GOP view of economy disconnected from reality

"The real data" is being cooked by the same assholes who've printed up over $2 trillion in funny money this year, nitwit.
Sure. Big conspiracy and you figured it out. So clever. In fact, every piece of data you don’t like is fake. Excellent debate.
No. There are people who say the economy sucks as an FU to demcrats while spending a record amount of their money on Black Friday cyber deals and snatch up homes like they are going out of style… while saying the economy is bad.
yea credit card debt.....and those buying homes today like they are going out of style are those who are doing sound like an arrogant ass....sure you are not a republican?...
You don’t get out much either.
Let me help you:

Idiots blame Carter/Biden. N fact Carter would have won if not for the October surprise the cia did for Reagan. Back when the cia and fbi worked for you guys. Spied on mlk not djt
what the fuck does that have to do with what i said bobo?...geezus get high later....
You posted a commentary comparing current real wages to the middle of the covid pandemic. GTFOOH. You are richer than you were the day before Covid. That’s in the chat i posted. The fact that stimulus helped folks has nothing to do with real wages.

You are richer than you were the day before Covid. That’s in the chat i posted.

No it isn't.


2019, before COVID $78,250.
2022, $74,580
Republicans have never been more disconnected from the performance of an economy. The robust economic environment has defied it’s naysayers with its resiliency and is delivering a record year. You wouldn’t know it to talk to a republican though. The data shows republicans opinions of the economy have little if anything to do with its actual performance.

A good summary of the republican perception disconnect from reality.

Opinion | Republicans’ views of the economy are detached from reality

Consumer spending is strong, and Americans are starting new businesses at the highest rates since the Census Bureau began tracking this data in 2006. Yet when pollsters ask people how they think the economy is doing, they don’t just express concern. They say the economy is terrible.

The polling data doesn’t show that Americans think the economy stinks so much as it shows that Republicans say it stinks.

Some partisanship has always existed in polling about the economy: When there’s a Democrat in the White House, Democrats are more likely to say the economy is good than Republicans, and both sides change their opinions when the White House changes hands. But this difference has grown in recent years — and grown unequally. A pair of economists who examined decades of polling data concluded, “While both Republicans and Democrats view the economy more favorably when their party controls the White House, the magnitude of this partisan bias is roughly two and a half times larger for Republicans than for Democrats.”

We can see how that is playing out right now. In the latest edition of the University of Michigan’s Index of Consumer Sentiment, the average Democratic score is over twice as high as the Republican score. But what is most striking is just how awful Republicans say the economy is. Their index score for this month is significantly lower than the score they gave the economy in the depths of the Great Recession in 2008 and 2009, when the economy was bleeding hundreds of thousands of jobs every month.
The average American doesn't need an Economics degree from MIT to know when their paycheck doesn't buy what it did two years ago, Kiddies! If you used to pay $3.50 for a coffee and donut in the morning and now it costs $5.00 you know things are bad. Inflation is a tax on the poor and the Biden Administration is hammering them hard with month after month of inflation and now higher interest rates on the things that they were forced to put on credit cards.

If the Left thinks they can bullshit their way to another election win with what their policies have done to America over the last two years...I think they're seriously mistaken.
Republicans have never been more disconnected from the performance of an economy. The robust economic environment has defied it’s naysayers with its resiliency and is delivering a record year. You wouldn’t know it to talk to a republican though. The data shows republicans opinions of the economy have little if anything to do with its actual performance.

A good summary of the republican perception disconnect from reality.

Opinion | Republicans’ views of the economy are detached from reality

Consumer spending is strong, and Americans are starting new businesses at the highest rates since the Census Bureau began tracking this data in 2006. Yet when pollsters ask people how they think the economy is doing, they don’t just express concern. They say the economy is terrible.

The polling data doesn’t show that Americans think the economy stinks so much as it shows that Republicans say it stinks.

