Governor Scott Walker Authorized His University To Release His College Records (Why Don't Obama?)

Who is a better source on the content of the obscure, or Miriam Goderich the woman who created it?

Obviously, Miriam is the better source. And you're nobody.

Says you. And again, you're nobody. You don't know anyone involved, you didn't attend any of these schools at the times cited, and you don't know what you're talking about.

Yet he refused to release his records. Maybe you need to talk to him?


'fact checking error?' Ha, i like that one. Pretty funny.

Laughing.....and you expect us to ignore the woman who prepared this pamphlet and instead believe whatever hapless bullshit you make up? Um, no.

Even your narrative is nonsense, as Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural born citizen of the US. Why then would he be going to college as a foreign student?

I don't expect you to think she's lying now. You're a loyal programmed Obamabot, no? You're completely incapable of believing your beloved Dear Leader can do wrong.

But me on the other hand, i think it's all Bullshite. I don't believe this woman committed a 'fact checking error.' I believe she simply told the truth. And i think his education was likely funded by Government foreign student programs.

Of course you do.

Because Birthers rely upon lies, speculation and innuendo.

And are impervious to the facts.

Well, you're free to go with the 'fact checking error' fairy tale if you like. But don't expect all of us to.

And what evidence do you have that its a' fairy tale'. There's your belief and....what?

If you have a source better than Miriam Goderich on the content of that pamphlet, by all means tell us.
Is Romney president? He can't be because I'm still broke from Obama energy policy. Is Romney eligible for race-based preference?
Deflection is a means for dishonesty.

So other than race- is there any reason why you ask for college records for Obama but have never asked for college records of any other candidate or President?
What other president would be promoted on the basis of skin color? For what other president did we not have access to that info?
The more telling question is 'why do you insist on covering for this president?'

So other than race- is there any reason why you ask for college records for Obama but have never asked for college records of any other candidate or President?

Just to be specific here- you are saying the only reason you are asking is because President Obama is black.
On what do you base the assertion of not demanding the credentials of anyone else?
Why the deflection? Why so defensive of Obama? Did you defend any other candidates who may have been reluctant to release similar info?

Unlike yourself, I believe all candidates- and Presidents should be treated the same.

I didn't ask or expect Romney to release his college records- and neither did any Birthers- or you.
I didn't ask or expect Obama to release his college records- but you and Birthers do.

You demand that Obama be treated differently than all other candidates and Presidents.

And as you have pointed out- its because Obama is black.
More like you defend his reluctance to be open about his credentials because he's black and bypass the logical concern that he is less accomplished due to race-based privileges. You need to explain your position and not those who suspect obama's credentials.
Somehow i think if Scott Walker had refused to release his records, the Obamabots would have a completely different take on it. They wouldn't approve. Just a hunch though. What do ya think? ;)

Why would anyone care?

Because the content of the character of anyone trying to be the leader of the United States of America still matters.

And since when does one's college transcript transmit the 'content of their character'?

Why refuse to release the records?

You would need to ask every candidate and President for the last 30 years to get a clear answer to that.

Since every single one has refused to release his or her college records.

But the only one that really bothers you is Barack Obama.

Why is that?
So other than race- is there any reason why you ask for college records for Obama but have never asked for college records of any other candidate or President?
What other president would be promoted on the basis of skin color? For what other president did we not have access to that info?
The more telling question is 'why do you insist on covering for this president?'

So other than race- is there any reason why you ask for college records for Obama but have never asked for college records of any other candidate or President?

Just to be specific here- you are saying the only reason you are asking is because President Obama is black.
On what do you base the assertion of not demanding the credentials of anyone else?
Why the deflection? Why so defensive of Obama? Did you defend any other candidates who may have been reluctant to release similar info?

Unlike yourself, I believe all candidates- and Presidents should be treated the same.

I didn't ask or expect Romney to release his college records- and neither did any Birthers- or you.
I didn't ask or expect Obama to release his college records- but you and Birthers do.

You demand that Obama be treated differently than all other candidates and Presidents.

And as you have pointed out- its because Obama is black.
More like you defend his reluctance to be open about his credentials because he's black and bypass the logical concern that he is less accomplished due to race-based privileges. You need to explain your position and not those who suspect obama's credentials.

I have never demanded that any Presidential candidate release his or her birth records.

You demand Barack Obama's because he is black.
The magic transcript is out there.....only not under the name they'd like you to believe.

Laughing...says who? You guys have imaginary fairy tales galore. Its that bridge from the unicorns and rainbows in your head to the world the rest of us live in where you always fall short.
Somehow i think if Scott Walker had refused to release his records, the Obamabots would have a completely different take on it. They wouldn't approve. Just a hunch though. What do ya think? ;)

Why would anyone care?

Because the content of the character of anyone trying to be the leader of the United States of America still matters.

And since when does one's college transcript transmit the 'content of their character'?

Why refuse to release the records?

Because they're irrelevant.

Pretty convenient obfuscation, no? Yeah, i'm pretty sure if Scott Walker refused to release his records, you would have a much different take.
You freaks went ballistic demanding to see Romney's tax returns. so shut the hell up about someone skin color. freaking loser

LOL....I am not the one insisting that the reason that Obama should show his college records is because he is black.

