GRAPHIC Video: Black Protesters Beat White Man with Hammer in Berkeley

It matched the brilliance of your remarks, kid.

I never understand why people think that the fact that I'm a moderator is going to prevent me from responding to dumb ass comments like yours.

No it didn't match anything sport, I said you didn't mingle with the "protesters" you called me a pussy.

We both know that a white person avoiding mingling with those protesters doesn't mean anyone is a pussy.

Actually, that's exactly what it means. Don't try to project your fears on to me.

LOL listen sonny. Its doubtful that there is ONE person who was in that crowd who I would have needed fear. However, there was an entire group of the, and as we see in this thread, they ganged up and beat on a white man who was in their midst.

Staying away from them isn't being a pussy, it's being prudent.

And I read your entire thread on the matter, at no point did I see you make mention of mingling with them. You spoke of being at the bar, then you spoke of following the news van. where is your post saying you were out wandering among them?

I think you might want to reread my thread.

I was at the bar, and by the time I left the protest had moved on. So I followed a news van to find it again. Once I did, marched with them for another 3 or 4 hours. It's all in the thread.

You do realize that there were a couple thousand protesters, right? The three looters in the video are not exactly representative of the protesters as a whole.

But I know it's much easier to just paint them all as looters to justify your fear of black people.

LOL so now you're essentially saying that all the black people who are saying they are wary of cops are pussies?

Oh, and I believe you got out of your car, and hung out with the honkeys at the fringe of the protest.

1. I don't think I said anything close to that.

2. I don't really care what you "believe", but it is funny to watch you assume that everyone else is as fearful as you are.

I'll post some pictures, if you want.
Of course not. The "Tea Party" folks are way too authoritarian, they'd never do anything to actually challenge cops.
How taking a hammer to some aging hippy's head challenging cops? This should be very interesting.

The fact that you're unable to separate the thousands of peaceful protesters from the handful of looters taking advantage of the situation is your delusuon, and not my problem.
Of course not. The "Tea Party" folks are way too authoritarian, they'd never do anything to actually challenge cops.
How taking a hammer to some aging hippy's head challenging cops? This should be very interesting.

The fact that you're unable to separate the thousands of peaceful protesters from the handful of looters taking advantage of the situation is your delusuon, and not my problem.
I was addressing the OP. You think some thugs taking a hammer to an aging hipster like yourself is challenging the cops?

Is there something wrong with you?
Of course not. The "Tea Party" folks are way too authoritarian, they'd never do anything to actually challenge cops.
How taking a hammer to some aging hippy's head challenging cops? This should be very interesting.

The fact that you're unable to separate the thousands of peaceful protesters from the handful of looters taking advantage of the situation is your delusuon, and not my problem.
I was addressing the OP. You think some thugs taking a hammer to an aging hipster like yourself is challenging the cops?

Is there something wrong with you?

As has been pointed out repeatedly, the OP is spin and not based in reality.

I'm 30, by the way. Not exactly an "aging hipster".
Of course not. The "Tea Party" folks are way too authoritarian, they'd never do anything to actually challenge cops.
How taking a hammer to some aging hippy's head challenging cops? This should be very interesting.

The fact that you're unable to separate the thousands of peaceful protesters from the handful of looters taking advantage of the situation is your delusuon, and not my problem.
I was addressing the OP. You think some thugs taking a hammer to an aging hipster like yourself is challenging the cops?

Is there something wrong with you?
He is stupid.
Of course not. The "Tea Party" folks are way too authoritarian, they'd never do anything to actually challenge cops.
How taking a hammer to some aging hippy's head challenging cops? This should be very interesting.

The fact that you're unable to separate the thousands of peaceful protesters from the handful of looters taking advantage of the situation is your delusuon, and not my problem.
I was addressing the OP. You think some thugs taking a hammer to an aging hipster like yourself is challenging the cops?

Is there something wrong with you?

As has been pointed out repeatedly, the OP is spin and not based in reality.

I'm 30, by the way. Not exactly an "aging hipster".
Sorry, it was your banal tautology, "I have lived my life." earlier on this thread that threw me.

