Gun Control - What's the Problem?

Ok then, if you support current laws then that is an acknowledgement that the laws are effective. I’m fine if you don’t want to go further, we all have different thresholds of when enough is enough. Just don’t get yourself into the absolutist arguments saying that regulations are useless and unconstitutional. I’ve been debating a few that are saying that and you jumped in defending them.

Given the fact we live in a country where anybody can get anything, are the laws really effective? If they were, there would be no mass shootings or murder of any kind from felons.

As we already know, felons do find a way to get guns. So how effective are our gun background checks? Then there are those who are not felons, passed all these background checks, and decide to purchase firearms the legal way and commit a mass murder.
Well then why even have laws to begin with? Let’s just get rid if drinking age, drivers licenses and everything else that we require law abiding citizens to do. Why even have speed limits? I mean if others are able to break the rules and still do those things then there’s no point in regulating anybody. Right?

You gonna run with that argument Ray?
No one has a right to drink or to vehicle ownership. So what you speak of is irrelevant you stupid motherfucker
Firearm ownership is an absolute right, less someone fucks it up for themselves... fact
You are such a fool. I’ve explained a dozen times now how weak that “rights” diversion you just used is. Effectiveness has nothing to do with rights. Would you be willing to say that gun control is effective however it’s illegal because it infringes on our rights?
The Frivolous gun control laws you speak of are like putting a Band-Aid on a broken arm, it looks like you’re doing something but you’re making things much worse.
What gun laws do you support?
Given the fact we live in a country where anybody can get anything, are the laws really effective? If they were, there would be no mass shootings or murder of any kind from felons.

As we already know, felons do find a way to get guns. So how effective are our gun background checks? Then there are those who are not felons, passed all these background checks, and decide to purchase firearms the legal way and commit a mass murder.
Well then why even have laws to begin with? Let’s just get rid if drinking age, drivers licenses and everything else that we require law abiding citizens to do. Why even have speed limits? I mean if others are able to break the rules and still do those things then there’s no point in regulating anybody. Right?

You gonna run with that argument Ray?
No one has a right to drink or to vehicle ownership. So what you speak of is irrelevant you stupid motherfucker
Firearm ownership is an absolute right, less someone fucks it up for themselves... fact
You are such a fool. I’ve explained a dozen times now how weak that “rights” diversion you just used is. Effectiveness has nothing to do with rights. Would you be willing to say that gun control is effective however it’s illegal because it infringes on our rights?
The Frivolous gun control laws you speak of are like putting a Band-Aid on a broken arm, it looks like you’re doing something but you’re making things much worse.
What gun laws do you support?
Background checks at all retail locations, Using Insta-check. But they have to improve it, right now it takes me 2 to 4 minutes to run a background check on the customer purchasing a firearm. Entirely too long it should take seconds at most for the customer to walk out with their purchase. Like a Visa card.
And that’s about it, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it
We don't blame guns when cops shoot someone.

The trigger can't pull itself. The barrel doesn't aim itself.

Maybe schools should be more tolerant of fist fights. When the emotional and legal responce for punching an asshole is akin to shooting him; who isn't going to chose to just kill the prick and be done with it? Hell, most the time two teens end up scrapping in school (as long as exterior motivators, such as gang issues or other longer established feuds) they end up as relative friends afterwards. Often the experience of losing control is far more useful as a teaching aid tp the child/ young person, and often ends up as a bonding moment if handled appropriately by the adults in their lives.

And frankly, black eyes go away. Broken noses heal. Sure, head injuries are dangerous. Fighting/ violence isn't the answer. But we live in a society where economic violence is the whip du jour for the government. Frankly, I'm shocked cops haven't been targeted like they were at the end of last week more frequently.

The government is supposed to be a collection of civil servants. All we really see today are validity starved tyrants hell bent on weaponizing the courts to legislate day to day behavior. The police are increasingly failing at performing their duties as defined, hiding behind safety policies to elect not to pull over the violent offender with multiple warrants because the sun is down, then parking in heavy traffic areas while their cameras (that can't be upgraded to record data why? ) scan plates for victims of the unpaid dmv/rmv suspension scam. A $2 unpaid toll because you don't have a transponder and didnt realize you were in the wrong lane can turn into thousands of dollars, arrests, vehicle impoundment, lost work, etc.