That would be your buddy- not mine.
Can you name any white people who are allowed to have their credentials inflated in the name of skin color? It's a legit and logically mandatory issue as far as blacks are concerned. Not a racist thing. A logic thing.

You just keep pointing out that the only reason why you are asking for Barack Obama's grades is because he is black.

Here- I love this quote of yours: Rosh:"It's a legit and logically mandatory issue as far as blacks are concerned."

You think Blacks it should be mandatory for African Americans to show their grades- but not white Americans.

Doesn't get much more racial that that.

Not Racist? LOL
If the restrictions and requirements for blacks and whites were the same you'd have an argument. But race quotas and social promotion applies to blacks and minorities only thereby logically eliciting doubts of credibility. Not racist, logical. The race quotas and race privileges are what are racist.

You are hilariously wrong- but I think it is just more fun to keep pointing out:

You just keep pointing out that the only reason why you are asking for Barack Obama's grades is because he is black.

Here- I love this quote of yours: Rosh:"It's a legit and logically mandatory issue as far as blacks are concerned."
You think Blacks it should be mandatory for African Americans to show their grades- but not white Americans.

Doesn't get much more racial that that.

Not Racist? LOL
You didn't even respond to my post. You're doing the Monty Python Black Knight routine.
What other president would be promoted on the basis of skin color? For what other president did we not have access to that info?
The more telling question is 'why do you insist on covering for this president?'

So other than race- is there any reason why you ask for college records for Obama but have never asked for college records of any other candidate or President?

Just to be specific here- you are saying the only reason you are asking is because President Obama is black.
On what do you base the assertion of not demanding the credentials of anyone else?
Why the deflection? Why so defensive of Obama? Did you defend any other candidates who may have been reluctant to release similar info?

Unlike yourself, I believe all candidates- and Presidents should be treated the same.

I didn't ask or expect Romney to release his college records- and neither did any Birthers- or you.
I didn't ask or expect Obama to release his college records- but you and Birthers do.

You demand that Obama be treated differently than all other candidates and Presidents.

And as you have pointed out- its because Obama is black.
More like you defend his reluctance to be open about his credentials because he's black and bypass the logical concern that he is less accomplished due to race-based privileges. You need to explain your position and not those who suspect obama's credentials.

I have never demanded that any Presidential candidate release his or her birth records.

You demand Barack Obama's because he is black.
Again, you didn't even respond to my post.
Yet he refused to release his records. Maybe you need to talk to him?


'fact checking error?' Ha, i like that one. Pretty funny.

Laughing.....and you expect us to ignore the woman who prepared this pamphlet and instead believe whatever hapless bullshit you make up? Um, no.

Even your narrative is nonsense, as Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural born citizen of the US. Why then would he be going to college as a foreign student?

I don't expect you to think she's lying now. You're a loyal programmed Obamabot, no? You're completely incapable of believing your beloved Dear Leader can do wrong.

But me on the other hand, i think it's all Bullshite. I don't believe this woman committed a 'fact checking error.' I believe she simply told the truth. And i think his education was likely funded by Government foreign student programs.

Of course you do.

Because Birthers rely upon lies, speculation and innuendo.

And are impervious to the facts.

Well, you're free to go with the 'fact checking error' fairy tale if you like. But don't expect all of us to.

And what evidence do you have that its a' fairy tale'. There's your belief and....what?

If you have a source better than Miriam Goderich on the content of that pamphlet, by all means tell us.

What proof do you have that she's telling the truth with her 'fact checking error' fairy tale?
Why would anyone care?

Because the content of the character of anyone trying to be the leader of the United States of America still matters.

And since when does one's college transcript transmit the 'content of their character'?

Why refuse to release the records?

Because they're irrelevant.

Pretty convenient obfuscation, no? Yeah, i'm pretty sure if Scott Walker refused to release his records, you would have a much different take.

Says who? Now you're inventing fairy tales about me. Does anyone else even need to be here for your 'conversation' to continue? Because you seem to be speaking for every part.

Back in reality, I've asked you to give me a reason to care about Scott Walker's transcripts. And you couldn't think of a single reason either.
Because the content of the character of anyone trying to be the leader of the United States of America still matters.

And since when does one's college transcript transmit the 'content of their character'?

Why refuse to release the records?

Because they're irrelevant.

Pretty convenient obfuscation, no? Yeah, i'm pretty sure if Scott Walker refused to release his records, you would have a much different take.

Says who? Now you're inventing fairy tales about me. Does anyone else even need to be here for your 'conversation' to continue? Because you seem to be speaking for every part.

Back in reality, I've asked you to give me a reason to care about Scott Walker's transcripts. And you couldn't think of a single reason either.

So why is your guy still refusing to release them? I mean, they're so meaningless and all? What harm could have been done?
Laughing.....and you expect us to ignore the woman who prepared this pamphlet and instead believe whatever hapless bullshit you make up? Um, no.