So you come off as more a pompous ass than before.
Of course not. The "Tea Party" folks are way too authoritarian, they'd never do anything to actually challenge cops.
How taking a hammer to some aging hippy's head challenging cops? This should be very interesting.

The fact that you're unable to separate the thousands of peaceful protesters from the handful of looters taking advantage of the situation is your delusuon, and not my problem.
I was addressing the OP. You think some thugs taking a hammer to an aging hipster like yourself is challenging the cops?

Is there something wrong with you?

As has been pointed out repeatedly, the OP is spin and not based in reality.

I'm 30, by the way. Not exactly an "aging hipster".
Sorry, it was your banal tautology, "I have lived my life." earlier on this thread that threw me.

So you come off as more a pompous ass than before.

Perhaps you need new glasses. I didn't say anything as goofy as "I have lived my life", that was someone else.
Of course not. The "Tea Party" folks are way too authoritarian, they'd never do anything to actually challenge cops.
How taking a hammer to some aging hippy's head challenging cops? This should be very interesting.

The fact that you're unable to separate the thousands of peaceful protesters from the handful of looters taking advantage of the situation is your delusuon, and not my problem.
I was addressing the OP. You think some thugs taking a hammer to an aging hipster like yourself is challenging the cops?

Is there something wrong with you?

As has been pointed out repeatedly, the OP is spin and not based in reality.

I'm 30, by the way. Not exactly an "aging hipster".
Sorry, it was your banal tautology, "I have lived my life." earlier on this thread that threw me.

So you come off as more a pompous ass than before.
That was me that said that, doofy.
Meanwhile...I'd like to address whomever it was that said NOT marching with blacks due to concern of harm....lets play strawman.

You are in a wild animal park. You enjoy interacting with the animals..some of which are tame enough to pet or hand feed, etc. But some..not so much. They will KILL your ass. But, there is no sign on any of the animals so the one walking up to you passively may be indeed eyeballing which part of your body will be lunch. find it prudent to be wary of ALL the animals in that park even though you do enjoy being around them as close as you can get...safely. Is that cowardice? No.
How taking a hammer to some aging hippy's head challenging cops? This should be very interesting.

The fact that you're unable to separate the thousands of peaceful protesters from the handful of looters taking advantage of the situation is your delusuon, and not my problem.
I was addressing the OP. You think some thugs taking a hammer to an aging hipster like yourself is challenging the cops?

Is there something wrong with you?

As has been pointed out repeatedly, the OP is spin and not based in reality.

I'm 30, by the way. Not exactly an "aging hipster".
Sorry, it was your banal tautology, "I have lived my life." earlier on this thread that threw me.

So you come off as more a pompous ass than before.

Perhaps you need new glasses. I didn't say anything as goofy as "I have lived my life", that was someone else.
I had the impression you were an aging hipster, but I still don't understand why you think hammering on some old hippy is taking it too the cops.
As I said, these protests are magnets for maggots and I would get some shoots before joining, especially tuberculosis.
No it didn't match anything sport, I said you didn't mingle with the "protesters" you called me a pussy.

We both know that a white person avoiding mingling with those protesters doesn't mean anyone is a pussy.

Actually, that's exactly what it means. Don't try to project your fears on to me.

LOL listen sonny. Its doubtful that there is ONE person who was in that crowd who I would have needed fear. However, there was an entire group of the, and as we see in this thread, they ganged up and beat on a white man who was in their midst.

Staying away from them isn't being a pussy, it's being prudent.

And I read your entire thread on the matter, at no point did I see you make mention of mingling with them. You spoke of being at the bar, then you spoke of following the news van. where is your post saying you were out wandering among them?

I think you might want to reread my thread.

I was at the bar, and by the time I left the protest had moved on. So I followed a news van to find it again. Once I did, marched with them for another 3 or 4 hours. It's all in the thread.

You do realize that there were a couple thousand protesters, right? The three looters in the video are not exactly representative of the protesters as a whole.

