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GOP & US Chamber of Commerce Threaten The USA

Because in America the onus of proof is upon those making the charge, tovarich.

Until the law forces them to disclose, there cannot be any proof. It's illegal to use foriegn funding for campaign ads. The Chamber gets money from China and India and other countries. $800,000 worth. And they also fund campaign ads. Now they have to show us which money went where.
That is not the argument CON$ use against Planned Parenthood regarding money used for abortion.
Oh the hypocrisy!!!! :eusa_shhh:

Well that's their normal way isn't it?

They are against illegal immigration unless the Republican is the one that hired the illegal immigrant, then they'll vote for her (Meg Whitman).

They are against deficit spending, but only rant and rave about it when a Democrat is president and forced to overspend to save the economy. They said nothing when Bush added 6 trillion dollars to our national debt.

Government - Historical Debt Outstanding – Annual

The are against knowing where the money comes from if it's being spent on republican campaigns. But if it's being spent on building a mosque, the funding MUST BE KNOWN!

LOL - it's all a big blob of hypocrisy, the conservative agenda.
Because in America the onus of proof is upon those making the charge, tovarich.

Until the law forces them to disclose, there cannot be any proof. It's illegal to use foriegn funding for campaign ads. The Chamber gets money from China and India and other countries. $800,000 worth. And they also fund campaign ads. Now they have to show us which money went where.
Using your criteria, the local police should just get to barge into your house and search the premises for cocaine, on the mere say-so of a neighbor who doesn't like you.

After all, cocaine is illegal and if you're not guilty you shouldn't object to being frisked.

If I'm suspected of having illegal cocaine and the police get a warrant, they can do just as you say. The Chamber using China and India's money to pay for Republican campaign ads suspicion is more than just a neighbor's say so. It's against the law to do this. They need to stop hiding the books and be transparent. What are they hiding? Why so secretive?
Maybe if leftist wackaloons like you would quit trying to tax and regulate businesses out of business, they'd have more incentive to stay in America.

Just sayin'.

Nah, that wouldn't work. Soon the illegals working for lonneytune Cons at WalMart on their beaner wages would force the other businesses to leave America to survive. Of course if they could get cheap Asians to survive on rice, they might undercut WalMart and they would have no incentive to stay here. Back that up with exclusive rights to Asian products and ASIA Corp would break WalMart. Meantime you could learn how to grow beans & rice, because ASIA Corp. brought all of their own asian workers in. Hows that deregulation working for you now? LMAO!! :lol:
Until the law forces them to disclose, there cannot be any proof. It's illegal to use foriegn funding for campaign ads. The Chamber gets money from China and India and other countries. $800,000 worth. And they also fund campaign ads. Now they have to show us which money went where.
Using your criteria, the local police should just get to barge into your house and search the premises for cocaine, on the mere say-so of a neighbor who doesn't like you.

After all, cocaine is illegal and if you're not guilty you shouldn't object to being frisked.

If I'm suspected of having illegal cocaine and the police get a warrant, they can do just as you say. The Chamber using China and India's money to pay for Republican campaign ads suspicion is more than just a neighbor's say so. It's against the law to do this. They need to stop hiding the books and be transparent. What are they hiding? Why so secretive?
And the police need probable cause to get a warrant...The say-so of a disgruntled neighbor doesn't clear that bar. Nor does "what do you have to hide?"

No probable cause, no search.

All that you and the rest of the leftloon smear machine have is a popcorn fart.
Because government intimidates contributors to political enemies.

No, because Republicans in congress vote to subsidize the outsourcing of US jobs and China and India know this, so they gave the Chamber $800,000 this year because the Chamber funds Republican campaigns.
Until the law forces them to disclose, there cannot be any proof. It's illegal to use foriegn funding for campaign ads. The Chamber gets money from China and India and other countries. $800,000 worth. And they also fund campaign ads. Now they have to show us which money went where.
That is not the argument CON$ use against Planned Parenthood regarding money used for abortion.
Oh the hypocrisy!!!! :eusa_shhh:

Well that's their normal way isn't it?

Here is the rationalization CON$ use regarding abortion. How would this be any different for the C of C?????

Defund Planned Parenthood

That's what I call subsidizing the abortion industry. While, technically speaking, no U.S. taxpayer dollars are specifically allocated for abortions, Planned Parenthood performed some 1.4 million of them in that same time period.

But as Hollowell points out, it really is a distinction without a difference.

"Would the U.S. government have financed the 'good works' (education, building bridges, etc.) of the Nazi regime – so long as the Nazis promised not to use the funds for purposes of destroying human life in its concentration camps?" she asks. "Common sense dictates the answer – 'NO!' I mean even if the Nazis did not use the tax dollars directly for an evil like genocide, such funding would free up their other finances, allowing them to invest in their openly evil agenda. Likewise, we should not support Planned Parenthood with our tax dollars."

It's a big shell game. Money is fungible. When Planned Parenthood can spend your money on maintaining its image as a "charity," it is free to spend other funds on killing babies.
Using your criteria, the local police should just get to barge into your house and search the premises for cocaine, on the mere say-so of a neighbor who doesn't like you.

After all, cocaine is illegal and if you're not guilty you shouldn't object to being frisked.