Our elected officials didn't hear us when wr told them we were tired with Trump. "It is time to start moving quickly and breaking things." Citizens arrests for officer's dereliction of duty. Incarceration for activist judges that willingly allow criminals to continue committing crimes. A call to accountability for the DEA, FDA, FBI and any other alphabet agency that spent things millions and couldn't see what anyone on the street could see over a decade ago, Big Pharma was making Docs rich for writing scripts for pain pills that were ending up pn the black market.

If the government's failure was not so absolutely instrumental in allowing all of it to transpire then there would have been significant action taken already. There has been less than none. The only action thwy have taken is to ensure that the junkie avoids accountability in most cases as well. The only people actually hurt by the whole damn thing are the kids involved and the people around the junk boxes that don't use. Everyone actually responcible has effectively taken none of the financial liability, none of the legal liability and they certainly haven't dealt with the stress either.

If you look at this government and don't see a reason to arm yourself as protection against it, you are a fool. When the right to bear arms has been stripped, what stops them from coming for speech next?

Don't say it won't happen, I've already explained one way every single state government in the country literally makes people into criminals for being poor.

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Given the fact we live in a country where anybody can get anything, are the laws really effective? If they were, there would be no mass shootings or murder of any kind from felons.

As we already know, felons do find a way to get guns. So how effective are our gun background checks? Then there are those who are not felons, passed all these background checks, and decide to purchase firearms the legal way and commit a mass murder.
Well then why even have laws to begin with? Let’s just get rid if drinking age, drivers licenses and everything else that we require law abiding citizens to do. Why even have speed limits? I mean if others are able to break the rules and still do those things then there’s no point in regulating anybody. Right?

You gonna run with that argument Ray?
No one has a right to drink or to vehicle ownership. So what you speak of is irrelevant you stupid motherfucker
Firearm ownership is an absolute right, less someone fucks it up for themselves... fact
You are such a fool. I’ve explained a dozen times now how weak that “rights” diversion you just used is. Effectiveness has nothing to do with rights. Would you be willing to say that gun control is effective however it’s illegal because it infringes on our rights?
The Frivolous gun control laws you speak of are like putting a Band-Aid on a broken arm, it looks like you’re doing something but you’re making things much worse.
What gun laws do you support?
the ones we already have the ones that aren't enforced

Cops say he had all of these guns and explosive ammo — a judge lets him go for $500

CWB Chicago: Cops say he had all of these guns and explosive ammo — a judge lets him go for $500

you want gun control? start locking up the ones that violate our gun laws not release them with a 500 dollar bail and a misdemeanor charge
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Well then why even have laws to begin with? Let’s just get rid if drinking age, drivers licenses and everything else that we require law abiding citizens to do. Why even have speed limits? I mean if others are able to break the rules and still do those things then there’s no point in regulating anybody. Right?

You gonna run with that argument Ray?
No one has a right to drink or to vehicle ownership. So what you speak of is irrelevant you stupid motherfucker
Firearm ownership is an absolute right, less someone fucks it up for themselves... fact
You are such a fool. I’ve explained a dozen times now how weak that “rights” diversion you just used is. Effectiveness has nothing to do with rights. Would you be willing to say that gun control is effective however it’s illegal because it infringes on our rights?
The Frivolous gun control laws you speak of are like putting a Band-Aid on a broken arm, it looks like you’re doing something but you’re making things much worse.
What gun laws do you support?
the ones we already have the ones that aren't enforced

Cops say he had all of these guns and explosive ammo — a judge lets him go for $500

CWB Chicago: Cops say he had all of these guns and explosive ammo — a judge lets him go for $500

you want gun control? start locking up the ones that violate our gun laws not release them with a 500 dollar bail and a misdemeanor charge
So you support background checks, conceal and carry regulations, and auto restrictions that are currently in place? That’s interesting, you don’t act like it
No one has a right to drink or to vehicle ownership. So what you speak of is irrelevant you stupid motherfucker
Firearm ownership is an absolute right, less someone fucks it up for themselves... fact
You are such a fool. I’ve explained a dozen times now how weak that “rights” diversion you just used is. Effectiveness has nothing to do with rights. Would you be willing to say that gun control is effective however it’s illegal because it infringes on our rights?
The Frivolous gun control laws you speak of are like putting a Band-Aid on a broken arm, it looks like you’re doing something but you’re making things much worse.
What gun laws do you support?
the ones we already have the ones that aren't enforced

Cops say he had all of these guns and explosive ammo — a judge lets him go for $500