But I know it's much easier to just paint them all as looters to justify your fear of black people.

LOL so now you're essentially saying that all the black people who are saying they are wary of cops are pussies?

Oh, and I believe you got out of your car, and hung out with the honkeys at the fringe of the protest.

1. I don't think I said anything close to that.

2. I don't really care what you "believe", but it is funny to watch you assume that everyone else is as fearful as you are.

I'll post some pictures, if you want.

So let me see if I have this right sonny.

Whites who avoid angry blacks are pussies?
But blacks who avoid cops are just being prudent?

That about sum it up for you?
Meanwhile...I'd like to address whomever it was that said NOT marching with blacks due to concern of harm....lets play strawman.

You are in a wild animal park. You enjoy interacting with the animals..some of which are tame enough to pet or hand feed, etc. But some..not so much. They will KILL your ass. But, there is no sign on any of the animals so the one walking up to you passively may be indeed eyeballing which part of your body will be lunch. find it prudent to be wary of ALL the animals in that park even though you do enjoy being around them as close as you can get...safely. Is that cowardice? No.

Ma'am , one must be wary of ALL wild animals, inducing the ones that look passive.

That being said

I can't believe you just compared all black people to wild animals.
Actually, that's exactly what it means. Don't try to project your fears on to me.

LOL listen sonny. Its doubtful that there is ONE person who was in that crowd who I would have needed fear. However, there was an entire group of the, and as we see in this thread, they ganged up and beat on a white man who was in their midst.

Staying away from them isn't being a pussy, it's being prudent.

And I read your entire thread on the matter, at no point did I see you make mention of mingling with them. You spoke of being at the bar, then you spoke of following the news van. where is your post saying you were out wandering among them?

I think you might want to reread my thread.

I was at the bar, and by the time I left the protest had moved on. So I followed a news van to find it again. Once I did, marched with them for another 3 or 4 hours. It's all in the thread.

You do realize that there were a couple thousand protesters, right? The three looters in the video are not exactly representative of the protesters as a whole.

But I know it's much easier to just paint them all as looters to justify your fear of black people.

LOL so now you're essentially saying that all the black people who are saying they are wary of cops are pussies?

Oh, and I believe you got out of your car, and hung out with the honkeys at the fringe of the protest.

1. I don't think I said anything close to that.

2. I don't really care what you "believe", but it is funny to watch you assume that everyone else is as fearful as you are.

I'll post some pictures, if you want.

So let me see if I have this right sonny.

Whites who avoid angry blacks are pussies?
But blacks who avoid cops are just being prudent?

That about sum it up for you?

No, whites who create elaborate fantasies of what was going on based on their fear of "angry black people" and assume that everyone else shares their fears are pussies.
LOL listen sonny. Its doubtful that there is ONE person who was in that crowd who I would have needed fear. However, there was an entire group of the, and as we see in this thread, they ganged up and beat on a white man who was in their midst.

Staying away from them isn't being a pussy, it's being prudent.

And I read your entire thread on the matter, at no point did I see you make mention of mingling with them. You spoke of being at the bar, then you spoke of following the news van. where is your post saying you were out wandering among them?

I think you might want to reread my thread.

I was at the bar, and by the time I left the protest had moved on. So I followed a news van to find it again. Once I did, marched with them for another 3 or 4 hours. It's all in the thread.

You do realize that there were a couple thousand protesters, right? The three looters in the video are not exactly representative of the protesters as a whole.

But I know it's much easier to just paint them all as looters to justify your fear of black people.

LOL so now you're essentially saying that all the black people who are saying they are wary of cops are pussies?

Oh, and I believe you got out of your car, and hung out with the honkeys at the fringe of the protest.

1. I don't think I said anything close to that.

2. I don't really care what you "believe", but it is funny to watch you assume that everyone else is as fearful as you are.

I'll post some pictures, if you want.

So let me see if I have this right sonny.

Whites who avoid angry blacks are pussies?
But blacks who avoid cops are just being prudent?

That about sum it up for you?

