Gun Debate Illustrates Two Different Americas

You are aware NY has the largest city in the country and still has a lower homicide rate than FL right?
2017 NYC homicide rate is the lowest they've ever had. Is abnormal, due to massive intelligence input push, and massive gang roundups. If Florida had done that, their rate would be lower than NYC.

PS - Chicago has higher homicide rate than NY and LA combined, and Chicago has strict gun control.

PPS - New York's low crime rate didn't help my friend. A gun in his pocket would have. :biggrin:
So you choose to ignore the facts, typical gun nut.

Fact is Florida has lots of guns and a higher homicide rate.
So you want to compare all shootings to France? You must be joking.
I can't read it. Too blurry.

In any case, you be the guy without the gun (like my friend in NY). I'll be the guy WITH the gun. :biggrin:
Of course you can't. WE have way more gun murder than any other developed country in the world. FACT!
The democrats refuse to allow gun safety education in schools.

The democrats don't want armed guards or teachers in gun free killing zones..

The democrats keep releasing violent gun criminals and other killers back onto our streets...

The democrats thrive on death....
All part of the left's communist revolution. The last step is to prevent the populace from resisting the violent takeover by disarming citizens. To do that, they need lots of propaganda and catalyst events to drive political will. They don't breach the Las Vegas shooter's room for over an hour. They order their deputies to stand down and let Cruz up the body count. They literally instigate and participate in the shooting and the make-fun-of-Mohammed art event in Garland, Texas.

All of these school/mass shootings are small iterations of the Reichstag burning that allowed Hitler and the Nazis to take over.
Not wanting to rain on anybody's parade, but just thought I'd slip in here for a moment and post something that's actually related to the topic. I spoke to an old college friend yesterday. He still lives in New York City, and was mugged a couple of months ago, by a guy with a knife.

I told him I (legally) carry a gun in Florida, and I would have citizens arrested the mugger, in addition to not losing any of my money. He's still stuck in the New York liberal anti-gun culture mentality. Too bad he never served in the military.

I sleep better knowing that I am my family are in a position to protect ourselves should that be necessary. Our local police force probably does the best it can, but 10-15 minutes for an emergency response in our neighborhood just doesn't cut it if you have some crazed maniac trying to kick in the front door, nor would it help if you are about to be robbed, mugged, raped or worse in the parking garage. Certainly gun free schools are an attractive target for the cowardly sociopathic thug intent on getting his name in the newspapers.

New Mexico has been an open carry state since its inception. It has also been a concealed carry state for quite some years now. There is a lot of gun crime here because we not only have an unusually high percentage of illegals--and SOME of those ARE violent drug dealers, thieves, robbers, murderers, rapists, etc. while some/ maybe many/most are good people--and we have our share of gangs etc. But I do not believe there has been a single incident in which somebody with a concealed carry permit was involved in an unfortunate incident/accident or committed any kind of crime. There have been at least a few instances in which one or more of those folks broke up or prevented a crime.

I once served on a jury in which about 150 or so of us were called as the jury pool. At one point, either a prosecutor or defense attorney asked the assembly of jurors in the room who had CC permits. I was surprised that about 30 or so people, men and women, raised their hands. Those were then interviewed further and presumably 12 of them were drafted onto whatever jury applied.

So the New Mexico culture, even though we are pretty much a bright blue state these days, pretty much supports or at least doesn't try to modify the 2A. We are considered one of the most high crime, violent states, and yet most areas in New Mexico, including here in Albuquerque, are as safe as anywhere in the country. Such as my neighborhood in which the worst crime in the 19 years we have lived here was a kid putting a firecracker in a mailbox. And I would guess that the large majority of my neighbors have firearms in the home. And we share values on what makes good neighbors too.

I am strongly convinced that the problem is not the guns but it is the culture.
Not wanting to rain on anybody's parade, but just thought I'd slip in here for a moment and post something that's actually related to the topic. I spoke to an old college friend yesterday. He still lives in New York City, and was mugged a couple of months ago, by a guy with a knife.

I told him I (legally) carry a gun in Florida, and I would have citizens arrested the mugger, in addition to not losing any of my money. He's still stuck in the New York liberal anti-gun culture mentality. Too bad he never served in the military.

