Governor Scott Walker Authorized His University To Release His College Records (Why Don't Obama?)

Can you name any white people who are allowed to have their credentials inflated in the name of skin color? It's a legit and logically mandatory issue as far as blacks are concerned. Not a racist thing. A logic thing.

You just keep pointing out that the only reason why you are asking for Barack Obama's grades is because he is black.

Here- I love this quote of yours: Rosh:"It's a legit and logically mandatory issue as far as blacks are concerned."

You think Blacks it should be mandatory for African Americans to show their grades- but not white Americans.

Doesn't get much more racial that that.

Not Racist? LOL
If the restrictions and requirements for blacks and whites were the same you'd have an argument. But race quotas and social promotion applies to blacks and minorities only thereby logically eliciting doubts of credibility. Not racist, logical. The race quotas and race privileges are what are racist.

You are hilariously wrong- but I think it is just more fun to keep pointing out:

You just keep pointing out that the only reason why you are asking for Barack Obama's grades is because he is black.

Here- I love this quote of yours: Rosh:"It's a legit and logically mandatory issue as far as blacks are concerned."
You think Blacks it should be mandatory for African Americans to show their grades- but not white Americans.

Doesn't get much more racial that that.

Not Racist? LOL
You didn't even respond to my post. You're doing the Monty Python Black Knight routine.

Sure I did- here once again I can point out that you say that Obama should be treated differently exclusively because of his race.

You are hilariously wrong- but I think it is just more fun to keep pointing out:

You just keep pointing out that the only reason why you are asking for Barack Obama's grades is because he is black.

Here- I love this quote of yours:

Rosh:"It's a legit and logically mandatory issue as far as blacks are concerned."
You think Blacks it should be mandatory for African Americans to show their grades- but not white Americans.

Doesn't get much more racial that that.

Not Racist? LOL
Until you respond with legitimate points and not some lame attempt to disparage me with out-of-context and ignorant misapprehensions I'm letting you go on this one. Stop wasting my time.
So... the academic records of the President of the US are irrelevant?


So The Records which demonstrate his intellectual means, his fundamental Ideological alliances... THESE are irrelevant to the individual who SWORE OR AFFIRMED that he would to the best of his Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States?

How else would one determine what would be the BEST ONE SHOULD EXPECT in terms of his ABILITY TO DO SO, than to study their academic performance and writing?

See how that works?

(The Reader should know that I am in the process of training the above noted imbecile. So please bear with her, she's a long way from home.)
You just keep pointing out that the only reason why you are asking for Barack Obama's grades is because he is black.

Here- I love this quote of yours: Rosh:"It's a legit and logically mandatory issue as far as blacks are concerned."

You think Blacks it should be mandatory for African Americans to show their grades- but not white Americans.

Doesn't get much more racial that that.

Not Racist? LOL
If the restrictions and requirements for blacks and whites were the same you'd have an argument. But race quotas and social promotion applies to blacks and minorities only thereby logically eliciting doubts of credibility. Not racist, logical. The race quotas and race privileges are what are racist.

You are hilariously wrong- but I think it is just more fun to keep pointing out:

You just keep pointing out that the only reason why you are asking for Barack Obama's grades is because he is black.

Here- I love this quote of yours: Rosh:"It's a legit and logically mandatory issue as far as blacks are concerned."
You think Blacks it should be mandatory for African Americans to show their grades- but not white Americans.

Doesn't get much more racial that that.

Not Racist? LOL
You didn't even respond to my post. You're doing the Monty Python Black Knight routine.

Sure I did- here once again I can point out that you say that Obama should be treated differently exclusively because of his race.

You are hilariously wrong- but I think it is just more fun to keep pointing out:

You just keep pointing out that the only reason why you are asking for Barack Obama's grades is because he is black.

Here- I love this quote of yours:

Rosh:"It's a legit and logically mandatory issue as far as blacks are concerned."
You think Blacks it should be mandatory for African Americans to show their grades- but not white Americans.

Doesn't get much more racial that that.

