Guess President Biden had somewhere else to be?


He checked the time. Making a thing out of this is so fucking dumb.
Yes, you're right....

However the Twitter photo is an obvious doctored photo done.... Biden's arm is behind Biden's photo shopped arm.

The first CNN photo looks weird as well, with the man or two men? behind Biden....?
It's a heck of a thing. Did he have some place else to be? Hard to say. It's certainly bad optics given the way social media is responding.


© YouTube/ CNN

/——-/ Mother lashes out.
“Twenty years and 6 months old, getting ready to come from freaking Jordan to be home with his wife to watch the birth of his son, and that feckless, dementia-ridden piece of crap just sent my son to die.”
I do give a fuck, i have lost a loved one so i know the pain of that lose id never want anyone to lose a loved one the pain it causes , my whole family is broken up , all have mental health issues due to the trauma of losing someone You don't fucking know me you have not walked in my shoes so who the fuck are you to say that i dont give a fuck ,
Did you criticize Pres Bush when he put us into Afghanistan? What was the goal suppose to be in Afghanistan? Do you think Pres Biden should have sent the 40k troops Trump took our of Afghanistan back?
:mad: he has no respect for those who have died, he looks like he doesn't give a fuck,
Did you give a fuck when 4,400 died looking for WMDs that didn`t exist? Was Bush asked to explain why there were 6,000 double amputations?
Very few of you actually gives a fuck. Y'all are just taking a moral high-ground you have no real claim to. It comes from a dishonest place. It's just another reason to hate Joe Biden. You're not actually hurt about these soldiers. Don't BS me.
How does any of that address what Quid Pro did?
The man responsible for the 4,400 dead gets a free pass. Why?
The thread isn't about him. You want to complain about him, start a thread about whatever it is you want to complain. As it is, all you're doing is attempting to divert criticism from Quid Pro.
It's a heck of a thing. Did he have some place else to be? Hard to say. It's certainly bad optics given the way social media is responding.


© YouTube/ CNN

OH THE HUMANITY!!!!!!!! Why don't you go back to supporting ISIS.....

Suicide bomb victim Rylee McCollum's sister blasts Biden

The sister of one of the 13 US troops killed in an ISIS-K suicide blast in Afghanistan last week is criticizing President Biden for comments he made while paying his respects Sunday

Suicide bomb victim Rylee McCollum's sister blasts Joe Biden's 'scripted and shallow' chat at Delaware memorial service​

  • On Sunday, the remains of Marine Rylee McCollum, 20, were returned to the United States
  • McCollum's pregnant wife, Jiennah Crayton and his sister Roice, received his remains at Dover Air force in Delaware
  • When it came time to meet the president, Roice left the room with additional family members
  • She told the Washington Post she did not want to speak with the man her family held responsible for McCollum's death
  • McCollum was one of the 13 service members killed in the ISIS-K suicide bomb attack at the Kabul airport on Thursday
  • His pregnant wife, Jiennah, 20, is expecting the young couple's first child in September
  • The young couple met in San Diego while McCollum was in training and married in February of this year
  • The 20-year-old Marine had only been in Afghanistan a few weeks and was expected home in October
Crayton did stay to meet with Biden, but left disappointed, according to Roice.

While it remains unclear exactly what Biden said to the family, Roice said the president brought up his son, Beau, describing his son's military service and death from cancer.

Roice said the conversation, which lasted only a couple of minutes, left 'total disregard to the loss of our Marine.'

'You can't f--- up as bad as he did and say you're sorry,' Roice told the Post. 'This did not need to happen, and every life is on his hands.'

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