I sleep better knowing that I am my family are in a position to protect ourselves should that be necessary. Our local police force probably does the best it can, but 10-15 minutes for an emergency response in our neighborhood just doesn't cut it if you have some crazed maniac trying to kick in the front door, nor would it help if you are about to be robbed, mugged, raped or worse in the parking garage. Certainly gun free schools are an attractive target for the cowardly sociopathic thug intent on getting his name in the newspapers.

New Mexico has been an open carry state since its inception. It has also been a concealed carry state for quite some years now. There is a lot of gun crime here because we not only have an unusually high percentage of illegals--and SOME of those ARE violent drug dealers, thieves, robbers, murderers, rapists, etc. while some/ maybe many/most are good people--and we have our share of gangs etc. But I do not believe there has been a single incident in which somebody with a concealed carry permit was involved in an unfortunate incident/accident or committed any kind of crime. There have been at least a few instances in which one or more of those folks broke up or prevented a crime.

I once served on a jury in which about 150 or so of us were called as the jury pool. At one point, either a prosecutor or defense attorney asked the assembly of jurors in the room who had CC permits. I was surprised that about 30 or so people, men and women, raised their hands. Those were then interviewed further and presumably 12 of them were drafted onto whatever jury applied.

So the New Mexico culture, even though we are pretty much a bright blue state these days, pretty much supports or at least doesn't try to modify the 2A. We are considered one of the most high crime, violent states, and yet most areas in New Mexico, including here in Albuquerque, are as safe as anywhere in the country. Such as my neighborhood in which the worst crime in the 19 years we have lived here was a kid putting a firecracker in a mailbox. And I would guess that the large majority of my neighbors have firearms in the home. And we share values on what makes good neighbors too.

I am strongly convinced that the problem is not the guns but it is the culture.
With the most guns in the world and the highest incarceration rate we still have much higher crime rates than other civilized countries with gun control. We also have many unique problems to our country like mass shootings, school shootings, over 50 police shot and killed each year, our police shoot many, many people, toddlers shoot people, road rage shootings, women shot by significant others.... Too many guns.
Why the US has the most mass shootings - CNN
US cops killed 100 times more than German police in 2015
Analysis | American toddlers are still shooting people on a weekly basis this year
Study: Road rage incidents involving guns are increasing

The “boyfriend loophole” in U.S. gun laws is costing women’s lives

More police officers die on the job in states with more guns

Fallen officers: 64 shot dead in the line of duty in 2016 - CNN

FBI: Violent crime increases for second straight year

Guns kill nearly 1,300 US children each year - CNN

Violent crime increases in right-to-carry states | Stanford News

There Have Been Over 200 School Shooting Incidents Since The Sandy Hook Massacre | HuffPost
Not wanting to rain on anybody's parade, but just thought I'd slip in here for a moment and post something that's actually related to the topic. I spoke to an old college friend yesterday. He still lives in New York City, and was mugged a couple of months ago, by a guy with a knife.

I told him I (legally) carry a gun in Florida, and I would have citizens arrested the mugger, in addition to not losing any of my money. He's still stuck in the New York liberal anti-gun culture mentality. Too bad he never served in the military.

I sleep better knowing that I am my family are in a position to protect ourselves should that be necessary. Our local police force probably does the best it can, but 10-15 minutes for an emergency response in our neighborhood just doesn't cut it if you have some crazed maniac trying to kick in the front door, nor would it help if you are about to be robbed, mugged, raped or worse in the parking garage. Certainly gun free schools are an attractive target for the cowardly sociopathic thug intent on getting his name in the newspapers.

New Mexico has been an open carry state since its inception. It has also been a concealed carry state for quite some years now. There is a lot of gun crime here because we not only have an unusually high percentage of illegals--and SOME of those ARE violent drug dealers, thieves, robbers, murderers, rapists, etc. while some/ maybe many/most are good people--and we have our share of gangs etc. But I do not believe there has been a single incident in which somebody with a concealed carry permit was involved in an unfortunate incident/accident or committed any kind of crime. There have been at least a few instances in which one or more of those folks broke up or prevented a crime.