Not Racist? LOL
Until you respond with legitimate points and not some lame attempt to disparage me with out-of-context and ignorant misapprehensions I'm letting you go on this one. Stop wasting my time.

No problem- I have let your own words show why the only reason you ask for Barack Obama's college records are because of his race. You are just more open about it than some of the others.
Well, you're free to go with the 'fact checking error' fairy tale if you like. But don't expect all of us to.

And what evidence do you have that its a' fairy tale'. There's your belief and....what?

If you have a source better than Miriam Goderich on the content of that pamphlet, by all means tell us.

What proof do you have that she's telling the truth with her 'fact checking error' fairy tale?

Obama being born in Hawaii, for one. The nationally syndicated newspapers that carried articles about Obama when he became the first black editor of the Harvard Review for another. As they cited his place of birth as Hawaii. And did so BEFORE the pamphlet was written.

And the fact that your narrative doesn't make the slightest sense. Why would anyone indicate Obama's place of birth was Kenya save by mistake? Its not like the publishers who these pamphlets were being sent to couldn't pull the articles on Obama in the NY Times and Chicago Sun Times and see he was born in Hawaii. All it would do is damage the literary agency's credibility. A mistake is the only explanation that makes sense.

So you have a story that makes no sense, is backed by nothing, and is contradicted by overwhelming evidence. And yet you 'believe'. can't fix stupid.

You mean like this article from one of the largest dailies in the United States?

The New York Times, Feb. 6, 1990

The Harvard Law Review, generally considered the most prestigious in the country, elected the first black president in its 104-year history today. The job is considered the highest student position at Harvard Law School.

The new president of the Review is Barack Obama, a 28-year-old graduate of Columbia University who spent four years heading a community development program for poor blacks on Chicago's South Side before enrolling in law school. His late father, Barack Obama, was a finance minister in Kenya and his mother, Ann Dunham, is an American anthropologist now doing fieldwork in Indonesia. Mr. Obama was born in Hawaii.

Or this one

Chicago Tribune, February 07, 1990

Activist In Chicago Now Heads Harvard Law Review
Just a few years ago, Barack Obama was helping residents of the Altgeld Gardens housing development challenge the Chicago Housing Authority over asbestos in their apartments......

......Born in Hawaii to the late Barack Obama, once a finance minister in Kenya, and Ann Dunham, an American anthropologist, Obama went to Columbia University before moving to Chicago to work as a community organizer.

Why believe what the Chicago Tribune or the New York Times said- when you can instead believe an obscure brochure that the author of said was a mistake?'re hopelessly hamstrung by facts and evidence. The birther conspiracy is about belief. Baseless, bumbling, batshit belief. Don't sully it with a history lesson.

There is no such thing as a 'Birther Conspiracy'.
So... the academic records of the President of the US are irrelevant?


Ha, how convenient for you. :rofl:

Paul, even you couldn't give me a reason to care about transcripts. All you could do is make up silly stories about how I'd react if Scott Walker didn't release his.

And I still can't find a fuck to give.

Oh, so that's why your Dear Leader chose not to release them? Wow, you really do still believe in fairy tales, don't ya?

For the same reason that every previous candidate has chosen not to release his academic records.

The only ones who care are those who oppose the candidate.

We only saw the transcripts of one candidate in 2012- Perry- whose transcripts were illegally leaked.

Who were the only ones who cared about his transcripts?

His opponents.

Anyone who thinks that they need to know a candidates college- or high school- or kindergarten records- in order to decide how to vote is too stupid to be allowed to walk unescorted, let alone vote.
Why would Walker leave college?

He was going to get kicked out
Excessive partying?
Couldn't cut it

Could be. But at least he released his records for you to scrutinize. Unlike your corrupt Dear Leader asshole.

Your concern could be touching but you have yet to show that you cared about the academic records of any Republican candidate in 2012- or even Jeb Bush now.

When exactly did you find "Jesus" when it came to Presidential candidates and needing to see their college records?

I am guessing when some wingnut site- like WND told you that Obama should show his- and not a moment before.
So... the academic records of the President of the US are irrelevant?


