
Gold Member
Nov 25, 2016
"So, how many Wall Street and media billionaires will Mr. Trump appoint to his cabinet? He's already appointed 3 (DeVos, Mnuchin, and Ross). I'm not sure about Bannon's wealth, but he may be close, as well. My guess is that there will be at least 5 billionaires on Trump's cabinet. He's pretty much already there if you count Trump, himself. I don't think that any previous president has ever appointed a billionaire to his cabinet. (But GWB's Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson was close) What's the history of how billionaires in general, and these billionaires in particular have helped middle class and poorer workers - like those who actually voted for Mr. Trump? (There are a few like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, but I don't think that Mr. T has been talking with them about cabinet positions)

As Mr. Trump exclaimed in his gilded Trump Tower office, "Gotcha!!""
Goldman Sachs prevails again, I'm shocked; "liberal" administrations, "conservative" administrations, all the same shyte. More societal wealth redistribution to the very top.
These rich guys could not possibly be rich because of their competence! Let's just assume they are bad!
These rich guys could not possibly be rich because of their competence! Let's just assume they are bad!

Competent at what? Sucking up all the money they can get their greedy little hands on!

Nobody has ever made a billion dollars work, productivity or contribution to society that warrants that level of wealth. It's a 'may the best thief win' economy.
"So, how many Wall Street and media billionaires will Mr. Trump appoint to his cabinet? He's already appointed 3 (DeVos, Mnuchin, and Ross). I'm not sure about Bannon's wealth, but he may be close, as well. My guess is that there will be at least 5 billionaires on Trump's cabinet. He's pretty much already there if you count Trump, himself. I don't think that any previous president has ever appointed a billionaire to his cabinet. (But GWB's Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson was close) What's the history of how billionaires in general, and these billionaires in particular have helped middle class and poorer workers - like those who actually voted for Mr. Trump? (There are a few like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, but I don't think that Mr. T has been talking with them about cabinet positions)

As Mr. Trump exclaimed in his gilded Trump Tower office, "Gotcha!!""
Trump has been too busy trying to save American jobs the Democrats are content to send to Mexico to talk to everyone, but I'm sure that when he has some spare time he would be glad to hear what Gates and Buffet think.
"So, how many Wall Street and media billionaires will Mr. Trump appoint to his cabinet? He's already appointed 3 (DeVos, Mnuchin, and Ross). I'm not sure about Bannon's wealth, but he may be close, as well. My guess is that there will be at least 5 billionaires on Trump's cabinet. He's pretty much already there if you count Trump, himself. I don't think that any previous president has ever appointed a billionaire to his cabinet. (But GWB's Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson was close) What's the history of how billionaires in general, and these billionaires in particular have helped middle class and poorer workers - like those who actually voted for Mr. Trump? (There are a few like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, but I don't think that Mr. T has been talking with them about cabinet positions)

As Mr. Trump exclaimed in his gilded Trump Tower office, "Gotcha!!""
Trump has been too busy trying to save American jobs the Democrats are content to send to Mexico to talk to everyone, but I'm sure that when he has some spare time he would be glad to hear what Gates and Buffet think.

360 of our biggest and best companies are in mexico now mainly because of the low wage structure Is dump going to put a gun to all their heads to force them back to America ?? Going to be tough while dealing with all those conflict of interest cases
"So, how many Wall Street and media billionaires will Mr. Trump appoint to his cabinet? He's already appointed 3 (DeVos, Mnuchin, and Ross). I'm not sure about Bannon's wealth, but he may be close, as well. My guess is that there will be at least 5 billionaires on Trump's cabinet. He's pretty much already there if you count Trump, himself. I don't think that any previous president has ever appointed a billionaire to his cabinet. (But GWB's Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson was close) What's the history of how billionaires in general, and these billionaires in particular have helped middle class and poorer workers - like those who actually voted for Mr. Trump? (There are a few like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, but I don't think that Mr. T has been talking with them about cabinet positions)

As Mr. Trump exclaimed in his gilded Trump Tower office, "Gotcha!!""
Trump has been too busy trying to save American jobs the Democrats are content to send to Mexico to talk to everyone, but I'm sure that when he has some spare time he would be glad to hear what Gates and Buffet think.

