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"Gosh, I just DON'T UNDERSTAND why ANYONE would VOTE for her"

how does that speak volumes of her?...she is not well liked,people apparently,dislike trump more than her...just because she wins does not mean she will be automatically liked...

I agree. If she wins despite not being well liked -- that does speak volumes about how Americans think of her. They're voting for her because they have faith in her ability to lead, not because they like her and want to have her over for dinner.
all i keep on seeing here from her "supporters" is they dont want trump as a president and she is the only other choice....i also keep seeing how they dont like her,but hate trump more.....outside of her die hard democrat supporters i dont see anyone saying they are voting for her for her ability to lead....how can someone not liked by at least half the population and maybe more, lead anyone outside of those who have their noses up the parties ass?....

Well, I can tell you that I voted for her and her ability to lead. I am not a 100% fan (maybe about 80%), but I have enough faith in her to give her a chance to see what she can do.
Lying, obstruction of Justice, insider cronyism, apparently does not bother you. I'll bet your biggest concern is over the right of two guys to get married and you think the police are racist? Sure. Keep eating grass in the pasture.

None of your right wing witch hunts lead to anything. Sorry bub, but your accusations are bullshit and were all formed by the right wing slime machine.
Thank you for admitting I was right about your key issues.
Hillary deserved a better opponent.

The DNC deserved a better nominee. But, none of the spineless jellyfish were willing to step up to the plate except Bernie and that other dude. So, she should be exactly where she's at right now, and yes -- she did deserve a better opponent, however, consider this:

If Hillary wins, that is evidence that she is a legitimate badass and deserves to be president exactly because Trump has been such a difficult opponent. This is a chance for a woman to beat a man, and that would speak volumes about her and how America feels about her. This has been the biggest challenge she's ever faced in her entire life -- and it's looking like she's gonna win.
Yep, that would speak volumes about how this nation is doomed because it's overpopulated with douche bag morons. Hillary is a criminal who belongs in prison. You have to have absolutely no morals or ethics to vote for this piece of crap.
Hillary deserved a better opponent.

The DNC deserved a better nominee. But, none of the spineless jellyfish were willing to step up to the plate except Bernie and that other dude. So, she should be exactly where she's at right now, and yes -- she did deserve a better opponent, however, consider this:

If Hillary wins, that is evidence that she is a legitimate badass and deserves to be president exactly because Trump has been such a difficult opponent. This is a chance for a woman to beat a man, and that would speak volumes about her and how America feels about her. This has been the biggest challenge she's ever faced in her entire life -- and it's looking like she's gonna win.
how does that speak volumes of her?...she is not well liked,people apparently,dislike trump more than her...just because she wins does not mean she will be automatically liked...

I agree. If she wins despite not being well liked -- that does speak volumes about how Americans think of her. They're voting for her because they have faith in her ability to lead, not because they like her and want to have her over for dinner.
all i keep on seeing here from her "supporters" is they dont want trump as a president and she is the only other choice....i also keep seeing how they dont like her,but hate trump more.....outside of her die hard democrat supporters i dont see anyone saying they are voting for her for her ability to lead....how can someone not liked by at least half the population and maybe more, lead anyone outside of those who have their noses up the parties ass?....

Well, I can tell you that I voted for her and her ability to lead. I am not a 100% fan (maybe about 80%), but I have enough faith in her to give her a chance to see what she can do.

.... ability to lead????

Can you give us a couple examples of her "ability to lead"?
Stop trying to reassure yourself that voting for that corrupt liar is OK because it isn't.
Hey, just trying to help with the confusion.
There is no confusion. This is a reassurance thread plain & simple
Sure there is. I heard a couple of Hannity callers today saying it simply did not make any sense to them.

Find talk show host Mike Gallagher on your radio Monday. He keeps saying that he's in absolute shock that anyone would consider voting for her.

Or maybe they're just lying, huh? They sure SEEM sincere.
You're not clever. Just admit to yourself that you are going to vote FOR a LYING CORRUPT ESTABLISHMENT SHIT STIRRING Democrat.
Then the recovery in your mind can begin. 12 steps bruh, 12 steps
Do you feel that agreeing with her on more issues and thinking that Trump is even worse are impossible thoughts to have?
That's like asking me if I'd rather cut off my thumb or index finger. You've trapped yourself in your own idiotic excuses
The DNC deserved a better nominee. But, none of the spineless jellyfish were willing to step up to the plate except Bernie and that other dude. So, she should be exactly where she's at right now, and yes -- she did deserve a better opponent, however, consider this:

If Hillary wins, that is evidence that she is a legitimate badass and deserves to be president exactly because Trump has been such a difficult opponent. This is a chance for a woman to beat a man, and that would speak volumes about her and how America feels about her. This has been the biggest challenge she's ever faced in her entire life -- and it's looking like she's gonna win.
how does that speak volumes of her?...she is not well liked,people apparently,dislike trump more than her...just because she wins does not mean she will be automatically liked...