So The Records which demonstrate his intellectual means, his fundamental Ideological alliances... THESE are irrelevant to the individual who SWORE OR AFFIRMED that he would to the best of his Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States?

How else would one determine what would be the BEST ONE SHOULD EXPECT in terms of his ABILITY TO DO SO, than to study their academic performance and writing?

See how that works?

(The Reader should know that I am in the process of training the above noted imbecile. So please bear with her, she's a long way from home.)

an idiot who cannot make a comprehensible. post.

We already knew that.

Isn't it sad folks?

The Left is incapable of taking responsibility for their own failure to reason.

It's just SO sad to watch them suffer so...

(The Reader should recognize that such is just ONE of the demonstrable downsides to adherence to a belief structure that is based upon: Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance.)
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So The Records which demonstrate his intellectual means, his fundamental Ideological alliances... THESE are irrelevant to the individual who SWORE OR AFFIRMED that he would to the best of his Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States?

How else would one determine what would be the BEST ONE SHOULD EXPECT in terms of his ABILITY TO DO SO, than to study their academic performance and writing?

See how that works?

(The Reader should know that I am in the process of training the above noted imbecile. So please bear with her, she's a long way from home.)

And who says that his transcript demonstrates his 'fundamental ideological alliances'.

So you're asking me, who says that the written or printed version of material originally presented in obama's university writing, would present evidence of the nature of his reasoning; through which his ideological alliance would readily be concluded?


LOL! Oh my... How positively ADORABLE! You didn't attend university, did you sweety?

Then you could not know that such course study requires that the student provide for essays on the relevant issues within the course.

But I understand your point of view would be such wherein we would see his answering multiple choice questions... and maybe some of his 'finger art'.

LOL! Bless your little black heart.

You are babbling again.
So The Records which demonstrate his intellectual means, his fundamental Ideological alliances... THESE are irrelevant to the individual who SWORE OR AFFIRMED that he would to the best of his Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States?

How else would one determine what would be the BEST ONE SHOULD EXPECT in terms of his ABILITY TO DO SO, than to study their academic performance and writing?

See how that works?

(The Reader should know that I am in the process of training the above noted imbecile. So please bear with her, she's a long way from home.)

And who says that his transcript demonstrates his 'fundamental ideological alliances'.

So you're asking me, who says that the written or printed version of material originally presented in obama's university writing, would present evidence of the nature of his reasoning; through which his ideological alliance would readily be concluded?


LOL! Oh my... How positively ADORABLE! You didn't attend university, did you sweety?

Then you could not know that such course study requires that the student provide for essays on the relevant issues within the course.

But I understand your point of view would be such wherein we would see his answering multiple choice questions... and maybe some of his 'finger art'.

LOL! Bless your little black heart.

You are babbling again.


Is there NOTHING that can be done to help these poor creatures... they come to these boards and post responses to those things they perceive through the illusions common to their psychosis.

Or... they just make shit up.

Again... either way, such is simply the inevitable consequence of adherence to a belief structure which rest entirely in Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance.

But hey... such is the nature of evil.
It would seriously harm 44's reelection prospects if he released them. Oh wait!!! Never mind :redface:

Yeah... it turns out that it's VERY difficult to overcome abuse of power and the illicit use of the Motor Voter to enroll Millions of illegal aliens who's livelihood rest almost exclusively upon the federal subsidies that 44 has notoriously increased, by PRECISELY the number of people who came to the US illegally.

But, again... such is the nature of evil and evil NEVER prevails.
Though the statute of limitations probably has run out it would still be of great interest to know whether fraud was committed. Accepting, of course, that fraud is not, in liberal-speak, a crime. Merely a policy.
Why would anyone care?

Because the content of the character of anyone trying to be the leader of the United States of America still matters.

And since when does one's college transcript transmit the 'content of their character'?

Why refuse to release the records?

Because they're irrelevant.

Pretty convenient obfuscation, no? Yeah, i'm pretty sure if Scott Walker refused to release his records, you would have a much different take.

"i'm pretty sure if Scott Walker refused to release his records, you would have a much different take"

Hey Paulie- I would like to see Scott Walker's records.

