GOP turning "American helping American" into Socialism - Is that a national scandal?

Only in your twisted world would you view helping the elderly, disabled and needy as taking something from you.

You aren't taking care of the elderly, disabled, and needy. You're taxing them into poverty.

LOL, the mental backflips you must have to do to justify contradicting yourself with every breath you take must be exhausting.

You're the one doing mental back flips. How else does one justify liberalism?
And what am I sponging off of you exactly?

You think you're a great guy, right?

You see someone in need and you instantly think "I should help them," so you rob your neighbors to give the needy person the spoils.

Have you EVER spent even a dime out of your own pocket? Or is supporting high taxes to take from others your only form of charity?

Don't bother answering, we all know the answer.

It's interesting that you feel that taxes which are clearly constitutional is equal to robbery.

Which country do you pledge allegiance to, because it's clearly not this country.

Robbery is robbery, whether the Constitution allows it or not.

I certainly don't pledge allegiance to the current government of the United States. I can't imagine anyone being that servile.
The GOP leadership has worked tirelessly to make their base believe American helping American is "socialism" and should be stopped. The very people helped by Social Security and Medicare believe getting government help is the road to disaster for this country. The GOP's misinformation techniques have worked so well, their base doesn't even understand that Medicare and Social Security are government programs and getting rid of government programs means disaster for them.

Republicans say we should look at Blue States to understand how all the welfare has hurt those states. Only the dollar drain from Blue States is going to Red States. The amount of money difference Red States receive from Blue States pales in comparison to what those in Blue States who are on welfare receive and is staggering.

If Red States were so self sufficient, they wouldn't be working overtime trying to lure Blue State workers to their states. They would train their own people. Only that would be (gasp) "socialism".

People don't want charity. Republicans insist they are better people because they imagine they give more to charity. Remember that story Paul Ryan plagiarized? About the little boy who did't want to be given school lunch? Well that's the thing. A little charity does nothing. Without the drain of money from Blue States to Red States, Blue States would have balanced budgets and would still be helping Blue State Citizens. It's because of that aid Blue States are able to give to their citizens that Red States are able to bleed money from those Blue States who earned it.

Perhaps we need some tough love and stop funding Red States. The only problem with that is the GOP leadership would simply let their middle class and poor die. We know that from the millions left off Medicare Expansion. That will probably cost 10,000 deaths a year in Red States.

When the Government FORCES an American to work and give up some of the revenue so the Government can help an American...that is not an American Helping American....that is Government taking and then giving.

When I donate money to the local senior center; donate my time to the local shelter; donate food to the local soup kitchen....that is an American Helping an American

When was the last time a person on welfare thanked the taxpayer?
The GOP leadership has worked tirelessly to make their base believe American helping American is "socialism" and should be stopped. The very people helped by Social Security and Medicare believe getting government help is the road to disaster for this country. The GOP's misinformation techniques have worked so well, their base doesn't even understand that Medicare and Social Security are government programs and getting rid of government programs means disaster for them.

Republicans say we should look at Blue States to understand how all the welfare has hurt those states. Only the dollar drain from Blue States is going to Red States. The amount of money difference Red States receive from Blue States pales in comparison to what those in Blue States who are on welfare receive and is staggering.

If Red States were so self sufficient, they wouldn't be working overtime trying to lure Blue State workers to their states. They would train their own people. Only that would be (gasp) "socialism".

People don't want charity. Republicans insist they are better people because they imagine they give more to charity. Remember that story Paul Ryan plagiarized? About the little boy who did't want to be given school lunch? Well that's the thing. A little charity does nothing. Without the drain of money from Blue States to Red States, Blue States would have balanced budgets and would still be helping Blue State Citizens. It's because of that aid Blue States are able to give to their citizens that Red States are able to bleed money from those Blue States who earned it.

Perhaps we need some tough love and stop funding Red States. The only problem with that is the GOP leadership would simply let their middle class and poor die. We know that from the millions left off Medicare Expansion. That will probably cost 10,000 deaths a year in Red States.

When the Government FORCES an American to work and give up some of the revenue so the Government can help an American...that is not an American Helping American....that is Government taking and then giving.

When I donate money to the local senior center; donate my time to the local shelter; donate food to the local soup kitchen....that is an American Helping an American

When was the last time a person on welfare thanked the taxpayer?

Well said and I couldn't agree more.