360 of our biggest and best companies are in mexico now mainly because of the low wage structure Is dump going to put a gun to all their heads to force them back to America ?? Going to be tough while dealing with all those conflict of interest cases
It is precisely the attitude you are expressing that led blue states to turn red in the election. Trump laid out a plan, lower taxes, fewer regulations and tariffs on products made by US companies abroad that are exported to the US that will make it as profitable or more profitable to manufacture in the US than in Mexico or other low wage countries. What has the Democratic Party become now that it no longer cares about American workers?
"So, how many Wall Street and media billionaires will Mr. Trump appoint to his cabinet? He's already appointed 3 (DeVos, Mnuchin, and Ross). I'm not sure about Bannon's wealth, but he may be close, as well. My guess is that there will be at least 5 billionaires on Trump's cabinet. He's pretty much already there if you count Trump, himself. I don't think that any previous president has ever appointed a billionaire to his cabinet. (But GWB's Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson was close) What's the history of how billionaires in general, and these billionaires in particular have helped middle class and poorer workers - like those who actually voted for Mr. Trump? (There are a few like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, but I don't think that Mr. T has been talking with them about cabinet positions)

As Mr. Trump exclaimed in his gilded Trump Tower office, "Gotcha!!""
Trump has been too busy trying to save American jobs the Democrats are content to send to Mexico to talk to everyone, but I'm sure that when he has some spare time he would be glad to hear what Gates and Buffet think.

Half of the Carrier jobs are still going to Mexico. It's tariff time.
These rich guys could not possibly be rich because of their competence! Let's just assume they are bad!

Competent at what? Sucking up all the money they can get their greedy little hands on!

Nobody has ever made a billion dollars work, productivity or contribution to society that warrants that level of wealth. It's a 'may the best thief win' economy.
Who the hell are you to decide what someone is worth? What arrogance.

Trump is choosing successful people that know how the real world works. Liberals chose government lackeys that make a living sucking off the public tit and making decisions for everybody else.
These rich guys could not possibly be rich because of their competence! Let's just assume they are bad!

Competent at what? Sucking up all the money they can get their greedy little hands on!

Nobody has ever made a billion dollars work, productivity or contribution to society that warrants that level of wealth. It's a 'may the best thief win' economy.
Who the hell are you to decide what someone is worth? What arrogance.

Trump is choosing successful people that know how the real world works. Liberals chose government lackeys that make a living sucking off the public tit and making decisions for everybody else.

Trump is choosing exactly the kind of people he blamed for many of our problems, and exactly the kind of people he said he would drain the swamp of.
These rich guys could not possibly be rich because of their competence! Let's just assume they are bad!

Competent at what? Sucking up all the money they can get their greedy little hands on!

Nobody has ever made a billion dollars work, productivity or contribution to society that warrants that level of wealth. It's a 'may the best thief win' economy.
Who the hell are you to decide what someone is worth? What arrogance.

Trump is choosing successful people that know how the real world works. Liberals chose government lackeys that make a living sucking off the public tit and making decisions for everybody else.

My father was a Wall St. executive. A very large percentage of the kids I grew up with work on Wall St. or in the Manhattan banking or financial industry. I know exactly how the real world works. I know that these people make no contribution to society. They do one thing and one thing only - figure out how to suck up as much money as they possibly can while doing the least work as possible. They are the entitled class.

Everyone else must to all the productive work - which is what creates wealth - while they get all the money.

Edit - Correction they do work hard at sucking up all the money they possibly can.
"So, how many Wall Street and media billionaires will Mr. Trump appoint to his cabinet? He's already appointed 3 (DeVos, Mnuchin, and Ross). I'm not sure about Bannon's wealth, but he may be close, as well. My guess is that there will be at least 5 billionaires on Trump's cabinet. He's pretty much already there if you count Trump, himself. I don't think that any previous president has ever appointed a billionaire to his cabinet. (But GWB's Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson was close) What's the history of how billionaires in general, and these billionaires in particular have helped middle class and poorer workers - like those who actually voted for Mr. Trump? (There are a few like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, but I don't think that Mr. T has been talking with them about cabinet positions)

As Mr. Trump exclaimed in his gilded Trump Tower office, "Gotcha!!""
Trump has been too busy trying to save American jobs the Democrats are content to send to Mexico to talk to everyone, but I'm sure that when he has some spare time he would be glad to hear what Gates and Buffet think.

Half of the Carrier jobs are still going to Mexico. It's tariff time.
Carrier had begun building two plants in Mexico and one was completed so they are going to use that one for the present, but the other was only a shell, so they are not going to complete it. It may be time for tariffs, but we are going to have to wait at least until Jan. 21 to see them.

