Government needs to declare Martial Law


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Because that is what it is.

People in Cincinnati Ohio were arrested and possibly face felony charges for assembling together, yet, no Martial law has been declared?

But it is the same with the topic of war in the US. War has not been declared since 1941, even though many have been fought since. It's all about the psychology of words I reckon. No one will ever use the term "war" or Martial Law" ever again in the US government, even though they will implement it many times over. It's like how Obama refused to notify Congress about his war in Libya, while just smiling and glibly dismissing his objectors saying it was not really a war.

But alas, I saw the governor of Ohio, Mike Dewine, on YouTube being asked why he arrested those people in Cincinnati but refused to arrest churches who decided to remain open. His answer? He said that he did not want to violate the First Amendment by stopping their ability to practice their religion. However, has anyone told Mike that the right to Assembly is also part of the First Amendment as well?


Such is the continued state of confusion, hypocrisy, and stupidity within the US government. No wonder they could never even balance a budget, let alone face the flu.
Well look on the bright side. Americans will be able to identify the Stasi like neighbors we have.


This about says it all. See how happy they are, all 11 of them huddled together.

Thanks governor of Michigan!
From California to New York, police and Democrat leaders have shown staggering overreach in enforcing certain social distancing measures in recent days, from banning the sale of seeds and baby car seats to punishing people simply for being outside even if they’re alone posing no health risk to others.

Because losers get off on doing this--------until it happens to them.
Not much crime out there so Christians who dare to assemble and folks who rebel against being locked in their own homes are easy targets. It's a big country and there are bound to be extreme examples of government control. It even gives anti-religious bigots a chance to laugh at the 1st Amendment.
Second test run of this kids. Californians did not protest when Newsome shut down NorCal with his "rolling black outs" now we get this and America is meekly complying with it.
I'm just wondering if the Trump stimulus will be enough to pay all the fines cuz it's not like anyone has a job anymore, that is, as they let people out of prison cuz of Covid.
People in Cincinnati Ohio were arrested and possibly face felony charges for assembling together, yet, no Martial law has been declared?
Now is not the time. Now I can see things getting crazy in late October or early November and maybe that would be the right time.

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