Oh and don't expect one of those welfare recipients to thank you because they think nothing of using someone elses money to bankroll their lives. In fact they think of it as their wages and could care less where the money comes from as long as its in their little EBT card every month.
Is that what Red States do to Blue States?

USMB right wingers falsely claim this has been debunked, but Politifact says otherwise.

Still tossing about pre-TARP, pre-Porkulus lies, huh?

California was the #1 recipient of Porkulus welfare - funny how you leftists continue to post a slide from 2004 - not really funny, just dishonest.

Hey, but integrity has no place on the left.

Oh, and have you EVER, in your entire life given even a dime of your own money to help another? Of course not, you view charity as taking from others and giving to who you think deserves it more..

California also pays the most by a wide margin.

Look at this from Politifact:

In fiscal 2009, the IRS collected about $163 billion from Texans and the state received about $224 billion, for a net gain of $61 billion.

Texas routinely receives more federal dollars than Texans pay in federal taxes | PolitiFact Texas

It's kind of hilarious that Republicans on the USMB will say, "But people in Red States live in rural areas" as if that explains why they get so much more than people in Blue States.

Red States are failed welfare economies following conservative economic policies. What this means is that conservative economic policies are failures, that's why Red States are welfare states. You can't say it any more plain than that.
The GOP leadership has worked tirelessly to make their base believe American helping American is "socialism" and should be stopped. The very people helped by Social Security and Medicare believe getting government help is the road to disaster for this country. The GOP's misinformation techniques have worked so well, their base doesn't even understand that Medicare and Social Security are government programs and getting rid of government programs means disaster for them.

Republicans say we should look at Blue States to understand how all the welfare has hurt those states. Only the dollar drain from Blue States is going to Red States. The amount of money difference Red States receive from Blue States pales in comparison to what those in Blue States who are on welfare receive and is staggering.

If Red States were so self sufficient, they wouldn't be working overtime trying to lure Blue State workers to their states. They would train their own people. Only that would be (gasp) "socialism".

People don't want charity. Republicans insist they are better people because they imagine they give more to charity. Remember that story Paul Ryan plagiarized? About the little boy who did't want to be given school lunch? Well that's the thing. A little charity does nothing. Without the drain of money from Blue States to Red States, Blue States would have balanced budgets and would still be helping Blue State Citizens. It's because of that aid Blue States are able to give to their citizens that Red States are able to bleed money from those Blue States who earned it.

Perhaps we need some tough love and stop funding Red States. The only problem with that is the GOP leadership would simply let their middle class and poor die. We know that from the millions left off Medicare Expansion. That will probably cost 10,000 deaths a year in Red States.

When the Government FORCES an American to work and give up some of the revenue so the Government can help an American...that is not an American Helping American....that is Government taking and then giving.

When I donate money to the local senior center; donate my time to the local shelter; donate food to the local soup kitchen....that is an American Helping an American

When was the last time a person on welfare thanked the taxpayer?

Donating food isn't helping anyone in the long run. Teaching someone how to work helps people. We call that "education". Something Republicans think of as "brainwashing". It's why they are terrified of immigrants with degrees. Republicans know they can't compete.
Donating food isn't helping anyone in the long run. Teaching someone how to work helps people. We call that "education". Something Republicans think of as "brainwashing". It's why they are terrified of immigrants with degrees. Republicans know they can't compete.

One doesn't need to be intelligent or educated to work hard.

Tell the hungry children that donating food doesnt help them. I'm sure they would disagree.
The GOP leadership has worked tirelessly to make their base believe American helping American is "socialism" and should be stopped. The very people helped by Social Security and Medicare believe getting government help is the road to disaster for this country. The GOP's misinformation techniques have worked so well, their base doesn't even understand that Medicare and Social Security are government programs and getting rid of government programs means disaster for them.

Republicans say we should look at Blue States to understand how all the welfare has hurt those states. Only the dollar drain from Blue States is going to Red States. The amount of money difference Red States receive from Blue States pales in comparison to what those in Blue States who are on welfare receive and is staggering.

If Red States were so self sufficient, they wouldn't be working overtime trying to lure Blue State workers to their states. They would train their own people. Only that would be (gasp) "socialism".