CWB Chicago: Cops say he had all of these guns and explosive ammo — a judge lets him go for $500

you want gun control? start locking up the ones that violate our gun laws not release them with a 500 dollar bail and a misdemeanor charge
So you support background checks, conceal and carry regulations, and auto restrictions that are currently in place? That’s interesting, you don’t act like it
do you support more gun laws even though we don't enforce the ones we already have?
do you want tough sentencing to discourage the breaking of are already existent gun laws even if it will disproportionately lock up minorities?
Well, if they get their guns on the black market, kill a person or persons, then our detectives have to figure out who the murderer was because the ballistics bring them to a dead end. I don't think that's a good thing at all.
That’s interesting Ray... so would you want to get rid of BG checks, legally sell guns to anybody and everybody but include a registration of sorts so that if a gun was used in a crime we can trace it back to its purchaser?

No, I didn't say that. Just challenging your assertion that criminals buying guns on the black market is a good thing.

I'm okay with the way the rules are now. Background checks are similar to asking for an ID from young adults to make sure they are old enough to drink. Yes, they will find some way of getting alcohol if they really want it, but we don't promote it by allowing them to purchase it legally. However them purchasing it illegally is not a good thing either.

Until somebody can come up with a way to make a significant difference in our shooting problems in this country, I'm against any additional measures. Once again, until Ferguson, our violent and gun crime rate was on the decrease since the early 90's, so obviously we are doing something right.

If it's not broke, don't fix it.
Ok then, if you support current laws then that is an acknowledgement that the laws are effective. I’m fine if you don’t want to go further, we all have different thresholds of when enough is enough. Just don’t get yourself into the absolutist arguments saying that regulations are useless and unconstitutional. I’ve been debating a few that are saying that and you jumped in defending them.

Given the fact we live in a country where anybody can get anything, are the laws really effective? If they were, there would be no mass shootings or murder of any kind from felons.

As we already know, felons do find a way to get guns. So how effective are our gun background checks? Then there are those who are not felons, passed all these background checks, and decide to purchase firearms the legal way and commit a mass murder.
Well then why even have laws to begin with? Let’s just get rid if drinking age, drivers licenses and everything else that we require law abiding citizens to do. Why even have speed limits? I mean if others are able to break the rules and still do those things then there’s no point in regulating anybody. Right?

You gonna run with that argument Ray?

I wouldn't go as far as to say they don't do any good just as any other law. They probably keep a lot of people from buying guns, but those people would buy one just to have for protection and not commit crimes with them. The people that want to use guns for criminal activity buy them off the streets or through a straw purchaser.

So again, I'm fine with the laws already in place, and see no advantage to adding new ones; especially new ones that will infringe on my convenience to buy a weapon.
If a person can’t pass a background check then of course they won’t buy a gun in a shop. If we didn’t have background checks then they absolutely would. This isn’t hard to understand. Think about it.

I’m sure some dems want to confiscate guns. I’m not a dem nor do I care to speak for them. I’m a gun owner who is fine with regulations on firearms and tired of the slippery slope fear tactic.
No Democrat wants to ‘confiscate’ guns.

Otherwise, yes – no firearm regulatory measure has been proposed as a ‘panacea’ for all gun crime and violence, including background checks.

Background checks work as intended.

The question is not whether they work or not, the question is whether they solve anything or not.
Nothing is ever going to solve the problem of gun violence, all we can do is try and help in as many areas as we can. Background checks force criminals and high risk individuals to get guns from illegal means. This makes it harder and more expensive for them and limits their options. It also narrows things for law enforcement who want to fight the underground gun market.

If we had no BG checks and no gun Regs then all that goes away and anybody can buy anything from any store that offers it. I personally don’t think that helps a thing, It can only hurt

I don't think background checks do all that much. Most people who want to commit a crime for the first time don't want a weapon that can be traced back to them in most cases, unless it's a mass shooting where suicide is part of the plan.

For people not legally allowed to buy or own a firearm, straw buyers seems to be the problem there, and I don't think we do enough to those people who are buying weapons on behalf of a felon.
See you make the case for me. You say, Criminals don’t buy guns from stores because they don’t want it traced to them or they won’t pass a BG check. That’s a good thing. The fact that we have the ability to trace and do background checks is a deterrent from allowing them easy access to weapons. Push them to the black market and make it easier for law enforcement to fight the good fight. It means the laws are working
Except law enforcement isn't doing their job when it comes to illegal guns.