As a practical matter, while tariffs will help protect the American market from imports from Carrier's Mexico plant, that plant will be able to compete more effectively in foreign markets than Carrier's US plant, so companies that do a lot of international business may still have to move some of their manufacturing to low wage countries to be internationally competitive.
"So, how many Wall Street and media billionaires will Mr. Trump appoint to his cabinet? He's already appointed 3 (DeVos, Mnuchin, and Ross). I'm not sure about Bannon's wealth, but he may be close, as well. My guess is that there will be at least 5 billionaires on Trump's cabinet. He's pretty much already there if you count Trump, himself. I don't think that any previous president has ever appointed a billionaire to his cabinet. (But GWB's Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson was close) What's the history of how billionaires in general, and these billionaires in particular have helped middle class and poorer workers - like those who actually voted for Mr. Trump? (There are a few like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, but I don't think that Mr. T has been talking with them about cabinet positions)

As Mr. Trump exclaimed in his gilded Trump Tower office, "Gotcha!!""
Trump has been too busy trying to save American jobs the Democrats are content to send to Mexico to talk to everyone, but I'm sure that when he has some spare time he would be glad to hear what Gates and Buffet think.

Half of the Carrier jobs are still going to Mexico. It's tariff time.
Carrier had begun building two plants in Mexico and one was completed so they are going to use that one for the present, but the other was only a shell, so they are not going to complete it. It may be time for tariffs, but we are going to have to wait at least until Jan. 21 to see them.

As a practical matter, while tariffs will help protect the American market from imports from Carrier's Mexico plant, that plant will be able to compete more effectively in foreign markets than Carrier's US plant, so companies that do a lot of international business may still have to move some of their manufacturing to low wage countries to be internationally competitive.

The $7 million incentive package Carrier Corp. will receive as part of a deal the company reached with President-elect Donald Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence represents a departure from how tax credits are typically used in Indiana.
It's also the kind of agreement Trump slammed on the campaign trail.
The furnace manufacturer will receive $5 million in tax credits over 10 years in exchange for keeping 1,069 jobs at its Indianapolis plant, with an average wage of $30.91 hour. The company also will receive $1 million in training grants and up to $1 million in additional tax credits based on Carrier's planned $16 million investment in the west-side factory.
Read the story (maybe over 500 words?) ->
These rich guys could not possibly be rich because of their competence! Let's just assume they are bad!

Competent at what? Sucking up all the money they can get their greedy little hands on!

Nobody has ever made a billion dollars work, productivity or contribution to society that warrants that level of wealth. It's a 'may the best thief win' economy.
Really? They've done no work at all? They are just "greedy". They have nothing to contribute to society because you have determined that they have too high a level of wealth.

OK. You've made it clear that you have a blanket distain for the rich. Enlighten us. Who should run things?
These rich guys could not possibly be rich because of their competence! Let's just assume they are bad!

Competent at what? Sucking up all the money they can get their greedy little hands on!

Nobody has ever made a billion dollars work, productivity or contribution to society that warrants that level of wealth. It's a 'may the best thief win' economy.
Who the hell are you to decide what someone is worth? What arrogance.

Trump is choosing successful people that know how the real world works. Liberals chose government lackeys that make a living sucking off the public tit and making decisions for everybody else.

Trump is choosing exactly the kind of people he blamed for many of our problems, and exactly the kind of people he said he would drain the swamp of.
Not really. Draining the swamp did not mean excluding people with useful experience from government but to trying to reduce the movement from government jobs to lobbying jobs because the prospect of such a job might influence decisions of government political appointees. To this end, Trump is requiring all appointees to sign a pledge not to accept a lobbying job for five years after leaving office. Obama also had such a requirement for his appointee, I believe for three years, but he then granted so many exceptions the policy just disappeared. We'll have to wait to see if Trump is more successful.
These rich guys could not possibly be rich because of their competence! Let's just assume they are bad!

Competent at what? Sucking up all the money they can get their greedy little hands on!

Nobody has ever made a billion dollars work, productivity or contribution to society that warrants that level of wealth. It's a 'may the best thief win' economy.
Really? They've done no work at all? They are just "greedy". They have nothing to contribute to society because you have determined that they have too high a level of wealth.

OK. You've made it clear that you have a blanket distain for the rich. Enlighten us. Who should run things?

I think that everyone should work at productive jobs. That people should get paid on par with the productive value of their work. Wealth distribution would be somewhat, but not exactly even. Everyone would be an investor - kind of like 401k plans on steroids.

People that work for a living should accumulate enough wealth that they can retire comfortably at 55 years old. (BTW - 55 was the retirement age in the Soviet Union - it's amazing that we can't do as well.)

A good bench mark is this:

Doctors have the highest level of education, the highest level of training and provide the most valuable service of any profession. So basically anyone who is wealthier than a doctor is a thief.

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