Gotta see this: Texas deputies shoot woman mistaken for intruder, bodycam video shows

you cant use per capita,, you can only use police contact,,

if we used per capita we would have to bring up blacks committ 50% of the violent crimes and only 13% of the population,,

those numbers arent exact but they are close and you know it,,
Use the right numbers, black folks do not commit 50% of violent crime, that's a lie.
Use the right numbers, black folks do not commit 50% of violent crime, that's a lie.
you know as well as the rest of us that blacks committ a far higher percentage of crimes based on their capita,,

if you want people to stand with you against over policing best not to be a racist towards them,,
you know as well as the rest of us that blacks committ a far higher percentage of crimes based on their capita,,

if you want people to stand with you against over policing best not to be a racist towards them,,
Funny how you are always talking about someone black on this forum being racist, but I never see you address any of the many white racist on this forum. Why is that?
Funny how you are always talking about someone black on this forum being racist, but I never see you address any of the many white racist on this forum. Why is that?
I've been going at them all day on this thread,,

its so sad thinking about how much we could get done if you werent such a racist,,
A few things I want to know before I throw the cops under the bus.
Did they announce themselves when they entered the apartment?
If they did and she walked up to them with a gun in her hand it was her who fucked up not the cops.
Not only that did she announce herself as the person who called the cops in the first place?

I have questions.

The cops never were heard since there was an alarm that had gone off.
The woman did have a gun in her hand, but the police started shooting through the window, before she got anywhere near to the door to open it and find out who was pounding on it.
She never called the cops.
it was a neighbor who heard the glass breaking who called.
And you're just a cop hating brat. You got a traffic ticket once and all cops must die, or you're some ex con with a grudge.

The cops reloaded, so fired over 40 rounds into a house before anyone did anything remotely threatening.
I've been going at them all day on this thread,,

its so sad thinking about how much we could get done if you werent such a racist,,
Now that's funny, a white man who sees a black man as a racist. Amazing how he doesn't see the many WHITE racist on this forum and things would be better if not for black racist. Unbelievable.
I've always known you were stupid but this makes it even more evident.
I clearly said the woman didnt call 911.
But it's common knowledge that you dont approach the police with a gun in your hand especially when they told you they were the police.
So basically you're saying that blacks are stupid.

Anyone can claim to be the police. If we are allowed to arm ourselves in our homes it means we can legally answer the door armed. The police have to understand that an armed populace means you can't go blasting every time you see a gun.

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