Groper BIDEN to 10-Year-Old Girl: ‘I’ll Bet You’re as Bright As You Are Good Looking’

So off color statements made twenty years ago are the same as physical GROPES of kids today?

People don't change. One puts his hands on shoulders out in the open, another gropes pussies , who do you want to be president??
Some of you will choose a "man" who gropes penises

Who do you want to be president, a man that gropes pussies or the man who puts his arms on a child shoulders and encourages her??

Biden's hands are not there for encouragement they are there to stimulate his pedophilic penis.
Another creepy moment for Joe Biden


Former vice president and 2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden struck again Tuesday afternoon, grabbing a ten-year-old girl by the shoulders and putting his face inches from hers, just moments after telling the child she was “good looking.”

“I’ll bet you’re as smart as you are good looking,” Biden told the 10-year-old girl at an American Federation of Teachers town hall in Houston.

The girl was chosen to ask him a question, which he answered. Then, he got personal with her, complimenting her on her looks. When she said her favorite school subject was journalism, he grabbed her by the hand and walked her over to the press corp at the back of the room, where he placed his hands on her shoulders and his face right next to hers. The girl looked visibly uncomfortable.

Biden has been accused by several women of inappropriate touching.....It is true.. You can't teach an old pedophile new would think someone on his campaign staff would be designated to remind the WORLDS DUMBEST POLITICIAN exactly that EVERY DAY!!!

WATCH: (Clip begins at 43:55)

Trump said if ivanka weren’t his daughter he’d be fucking her. He probably is fucking her.

Called her a great piece of ass on the Howard Stern show.

He also told billy bush he grabs women’s pussies. Just walks right up and grabs their pussies.

So joes okay

Well he doesnt hate his dick enough to fuck the Hildebeast or the beastly Mooocher Oboma.....

But Jojo would fuck the Hildebeast...ROTFLMFAO


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