People don't want charity. Republicans insist they are better people because they imagine they give more to charity. Remember that story Paul Ryan plagiarized? About the little boy who did't want to be given school lunch? Well that's the thing. A little charity does nothing. Without the drain of money from Blue States to Red States, Blue States would have balanced budgets and would still be helping Blue State Citizens. It's because of that aid Blue States are able to give to their citizens that Red States are able to bleed money from those Blue States who earned it.

Perhaps we need some tough love and stop funding Red States. The only problem with that is the GOP leadership would simply let their middle class and poor die. We know that from the millions left off Medicare Expansion. That will probably cost 10,000 deaths a year in Red States.

When the Government FORCES an American to work and give up some of the revenue so the Government can help an American...that is not an American Helping American....that is Government taking and then giving.

When I donate money to the local senior center; donate my time to the local shelter; donate food to the local soup kitchen....that is an American Helping an American

When was the last time a person on welfare thanked the taxpayer?

Donating food isn't helping anyone in the long run. Teaching someone how to work helps people. We call that "education". Something Republicans think of as "brainwashing". It's why they are terrified of immigrants with degrees. Republicans know they can't compete.

You do realize you destroy your credibility when you say such ignorant things, don't you??

Hunger Statistics, Hunger Facts & Poverty Facts | Feeding America
The GOP leadership has worked tirelessly to make their base believe American helping American is "socialism" and should be stopped. The very people helped by Social Security and Medicare believe getting government help is the road to disaster for this country. The GOP's misinformation techniques have worked so well, their base doesn't even understand that Medicare and Social Security are government programs and getting rid of government programs means disaster for them.

Republicans say we should look at Blue States to understand how all the welfare has hurt those states. Only the dollar drain from Blue States is going to Red States. The amount of money difference Red States receive from Blue States pales in comparison to what those in Blue States who are on welfare receive and is staggering.

If Red States were so self sufficient, they wouldn't be working overtime trying to lure Blue State workers to their states. They would train their own people. Only that would be (gasp) "socialism".

People don't want charity. Republicans insist they are better people because they imagine they give more to charity. Remember that story Paul Ryan plagiarized? About the little boy who did't want to be given school lunch? Well that's the thing. A little charity does nothing. Without the drain of money from Blue States to Red States, Blue States would have balanced budgets and would still be helping Blue State Citizens. It's because of that aid Blue States are able to give to their citizens that Red States are able to bleed money from those Blue States who earned it.

Perhaps we need some tough love and stop funding Red States. The only problem with that is the GOP leadership would simply let their middle class and poor die. We know that from the millions left off Medicare Expansion. That will probably cost 10,000 deaths a year in Red States.

When the Government FORCES an American to work and give up some of the revenue so the Government can help an American...that is not an American Helping American....that is Government taking and then giving.

When I donate money to the local senior center; donate my time to the local shelter; donate food to the local soup kitchen....that is an American Helping an American

When was the last time a person on welfare thanked the taxpayer?

Donating food isn't helping anyone in the long run. Teaching someone how to work helps people. We call that "education". Something Republicans think of as "brainwashing". It's why they are terrified of immigrants with degrees. Republicans know they can't compete.

"We" call that education? Not for nothing, Deanie...but you always come across as one of the least educated posters here. What college did you attend and what degrees do you possess that allows you to claim intellectual superiority over Republicans because quite frankly, Little Buddy...I'm not seeing much "depth" in your posts.
I also would point out that Education isn't "job training". Education is learning about the world around us solely for the sake of learning about the world around us. Some of it is very useful in a career. Some of it just makes us a better person.

I didn't study European history for job training. I studied it because it's interesting (all history is really). Most people don't study music theory for job training, but because they want to learn about music. Most people don't study philosophy to get job training, they do so to understand ideas, thoughts, etc.

I don't think rdean has a clue what education really is. He thinks getting a degree shows that you are educated and smart. It doesn't. It doesn't hurt. But it doesn't guarantee anything.
The GOP leadership has worked tirelessly to make their base believe American helping American is "socialism" and should be stopped. The very people helped by Social Security and Medicare believe getting government help is the road to disaster for this country. The GOP's misinformation techniques have worked so well, their base doesn't even understand that Medicare and Social Security are government programs and getting rid of government programs means disaster for them.

Republicans say we should look at Blue States to understand how all the welfare has hurt those states. Only the dollar drain from Blue States is going to Red States. The amount of money difference Red States receive from Blue States pales in comparison to what those in Blue States who are on welfare receive and is staggering.

