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Governor of US Virgin Islands commands NG to seize all guns and ammo

Wait a second have they even heard of the third amendment prior to my last post? These are libtards after all. They don't have any communist copy&paste talking points to spam back at me from the commie playbook because the third amendment is unheard of.
so , whats the latest , did the fat governor / king of the Virgin Islands confiscate guns from his fellow 'virgin islanders' yet and are there any photos of the gun confiscation ??
He was on Tucker Carlson and said ne never gave such an order and has no idea where this came from.
-------------------------------------------------------- thanks but i don't know , i have seen What is claimed to be the actual order but in 2017 who knows whats true , i'll get what info i have Tipsy !!
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Wait a second have they even heard of the third amendment prior to my last post? These are libtards after all. They don't have any communist copy&paste talking points to spam back at me from the commie playbook because the third amendment is unheard of.

The Virgin Islands is unincorporated territory, Asshole. That means it's not necessarily subject to the Constitution or its Amendments and can write laws at variance with it. Not the Third Amendment, nor the Second. Perhaps you should have done some research before you launched your little sociopathic toddler hissyfit about toys and territories to which you're in no way related.

Meanwhile back in the world of real people:

Hey, if only they'd had guns all would be dry, right?

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yeah , i asked , think it was Camp if the governor was going to have his bodyguards disarmed Pogo .

Who gives a fuck??

Frankly I couldn't possibly give less of a shit what happens to any firearms in the fucking Virgin Islands. What matters is personal safety, and food and water and basic survival. They expect to be without electric power for four to six months. Or more. When you're in that context "who's got guns" cannot possibly be less relevant.
Oh, Pogo?

You know what's a good tool for putting food on the table and self-defense?

A gun! :eek:

I'm afraid "bite the bullet" is what we call a "metaphor". You can't actually eat it.

But if you want to try to survive on it, be my jest.
Nagin went to prison for bribery, corruption and money laundering charges, you idiot.

Which proves he was a corrupt sociopath, like I assert all democrook political whores are.

Actually Nagin's a lifelong Republican who ran as a Democrat because he knew that's the only way to get elected mayor. And I know that because I was there when he did it.

Which means nothing to me but apparently you like Composition Fallacies so ------------- enjoy.
Here is actual news from the Virgin Islands, rather than reports from the gun lobby echo chamber

Mapp: Break Curfew Wednesday and “You Will Be Arrested”

“If you are out after curfew and you do not have a curfew pass I am advising you now that you will be arrested. We are not going to send you along to drive back home or wherever you are going given the dangers this storm is going to possess on the territory. So whatever you need to do, get it done by 6 a.m.,” Mapp concluded. The curfew will be lifted when emergency personnel determine it is appropriate “and not when someone complains,” he added.

Oddly enough- no word about all of the gun seizures from Virgin Islanders.....

Yabbut "facts" are irrelevant here. This thread isn't about any "facts". It's about sociopathic assholes far out of reach of any hurricane getting their hissyfits on about their personal self-absorbed take-my-pacifier-away fetish.. "Facts" be damned.
hey , mrobama said that you could keep your doctor and this governor / king says he never issued the order . I sure don't know as i post the little bit of info that i have . Maybe this well fed governor [probably a democrat] is the same kinda liar as mrobama Tipsy , i don't know .
Typical tinfoil gun fetishist. Biggest storm ever recorded with winds of 185mph threatens to wipe out several countries, leaving people homeless, drowned and worse, they're looking at devastated infrastructure including months without electricity ..................... and what you're worried about is "protect the guns".


Partly, but mostly it's about protecting the Constitution of the United States.

If true, one would think the governor of the Virgin Islands would have learned something from the results of the gun confiscation in New Orleans after Katrina.

Again --- the VI is unincorporated territory. It's not protected by the Constitution anyway.
And in New Orleans after Katrina the local Wal-Mart had its guns stolen. Obviously there were those with the same sociopath mentality as the OP here.

Of course -- if Mal-Wart hadn't been stocking guns in the first place there would have been none to steal. They've never lived that down.

Did New Orleans live down their unconstitutional confiscation of guns after Katrina and the aftermath?

I have no idea. Who gives a fuck.
I've never been to the US Virgin Islands, but geez it sounds like people must be pretty violent there? Why else would the governor be thinking first of disarming the populace?

I could see it happening POST violence in N.O. but prior to the hurricane hitting? Well, he's a former cop, so he probably knows what he's about.