I once served on a jury in which about 150 or so of us were called as the jury pool. At one point, either a prosecutor or defense attorney asked the assembly of jurors in the room who had CC permits. I was surprised that about 30 or so people, men and women, raised their hands. Those were then interviewed further and presumably 12 of them were drafted onto whatever jury applied.

So the New Mexico culture, even though we are pretty much a bright blue state these days, pretty much supports or at least doesn't try to modify the 2A. We are considered one of the most high crime, violent states, and yet most areas in New Mexico, including here in Albuquerque, are as safe as anywhere in the country. Such as my neighborhood in which the worst crime in the 19 years we have lived here was a kid putting a firecracker in a mailbox. And I would guess that the large majority of my neighbors have firearms in the home. And we share values on what makes good neighbors too.

I am strongly convinced that the problem is not the guns but it is the culture.
With the most guns in the world and the highest incarceration rate we still have much higher crime rates than other civilized countries with gun control. We also have many unique problems to our country like mass shootings, school shootings, over 50 police shot and killed each year, our police shoot many, many people, toddlers shoot people, road rage shootings, women shot by significant others.... Too many guns.
Why the US has the most mass shootings - CNN
US cops killed 100 times more than German police in 2015
Analysis | American toddlers are still shooting people on a weekly basis this year
Study: Road rage incidents involving guns are increasing

The “boyfriend loophole” in U.S. gun laws is costing women’s lives

More police officers die on the job in states with more guns

Fallen officers: 64 shot dead in the line of duty in 2016 - CNN

FBI: Violent crime increases for second straight year

Guns kill nearly 1,300 US children each year - CNN

Violent crime increases in right-to-carry states | Stanford News

There Have Been Over 200 School Shooting Incidents Since The Sandy Hook Massacre | HuffPost

If your figures in these sources are no better than your stats for New York vs Florida crime were, you are only embarrassing yourself by keeping it up. Do have a pleasant day.
Not wanting to rain on anybody's parade, but just thought I'd slip in here for a moment and post something that's actually related to the topic. I spoke to an old college friend yesterday. He still lives in New York City, and was mugged a couple of months ago, by a guy with a knife.

I told him I (legally) carry a gun in Florida, and I would have citizens arrested the mugger, in addition to not losing any of my money. He's still stuck in the New York liberal anti-gun culture mentality. Too bad he never served in the military.

I sleep better knowing that I am my family are in a position to protect ourselves should that be necessary. Our local police force probably does the best it can, but 10-15 minutes for an emergency response in our neighborhood just doesn't cut it if you have some crazed maniac trying to kick in the front door, nor would it help if you are about to be robbed, mugged, raped or worse in the parking garage. Certainly gun free schools are an attractive target for the cowardly sociopathic thug intent on getting his name in the newspapers.

New Mexico has been an open carry state since its inception. It has also been a concealed carry state for quite some years now. There is a lot of gun crime here because we not only have an unusually high percentage of illegals--and SOME of those ARE violent drug dealers, thieves, robbers, murderers, rapists, etc. while some/ maybe many/most are good people--and we have our share of gangs etc. But I do not believe there has been a single incident in which somebody with a concealed carry permit was involved in an unfortunate incident/accident or committed any kind of crime. There have been at least a few instances in which one or more of those folks broke up or prevented a crime.

I once served on a jury in which about 150 or so of us were called as the jury pool. At one point, either a prosecutor or defense attorney asked the assembly of jurors in the room who had CC permits. I was surprised that about 30 or so people, men and women, raised their hands. Those were then interviewed further and presumably 12 of them were drafted onto whatever jury applied.

So the New Mexico culture, even though we are pretty much a bright blue state these days, pretty much supports or at least doesn't try to modify the 2A. We are considered one of the most high crime, violent states, and yet most areas in New Mexico, including here in Albuquerque, are as safe as anywhere in the country. Such as my neighborhood in which the worst crime in the 19 years we have lived here was a kid putting a firecracker in a mailbox. And I would guess that the large majority of my neighbors have firearms in the home. And we share values on what makes good neighbors too.

