GOP supporters challenge, I dare you to take it!!

Republicans created Civil Rights, Democrats created Special Rights
The interstate highway system was another idea of the GOP. Have you ever traveled on it? It's an engineering marvel. You can get to far away places really fast in a car. It's much quicker than country roads, really it is quite amazing and efficient.
Ike desegregated the schools if you weren't aware. Perhaps you would like Black only schools again?
Giving women the right to vote wasn't such a bad idea. . . though, some are beginning to regret it. :badgrin: You can thank the GOP for that.

Or not. profound, the fact that white men that held both women and minorities down, allowed each the right to vote....a right all people deserved from day one.....again, I challenge you nuts to name anything that the GOP has done that has helped every day hard working americans and please, lets keep it 100...getting the right to vote by the very people that shouldn't have took it in the first place....really? And you racist nuts want credit for that???
The interstate highway system was another idea of the GOP. Have you ever traveled on it? It's an engineering marvel. You can get to far away places really fast in a car. It's much quicker than country roads, really it is quite amazing and efficient.
So far, we got 19th and 20th century accomplishments, ending slavery, allowing women the vote and the highway system......LOLOLOL oh and the capital gains tax. 200 plus years of being in power and this is the best you got.....???? Pa---thet----ic!!!!!
Tiggeerreed starts a thread asking what the GOP did then has a hissy over their accomplishments. Maybe she needs to knead some play doh.
Civil rights
While we're on that topic, emancipation wasn't all that bad of an idea. . . .

The war was probably short sighted, but what the hell, while we were already at war over states rights, might as well. ;)
The DNC wasn't in existance back then and please stop guys are so stuck on your ignorance and blind allegence to a party that has done not a motherfuckin thing for anybody but the gotdamned rich and you whores no it!!

Again come here with one fuckin idea you maggots have given to this country that average hard working people have benefit from, just one, just one fuckin idea!!

You do know that the RNC started with the Civil War, and the DNC started at the founding of the nation, right?
I knew this thread would morph itself into you people going off topic, off subject, because in your guts, you know your a party of fear mongering for votes and nothing please fuck yourself with your history lesson and shove it!!

You're the one that erroneously claimed the DNC didn't exist back during the civil war. They are responsible for the creation of the KKK and racial hatred groups. If it wasn't for them, this whole NWO and divide and conquer shit would never have even begun.

Do you even have a clue who Albert Pike is?

Civil rights
While we're on that topic, emancipation wasn't all that bad of an idea. . . .

The war was probably short sighted, but what the hell, while we were already at war over states rights, might as well. ;)
The DNC wasn't in existance back then and please stop guys are so stuck on your ignorance and blind allegence to a party that has done not a motherfuckin thing for anybody but the gotdamned rich and you whores no it!!

Again come here with one fuckin idea you maggots have given to this country that average hard working people have benefit from, just one, just one fuckin idea!!
We gave you Lincoln buttwipe, we gave you Martin Luther King, and now we will give you a tissue!
Tiggeerreed starts a thread asking what the GOP did then has a hissy over their accomplishments. Maybe she needs to knead some play doh.
My God, you nuts took this shit all the way back to slavery when the GOP was in power and you come to me with 4 fuckin things??? Do I look like a gotdamn Trump supporter???? Bottom line, you neo nuts got nuthin from this party but fear and your panties shoved up your ass's, own the facts...the GOP is a worthless fuckin party that bring nothing to this country by problems and mo problems...FACT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Civil rights and capital gains.....Civil rights, LBJ a democrat and capital gains, for the rich....Listen, I want to know of any policy this party has put forth for every day working americans that still holds true to this day. I am even allowing you nuts to go back into the 20th century for an answer, because God knows you bastards have done nothing this century but get tax payer welfare check.....I'll be waiting!!

If it were not for Lincoln and the Republican party you would still be enslaved...

