Government and Religion??


Dec 31, 2013
New York
Just trying to get some thoughts here; why does the government utilize the Holy Bible when it is convenient for them? The one thing that I and most people probably hate is hypocrites, liars and contradicting people. For example: say that I wanted to start a religion that involved smoking marijuana as a daily ritual when I pray, then the government would intervene and most likely arrest me for unlawful possession of marijuana (that's the government getting involved in religion, which is against the First Amendment). However, when it comes to gay marriage, why does the government feel it necessary to recite the bible and say that a man and a man, or a woman and a woman is an "abomination." I personally think that this is absurd and inappropriate of the government to do to its people. My god, if only we had just enough government to function and not make everything so complicated. :mad:
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go study the Native American religious practices and get back with us

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