I am strongly convinced that the problem is not the guns but it is the culture.
With the most guns in the world and the highest incarceration rate we still have much higher crime rates than other civilized countries with gun control. We also have many unique problems to our country like mass shootings, school shootings, over 50 police shot and killed each year, our police shoot many, many people, toddlers shoot people, road rage shootings, women shot by significant others.... Too many guns.
Why the US has the most mass shootings - CNN
US cops killed 100 times more than German police in 2015
Analysis | American toddlers are still shooting people on a weekly basis this year
Study: Road rage incidents involving guns are increasing

The “boyfriend loophole” in U.S. gun laws is costing women’s lives

More police officers die on the job in states with more guns

Fallen officers: 64 shot dead in the line of duty in 2016 - CNN

FBI: Violent crime increases for second straight year

Guns kill nearly 1,300 US children each year - CNN

Violent crime increases in right-to-carry states | Stanford News

There Have Been Over 200 School Shooting Incidents Since The Sandy Hook Massacre | HuffPost

If your figures in these sources are no better than your stats for New York vs Florida crime were, you are only embarrassing yourself by keeping it up. Do have a pleasant day.
List of U.S. states by homicide rate - Wikipedia
Florida: 5.4
New York: 3.2

Sorry, but my stats were quite correct.
One BIG reason why US cops kill a lot of suspects (including "unarmed" ones) is because of the US liberal education system's negligence. They fail to instruct about guns and law enforcement. And why ? Because they don't know anything about it.

No Such Thing As An “UNARMED MAN”

Too many guns is the problem, obviously. This is the only country where law enforcement are regularly gunned down and killed. They also regularly shoot and kill people. These things don't happen where there is strong gun control. Law enforcement needs to demand gun control.
Too many guns is the problem, obviously. This is the only country where law enforcement are regularly gunned down and killed. They also regularly shoot and kill people. These things don't happen where there is strong gun control. Law enforcement needs to demand gun control.
FALSE! Law enforcement cops in middle eastern countries and throughout Africa, are gunned down and killed at hundreds of times the rate as in the US. Same in some countries in Latin America (including Mexico)
List of U.S. states by homicide rate - Wikipedia
Florida: 5.4
New York: 3.2

Sorry, but my stats were quite correct.
But your stats faltered in trying to compare New York CITY crime with Florida.
Well first of all, I compared New York to Florida. Now if we want to talk about just New York City they have a homicide rate of 3.4, still much lower than Florida. So you are wrong again of course.

Crime in New York City - Wikipedia
Too many guns is the problem, obviously. This is the only country where law enforcement are regularly gunned down and killed. They also regularly shoot and kill people. These things don't happen where there is strong gun control. Law enforcement needs to demand gun control.
FALSE! Law enforcement cops in middle eastern countries and throughout Africa, are gunned down and killed at hundreds of times the rate as in the US. Same in some countries in Latin America (including Mexico)
So you want to compare us to countries that can't do anything right? Countries that are neither economically or politically stable? So you are saying we are a third world country thanks to our weak gun laws?
Too many guns is the problem, obviously. This is the only country where law enforcement are regularly gunned down and killed. They also regularly shoot and kill people. These things don't happen where there is strong gun control. Law enforcement needs to demand gun control.
FALSE! Law enforcement cops in middle eastern countries and throughout Africa, are gunned down and killed at hundreds of times the rate as in the US. Same in some countries in Latin America (including Mexico)
Lets compare to France:
French police are targeted but rarely killed

In France, the death of even one police officer in the line of duty, as happened on the Champs-Élysées in Paris on Thursday, is rare. Unlike in the United States, where there are more than 100 such fatalities in a typical year, fewer than a dozen French police officers are killed annually, and sometimes the number is as low as a half-dozen.

In 2015, the year for which the most recent French government data are available, six police officers were killed in the line of duty, according to an October 2016 report by the National Institute of Higher Studies of Security and Justice. In 2014, 11 officers were killed, and the total for the year before that was 10. The numbers dating to 2010 are slightly lower.

And now the US:
Officers killed in the line of duty in 2018

Since the start of 2018, at least 22 law enforcement officers across the U.S. have died while on duty - with 16 of the deaths caused by gunfire.

The year is still young... Law enforcement needs to demand gun control.
And any GOP representative who crosses
The NRA gets primaried out of power. By the NRA and its Goons. No one is against hunting rifles and shotguns. And handguns for a very few. And that was always enough until this NRA Dupe insanity.
WHAT NRA dupe insanity ? Try telling us what you're talking about. If you know.