If I'm suspected of having illegal cocaine and the police get a warrant, they can do just as you say. The Chamber using China and India's money to pay for Republican campaign ads suspicion is more than just a neighbor's say so. It's against the law to do this. They need to stop hiding the books and be transparent. What are they hiding? Why so secretive?
And the police need probable cause to get a warrant...The say-so of a disgruntled neighbor doesn't clear that bar. Nor does "what do you have to hide?"

No probable cause, no search.

All that you and the rest of the leftloon smear machine have is a popcorn fart.

Seeing that China and India gave the Chamber $800,000 and the Chamber funds Republicans and Republicans vote to subsidize outsourcing, that's more than the say-so of a nieghbor. That's probably cause.

But of course you'd be defending them if you thought they were funding Dems with money from China and India too wouldn't you?

If Dems recently blocked the law that took away the outsourcing subsidy you'd like that too right?
Because government intimidates contributors to political enemies.

No, because Republicans in congress vote to subsidize the outsourcing of US jobs and China and India know this, so they gave the Chamber $800,000 this year because the Chamber funds Republican campaigns.
Good grief, Charlie Brown...The DNC must've had a big clearance sale on hackneyed cliché yapping points last week! :lol::lol::lol:
Until the law forces them to disclose, there cannot be any proof. It's illegal to use foriegn funding for campaign ads. The Chamber gets money from China and India and other countries. $800,000 worth. And they also fund campaign ads. Now they have to show us which money went where.

No they do not. They do have to file tax returns, but I am pretty sure those are confidential.
While a day late, Dante doesn't disappoint in liberal talking points:

Power Line - From zero to well-publicized nothing in record time

From zero to well-publicized nothing in record time
October 6, 2010 Posted by Paul at 10:35 PM

Journolist, or its functional equivalent, must be alive, well, and working overtime somewhere in cyberspace. At least that's my explanation for how accusations of impropriety and illegality against the U.S. Chamber of Commerce spread in about a day's time, from the lefty Think Progress blog, to Huffington Post left-winger Sam Stein, to MSNBC, and then to editorial pages of the New York Times and, via funnyman Al Franken, to the U.S. Senate.

The allegation is that, in the words of Think Progress, "the Chamber is likely skirting longstanding campaign finance law that bans the involvement of foreign corporations in American elections." Supposedly, the Chamber is doing so by using money from foreign corporations associated with Chamber affiliates overseas in U.S. elections.

I'd like to make three points about this claim. First, there doesn't appear to be any evidence to support it. The Chamber says it has a process in place to ensure that foreign funds are not spent in U.S. elections. If so, as I understand it, there is no unlawful conduct. Moreover, neither Think Progress nor any those who picked up their claim, appears to have any evidence that contradicts what the Chamber says. Simply put, the left's attack on the Chamber appears to be made up out of whole cloth.

Second, as the Center for Competitive Politics points out, there is a serious tension between the claim of Think Progress and other leftists that the Chamber's alleged conduct violates the law and the standard leftist talking point that the Supreme Court's decision in Citizens United opened the floodgates to foreign spending in U.S. elections. In reality, as Think Progress' allegations of illegality against the Chamber acknowledge, foreign spending in U.S. elections remains illegal. Again, however, there doesn't seem to be any evidence that the Chamber is facilitating such foreign spending.

Third, Think Progress' fallback position is that even if the Chamber isn't putting foreign money into American campaigns, money is fungible, so that foreign money frees up other money for campaigns. But to the extent this argument has any validity, it also applies to a number of unions. The AFL-CIO has a robust foreign program. Moreover, as the Center for Competitive Politics notes, the Service Employees International Union represents employees in Canada. So does the International Brotherhood of Teamsters. And the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers has members not just in Canada but also in Panama and several Caribbean nations. Don't their dues free up money that these powerhouse unions can use in U.S. political campaigns?

The Chamber's conduct is no more scandalous than that of these unions, which is to say, on the evidence presented so far, it is not scandalous at all.

Lots of links at site.

talking points? I was on this yesterday, but I did not post it. too busy. sorry :doubt:

money is fungible. that is an issue. Did Murdoch and others give for the political campaigns? Trying to mask what the Chamber does by dragging the Unions into this is too pathetic. It's not a defense, it's a red herring.
The dimwits trying to mask what known communists like sorros giving to the dems is a joke, There is nothing wrong with American chamber of commerce giving, there is something wring with known commies giving, but then obama has got known commies working for him, true colors.
talking points? I was on this yesterday, but I did not post it. too busy. sorry :doubt:

money is fungible. that is an issue. Did Murdoch and others give for the political campaigns? Trying to mask what the Chamber does by dragging the Unions into this is too pathetic. It's not a defense, it's a red herring.
OK...Let's talk about, John Huang, Charlie Trie, Buddhist monks and Loral Aerospace.

Or how 'bout George Soros?

two wrongs always make a righty right, eh?

this line of defense is even too pathetic for you. but Soros? The evil Billionaire?
No, sorros he evil commie, who funny now seems to be distancing himself from the dems. Obama is such an idiot he can't even make his commie handlers happry.
Conservatives want to investigate the current regime, not private corporations.

of course. bogus political witch hunts and ignore the people's business. Teddy Roosevelt must be rolling over in his grave.
Yeah, like the idiot dimwits wanted to investigate Bush for actually attacking the people who attacked us. It is funny how you dimwits cry about obama being investigated and he is actually anti-american, and support Bush and he defended America, hipocrites.

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