And once again so called universal background checks won't change anything because criminals already get around that law
See you make the case for me. You say, Criminals don’t buy guns from stores because they don’t want it traced to them or they won’t pass a BG check. That’s a good thing. The fact that we have the ability to trace and do background checks is a deterrent from allowing them easy access to weapons. Push them to the black market and make it easier for law enforcement to fight the good fight. It means the laws are working

It's against the law for a felon to have a gun in the first place. The only thing a background check does is to put up another road block for law abiding citizens to buy and own guns.

And every single incidence of possessions of a gun illegally is a federal crime yet no criminals caught with an illegal weapon ever get sent to federal prison
If a person can’t pass a background check then of course they won’t buy a gun in a shop. If we didn’t have background checks then they absolutely would. This isn’t hard to understand. Think about it.

I’m sure some dems want to confiscate guns. I’m not a dem nor do I care to speak for them. I’m a gun owner who is fine with regulations on firearms and tired of the slippery slope fear tactic.

No, YOU think about it.....You spout this Utopian belief that we can actually control who gets guns. In the meantime, you offer no explanation as to who you 'think' shouldn't have a gun. Clever of you try to debunk the most likely possibility that the government will expand who they think is mentally incapable of owning a gun by indicting those who question such regulations as using 'fear tactics.'

When they decide that one of your prescription drugs renders you incapable of owning the guns you already have, maybe then the truth will sink in.
I think those are all fair concerns. Does bi polar disqualify somebody, autism, PTSD soldiers? There are no easy answers so it will be a hearty debate. Problem is we can’t even get to the debate because the team partisans won’t let it get there.

What I’m spouting is not a utopian belief it is common sense regulations that any responsible society should be doing.
If you start taking rights away from those with mental health issue fewer and fewer will seek help with those issues
and also you will be infringing on doctor-patient privilege

Given the fact that the lefts ultimate goal is to have a disarmed society, those who are receiving help for anything will be disarmed overnight once they get power. That may be extended to people with physical problems as well. For instance I'm an insulin dependent diabetic. The Democrats could easily say I'm not capable of owning a firearm.
1 out of 5 Americans suffer from one form or another mental health issues from depression to anxiety

Mostly because we keep expanding the definition of depression and anxiety

Look what's been done to the definition of autism the way the definition has been expanded has resulted in more and more people diagnosed with autism

It seems to me that the goal is to have everyone diagnosed with some kind of disorder
You are such a fool. I’ve explained a dozen times now how weak that “rights” diversion you just used is. Effectiveness has nothing to do with rights. Would you be willing to say that gun control is effective however it’s illegal because it infringes on our rights?
The Frivolous gun control laws you speak of are like putting a Band-Aid on a broken arm, it looks like you’re doing something but you’re making things much worse.
What gun laws do you support?
the ones we already have the ones that aren't enforced

Cops say he had all of these guns and explosive ammo — a judge lets him go for $500

CWB Chicago: Cops say he had all of these guns and explosive ammo — a judge lets him go for $500

you want gun control? start locking up the ones that violate our gun laws not release them with a 500 dollar bail and a misdemeanor charge
So you support background checks, conceal and carry regulations, and auto restrictions that are currently in place? That’s interesting, you don’t act like it
do you support more gun laws even though we don't enforce the ones we already have?
do you want tough sentencing to discourage the breaking of are already existent gun laws even if it will disproportionately lock up minorities?
I don’t think gun regulations are the answer alone. I think improving our background check system would do some good so I’d support that, I think better counseling and education in schools is good and I’d support those efforts, I’d have to learn more about what’s happening in our criminal justice system in regards to how that’s going.
Well then why even have laws to begin with? Let’s just get rid if drinking age, drivers licenses and everything else that we require law abiding citizens to do. Why even have speed limits? I mean if others are able to break the rules and still do those things then there’s no point in regulating anybody. Right?

You gonna run with that argument Ray?
No one has a right to drink or to vehicle ownership. So what you speak of is irrelevant you stupid motherfucker
Firearm ownership is an absolute right, less someone fucks it up for themselves... fact
You are such a fool. I’ve explained a dozen times now how weak that “rights” diversion you just used is. Effectiveness has nothing to do with rights. Would you be willing to say that gun control is effective however it’s illegal because it infringes on our rights?
The Frivolous gun control laws you speak of are like putting a Band-Aid on a broken arm, it looks like you’re doing something but you’re making things much worse.
What gun laws do you support?
Background checks at all retail locations, Using Insta-check. But they have to improve it, right now it takes me 2 to 4 minutes to run a background check on the customer purchasing a firearm. Entirely too long it should take seconds at most for the customer to walk out with their purchase. Like a Visa card.
And that’s about it, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it
You’re bitching about 2-4 minutes?! Haha. Ok princess.
No Democrat wants to ‘confiscate’ guns.