If Red States were so self sufficient, they wouldn't be working overtime trying to lure Blue State workers to their states. They would train their own people. Only that would be (gasp) "socialism".

People don't want charity. Republicans insist they are better people because they imagine they give more to charity. Remember that story Paul Ryan plagiarized? About the little boy who did't want to be given school lunch? Well that's the thing. A little charity does nothing. Without the drain of money from Blue States to Red States, Blue States would have balanced budgets and would still be helping Blue State Citizens. It's because of that aid Blue States are able to give to their citizens that Red States are able to bleed money from those Blue States who earned it.

Perhaps we need some tough love and stop funding Red States. The only problem with that is the GOP leadership would simply let their middle class and poor die. We know that from the millions left off Medicare Expansion. That will probably cost 10,000 deaths a year in Red States.

When the Government FORCES an American to work and give up some of the revenue so the Government can help an American...that is not an American Helping American....that is Government taking and then giving.

When I donate money to the local senior center; donate my time to the local shelter; donate food to the local soup kitchen....that is an American Helping an American

When was the last time a person on welfare thanked the taxpayer?

Actually that is called the system of taxation. There is no viable alternative in a society.

So of course you'd be against the only option because that makes sense
The GOP leadership has worked tirelessly to make their base believe American helping American is "socialism" and should be stopped. The very people helped by Social Security and Medicare believe getting government help is the road to disaster for this country. The GOP's misinformation techniques have worked so well, their base doesn't even understand that Medicare and Social Security are government programs and getting rid of government programs means disaster for them.

Republicans say we should look at Blue States to understand how all the welfare has hurt those states. Only the dollar drain from Blue States is going to Red States. The amount of money difference Red States receive from Blue States pales in comparison to what those in Blue States who are on welfare receive and is staggering.

If Red States were so self sufficient, they wouldn't be working overtime trying to lure Blue State workers to their states. They would train their own people. Only that would be (gasp) "socialism".

People don't want charity. Republicans insist they are better people because they imagine they give more to charity. Remember that story Paul Ryan plagiarized? About the little boy who did't want to be given school lunch? Well that's the thing. A little charity does nothing. Without the drain of money from Blue States to Red States, Blue States would have balanced budgets and would still be helping Blue State Citizens. It's because of that aid Blue States are able to give to their citizens that Red States are able to bleed money from those Blue States who earned it.

Perhaps we need some tough love and stop funding Red States. The only problem with that is the GOP leadership would simply let their middle class and poor die. We know that from the millions left off Medicare Expansion. That will probably cost 10,000 deaths a year in Red States.

When the Government FORCES an American to work and give up some of the revenue so the Government can help an American...that is not an American Helping American....that is Government taking and then giving.

When I donate money to the local senior center; donate my time to the local shelter; donate food to the local soup kitchen....that is an American Helping an American

When was the last time a person on welfare thanked the taxpayer?

Actually that is called the system of taxation. There is no viable alternative in a society.

So of course you'd be against the only option because that makes sense

There actually is an alternative, but you aren't really interested in it. You're happy to loot people of their property.
The GOP leadership has worked tirelessly to make their base believe American helping American is "socialism" and should be stopped. The very people helped by Social Security and Medicare believe getting government help is the road to disaster for this country. The GOP's misinformation techniques have worked so well, their base doesn't even understand that Medicare and Social Security are government programs and getting rid of government programs means disaster for them.

Republicans say we should look at Blue States to understand how all the welfare has hurt those states. Only the dollar drain from Blue States is going to Red States. The amount of money difference Red States receive from Blue States pales in comparison to what those in Blue States who are on welfare receive and is staggering.

If Red States were so self sufficient, they wouldn't be working overtime trying to lure Blue State workers to their states. They would train their own people. Only that would be (gasp) "socialism".

People don't want charity. Republicans insist they are better people because they imagine they give more to charity. Remember that story Paul Ryan plagiarized? About the little boy who did't want to be given school lunch? Well that's the thing. A little charity does nothing. Without the drain of money from Blue States to Red States, Blue States would have balanced budgets and would still be helping Blue State Citizens. It's because of that aid Blue States are able to give to their citizens that Red States are able to bleed money from those Blue States who earned it.

Perhaps we need some tough love and stop funding Red States. The only problem with that is the GOP leadership would simply let their middle class and poor die. We know that from the millions left off Medicare Expansion. That will probably cost 10,000 deaths a year in Red States.