And you're also off topic. The topic is about the dichotomy between the gun culture and the anti-gun culture, Not necessary to bring th NRA into this one bit.
There never were two cultures until the NRA bought the GOP and all these psycho guns came on the market.
Ok, I've seen about enough of this garbage. If the NRA has bought the GOP, then the unions must surely own, in full, the entire left. Let me explain:

Labor unions donated $765 million between 2012 and 2016, and 99% went to left-wing groups
from the article:

So, do you still want to talk about who owns who?
And any GOP representative who crosses
The NRA gets primaried out of power. By the NRA and its Goons. No one is against hunting rifles and shotguns. And handguns for a very few. And that was always enough until this NRA Dupe insanity.
WHAT NRA dupe insanity ? Try telling us what you're talking about. If you know.

And you're also off topic. The topic is about the dichotomy between the gun culture and the anti-gun culture, Not necessary to bring th NRA into this one bit.
There never were two cultures until the NRA bought the GOP and all these psycho guns came on the market.
Ok, I've seen about enough of this garbage. If the NRA has bought the GOP, then the unions must surely own, in full, the entire left. Let me explain:

Labor unions donated $765 million between 2012 and 2016, and 99% went to left-wing groups
from the article:

So, do you still want to talk about who owns who?
Even Trump knows republicans are owned by the NRA.
And any GOP representative who crosses
The NRA gets primaried out of power. By the NRA and its Goons. No one is against hunting rifles and shotguns. And handguns for a very few. And that was always enough until this NRA Dupe insanity.
WHAT NRA dupe insanity ? Try telling us what you're talking about. If you know.

And you're also off topic. The topic is about the dichotomy between the gun culture and the anti-gun culture, Not necessary to bring th NRA into this one bit.
There never were two cultures until the NRA bought the GOP and all these psycho guns came on the market.
Ok, I've seen about enough of this garbage. If the NRA has bought the GOP, then the unions must surely own, in full, the entire left. Let me explain:

Labor unions donated $765 million between 2012 and 2016, and 99% went to left-wing groups
from the article:

So, do you still want to talk about who owns who?
This is all you need to know about Unions and the DNC:





It's not a conspiracy theory if it is MOTHERFUCKING TRUE AS FUCK!!!

After 35 years of GOP rule tax rates and policy, we're only Top Dog in military. And inequality middle-class going to hell and lack of benefits from citizenry. Only third worlders want to come here because the GOP always refuses an SSID card that can't be faked, Dupe.
Don't know how you strayed off the topic to this, but currently, unemployment is waaaay down, and is at lowest levels for blacks & Hispanics, EVER.

Workers are getting big raises & bonuses, and the economy is booming.

Stop watching MSNBC.
Nothing has changed from when Obama was in office, except huge tax cuts for the richest and bigger deficit. Great job, scumbag GOP and silly dupes. Stop watching lying scumbag Fox. A few corporations giving bonuses is not Rising wages, Dupe.
Too many guns is the problem, obviously. This is the only country where law enforcement are regularly gunned down and killed. They also regularly shoot and kill people. These things don't happen where there is strong gun control. Law enforcement needs to demand gun control.
FALSE! Law enforcement cops in middle eastern countries and throughout Africa, are gunned down and killed at hundreds of times the rate as in the US. Same in some countries in Latin America (including Mexico)
Lets compare to France:
French police are targeted but rarely killed

In France, the death of even one police officer in the line of duty, as happened on the Champs-Élysées in Paris on Thursday, is rare. Unlike in the United States, where there are more than 100 such fatalities in a typical year, fewer than a dozen French police officers are killed annually, and sometimes the number is as low as a half-dozen.

In 2015, the year for which the most recent French government data are available, six police officers were killed in the line of duty, according to an October 2016 report by the National Institute of Higher Studies of Security and Justice. In 2014, 11 officers were killed, and the total for the year before that was 10. The numbers dating to 2010 are slightly lower.

And now the US:
Officers killed in the line of duty in 2018

Since the start of 2018, at least 22 law enforcement officers across the U.S. have died while on duty - with 16 of the deaths caused by gunfire.

The year is still young... Law enforcement needs to demand gun control.