I agree. If she wins despite not being well liked -- that does speak volumes about how Americans think of her. They're voting for her because they have faith in her ability to lead, not because they like her and want to have her over for dinner.
all i keep on seeing here from her "supporters" is they dont want trump as a president and she is the only other choice....i also keep seeing how they dont like her,but hate trump more.....outside of her die hard democrat supporters i dont see anyone saying they are voting for her for her ability to lead....how can someone not liked by at least half the population and maybe more, lead anyone outside of those who have their noses up the parties ass?....

Well, I can tell you that I voted for her and her ability to lead. I am not a 100% fan (maybe about 80%), but I have enough faith in her to give her a chance to see what she can do.
Lying, obstruction of Justice, insider cronyism, apparently does not bother you. I'll bet your biggest concern is over the right of two guys to get married and you think the police are racist? Sure. Keep eating grass in the pasture.

And orchestrating Libya, Syria, etc. and so on. Democrats are hell bent on giving whirled peas a chance.
The only reason why anyone would vote for Hillary Clinton is for the possibility that Kaine will replace her and feel Kaine is better than Pence!

That is the only reason I can think why anyone would vote for her and let be factual Donald John Trump is not loved by his own political party either!
Anyone voting for Clinton after all that is known about her and her husband now, is just as big a criminal as those two, or a brain dead fool. And, if anyone thinks that once she was in the white house her husband wouldn't play a large part, is not playing with a full deck.
I agree. If she wins despite not being well liked -- that does speak volumes about how Americans think of her. They're voting for her because they have faith in her ability to lead, not because they like her and want to have her over for dinner.
all i keep on seeing here from her "supporters" is they dont want trump as a president and she is the only other choice....i also keep seeing how they dont like her,but hate trump more.....outside of her die hard democrat supporters i dont see anyone saying they are voting for her for her ability to lead....how can someone not liked by at least half the population and maybe more, lead anyone outside of those who have their noses up the parties ass?....

Well, I can tell you that I voted for her and her ability to lead. I am not a 100% fan (maybe about 80%), but I have enough faith in her to give her a chance to see what she can do.
Lying, obstruction of Justice, insider cronyism, apparently does not bother you. I'll bet your biggest concern is over the right of two guys to get married and you think the police are racist? Sure. Keep eating grass in the pasture.

None of your right wing witch hunts lead to anything. Sorry bub, but your accusations are bullshit and were all formed by the right wing slime machine.
Thank you for admitting I was right about your key issues.

I did no such thing, Herbert.
Hey, just trying to help with the confusion.
There is no confusion. This is a reassurance thread plain & simple
Sure there is. I heard a couple of Hannity callers today saying it simply did not make any sense to them.

Find talk show host Mike Gallagher on your radio Monday. He keeps saying that he's in absolute shock that anyone would consider voting for her.

Or maybe they're just lying, huh? They sure SEEM sincere.
You're not clever. Just admit to yourself that you are going to vote FOR a LYING CORRUPT ESTABLISHMENT SHIT STIRRING Democrat.
Then the recovery in your mind can begin. 12 steps bruh, 12 steps
Do you feel that agreeing with her on more issues and thinking that Trump is even worse are impossible thoughts to have?
That's like asking me if I'd rather cut off my thumb or index finger. You've trapped yourself in your own idiotic excuses
Oh, come on, don't dodge.

They have different stands on the issues, do they not? Are you going to deny that?

And it's not only Hillary's voters who think he's a buffoon. Are you going to deny that too?

Come on. Straight answers.
all i keep on seeing here from her "supporters" is they dont want trump as a president and she is the only other choice....i also keep seeing how they dont like her,but hate trump more.....outside of her die hard democrat supporters i dont see anyone saying they are voting for her for her ability to lead....how can someone not liked by at least half the population and maybe more, lead anyone outside of those who have their noses up the parties ass?....

Well, I can tell you that I voted for her and her ability to lead. I am not a 100% fan (maybe about 80%), but I have enough faith in her to give her a chance to see what she can do.
Lying, obstruction of Justice, insider cronyism, apparently does not bother you. I'll bet your biggest concern is over the right of two guys to get married and you think the police are racist? Sure. Keep eating grass in the pasture.