Otherwise, yes – no firearm regulatory measure has been proposed as a ‘panacea’ for all gun crime and violence, including background checks.

Background checks work as intended.

The question is not whether they work or not, the question is whether they solve anything or not.
Nothing is ever going to solve the problem of gun violence, all we can do is try and help in as many areas as we can. Background checks force criminals and high risk individuals to get guns from illegal means. This makes it harder and more expensive for them and limits their options. It also narrows things for law enforcement who want to fight the underground gun market.

If we had no BG checks and no gun Regs then all that goes away and anybody can buy anything from any store that offers it. I personally don’t think that helps a thing, It can only hurt

I don't think background checks do all that much. Most people who want to commit a crime for the first time don't want a weapon that can be traced back to them in most cases, unless it's a mass shooting where suicide is part of the plan.

For people not legally allowed to buy or own a firearm, straw buyers seems to be the problem there, and I don't think we do enough to those people who are buying weapons on behalf of a felon.
See you make the case for me. You say, Criminals don’t buy guns from stores because they don’t want it traced to them or they won’t pass a BG check. That’s a good thing. The fact that we have the ability to trace and do background checks is a deterrent from allowing them easy access to weapons. Push them to the black market and make it easier for law enforcement to fight the good fight. It means the laws are working
Except law enforcement isn't doing their job when it comes to illegal guns.

And once again so called universal background checks won't change anything because criminals already get around that law
Why exactly do you oppose universal background checks? You support state BG checks right?
No one has a right to drink or to vehicle ownership. So what you speak of is irrelevant you stupid motherfucker
Firearm ownership is an absolute right, less someone fucks it up for themselves... fact
You are such a fool. I’ve explained a dozen times now how weak that “rights” diversion you just used is. Effectiveness has nothing to do with rights. Would you be willing to say that gun control is effective however it’s illegal because it infringes on our rights?
The Frivolous gun control laws you speak of are like putting a Band-Aid on a broken arm, it looks like you’re doing something but you’re making things much worse.
What gun laws do you support?
Background checks at all retail locations, Using Insta-check. But they have to improve it, right now it takes me 2 to 4 minutes to run a background check on the customer purchasing a firearm. Entirely too long it should take seconds at most for the customer to walk out with their purchase. Like a Visa card.
And that’s about it, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it
You’re bitching about 2-4 minutes?! Haha. Ok princess.
There is absolutely no reason for it to take that long, It’s wasting peoples time. Time is money...
But then again socialist don’t understand the concept of making your own living.
They are a bunch of fucking retards
You are such a fool. I’ve explained a dozen times now how weak that “rights” diversion you just used is. Effectiveness has nothing to do with rights. Would you be willing to say that gun control is effective however it’s illegal because it infringes on our rights?
The Frivolous gun control laws you speak of are like putting a Band-Aid on a broken arm, it looks like you’re doing something but you’re making things much worse.
What gun laws do you support?
Background checks at all retail locations, Using Insta-check. But they have to improve it, right now it takes me 2 to 4 minutes to run a background check on the customer purchasing a firearm. Entirely too long it should take seconds at most for the customer to walk out with their purchase. Like a Visa card.
And that’s about it, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it
You’re bitching about 2-4 minutes?! Haha. Ok princess.
There is absolutely no reason for it to take that long, It’s wasting peoples time. Time is money...
But then again socialist don’t understand the concept of making your own living.
They are a bunch of fucking retards
Oh I see so the socialists but a blocker in There to extend the wait to 4 minutes. Those sneaky little bugars!
The Frivolous gun control laws you speak of are like putting a Band-Aid on a broken arm, it looks like you’re doing something but you’re making things much worse.
What gun laws do you support?
Background checks at all retail locations, Using Insta-check. But they have to improve it, right now it takes me 2 to 4 minutes to run a background check on the customer purchasing a firearm. Entirely too long it should take seconds at most for the customer to walk out with their purchase. Like a Visa card.
And that’s about it, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it
You’re bitching about 2-4 minutes?! Haha. Ok princess.
There is absolutely no reason for it to take that long, It’s wasting peoples time. Time is money...
But then again socialist don’t understand the concept of making your own living.
They are a bunch of fucking retards
Oh I see so the socialists but a blocker in There to extend the wait to 4 minutes. Those sneaky little bugars!
It should be like running a visa card, there’s no reason for to take any longer than a few seconds. But then again the deep state is all kinds of fucked up
Mostly because we keep expanding the definition of depression and anxiety