They apparently do have an issue of rampant gang violence, in normal circumstances:

>> Let’s look at the numbers and compare that to the United States’ national murder rate of 4.5 people per 100,000. If the United States were reduced to the size of St Croix, there would be about three murders per year, as opposed to 40+ on St Croix in the same period of time. According to Wikipedia, the murder rate in St Croix is 60 per 100,000 – thirteen times the national rate in the United States (1). When I was on St Croix I read in the newspaper about how one night the governor of the island and his aide were accosted by three men with guns on the highway near the Home Depot, who then stole the governor’s very expensive SUV. Only about three weeks after we arrived on St Croix there was a scary multiple shooting reported on September 7th, 2015, in the Virgin Island Daily News:

An uneasy peace settled on St. Croix on Sunday, with a state of emergency in effect and the community still on edge after one man was killed and at least seven other people were wounded in gun violence in several spots around the island Friday afternoon and Saturday morning.

Police believe much of the violence was retaliatory, in what Police Commissioner Delroy Richards Sr. described as “gang warfare.”

The violence was notable for what some described as “indiscriminate shooting,” as well as its delicate locations – mid-afternoon outside a day care center; in housing communities in the early evening while it was still light, when children were playing; and along a well-traveled portion of Queen Mary Highway near Central High School on a Saturday morning…

Former Sen. Holland Redfield, who has a home near the two housing communities, said in an interview that he witnessed the drive-by and it was like nothing he had ever seen.

“The only thing I can compare it with is being in a combat zone,” he said.

He spoke of automatic gunfire and of the residents of the community “in a panic.” He said a group of cars came in with front and back windows rolled down, men hanging out them, “shooting indiscriminately.”

“As it progressed, you could see the panic amongst the mothers of children playing outside,” he said, describing women grabbing children, opening apartment doors and throwing them inside.

According to Redfield, the cars did U-turns and came back to shoot some more.

“Residents of the community that were armed were returning fire,” he said. “It was like a combat zone. I’ve never seen anything like it. I hit the deck (2).” << --- An Insider's View

I've never been to the US Virgin Islands, but geez it sounds like people must be pretty violent there? Why else would the governor be thinking first of disarming the populace?

I could see it happening POST violence in N.O. but prior to the hurricane hitting? Well, he's a former cop, so he probably knows what he's about.

They apparently do have an issue of rampant gang violence, in normal circumstances:

>> Let’s look at the numbers and compare that to the United States’ national murder rate of 4.5 people per 100,000. If the United States were reduced to the size of St Croix, there would be about three murders per year, as opposed to 40+ on St Croix in the same period of time. According to Wikipedia, the murder rate in St Croix is 60 per 100,000 – thirteen times the national rate in the United States (1). When I was on St Croix I read in the newspaper about how one night the governor of the island and his aide were accosted by three men with guns on the highway near the Home Depot, who then stole the governor’s very expensive SUV. Only about three weeks after we arrived on St Croix there was a scary multiple shooting reported on September 7th, 2015, in the Virgin Island Daily News:

An uneasy peace settled on St. Croix on Sunday, with a state of emergency in effect and the community still on edge after one man was killed and at least seven other people were wounded in gun violence in several spots around the island Friday afternoon and Saturday morning.

Police believe much of the violence was retaliatory, in what Police Commissioner Delroy Richards Sr. described as “gang warfare.”

The violence was notable for what some described as “indiscriminate shooting,” as well as its delicate locations – mid-afternoon outside a day care center; in housing communities in the early evening while it was still light, when children were playing; and along a well-traveled portion of Queen Mary Highway near Central High School on a Saturday morning…

Former Sen. Holland Redfield, who has a home near the two housing communities, said in an interview that he witnessed the drive-by and it was like nothing he had ever seen.

“The only thing I can compare it with is being in a combat zone,” he said.

He spoke of automatic gunfire and of the residents of the community “in a panic.” He said a group of cars came in with front and back windows rolled down, men hanging out them, “shooting indiscriminately.”

“As it progressed, you could see the panic amongst the mothers of children playing outside,” he said, describing women grabbing children, opening apartment doors and throwing them inside.

According to Redfield, the cars did U-turns and came back to shoot some more.

“Residents of the community that were armed were returning fire,” he said. “It was like a combat zone. I’ve never seen anything like it. I hit the deck (2).” << --- An Insider's View

--------------------------------------- sounds like Chicago eh , lots of crime , murder in certain areas of Chicago and other big cities but MOST of American is a very peaceful place eh Pogo .
Trade your guns for food and water

Use your guns to OBTAIN food and water, and to preserve your food and water from ignorant vermin.

Ah, another sociopath speaks -- this one illustrating the polarized hierarchical social structure at its base.