None of your right wing witch hunts lead to anything. Sorry bub, but your accusations are bullshit and were all formed by the right wing slime machine.
Thank you for admitting I was right about your key issues.

I did no such thing, Herbert.
So your two big issues are: Gay Marraige/Sex and racist cops?
Well, I can tell you that I voted for her and her ability to lead. I am not a 100% fan (maybe about 80%), but I have enough faith in her to give her a chance to see what she can do.
Lying, obstruction of Justice, insider cronyism, apparently does not bother you. I'll bet your biggest concern is over the right of two guys to get married and you think the police are racist? Sure. Keep eating grass in the pasture.

None of your right wing witch hunts lead to anything. Sorry bub, but your accusations are bullshit and were all formed by the right wing slime machine.
Thank you for admitting I was right about your key issues.

I did no such thing, Herbert.
So your two big issues are: Gay Marraige/Sex and racist cops?

Nope. Couldn't give a fuck.
Well, I can tell you that I voted for her and her ability to lead. I am not a 100% fan (maybe about 80%), but I have enough faith in her to give her a chance to see what she can do.
Lying, obstruction of Justice, insider cronyism, apparently does not bother you. I'll bet your biggest concern is over the right of two guys to get married and you think the police are racist? Sure. Keep eating grass in the pasture.

None of your right wing witch hunts lead to anything. Sorry bub, but your accusations are bullshit and were all formed by the right wing slime machine.
Thank you for admitting I was right about your key issues.

I did no such thing, Herbert.
So your two big issues are: Gay Marraige/Sex and racist cops?
Liberals are lost aren't they.
I sure am hearing this quite a bit from the talk radio hosts and their listeners. People appear to be sincerely flummoxed, absolutely and truly clueless, why anyone could vote for Clinton.

Not sure why this needs to be such a mystery. Maybe it isn't. Maybe they're just pretending not to know. I can't tell at this point, anyway. But I'll try to explain.

First, most of her more honest voters (they're out there) will admit she's not very appealing (pick your reasons, there are many potentials) and that they're not terribly excited about her. I'd guess many of them, if not most, would rather have someone else on the ticket. However...

Second, maybe they agree with her on the issues more than they agree with Trump. Issues are pretty important, y'know? In fact, a candidate's stand on the issues is usually the driving force behind voting for them, is it not? And yes, they are different on the issues. Have we forgotten that?

And third, and this is the one that seems to go right over the head of many, there are a lot of people who are horrified by Trump. And, just as with Hillary, there are plenty of reasons from which to choose -- if you're honest. And please don't pretend you can't imagine what they're talking about. In other words: HE. IS. EVEN. WORSE.

Well, there ya go. Two clear reasons. You certainly don't have to agree - I know you won't - but at least you can no longer say you don't understand.

Yer welcome!

You spoke a lot but said nothing.

Let me break this down for you. Issues and policy were important from the get go. First, most of her most honest voters (Good luck!) will tell you they did not give a dang about policy or issues and haven't really in 8 years unless the media told them to pick it up and pretend to be activists. They can't identify anyone's policy if it wasn't a sound bite presented by someone else. Not only could they not identify Sanders' policy they started calling people communists. They began to defend, without even realizing it, policies and people they would never have before. They can recognize it and enjoy pointing it out when it is somebody not on their "team" but had no idea they were pulling the same exact shit.

And she has a track record.

Four days left and it's all about the issues? I don't think so. They have willingly jacked things up for the next four years and then some.
Of course they can identify the issues on which they agree with her.

And they, along with people even in Trump's own party, think he's an embarrassing buffoon. That's their opinion.

And those are the two primary reason they're putting up with her faults.

Why this is a mystery is a mystery.

Wrong. We don't agree with that.
Lying, obstruction of Justice, insider cronyism, apparently does not bother you. I'll bet your biggest concern is over the right of two guys to get married and you think the police are racist? Sure. Keep eating grass in the pasture.

None of your right wing witch hunts lead to anything. Sorry bub, but your accusations are bullshit and were all formed by the right wing slime machine.
Thank you for admitting I was right about your key issues.

I did no such thing, Herbert.
So your two big issues are: Gay Marraige/Sex and racist cops?

Nope. Couldn't give a fuck.
So you voted Clinton for what reason?
I sure am hearing this quite a bit from the talk radio hosts and their listeners. People appear to be sincerely flummoxed, absolutely and truly clueless, why anyone could vote for Clinton.

Not sure why this needs to be such a mystery. Maybe it isn't. Maybe they're just pretending not to know. I can't tell at this point, anyway. But I'll try to explain.