Look what's been done to the definition of autism the way the definition has been expanded has resulted in more and more people diagnosed with autism

It seems to me that the goal is to have everyone diagnosed with some kind of disorder

Good point. For years they were 'diagnosing' young active boys and drugging them with Ritalin or Adderall. Also, many people have been diagnosed with depression and then given anti-depression drugs. It is well known that these drugs can cause its users to mentally 'snap' if quit 'cold turkey.' I believe lots of these shooting incidents involve these drugs. It seems to be a dirty little secret.

Gun owners who promote more gun laws better be careful pushing these anal-exam background checks because it will come back to bite them (and all of US) in the ass. What we need is to look at our society and why this shit is happening.
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The Frivolous gun control laws you speak of are like putting a Band-Aid on a broken arm, it looks like you’re doing something but you’re making things much worse.
What gun laws do you support?
the ones we already have the ones that aren't enforced

Cops say he had all of these guns and explosive ammo — a judge lets him go for $500

CWB Chicago: Cops say he had all of these guns and explosive ammo — a judge lets him go for $500

you want gun control? start locking up the ones that violate our gun laws not release them with a 500 dollar bail and a misdemeanor charge
So you support background checks, conceal and carry regulations, and auto restrictions that are currently in place? That’s interesting, you don’t act like it
do you support more gun laws even though we don't enforce the ones we already have?
do you want tough sentencing to discourage the breaking of are already existent gun laws even if it will disproportionately lock up minorities?
I don’t think gun regulations are the answer alone. I think improving our background check system would do some good so I’d support that, I think better counseling and education in schools is good and I’d support those efforts, I’d have to learn more about what’s happening in our criminal justice system in regards to how that’s going.
Improvided how? the system we have in place works its those that screw up that allows those that pass a background check that shouldn't
it's not a problem with the system the problem is with those running it
The question is not whether they work or not, the question is whether they solve anything or not.
Nothing is ever going to solve the problem of gun violence, all we can do is try and help in as many areas as we can. Background checks force criminals and high risk individuals to get guns from illegal means. This makes it harder and more expensive for them and limits their options. It also narrows things for law enforcement who want to fight the underground gun market.

If we had no BG checks and no gun Regs then all that goes away and anybody can buy anything from any store that offers it. I personally don’t think that helps a thing, It can only hurt

I don't think background checks do all that much. Most people who want to commit a crime for the first time don't want a weapon that can be traced back to them in most cases, unless it's a mass shooting where suicide is part of the plan.

For people not legally allowed to buy or own a firearm, straw buyers seems to be the problem there, and I don't think we do enough to those people who are buying weapons on behalf of a felon.
See you make the case for me. You say, Criminals don’t buy guns from stores because they don’t want it traced to them or they won’t pass a BG check. That’s a good thing. The fact that we have the ability to trace and do background checks is a deterrent from allowing them easy access to weapons. Push them to the black market and make it easier for law enforcement to fight the good fight. It means the laws are working
Except law enforcement isn't doing their job when it comes to illegal guns.

And once again so called universal background checks won't change anything because criminals already get around that law
Why exactly do you oppose universal background checks? You support state BG checks right?

Because they are utterly unenforceable without a national registry and I will never be in favor of a gun registry.

Not a single criminal who can't legally buy s gun now will be affected by universal background checks
What gun laws do you support?
Background checks at all retail locations, Using Insta-check. But they have to improve it, right now it takes me 2 to 4 minutes to run a background check on the customer purchasing a firearm. Entirely too long it should take seconds at most for the customer to walk out with their purchase. Like a Visa card.
And that’s about it, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it
You’re bitching about 2-4 minutes?! Haha. Ok princess.
There is absolutely no reason for it to take that long, It’s wasting peoples time. Time is money...
But then again socialist don’t understand the concept of making your own living.
They are a bunch of fucking retards
Oh I see so the socialists but a blocker in There to extend the wait to 4 minutes. Those sneaky little bugars!
It should be like running a visa card, there’s no reason for to take any longer than a few seconds. But then again the deep state is all kinds of fucked up

You do know we are talking about the federal government here. The same people that spent two billion dollars on a healthcare site that Amazon could have had up and running for about a couple thousand bucks.

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