"We" versus "they". "Humans" versus "subhumans". "We" count; "they" do not.

Yeah thanks for that illustration. It speaks volumes.

Obtain as in hunt for dumbass. Nothing sociopathic about my response.

Oh but there is. Want a clue? Last two words of your post as quoted.

But there is loads of anti social BS in yours.

In a natural disaster, that hungry or drowning or thirsty or deprived stranger becomes my brother or sister, and I theirs. For you they become a "target".

That's sociopathy. Classic.

And it's also suicidal. Dafuck are you gonna do after you've shot everybody and you're the only one left?

Yeah, the last two words apply to ignorant twats, like you, who ignore warnings in the belief that they, the vermin (color is immaterial, vermin have no color, they are judged by their ACTIONS) will be able to prey at will on the undefended. It has always happened to some degree or other in any catastrophe.

Actually, wrong on two counts: one, neither you nor I made any allusion to "color" nor are either one of us the purveyor of the term "nig-dar", a term on which we're still awaiting explanation;

and two, despite the short notice, I DID evacuate, and I took two others with me who hadn't the resources to evacuate on their own, so basically fuck you.

And your cherrypicked extra large print cherrypickings from the comfort of your barcalounger fifteen hundred miles and twelve years removed are amusing but I can honestly say out of the hundreds of people I knew, lived with and worked with in New Orleans, zero of them had any such experience, so perhaps you should apply for a nice editor job at Hair-On-Fire Daily.
because most of the USA is very murder free but sections of Chicago and other big cities where murder is rampant probably elevate the number of murders statistically speaking in the USA eh Pogo .
I've never been to the US Virgin Islands, but geez it sounds like people must be pretty violent there? Why else would the governor be thinking first of disarming the populace?

I could see it happening POST violence in N.O. but prior to the hurricane hitting? Well, he's a former cop, so he probably knows what he's about.

They apparently do have an issue of rampant gang violence, in normal circumstances:

>> Let’s look at the numbers and compare that to the United States’ national murder rate of 4.5 people per 100,000. If the United States were reduced to the size of St Croix, there would be about three murders per year, as opposed to 40+ on St Croix in the same period of time. According to Wikipedia, the murder rate in St Croix is 60 per 100,000 – thirteen times the national rate in the United States (1). When I was on St Croix I read in the newspaper about how one night the governor of the island and his aide were accosted by three men with guns on the highway near the Home Depot, who then stole the governor’s very expensive SUV. Only about three weeks after we arrived on St Croix there was a scary multiple shooting reported on September 7th, 2015, in the Virgin Island Daily News:

An uneasy peace settled on St. Croix on Sunday, with a state of emergency in effect and the community still on edge after one man was killed and at least seven other people were wounded in gun violence in several spots around the island Friday afternoon and Saturday morning.

Police believe much of the violence was retaliatory, in what Police Commissioner Delroy Richards Sr. described as “gang warfare.”

The violence was notable for what some described as “indiscriminate shooting,” as well as its delicate locations – mid-afternoon outside a day care center; in housing communities in the early evening while it was still light, when children were playing; and along a well-traveled portion of Queen Mary Highway near Central High School on a Saturday morning…

Former Sen. Holland Redfield, who has a home near the two housing communities, said in an interview that he witnessed the drive-by and it was like nothing he had ever seen.

“The only thing I can compare it with is being in a combat zone,” he said.

He spoke of automatic gunfire and of the residents of the community “in a panic.” He said a group of cars came in with front and back windows rolled down, men hanging out them, “shooting indiscriminately.”

“As it progressed, you could see the panic amongst the mothers of children playing outside,” he said, describing women grabbing children, opening apartment doors and throwing them inside.

According to Redfield, the cars did U-turns and came back to shoot some more.

“Residents of the community that were armed were returning fire,” he said. “It was like a combat zone. I’ve never seen anything like it. I hit the deck (2).” << --- An Insider's View

--------------------------------------- sounds like Chicago eh , lots of crime , murder in certain areas of Chicago and other big cities but MOST of American is a very peaceful place eh Pogo .

I wouldn't know. I don't live in "MOST of American". I've never been to the Virgin Islands -- I'm just passing on info anybody including the OP could have found if they were the least bit interested in context rather than using a message board to indulge their own sociopathic wank fantasy.
thanks for the reply Pogo . Useful thread concerning possible gun confiscation in the Virgin Islands as this thread illustrates perfectly why gun owners should always oppose gun registration or gun lists in the USA , Always remember 'diane fiensteins' words as she said , if i had the authority Americans would be turning in their guns [or words to that effect] Pogo .

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