Governor Palin said she is sick and tired of the Presidents Manufactured Crisis.

It's because it's gotten old. Just as those who continue to think that because Obama "bowed" to a Chinese leader that's somehow relevant to the larger picture. I mean just give it a fucking rest...

Getting old?

In the past couple of months he has admitted no less than twice that he did not realize certain things were not possible.

His "Change the way we do things in Washington" was not a minor platform of his. It was his mantra.

And the more he fails at that, the more it will be said that being a community organizer was not the experience needed to do as he promised. Remmeber, he was the one who bragged about community organizing and how it will help him acheive his
"bipartisan agenda"

So far, the only legislation that was bipartisan was evident with the votes against his initiatives.

Your comment has nothing to do with Sarah's snide remarks about "community organizing" which is what I was responding to. Yes, Obama does admit that he saw the job through rose-colored glasses (not in those words), thinking he could "change the way Washington thinks." But at least he ADMITS that, which no other president in history admitted to, although they all also thought they could.

It has everything to do with her remarks.
And your desire to give positive credit to this President for his failures is interesting and quite telling.
I voted for Bush the first time around. By 2003, I was picking apart many of his mistakes.
Something tells me you believe this presidents farts smell like roses.
That is not accurate. She blantantly brings it up in the same light he did. When the question of his ability to "lead" and "govern" came up, he referred to his experience as a community organizer as he had no other "leadership" experience to fallback on.

She is not at all being misleading. She is simply reminding HIM and the people that he was wrong to think that his leadership experience in community organizing prepped him well to lead a country.
It did not. Thus why he admits "uniting the parties" is difficult and admits that "stopping the backroom deals" is out of his control.

Those were two things he was admant about in his campaign and now he admits defeat in those areas. Maybe if he was a leader of a state and dealt with trying to govern with two parties beneath him, he would have known better?

Or did he simply lie when he said he was goiung to do it?

Bull. She uses that line with a wink and a nod all the time, just as she still occasionally uses her old talking point of "paling around with terrorists." There really isn't much else in that thing that sits atop her head and encases something called a brain, so she has to dredge up her pre-programmed talking points.

Well, you have finally resoprted to calling her names and making fun of her intelligence, so I will accept that as your admittance of defeat in this debate.

I will not resort to that kind of childish debating. I fell into it last week and will not do it again.

So sorry, it's hard not to talk about her [lack of] intelligence. But where did I call her a name? You should join the conversation when USMB members like Willow, Mr. T, The Rabbi, Crusader Frank, and a few others are posting if you want to see name-calling. It's why we've become accustomed to giving it right back.
Bull. She uses that line with a wink and a nod all the time, just as she still occasionally uses her old talking point of "paling around with terrorists." There really isn't much else in that thing that sits atop her head and encases something called a brain, so she has to dredge up her pre-programmed talking points.

Well, you have finally resoprted to calling her names and making fun of her intelligence, so I will accept that as your admittance of defeat in this debate.

I will not resort to that kind of childish debating. I fell into it last week and will not do it again.

So sorry, it's hard not to talk about her [lack of] intelligence. But where did I call her a name? You should join the conversation when USMB members like Willow, Mr. T, The Rabbi, Crusader Frank, and a few others are posting if you want to see name-calling. It's why we've become accustomed to giving it right back.
You are correct. You did not call her a name.
Where Obama's concerned, what's to refute? He never has any substance to anything he ever says, just a bunch of platitudial talking points that we've heard a gazillion times before, only more shrill.


From all your previous posts I've read, it's obvious you pay little attention to anything at all, so your amusing echo doesn't surprise me.

No, I do.. I just enjoy pointing out what a douchey little petty hack you are.
People really should read Saul Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals.' It's all in there. Creating discontent and "Crisis" is what all "Community Organizers" are supposed to do. Confrontation is not only good but also encouraged in the Alinsky "Community Organizer" World. Most Democrats are loyal & obedient Alinsky disciples. They're just following his Gospel at this point. Creating a "Crisis" is the Alinsky way.

You're fearmongering. Trying to portray Obama as a dangerous extremist is textbook fearmongering.

Claiming the healthcare bill could lead to the government denying care to Down Syndrome babies because of their lack of worth would also be fearmongering.
People really should read Saul Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals.' It's all in there. Creating discontent and "Crisis" is what all "Community Organizers" are supposed to do. Confrontation is not only good but also encouraged in the Alinsky "Community Organizer" World. Most Democrats are loyal & obedient Alinsky disciples. They're just following his Gospel at this point. Creating a "Crisis" is the Alinsky way.

You're fearmongering. Trying to portray Obama as a dangerous extremist is textbook fearmongering.

Claiming the healthcare bill could lead to the government denying care to Down Syndrome babies because of their lack of worth would also be fearmongering.

Fear Mongering is what all effective "Community Organizers" master at some point. Everything's a "Crisis" with this President. This is not done by accident. If you scare the people enough,they are more likely to make rash decisions. It's like "Give us your Money right away or the Earth is gonna explode tomorrow!!" That pretty much sums up this Administration at this point. So what will their next "Crisis" be? Hmm?

I know you're one of the Lib regulars posting under a different name so there's no need to tell you what this is

I think most common sense thinking people are completely burned out on this President's constant "Crisis" fear mongering stuff. Enough is enough for God's sake.
I don’t know when they’ve been a CEO where they had to look out for the bottom line and they had to make payroll and live within their own means with a budget. They’re from government. They’re community organizers. They’ve been spending other people’s money for so long that the free enterprise principles that all of us believe in, it’s all foreign to them.”