Can you post them?

Or post a citation where I can see his college records?

Because so far from what I have seen, as many of Scott Walker's college records are 'released' as Barack Obama's.

Please let me know right away- and be sure to show me how you are holding him to the same standards you expect from Barack Obama.

Pretty please.
You just keep pointing out that the only reason why you are asking for Barack Obama's grades is because he is black.

Here- I love this quote of yours: Rosh:"It's a legit and logically mandatory issue as far as blacks are concerned."

You think Blacks it should be mandatory for African Americans to show their grades- but not white Americans.

Doesn't get much more racial that that.

Not Racist? LOL
If the restrictions and requirements for blacks and whites were the same you'd have an argument. But race quotas and social promotion applies to blacks and minorities only thereby logically eliciting doubts of credibility. Not racist, logical. The race quotas and race privileges are what are racist.

You are hilariously wrong- but I think it is just more fun to keep pointing out:

You just keep pointing out that the only reason why you are asking for Barack Obama's grades is because he is black.

Here- I love this quote of yours: Rosh:"It's a legit and logically mandatory issue as far as blacks are concerned."
You think Blacks it should be mandatory for African Americans to show their grades- but not white Americans.

Doesn't get much more racial that that.

Not Racist? LOL
You didn't even respond to my post. You're doing the Monty Python Black Knight routine.

Sure I did- here once again I can point out that you say that Obama should be treated differently exclusively because of his race.

You are hilariously wrong- but I think it is just more fun to keep pointing out:

You just keep pointing out that the only reason why you are asking for Barack Obama's grades is because he is black.

Here- I love this quote of yours:

Rosh:"It's a legit and logically mandatory issue as far as blacks are concerned."
You think Blacks it should be mandatory for African Americans to show their grades- but not white Americans.

Doesn't get much more racial that that.

Not Racist? LOL
Until you respond with legitimate points and not some lame attempt to disparage me with out-of-context and ignorant misapprehensions I'm letting you go on this one. Stop wasting my time.

You're witnessing the application of the notorious Alinsky protocol. It's Marxism at it's finest and wielded expertly by the mouthy douchebags OKA: British Humanists...
Though the statute of limitations probably has run out it would still be of great interest to know whether fraud was committed. Accepting, of course, that fraud is not, in liberal-speak, a crime. Merely a policy.

We will probably never know whether Walker committed fraud, but I for one refuse to accept that he may have committed fraud.

As a liberal, I believe Walker is innocent until proven guilty.
If the restrictions and requirements for blacks and whites were the same you'd have an argument. But race quotas and social promotion applies to blacks and minorities only thereby logically eliciting doubts of credibility. Not racist, logical. The race quotas and race privileges are what are racist.

You are hilariously wrong- but I think it is just more fun to keep pointing out:

You just keep pointing out that the only reason why you are asking for Barack Obama's grades is because he is black.

Here- I love this quote of yours: Rosh:"It's a legit and logically mandatory issue as far as blacks are concerned."
You think Blacks it should be mandatory for African Americans to show their grades- but not white Americans.

Doesn't get much more racial that that.

Not Racist? LOL
You didn't even respond to my post. You're doing the Monty Python Black Knight routine.

Sure I did- here once again I can point out that you say that Obama should be treated differently exclusively because of his race.

You are hilariously wrong- but I think it is just more fun to keep pointing out:

You just keep pointing out that the only reason why you are asking for Barack Obama's grades is because he is black.

Here- I love this quote of yours:

Rosh:"It's a legit and logically mandatory issue as far as blacks are concerned."
You think Blacks it should be mandatory for African Americans to show their grades- but not white Americans.

Doesn't get much more racial that that.

Not Racist? LOL
Until you respond with legitimate points and not some lame attempt to disparage me with out-of-context and ignorant misapprehensions I'm letting you go on this one. Stop wasting my time.

You're witnessing the application of the notorious Alinsky protocol. It's Marxism at it's finest and wielded expertly by the mouthy douchebags OKA: British Humanists...

I thought we were witnessing your inane babbling.

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