So please let stop with the nonsense...
Tiggeerreed starts a thread asking what the GOP did then has a hissy over their accomplishments. Maybe she needs to knead some play doh.
My God, you nuts took this shit all the way back to slavery when the GOP was in power and you come to me with 4 fuckin things??? Do I look like a gotdamn Trump supporter???? Bottom line, you neo nuts got nuthin from this party but fear and your panties shoved up your ass's, own the facts...the GOP is a worthless fuckin party that bring nothing to this country by problems and mo problems...FACT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, let go back in time and Kill Ike who introduce the interstate system...
The interstate highway system was another idea of the GOP. Have you ever traveled on it? It's an engineering marvel. You can get to far away places really fast in a car. It's much quicker than country roads, really it is quite amazing and efficient.
So far, we got 19th and 20th century accomplishments, ending slavery, allowing women the vote and the highway system......LOLOLOL oh and the capital gains tax. 200 plus years of being in power and this is the best you got.....???? Pa---thet----ic!!!!!

OMG. . . I am giving you huge accomplishments.

You call them "pathetic."

You must understand dear child, the philosophical foundations which under-gird each party is different. The GOP, at least in theory, doesn't believe it is the government's JOB to interfere with the functioning of society. It is only supposed to protect the rights guaranteed in the Constitution, provide common defense and general welfare, and undertake civic infrastructure projects that the society can not promote through free enterprise. . . (see tragedy of the commons.)

Otherwise, it is supposed to be hands off. Anything else inevitably leads to a corrupt government that grows itself only to enrich bureaucrats with the adoption of programs that, over time, become bloated to the point of excess and failure, which were, from the outset, not necessarily authorized by the mandate of the constitution to begin with.

If you want a nanny state, move to Cuba. Our constitution, according to the philosophy of the GOP, never mandated the government take care of individual problems. That is for YOU to sort out.
The interstate highway system was another idea of the GOP. Have you ever traveled on it? It's an engineering marvel. You can get to far away places really fast in a car. It's much quicker than country roads, really it is quite amazing and efficient.
So far, we got 19th and 20th century accomplishments, ending slavery, allowing women the vote and the highway system......LOLOLOL oh and the capital gains tax. 200 plus years of being in power and this is the best you got.....???? Pa---thet----ic!!!!!

OMG. . . I am giving you huge accomplishments.

You call them "pathetic."

You must understand dear child, the philosophical foundations which under-gird each party is different. The GOP, at least in theory, doesn't believe it is the government's JOB to interfere with the functioning of society. It is only supposed to protect the rights guaranteed in the Constitution, provide common defense and general welfare, and undertake civic infrastructure projects that the society can not promote through free enterprise. . . (see tragedy of the commons.)

Otherwise, it is supposed to be hands off. Anything else inevitably leads to a corrupt government that grows itself only to enrich bureaucrats with the adoption of programs that, over time, become bloated to the point of excess and failure, which were, from the outset, not necessarily authorized by the mandate of the constitution to begin with.

If you want a nanny state, move to Cuba. Our constitution, according to the philosophy of the GOP, never mandated the government take care of individual problems. That is for YOU to sort out.
Okay, you fuckin idiot, show me how to keep the air in this country clear and clean once the EPA is gone...otherwise kiss my black fuckin ass!!
Tiggeerreed starts a thread asking what the GOP did then has a hissy over their accomplishments. Maybe she needs to knead some play doh.
My God, you nuts took this shit all the way back to slavery when the GOP was in power and you come to me with 4 fuckin things??? Do I look like a gotdamn Trump supporter???? Bottom line, you neo nuts got nuthin from this party but fear and your panties shoved up your ass's, own the facts...the GOP is a worthless fuckin party that bring nothing to this country by problems and mo problems...FACT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well golly, Tigggeerrrred. The accomplishments of the GOP are like term paper length, ya know. Even intelligent GOPer's can't type that all out off the top of their heads. Speaking of heads- pull your's out of your butt, will ya already?

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