When the Government FORCES an American to work and give up some of the revenue so the Government can help an American...that is not an American Helping American....that is Government taking and then giving.

When I donate money to the local senior center; donate my time to the local shelter; donate food to the local soup kitchen....that is an American Helping an American

When was the last time a person on welfare thanked the taxpayer?

Actually that is called the system of taxation. There is no viable alternative in a society.

So of course you'd be against the only option because that makes sense

Look...I'm a fiscal conservative. I don't like it when my tax dollars are wasted foolishly and to be quite honest with you it seems like most of the people SPENDING my tax dollars don't really care about waste and that pisses me off. That doesn't mean that I'm against taxes. What I'm against is bloated, inefficient government that hurts society as much as it helps it.
The analogy I fall back on is that of a bucket. We constantly pour water (tax revenues) into our bucket trying to get it up to the desired level but we've got gaping holes in our bucket (waste) and no matter how much water we pour simply runs out that much quicker.

Now an intelligent person would step back and say "Whoa...before we pour any more water into that bucket...let's fix those holes!" The unintelligent person shouts that person down and says "We just need more water and we'll be fine!"
thats because the rich Democrats tell them...."hey we are the good rich people,we would give up our wealth for you people....

yep, and deanie is one who they have reeled in, hook line and stinker and he doesn't mind being a useful tool for them either....they play them like a fiddle

sad for us and our country

thats because Dean is one of them who does not and will not question his precious little party....
Is that what Red States do to Blue States?

USMB right wingers falsely claim this has been debunked, but Politifact says otherwise.

Still tossing about pre-TARP, pre-Porkulus lies, huh?

California was the #1 recipient of Porkulus welfare - funny how you leftists continue to post a slide from 2004 - not really funny, just dishonest.

Hey, but integrity has no place on the left.

Oh, and have you EVER, in your entire life given even a dime of your own money to help another? Of course not, you view charity as taking from others and giving to who you think deserves it more..

this state also has the most welfare recipients.....
you get the same shit with a lot of the Far Left....look at Hungover....ever read that assholes threads? many of his threads he sounds just like the people on the right he cant stand....

What is the far left? How do you distinguish far left from just the regular left. I'd love to know who you would consider far left and who is just left.

Regular Left?? doesn't exist. Left is far to the Left.

sure they do....there are plenty of Moderate and Conservative Democrats....
The analogy I fall back on is that of a bucket. We constantly pour water (tax revenues) into our bucket trying to get it up to the desired level but we've got gaping holes in our bucket (waste) and no matter how much water we pour simply runs out that much quicker.

Now an intelligent person would step back and say "Whoa...before we pour any more water into that bucket...let's fix those holes!" The unintelligent person shouts that person down and says "We just need more water and we'll be fine!"

Actually once they figure out the pipe is not big enough to provide more water, they will need several million dollars and at least a year to study the problem. By that time they will be ready to request an additional $500 million for faucet upgrades and $1 trillion dollars for improved plumbing for the input. Within a few years they will realize the drain is inadequate for the excess flow of water and need at least another trillion or so to study and correct the problem...
Spoonman, you know better. Really, dude, you made me sad.

Privatizing Social Security takes it out of the government's hands. That means that a private company makes decisions for you and you can't vote that company out, you can't do anything. You have NO representation.

Further, the companies make money from the investments. They charge the SS accounts investment fees, plus with the amount of stock they can buy using every working American's money they can manipulate the stock market - cheat, in other words, and that's highly illegal.

But the biggest fail with privatization comes with the inevitable - within the next 40 years there will be another September 2008, another October 1929. Do you honestly think that level of risk is something old people should be forced into?

plutocracy noun \plü-ˈtä-krə-sē\

: government by the richest people

: a country that is ruled by the richest people

Plutocracy - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

That's the right wing goal. For some reason, Republicans trust corporations with a profit motive over the government we elect into office and at the same time screaming "we want freedom". Why? So they can give it away to corporations? At least with our government, you can vote people into and out of office. Once corporations are in charge, they will never let go. Only as long as we have a government we elect into office will we have even a sliver of freedom.

You do realize you've just described the Democrat party, right? or do you think Obama, Kerry, Pelosi, Reid, Soros etc are all poor?

those are "good" rich do know that any one of them would gladly give up their wealth to help this country right?....

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