GOP turning "American helping American" into Socialism - Is that a national scandal?

Spoonman, you know better. Really, dude, you made me sad.

Privatizing Social Security takes it out of the government's hands. That means that a private company makes decisions for you and you can't vote that company out, you can't do anything. You have NO representation.

Further, the companies make money from the investments. They charge the SS accounts investment fees, plus with the amount of stock they can buy using every working American's money they can manipulate the stock market - cheat, in other words, and that's highly illegal.

But the biggest fail with privatization comes with the inevitable - within the next 40 years there will be another September 2008, another October 1929. Do you honestly think that level of risk is something old people should be forced into?

plutocracy noun \plü-ˈtä-krə-sē\

: government by the richest people

: a country that is ruled by the richest people

Plutocracy - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

That's the right wing goal. For some reason, Republicans trust corporations with a profit motive over the government we elect into office and at the same time screaming "we want freedom". Why? So they can give it away to corporations? At least with our government, you can vote people into and out of office. Once corporations are in charge, they will never let go. Only as long as we have a government we elect into office will we have even a sliver of freedom.

As you may have read, I am a big believer that we live in a plutocracy. Government of the rich, by the rich, for the rich.

But I never ever get a right wing wack job on here to contest that we live in a plutocracy.
Either they don't know what it is. Or they don't care. Or they agree and don't want to admit it. And I see no way to change it without a strong group of populists coming forward to bring about change. And that ain't happening. Liz Warren and Bernie can't do it by themselves.

But at least we live in a nice plutocracy. So far.

Do you know how ignorant you sound??
Do you actually think you can name one place the poor rule??

Even in a fucking jungle village the elder / leader will have more goats / what the fuck ever as normal tribesman.

Use some common sense ....
Is that what Red States do to Blue States?

USMB right wingers falsely claim this has been debunked, but Politifact says otherwise.

Still tossing about pre-TARP, pre-Porkulus lies, huh?

California was the #1 recipient of Porkulus welfare - funny how you leftists continue to post a slide from 2004 - not really funny, just dishonest.

Hey, but integrity has no place on the left.

Oh, and have you EVER, in your entire life given even a dime of your own money to help another? Of course not, you view charity as taking from others and giving to who you think deserves it more..
When you get a base of followers who quite frankly aren't very intelligent and you compound that with the fact that they are gullible and anything but open minded, you get the modern day republican base. This is why you hear words like socialism, communism and comparisons made to Hitler on a regular basis. These terms have no relation whatsoever to modern day democats/liberals but these people have been convinced, rather easily, that liberals are actually their enemy and are somehow related to these boogeyman terms they throw around and clearly don't understand.

you get the same shit with a lot of the Far Left....look at Hungover....ever read that assholes threads? many of his threads he sounds just like the people on the right he cant stand....

What is the far left? How do you distinguish far left from just the regular left. I'd love to know who you would consider far left and who is just left.

Regular Left?? doesn't exist. Left is far to the Left.
And what am I sponging off of you exactly?

You think you're a great guy, right?

You see someone in need and you instantly think "I should help them," so you rob your neighbors to give the needy person the spoils.

Have you EVER spent even a dime out of your own pocket? Or is supporting high taxes to take from others your only form of charity?

Don't bother answering, we all know the answer.
Only in your twisted world is taking the property of others to control them "Americans helping Americans".

Americans help Americans without the government every day.

Only in your twisted world would you view helping the elderly, disabled and needy as taking something from you.

You aren't taking care of the elderly, disabled, and needy. You're taxing them into poverty.
States shouldn't "train" anyone. This is brought out by the liberal belief that college is the end all be all of everything. it's not.

It's embarrassing that someone in America would diss higher education.

People like that need to get out of the way of the 21st Century.

It's embarrassing that anyone would think paying for a piece of paper is "higher education". It's also embarrassing that anyone should think the only way to educate oneself is to go to a university.
Only in your twisted world is taking the property of others to control them "Americans helping Americans".

Americans help Americans without the government every day.