Even your narrative is nonsense, as Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural born citizen of the US. Why then would he be going to college as a foreign student?

I don't expect you to think she's lying now. You're a loyal programmed Obamabot, no? You're completely incapable of believing your beloved Dear Leader can do wrong.

But me on the other hand, i think it's all Bullshite. I don't believe this woman committed a 'fact checking error.' I believe she simply told the truth. And i think his education was likely funded by Government foreign student programs.

Of course you do.

Because Birthers rely upon lies, speculation and innuendo.

And are impervious to the facts.

Well, you're free to go with the 'fact checking error' fairy tale if you like. But don't expect all of us to.

And what evidence do you have that its a' fairy tale'. There's your belief and....what?

If you have a source better than Miriam Goderich on the content of that pamphlet, by all means tell us.

What proof do you have that she's telling the truth with her 'fact checking error' fairy tale?

Obama being born in Hawaii, for one. The nationally syndicated newspapers that carried articles about Obama when he became the first black editor of the Harvard Review for another. As they cited his place of birth as Hawaii. And did so BEFORE the pamphlet was written.

And the fact that your narrative doesn't make the slightest sense. Why would anyone indicate Obama's place of birth was Kenya save by mistake? Its not like the publishers who these pamphlets were being sent to couldn't pull the articles on Obama in the NY Times and Chicago Sun Times and see he was born in Hawaii. All it would do is damage the literary agency's credibility. A mistake is the only explanation that makes sense.

So you have a story that makes no sense, is backed by nothing, and is contradicted by overwhelming evidence. And yet you 'believe'. can't fix stupid.
And since when does one's college transcript transmit the 'content of their character'?

Why refuse to release the records?

Because they're irrelevant.

Pretty convenient obfuscation, no? Yeah, i'm pretty sure if Scott Walker refused to release his records, you would have a much different take.

Says who? Now you're inventing fairy tales about me. Does anyone else even need to be here for your 'conversation' to continue? Because you seem to be speaking for every part.

Back in reality, I've asked you to give me a reason to care about Scott Walker's transcripts. And you couldn't think of a single reason either.

So why is your guy still refusing to release them? I mean, they're so meaningless and all? What harm could have been done?

They're irrelevant. Even you can't give me a reason care about college transcripts. But oddly, you still claim to speak for me and my 'much different take' in Walker's case.

Where I don't give a fiddler's fuck in either instance. You do.
Why refuse to release the records?

Because they're irrelevant.

Pretty convenient obfuscation, no? Yeah, i'm pretty sure if Scott Walker refused to release his records, you would have a much different take.

Says who? Now you're inventing fairy tales about me. Does anyone else even need to be here for your 'conversation' to continue? Because you seem to be speaking for every part.

Back in reality, I've asked you to give me a reason to care about Scott Walker's transcripts. And you couldn't think of a single reason either.

So why is your guy still refusing to release them? I mean, they're so meaningless and all? What harm could have been done?

They're irrelevant. Even you can't give me a reason care about college transcripts. But oddly, you still claim to speak for me and my 'much different take' in Walker's case.

Where I don't give a fiddler's fuck in either instance. You do.

Nah, just more convenient obfuscation. You know the records matter. You're just being a bit of a disingenuous hypocrite. Sorry, but i just call em like i see em.
More important would be to see the documentation used to obtain preferred "foreign student" privileges/benefits. For ALL candidates. As to Obama, I presume the statute of limitations would make any fraud proof that might emerge simply moot.

Still, it would be nice to put an * after His presidential serial number.
More important would be to see the documentation used to obtain preferred "foreign student" privileges/benefits. For ALL candidates. As to Obama, I presume the statute of limitations would make any fraud proof that might emerge simply moot.

Still, it would be nice to put an * after His presidential serial number.

The belief is, his education was funded by Government foreign student programs. And if you take this as truth, it's probably the case.

Because they're irrelevant.

Pretty convenient obfuscation, no? Yeah, i'm pretty sure if Scott Walker refused to release his records, you would have a much different take.

Says who? Now you're inventing fairy tales about me. Does anyone else even need to be here for your 'conversation' to continue? Because you seem to be speaking for every part.

Back in reality, I've asked you to give me a reason to care about Scott Walker's transcripts. And you couldn't think of a single reason either.

So why is your guy still refusing to release them? I mean, they're so meaningless and all? What harm could have been done?

They're irrelevant. Even you can't give me a reason care about college transcripts. But oddly, you still claim to speak for me and my 'much different take' in Walker's case.

Where I don't give a fiddler's fuck in either instance. You do.

Nah, just more convenient obfuscation. You know the records matter. You're just being a bit of a disingenuous hypocrite. Sorry, but i just call em like i see em. first you tell me how I'd react to Scott Walker refusing to release his transcripts. And were comically wrong. Now you're telling me what I 'know' about transcripts. And are comically wrong again.

Dude, do I even need to be here for this? Because you seem more than happy to imagine my part for me. Citing only yourself.

Again, why should I give a shit about anyone's transcripts?
Why would Walker leave college?

He was going to get kicked out
Excessive partying?
Couldn't cut it

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