When is Palin going to realize the "community organizer" button is getting pretty lame?

Considering her quitting as Governor of Alaska, her continuing to denigrate the President because he was a community organizer 15 years ago is getting almost laughable. In that 15 years, Obama was a lawyer, college professor, served 7 years in the Illinois legislature, 4 years as a Senator and 15 months as president.

What was Palin doing 15 years ago? Beauty pagents?

What I find most disingenuous about the smug "community organizer" comments is that the conservatives constantly claim they "want someone from grass roots" to run the country. Well what the hell do they think a "community organizer" is if not someone getting down and dirty with the grass roots?

Wrong community
On President Obama seeking out Blacks, Latinos, Youth and Women for 2010 votes she said this:

"I wish our President would stand so strong and proud under one Constitution, reminding America that we are all ONE America, that we are all in this together, instead of dividing us by demographics or race or gender. We are all one family, ONE America......but it doesn't help when we have a President that wants to divide us.."

She is right about him. Obama is a agitator. He is going against 70% of what the voters of Arizona want.

I live here, and 70% of Arizona do not want this crap. Now there is a sherriff here who said he wont enforce this racist law. There are already conventions cancelling, and there are get ready for this......republicans saying this is wrong.


Oh and as far as Obama being an agitator, was he one two novembers ago? He is trying to get people to vote for him and we all know, blacks, women, gays, asians, latino's WILL NOT VOTE REPUBLICAN (of course you will have a few), just like the last election.

The white male vote will not win you anything righty's. Good luck with that. It worked so well two Novembers ago.

Like you'd know what anyone else wants. You're a fucking asshole, Zona.

Who's dumber, you or this ass newb? Now neg rep me again for talking mean to your little toy newb!
We are taking economic advice from Sarah palin??

God save us

Why? Do you feel she did a poor job overseeing the economy of Alaska?
You feel better with a President with no experience overseeing a state's economy actually making decisions for our economy than you do about one that successfully oversaw a multi billion dollar economy offering free advice?

I find that really strange Rightwinger. Bordering absurd.

She damn near broke her little area and then she quit. How is she any kind of model for you guys? Wow.
Since I am new I can't post a link yet. Have to wait 14 more posts. How about this? I took off the links]70%[/url] of Arizona Voters Favor New State Measure Cracking Down On Illegal Immigration - Rasmussen Reports[/url]][/url] blogs - Political Insider - PoliticalInsider - New poll finds strong support for immigration bill[/url]

Here is a hint newby, when I say link us to something credible, do not use Rassmussen. Fucking newby's are funny though.

I live here and I can tell you 70% of us do not like this. Do a little reading of local stuff here and come back with your tail between your legs.

By the way, a convention already said they arent coming here. Truckers are already not coming here (the independants), Jeb Bush and McCains daughter said they dont even like it. lol

He everyone, this newby used a rassmussen poll! LOL :lol:

Nice Zona. Real nice attacking a new member of USMB. Your comments speak volumes about your lack of tolerance for someone elses opinions and lack of respect. Does your condescending tone and need for insults give you a rush of adrenaline?

Welcome to the boards Power Of Palin.

If you haven't noticed already, there are many Palin haters here. And a whole lot of them spend much of their day thowing insults and attacking.

So ... strap in tight ... keep your hands and feet within the vehicle and enjoy the ride!

And asking for viable links to stats he throws out. Is that asking too much for a newb?

Speaks volumns about you.
We are taking economic advice from Sarah palin??

God save us

Why? Do you feel she did a poor job overseeing the economy of Alaska?
You feel better with a President with no experience overseeing a state's economy actually making decisions for our economy than you do about one that successfully oversaw a multi billion dollar economy offering free advice?

I find that really strange Rightwinger. Bordering absurd.

She damn near broke her little area and then she quit. How is she any kind of model for you guys? Wow.

Us guys?

Nearly broke her little area?
LMAO. You are one funny desperate dude.
I don’t know when they’ve been a CEO where they had to look out for the bottom line and they had to make payroll and live within their own means with a budget. They’re from government. They’re community organizers. They’ve been spending other people’s money for so long that the free enterprise principles that all of us believe in, it’s all foreign to them.”

When is Palin going to realize the "community organizer" button is getting pretty lame?

Considering her quitting as Governor of Alaska, her continuing to denigrate the President because he was a community organizer 15 years ago is getting almost laughable. In that 15 years, Obama was a lawyer, college professor, served 7 years in the Illinois legislature, 4 years as a Senator and 15 months as president.

What was Palin doing 15 years ago? Beauty pagents?

waaaa, leave the Boy-king Obama ALONE

Thats it. That is your retort. wow. I challenge you to refute what rightwinger said here. Seriously, give it a shot.

Was he jsut a community organizer during those 15 years and what exactly did Palin do?

6 college going grad
Beauty pageant contestant (she didnt even win)
failed espn sportscaster
Mayor of a very very small town
1/2 gov.

Please tell me again how her resume is better than Obama's. You know, harvard law, college professor, etc etc.
We are taking economic advice from Sarah palin??

God save us

Why? Do you feel she did a poor job overseeing the economy of Alaska?
You feel better with a President with no experience overseeing a state's economy actually making decisions for our economy than you do about one that successfully oversaw a multi billion dollar economy offering free advice?

I find that really strange Rightwinger. Bordering absurd.

She damn near broke her little area and then she quit. How is she any kind of model for you guys? Wow.

[ame=]YouTube - Sean Penn/Jeff Spicoli - You dick![/ame]

What the fuck are you talking about?
Interesting.............the power of Palin seems to be a mute sock puppet.

Nice description.

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