Really? When was the last time everyone with money in Kentucky helped out their poorer citizens in Coal Country?

Oh yeah, never.

That's the whole point of welfare, medicare, social security, and the ACA. If you knew anything about life in the 1960s you'd be furious at how the elderly were treated back then.

People are still being treated like shit. Without government intervention they would suffer and die - most of them children and the elderly.

Meanwhile, I've waited over a year to hear a single rightie speak out against corporate welfare. It's okay to subsidize billionaires, because ... why?

Any time they offered them a job.
privatization is still SS, it's not getting rid of it

Spoonman, you know better. Really, dude, you made me sad.

Privatizing Social Security takes it out of the government's hands. That means that a private company makes decisions for you and you can't vote that company out, you can't do anything. You have NO representation.

Further, the companies make money from the investments. They charge the SS accounts investment fees, plus with the amount of stock they can buy using every working American's money they can manipulate the stock market - cheat, in other words, and that's highly illegal.

But the biggest fail with privatization comes with the inevitable - within the next 40 years there will be another September 2008, another October 1929. Do you honestly think that level of risk is something old people should be forced into?

plutocracy noun \plü-ˈtä-krə-sē\

: government by the richest people

: a country that is ruled by the richest people

Plutocracy - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

That's the right wing goal. For some reason, Republicans trust corporations with a profit motive over the government we elect into office and at the same time screaming "we want freedom". Why? So they can give it away to corporations? At least with our government, you can vote people into and out of office. Once corporations are in charge, they will never let go. Only as long as we have a government we elect into office will we have even a sliver of freedom.

You do realize you've just described the Democrat party, right? or do you think Obama, Kerry, Pelosi, Reid, Soros etc are all poor?
It's embarrassing that someone in America would diss higher education.

Grandma, the reason you are a leftist is because you are stupid. You cannot compile the data around you and reach logical, well reasoned conclusions.

{ Strikingly, among recent graduates of four-year colleges, just 34, 38 and 40 percent were proficient in prose, document, and quantitative literacy, respectively. Just to be clear, these are among 24 year olds who have graduated from college. The bar, by the way, is not all that high. The questions are actually pretty easy.

As the report from the Secretary of Education's Commission on the Future of Higher Education, better known as the Spellings Commission, noted several years ago, "There are ... disturbing signs that many students who do earn degrees have not actually mastered the reading, writing, and thinking skills we expect of college graduates. Over the past decade, literacy among college graduates has actually declined."}

Oh, and this is from the far left Huffington Post.

Robert D. Atkinson, Ph.D.: The Failure of American Higher Education

People like that need to get out of the way of the 21st Century.

What are the employment opportunities for a person with a bachelors in Liberal Arts? Even from a reputable school? "You want fries with that?"
SS is not bankrupt, that's just a lie that no one believes, from the far right puppetmasters.


So what is the net worth of the liquid assets in the Social Security trust fund?

I'll wait while you log on to KOS or one of the other hate sites to read the talking point you are required to respond with.

Name one person that lost everything 9/08 that's a multimillionaire now. I'm particularly interested in your finding one over the age of 65.

Let's look at this from a more rational standpoint.

The DOW fell from an October 2007 high ot 14,147 to a March 2009 low of 6,626. Middle class people have most of their assets in their house, but 401K is important to those not working for the government. However, the DOW is the playground of the top 1% - always has been. So the very wealthy lost well over half of their entire worth.

Now the DOW is at 16,542 - that 1% is again doing very well. Obama has been the greatest gift to the 1% the nation has ever seen, corruption works that way.

Anyway, I would say the point is proven.
As you may have read, I am a big believer that we live in a plutocracy. Government of the rich, by the rich, for the rich.

But I never ever get a right wing wack job on here to contest that we live in a plutocracy.
Either they don't know what it is. Or they don't care. Or they agree and don't want to admit it. And I see no way to change it without a strong group of populists coming forward to bring about change. And that ain't happening. Liz Warren and Bernie can't do it by themselves.