Some partisanship has always existed in polling about the economy: When there’s a Democrat in the White House, Democrats are more likely to say the economy is good than Republicans, and both sides change their opinions when the White House changes hands. But this difference has grown in recent years — and grown unequally. A pair of economists who examined decades of polling data concluded, “While both Republicans and Democrats view the economy more favorably when their party controls the White House, the magnitude of this partisan bias is roughly two and a half times larger for Republicans than for Democrats.”

We can see how that is playing out right now. In the latest edition of the University of Michigan’s Index of Consumer Sentiment, the average Democratic score is over twice as high as the Republican score. But what is most striking is just how awful Republicans say the economy is. Their index score for this month is significantly lower than the score they gave the economy in the depths of the Great Recession in 2008 and 2009, when the economy was bleeding hundreds of thousands of jobs every month.
Stock market Bidenomics:
Here's the next shoe that's going to drop for Liberals! What you're seeing right now with cities like New York and Chicago having to slash budgets because of the mounting costs of Biden's open border policies? What do you think is going to happen when blacks in urban areas figure out that there isn't any money left to give to them...because it's all going to the illegals who are also going to be cutting black wages because they're willing to work for less money? The shit is going to hit the fan, ladies and gentlemen! You can already see it happening in Chicago and New York and it's only going to get worse!
Best employment environment in the history of this country. That is indisputable. If your dream doesn’t start with a good job then wake up and try again.

Incorrect. Biden was using Bidenomic speak about all those new people going to work:

Biden may have simply been careless in his wording of the statistic before the U.S. Conference of Mayors, but the Department of Labor explains on its website that it is a common public misconception to confuse the two metrics.
“Some people think that to get these figures on unemployment the Government uses the number of persons filing claims for unemployment insurance (UI) benefits under State or Federal Government programs,” the Department of Labor says on a webpage dedicated to explaining the difference between the two. “But some people are still jobless when their benefits run out, and many more are not eligible at all or delay or never apply for benefits. So, quite clearly, UI information cannot be used as a source for complete information on the number of unemployed.

What you consider a Bidenomics dream is actually a middle class nightmare:
Here is where the extra employment is coming from:

ABC New York, New York -- More than half of Americans are considering taking on extra jobs to be able to pay for everyday expenses and meet the rising cost of living as inflation remains high.

Employees in the U.S. are combating the soaring prices of essentials like groceries, housing, and gas by looking for ways to increase their incomes and cut down on expenses, according to a new study by Qualtrics, a software technology company. The survey of more than 1000 full-time employees found that 38% of workers have looked for a second job, while another 14% are planning to do so.

“With budgets tightening, workers are searching for ways to meet the rising cost of living, including finding new jobs,” said Qualtrics Chief Workplace Psychologist Dr. Benjamin Granger.

Working parents are especially pinched as nearly 70% said their pay isn’t keeping up with costs, the poll states. About 47% of employees with children have looked for a second job, higher than the rate of workers overall. The cost of raising a child through high school has surged to more than $300,000, up roughly $26,000 from two years ago, according to a recent Brookings Institution estimate.
he average American doesn't need an Economics degree from MIT to know when their paycheck doesn't buy what it did two years ago, Kiddies! If you used to pay $3.50 for a coffee and donut in the morning and now it costs $5.00 you know things are bad.

If you used to be making $14 an hour, and paying $3.50 for a cup of coffee, and now you're making $20, but now that cup of coffee costs $5, then you might not feel it so much. Fifteen minutes either way to earn that cup of coffee.

Of course, whatever you had in savings is worth less, now.

An the reality that most of us are experiencing isn't quite that way. Maybe we used to earn $14/hour, and pay $3.50 for a cup of coffee, but now we're making $16/hour, and paying $5 for that cup of coffee. So instead of having to work fifteen minutes to earn that cup of coffee, now we have to work for 18 minutes and 45 seconds to earn that cup of coffee. That's much more in line with what most Americans are experiencing, these days. We have to work longer, in order to earn enough to buy the same things.

Then, there's also “shrinkflation”, where the price of something doesn't go up quite as much, if at all, but you get less of it. Perhaps you used to pay $3.50 for an 8-ounce cup of coffee, but now you're paying the same price, and only getting six ounces.
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