Anti gunners focus on the gun murder rate because the criminals in Europe do not kill each other or their victims as easily or as often as our criminals far. That is changing.

What they are trying desperately to hide is the fact that the actual gun confiscation and gun control laws in Europe do not work.....criminals get guns easily, as do terrorists on government terrorist watch lists...this means more violent crime, but the criminals do not cross the line into murder.....


Five things to know about guns in France

4. Millions of illegal weapons
France is awash with illegal weapons, with some experts saying that the number of illegal guns may be twice the number of legal ones.
Weapons such as Kalashnikovs, many of which were originally used in the Balkan wars in the 1990s, can be bought for less than 3,000 euros on the black market.
Kalashnikovs are the weapon of choice in deadly score-settling between rival drug gangs in the southern port city of Marseille.
The assault rifles were also the main weapon used in the radical Islamist terror attacks in France in recent years.
The worst single mass shooting took place in the Bataclan concert hall in Paris in November 2015, when gunmen sprayed concert-goers with bullets, killing 89 of them. Dozens more were killed in other attacks the same night in the French capital.

Paris attacks highlight France's gun control problems

But in recent years a black market has proliferated. The number of illegal weapons has risen at a rapid rate – double-digit percentages – for several years, according to the National Observatory for Delinquency, a body created in 2003.

“In Marseille and the surrounding area almost all the score settling is carried out using weapons used in wars,” a police spokesman told Reuters after the Toulouse attacks, adding that Kalashnikovs were the weapon of choice: “If you don’t have a ‘Kalash’ you’re a bit of a loser.”

Paris attacks highlight France's gun control problems

The arsenal of weapons deployed by the eight attackers who terrorised Paris on Friday night underlined France’s gun control problems and raised the spectre of further attacks.

The country has extremely strict weapons laws, but Europe’s open borders and growing trade in illegal weapons means assault rifles are relatively easy to come by on the black market.

France’s real gun problem

Despite these strict laws, France seems to be awash with guns. The guns used in high-profile terror attacks are really just the tip of the iceberg. In 2012, French authorities estimated that there were around 30,000 guns illegally in the country, many likely used by gangs for criminal activities. Of those guns, around 4,000 were likely to be "war weapons," Le Figaro reported, referring to items such as the Kalashnikov AK-variant rifles and Uzis. Statistics from the National Observatory for Delinquency, a government body created in 2003, suggest that the number of guns in France has grown by double digits every year.
How Europe's Terrorists Get Their Guns

France became particularly worried about the trafficking of illegal guns in 2012, increasing fines and jail terms for those involved in the trafficking and possession of them. Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said in Septemberthat police have seized nearly 6,000 weapons from criminal groups each year since 2013, 1,200 of which were military assault weapons. And in the three weeks following the Nov. 13 attacks, Cazeneuve said French police seized 334 weapons, 34 of them military-grade.

Several officials and experts tell TIME they’ve seen a noticeable climb in both the numbers and the types of illicit weapons crossing borders over the past few years. Rather than pistols and small guns, there has been a spike in demand for military-grade assault weapons. This reflects a very different kind of criminality: petty criminals and drug dealers tend to want small pistols that they can conceal; terrorists want AK-47s that can do maximum damage.

And any GOP representative who crosses
The NRA gets primaried out of power. By the NRA and its Goons. No one is against hunting rifles and shotguns. And handguns for a very few. And that was always enough until this NRA Dupe insanity.
WHAT NRA dupe insanity ? Try telling us what you're talking about. If you know.

And you're also off topic. The topic is about the dichotomy between the gun culture and the anti-gun culture, Not necessary to bring th NRA into this one bit.
There never were two cultures until the NRA bought the GOP and all these psycho guns came on the market.
Ok, I've seen about enough of this garbage. If the NRA has bought the GOP, then the unions must surely own, in full, the entire left. Let me explain:

Labor unions donated $765 million between 2012 and 2016, and 99% went to left-wing groups
from the article:

So, do you still want to talk about who owns who?
This is all you need to know about Unions and the DNC:





It's not a conspiracy theory if it is MOTHERFUCKING TRUE AS FUCK!!!

Fear-mongering GOP propaganda 30 or 80 years behind the times?

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