
Anbar province in Iraq is, for all intents and purposes, no longer under US control. Iraq's Prime Minister, you know the one we installed, is sucking up to Iran's bat-shit crazy President. And things were going so well...
I've mentioned it before and I'll do it again: my friend Ahmed speculated that Iran is looking to Iraq the way Russia was looking to China after WW II. It's only a matter of time before Iran has its influence put into Iraq.
I swear, i've got half a mind to just ban your sorry fucken ass right now, don't piss me off again by pissing on vets ever, i'll shit all over your free speech on this board and not give a fuck what anyone thinks about it.


Given what you just said I'll bet when it comes time to whore out your shtick in the service you'll lie to everyone by telling them you fought for freedom of speech, but your real heart says, you don't believe in freedom of speech.

Did you notice the main page on this web site? The link is right here: http://www.usmessageboard.com/

Notice the banner? notice on the lower right hand side where it says: "Where your voice counts"

While you're on that page have you noticed this statement:

Our variety of forums and overarching belief in freedom of speech provides the world with a place to come and be heard.

And this statement:

offers the chance to all to speak their mind freely. We believe in freedom of speech and the beauty of diversity, and do not kick people off because their opinions are ‘different.’

But you don't care about all that do you? You didn't really fight for freedom of speech did you?
You insult all Vets by flaunting the fact that you don't care about freedom of speech. you react to truth like the devil reacts to holy water.
Given what you just said I'll bet when it comes time to whore out your shtick in the service you'll lie to everyone by telling them you fought for freedom of speech, but your real heart says, you don't believe in freedom of speech.

Did you notice the main page on this web site? The link is right here: http://www.usmessageboard.com/

Notice the banner? notice on the lower right hand side where it says: "Where your voice counts"

While you're on that page have you noticed this statement:

Our variety of forums and overarching belief in freedom of speech provides the world with a place to come and be heard.

And this statement:

offers the chance to all to speak their mind freely. We believe in freedom of speech and the beauty of diversity, and do not kick people off because their opinions are ‘different.’

But you don't care about all that do you? You didn't really fight for freedom of speech did you?
You insult all Vets by flaunting the fact that you don't care about freedom of speech. you react to truth like the devil reacts to holy water.

You wouldn't know truth if it kicked you in the ass.

I'll say it again, piss on vets one more time and you will be gone, your free speech be damned.

Your just a very confused and possibly mentally sick scumbag. Your dad still is ashamed of you.
True story. About six months ago there was a doco on the effects of legalised prostitution on society. It was in Melbourne, Australia (the state of Victoria has legalised prostitution). Anyway, the reporter asked a prostitute who worked out of a brothel how much she charged. She said "$150 for straight, $250 for Greek". So the reporter asked the obvious "what's Greek"? She said "anal sex". So, you being Greek, my question is, why do they call Greek anal sex? Is there something about your culture that we don't know? :happy2:

Don't know, wanna find out though?
Dunno. Would be interesting I guess. Obviously I couldn't find out from you because you said you don't know. Your cousins or brothers/uncles might tho'? No?

I'm sure I could find some Greek who could help you find out what you are seeking. Give you some "in depth" information.
True story. About six months ago there was a doco on the effects of legalised prostitution on society. It was in Melbourne, Australia (the state of Victoria has legalised prostitution). Anyway, the reporter asked a prostitute who worked out of a brothel how much she charged. She said "$150 for straight, $250 for Greek". So the reporter asked the obvious "what's Greek"? She said "anal sex". So, you being Greek, my question is, why do they call Greek anal sex? Is there something about your culture that we don't know? :happy2:

Greek means anal and French means fellatio...

The French are credited with oral sex because it was a common saying among servicemen returning from France after WW II that “the French f— with their mouths and fight with their feet,” and “French” is to this day prostitutes’ slang for fellatio.

I think it's known as "greek" because the ancient Greeks engaged in homosexuality, as in the joke..

Q: "How did they separate the men from the boys in Ancient Greece?"
A: With a crowbar.

I once read that the practice of women applying lipstick originated with prostitutes who practiced oral sex in order to give the impression that their mouths were vaginas....

I'm sure that's more information than anyone wanted to hear
Greek means anal and French means fellatio...

The French are credited with oral sex because it was a common saying among servicemen returning from France after WW II that “the French f— with their mouths and fight with their feet,” and “French” is to this day prostitutes’ slang for fellatio.

I think it's known as "greek" because the ancient Greeks engaged in homosexuality, as in the joke..

Q: "How did they separate the men from the boys in Ancient Greece?"
A: With a crowbar.

I once read that the practice of women applying lipstick originated with prostitutes who practiced oral sex in order to give the impression that their mouths were vaginas....

I'm sure that's more information than anyone wanted to hear

This is true, it was back before Christ, before we knew RIGHT FROM WRONG, the thinking was any hole in a storm so to speak.
Greek means anal and French means fellatio...

The French are credited with oral sex because it was a common saying among servicemen returning from France after WW II that “the French f— with their mouths and fight with their feet,” and “French” is to this day prostitutes’ slang for fellatio.

I think it's known as "greek" because the ancient Greeks engaged in homosexuality, as in the joke..

Q: "How did they separate the men from the boys in Ancient Greece?"
A: With a crowbar.

I once read that the practice of women applying lipstick originated with prostitutes who practiced oral sex in order to give the impression that their mouths were vaginas....

I'm sure that's more information than anyone wanted to hear

You said a mouth full there, Karl Marx...........(NO PUN INTENDED)runs and hides now, bye:fifty:

I'll say it again, piss on vets one more time and you will be gone, your free speech be damned.

That's the second time you've said I've dissed the vets.

Go ahead show everyone here on this board where I've dissed the vets.

Let us know when the shock of not being able to find where I dissed the soldiers wears off.
That's the second time you've said I've dissed the vets.
Go ahead show everyone here on this board where I've dissed the vets.

Let us know when the shock of not being able to find where I dissed the soldiers wears off.

Registered User Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 70
Reputation: Points: -41 / Rep Power: 0

Originally Posted by CSM
Pure unadulterated horse crap.

You have NO idea what the environment in VietNam was like or what the troops thought that were there except the things you have heard from the likes of Jane Fonda and John Kerry. You also have NO idea of what the soldiers are writing back home about or what they are communicating.
What do you know about me? Be careful what you spew out of that worthless mouth of your.

Looks like disrespect to me. Not to “Vets” but one Vet.
You may need new batteries, they're the tiny round ones up at check out.

I said,"The purpose of banning is not to achieve a state of totalitarian group-think, as you seem to believe."
My remark was more out of disbelief than confusion. When did I ever give you the impression I thought banning was for achieving totalitarian group think?
I think P did my leg work for me Cheese Whiz, you not only dishonour your vet father by dissing everything he apparently believed in but you go to a parade and don't show any appreciation for vets as they walk by but reveal yourself to be the spoiled brat you are. These people put their asses on the line whether you agree with the cause or not and deserve at least an acknowledgement of that fact.

Fuck you.

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