opinion. It wasn't even that bad and she simply thought the outfits were inappropriate. Of course, some liberals put the word 'slut' out there even though it wasn't used. I take it that the actual words she used weren't harsh enough so they just rewrote it to make it sound worse than it was. Typical.

The liberals who said much more vulgar things about Republicans continue to spout the same shit and have no intention of stopping, let alone stepping down.
Rand Paul took some serious whacks from the ugly stick

Uh huh, and viciously attacking Palin's handicapped child is somehow 'different.' We got ya. You guys aren't just deranged, you're also dishonest. But i can deal with derangement, it's the dishonesty i can't stand for.
What was the viscious attack against her child with Downs syndrome? Who said it?

Back up your nonsense for once

You must have been stuck under your rock in 2008. The Libs had a field day insinuating that Trig was really Bristol's baby. Daily Kos has deleted the blog posts, but references can be found elsewhere.

iReport Sarah Palin s child may be her daughter s
you are an idiot

journalists aren't on the taxpayer payroll like this rw hateful rw Lautnen rw woman was

That link did prove very convincing about the whole Palin baby's momma episode though :eusa_think:

She apologized. I realize that the concept of an apology is something that is foreign to uncivilized cretins such as you and your ilk, so you have to insist on obliterating her out of existence. What appalling people you are.

Too bad the sanctimonious bitch got fired

Hope she learned a valuable life lesson
She resigned after giving an honest opinion. It wasn't even that bad and she simply thought the outfits were inappropriate. Of course, some liberals put the word 'slut' out there even though it wasn't used. I take it that the actual words she used weren't harsh enough so they just rewrote it to make it sound worse than it was. Typical.

The liberals who said much more vulgar things about Republicans continue to spout the same shit and have no intention of stopping, let alone stepping down.

She resigned after she apologized because the Progressives are never satisfied with anything less than complete destruction of anyone who doesn't worship The Won.

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