No, whites who create elaborate fantasies of what was going on based on their fear of "angry black people" and assume that everyone else shares their fears are pussies.

Ummm, the black people IN THAT FUCKING CITY at that protest ganged upon and beat a white guy with hammers. No one has to imagine that happening, it DID happen.

Glad to see honesty isnt' a requirement to be a mod, no liberal would ever be made so.
I think you might want to reread my thread.

I was at the bar, and by the time I left the protest had moved on. So I followed a news van to find it again. Once I did, marched with them for another 3 or 4 hours. It's all in the thread.

You do realize that there were a couple thousand protesters, right? The three looters in the video are not exactly representative of the protesters as a whole.

But I know it's much easier to just paint them all as looters to justify your fear of black people.

LOL so now you're essentially saying that all the black people who are saying they are wary of cops are pussies?

Oh, and I believe you got out of your car, and hung out with the honkeys at the fringe of the protest.

1. I don't think I said anything close to that.

2. I don't really care what you "believe", but it is funny to watch you assume that everyone else is as fearful as you are.

I'll post some pictures, if you want.

So let me see if I have this right sonny.

Whites who avoid angry blacks are pussies?
But blacks who avoid cops are just being prudent?

That about sum it up for you?

No, whites who create elaborate fantasies of what was going on based on their fear of "angry black people" and assume that everyone else shares their fears are pussies.

Ummm, the black people IN THAT FUCKING CITY at that protest ganged upon and beat a white guy with hammers. No one has to imagine that happening, it DID happen.

Glad to see honesty isnt' a requirement to be a mod, no liberal would ever be made so.

Yes. One man was attacked at a protest of a few thousand, and you think that means everyone should be very, very afraid of those scary mean black guys.

What about the thousand or so white people who weren't attacked?
LOL so now you're essentially saying that all the black people who are saying they are wary of cops are pussies?

Oh, and I believe you got out of your car, and hung out with the honkeys at the fringe of the protest.

1. I don't think I said anything close to that.

2. I don't really care what you "believe", but it is funny to watch you assume that everyone else is as fearful as you are.

I'll post some pictures, if you want.

So let me see if I have this right sonny.

Whites who avoid angry blacks are pussies?
But blacks who avoid cops are just being prudent?

That about sum it up for you?

No, whites who create elaborate fantasies of what was going on based on their fear of "angry black people" and assume that everyone else shares their fears are pussies.

Ummm, the black people IN THAT FUCKING CITY at that protest ganged upon and beat a white guy with hammers. No one has to imagine that happening, it DID happen.

Glad to see honesty isnt' a requirement to be a mod, no liberal would ever be made so.

Yes. One man was attacked at a protest of a few thousand, and you think that means everyone should be very, very afraid of those scary mean black guys.

What about the thousand or so white people who weren't attacked?

Do you know the difference between wary and very, very afraid?

Or is this just a strawman where I said wary and you say I said very very afraid?
1. I don't think I said anything close to that.

2. I don't really care what you "believe", but it is funny to watch you assume that everyone else is as fearful as you are.

I'll post some pictures, if you want.

So let me see if I have this right sonny.

Whites who avoid angry blacks are pussies?
But blacks who avoid cops are just being prudent?

That about sum it up for you?

No, whites who create elaborate fantasies of what was going on based on their fear of "angry black people" and assume that everyone else shares their fears are pussies.

Ummm, the black people IN THAT FUCKING CITY at that protest ganged upon and beat a white guy with hammers. No one has to imagine that happening, it DID happen.

Glad to see honesty isnt' a requirement to be a mod, no liberal would ever be made so.

Yes. One man was attacked at a protest of a few thousand, and you think that means everyone should be very, very afraid of those scary mean black guys.

What about the thousand or so white people who weren't attacked?

Do you know the difference between wary and very, very afraid?

Or is this just a strawman where I said wary and you say I said very very afraid?

Well, no. You didn't say "wary", what you did was assign your fear of black men to me (and everyone else), and then you attempted to claim that I wasn't even there because you assumed that I would be as afraid as you.

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