But at least we live in a nice plutocracy. So far.

The term is absolutely meaningless. Any country that has rich people could be labeled a "plutocracy." Dims like you throw it around because you think it makes you sound sophisticated and smart, and because it's a cheap shot at the rich. Can you name a single country that isn't ruled by rich people? Can you post a definition of the term that distinguishes countries that are plutocracies from those that aren't?

Some people inherited their money. Some got it from shaky underhanded deals. Some worked hard and played by the rules. Just having money doesn't make them "special".

For some unknown reason, seem to think that having money means someone took wealth AWAY from someone else. It doesn't work that way. I can start a business...employ hundreds of people (giving them wealth)...and make wealth for myself. There isn't a finite amount of wealth that has to be divided up "fairly". If you progressives could just get that one concept straight in your heads you'd be so much closer to figuring out economics and job creation.
States shouldn't "train" anyone. This is brought out by the liberal belief that college is the end all be all of everything. it's not.

It's embarrassing that someone in America would diss higher education.

People like that need to get out of the way of the 21st Century.

It's embarrassing that anyone would think paying for a piece of paper is "higher education". It's also embarrassing that anyone should think the only way to educate oneself is to go to a university.

that's the uppity of some people
many people have become successful without going to college...and many people stayed stupid with a college degree if you don't have "common sense" to go with it
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that's the uppity of some people
many people have become successful without going to college...and many people stayed stupid with a college degree if you don't have "common sense" to go with it
I have a college degree and the libs call me stupid all the time. 'Educated' means agreeing with them.
And what am I sponging off of you exactly?

You think you're a great guy, right?

You see someone in need and you instantly think "I should help them," so you rob your neighbors to give the needy person the spoils.

Have you EVER spent even a dime out of your own pocket? Or is supporting high taxes to take from others your only form of charity?

Don't bother answering, we all know the answer.

It's interesting that you feel that taxes which are clearly constitutional is equal to robbery.

Which country do you pledge allegiance to, because it's clearly not this country.
Only in your twisted world is taking the property of others to control them "Americans helping Americans".

Americans help Americans without the government every day.

Only in your twisted world would you view helping the elderly, disabled and needy as taking something from you.

You aren't taking care of the elderly, disabled, and needy. You're taxing them into poverty.

LOL, the mental backflips you must have to do to justify contradicting yourself with every breath you take must be exhausting.
It's embarrassing that someone in America would diss higher education.

People like that need to get out of the way of the 21st Century.

It's embarrassing that anyone would think paying for a piece of paper is "higher education". It's also embarrassing that anyone should think the only way to educate oneself is to go to a university.

that's the uppity of some people
many people have become successful without going to college...and many people stayed stupid with a college degree if you don't have "common sense" to go with it

And you have neither a degree or an ounce of intelligence.

But it's ok you're still poor and vote against your own interests, so at least you have that going for you.
Only in your twisted world would you view helping the elderly, disabled and needy as taking something from you.

You aren't taking care of the elderly, disabled, and needy. You're taxing them into poverty.

LOL, the mental backflips you must have to do to justify contradicting yourself with every breath you take must be exhausting.

So you aren't taxing people into poverty?

And stating the truth is never exhausting. It's lying that gets exhausted. See. When you tell the truth, you don't have to remember your story. You just say things as they are. When you are lying you have to remember every detail you've said to keep your story straight. Which is why most liars get caught.

If you didn't take as much money from people, there would be far less poor, regardless of age. We would be in a far better position to take care of one another and support ourselves.
It's embarrassing that anyone would think paying for a piece of paper is "higher education". It's also embarrassing that anyone should think the only way to educate oneself is to go to a university.

that's the uppity of some people
many people have become successful without going to college...and many people stayed stupid with a college degree if you don't have "common sense" to go with it

And you have neither a degree or an ounce of intelligence.

But it's ok you're still poor and vote against your own interests, so at least you have that going for you.

How is allowing politicians and bureaucrats to rob our neighbors in our best interests?

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