First, most of her more honest voters (they're out there) will admit she's not very appealing (pick your reasons, there are many potentials) and that they're not terribly excited about her. I'd guess many of them, if not most, would rather have someone else on the ticket. However...

Second, maybe they agree with her on the issues more than they agree with Trump. Issues are pretty important, y'know? In fact, a candidate's stand on the issues is usually the driving force behind voting for them, is it not? And yes, they are different on the issues. Have we forgotten that?

And third, and this is the one that seems to go right over the head of many, there are a lot of people who are horrified by Trump. And, just as with Hillary, there are plenty of reasons from which to choose -- if you're honest. And please don't pretend you can't imagine what they're talking about. In other words: HE. IS. EVEN. WORSE.

Well, there ya go. Two clear reasons. You certainly don't have to agree - I know you won't - but at least you can no longer say you don't understand.

Yer welcome!

You spoke a lot but said nothing.

Let me break this down for you. Issues and policy were important from the get go. First, most of her most honest voters (Good luck!) will tell you they did not give a dang about policy or issues and haven't really in 8 years unless the media told them to pick it up and pretend to be activists. They can't identify anyone's policy if it wasn't a sound bite presented by someone else. Not only could they not identify Sanders' policy they started calling people communists. They began to defend, without even realizing it, policies and people they would never have before. They can recognize it and enjoy pointing it out when it is somebody not on their "team" but had no idea they were pulling the same exact shit.

And she has a track record.

Four days left and it's all about the issues? I don't think so. They have willingly jacked things up for the next four years and then some.
Of course they can identify the issues on which they agree with her.

And they, along with people even in Trump's own party, think he's an embarrassing buffoon. That's their opinion.

And those are the two primary reason they're putting up with her faults.

Why this is a mystery is a mystery.

Wrong. We don't agree with that.
You don't agree with what?
None of your right wing witch hunts lead to anything. Sorry bub, but your accusations are bullshit and were all formed by the right wing slime machine.
Thank you for admitting I was right about your key issues.

I did no such thing, Herbert.
So your two big issues are: Gay Marraige/Sex and racist cops?

Nope. Couldn't give a fuck.
So you voted Clinton for what reason?

To piss you off.
Lying, obstruction of Justice, insider cronyism, apparently does not bother you. I'll bet your biggest concern is over the right of two guys to get married and you think the police are racist? Sure. Keep eating grass in the pasture.

None of your right wing witch hunts lead to anything. Sorry bub, but your accusations are bullshit and were all formed by the right wing slime machine.
Thank you for admitting I was right about your key issues.

I did no such thing, Herbert.
So your two big issues are: Gay Marraige/Sex and racist cops?

Nope. Couldn't give a fuck.
I voted for Trump to stand up for America and bring our jobs back.
None of your right wing witch hunts lead to anything. Sorry bub, but your accusations are bullshit and were all formed by the right wing slime machine.
Thank you for admitting I was right about your key issues.

I did no such thing, Herbert.
So your two big issues are: Gay Marraige/Sex and racist cops?

Nope. Couldn't give a fuck.
I voted for Trump to stand up for America and bring our jobs back.

You voted for the guy who ships off jobs to Bangladesh and China to "bring our jobs back?" Not too smart, are you there, Herbert?
Lying, obstruction of Justice, insider cronyism, apparently does not bother you. I'll bet your biggest concern is over the right of two guys to get married and you think the police are racist? Sure. Keep eating grass in the pasture.

None of your right wing witch hunts lead to anything. Sorry bub, but your accusations are bullshit and were all formed by the right wing slime machine.
Thank you for admitting I was right about your key issues.

I did no such thing, Herbert.
So your two big issues are: Gay Marraige/Sex and racist cops?
Liberals are lost aren't they.

The entire nation is lost!

When you have Hillary Rodham Clinton and Donald John Trump as your two leading choices this November to be President, well then this nation is not just lost but just retarded as can be!

The reality is Hillary Clinton is the career politician that want to stay in power and Donald Trump is the guy that would buy the Clinton's with donations but now believe he can lead this nation...

Donald Trump is a charlatan and I still believe a shill for Clinton and if elected would be the worst President in history and let me be very factual and admit the last two Presidents have not been that great and yet Trump will make most of America wish for Bush or Obama after Trump first term...

The Clinton baggage is too much!

I know those voting for her will write about how that baggage is GOP nonsense but the reality is the woman has scandal following here every where...

Then her pathetic time in the Senate and being Secretary of State make me wish John Kerry was the Democratic Party candidate over her!

So no the left is not lost but this entire nation has become mentally retarded!

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