Gun Debate Illustrates Two Different Americas

Crime has increased every single year since getting concealed carry in WI.
Crime has decreased greatly since 1990. Concealed carry is one of the prime reasons.

Examples :

1. Moore, OK beheading,

2.LAX shooting July 2002,

3. Garland, TX draw Mohammed contest

The 31 states that have “shall issue” laws allowing private citizens to carry concealed weapons have, on average, a 24 percent lower violent crime rate, a 19 percent lower murder rate and a 39 percent lower robbery rate than states that forbid concealed weapons. In fact, the nine states with the lowest violent crime rates are all right-to-carry states. Remarkably, guns are used for self-defense more than 2 million times a year, three to five times the estimated number of violent crimes committed with guns.

Gun Control: Myths and Realities
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You seem low on facts. When was their last school shooting?
I could look that up, but why ? They have a number of different types of shootings, Are you concerned only with people dying in schools ? Their lives more important than people in airports, concerts, workplaces ?
The democrats refuse to allow gun safety education in schools.

The democrats don't want armed guards or teachers in gun free killing zones..

The democrats keep releasing violent gun criminals and other killers back onto our streets...

The democrats thrive on death....

You should open your own school focusing on Guns-n-God education only.

Might even rival Trump University!
Cops are more likely to hurt or kill innocnets than civilian CHL holders, and there's more CHL holders than cops.

Probably, but think for a minute Tex: Who performs more unknown traffic stops and gets called into the middle of crime, domestic violence, etc etc scenes with potential armed perps ... a cop or a CHL holder?

Please don't start concealed carriers might be happy they were such once in their lifetime. Cops do these things a dozen or more times a day.

Additionally, over half the states now allow concealed with no license and no training. As a whole, who do you suppose is better trained to deal with a high stress situation in public?

Actually I think it's more the case of a CHL holder being on site when a situation develops and cops aren't.

The other link posted didn't go back that far, so you proven ONE weapon was bought from a private seller illegally, because they were too young to buy the weapon, and the other two were purchased illegally though a straw purchase. So tell me dick wad, how would another law have stopped them?

Also oh ignorant one, I know teachers that are competitive shooters and can out shoot just about any police officer, all have a military background. Why wouldn't you trust people like that to be armed in the schools?

I'll take your second question first - I am not opposed to this highly skilled teacher pals of yours carrying concealed in the classroom assuming it has been approved locally and their credentials verified. I've said that many times.

In the case of Harris and Klebold, the Straw Buyer Robyn would not have been allowed to buy from an unlicensed seller at a gun show without a BG check had if there had been a requirement for such.

That was really hard - WASN'T it ----- DICKWAD?

Done with you asshole - I don't debate ignorant name callers.

Are you saying the straw buyer was a disqualified person? Your link didn't suggest that.

After 35 years of GOP rule tax rates and policy, we're only Top Dog in military. And inequality middle-class going to hell and lack of benefits from citizenry. Only third worlders want to come here because the GOP always refuses an SSID card that can't be faked, Dupe.
Don't know how you strayed off the topic to this, but currently, unemployment is waaaay down, and is at lowest levels for blacks & Hispanics, EVER.

Workers are getting big raises & bonuses, and the economy is booming.

Stop watching MSNBC.
Crime has increased every single year since getting concealed carry in WI.
Crime has decreased greatly since 1990. Concealed carry is one of the prime reasons.

Examples :

1. Moore, OK beheading,

2.LAX shooting July 2002,

3. Garland, TX draw Mohammed contest

The 31 states that have “shall issue” laws allowing private citizens to carry concealed weapons have, on average, a 24 percent lower violent crime rate, a 19 percent lower murder rate and a 39 percent lower robbery rate than states that forbid concealed weapons. In fact, the nine states with the lowest violent crime rates are all right-to-carry states. Remarkably, guns are used for self-defense more than 2 million times a year, three to five times the estimated number of violent crimes committed with guns.

Gun Control: Myths and Realities
Funny, crime has increased every single year since WI got concealed carry.

You are ignoring the real reason crime decreased since the 90's. The Bill Clinton crime bill and gun control are the real reasons. There wasn't very much carry in the 90s. Now that there are a significant number crime is up:
FBI: Violent crime increases for second straight year
You seem low on facts. When was their last school shooting?
I could look that up, but why ? They have a number of different types of shootings, Are you concerned only with people dying in schools ? Their lives more important than people in airports, concerts, workplaces ?
So you couldn't find one eh? I didn't think so. You can admit to being wrong now. Want to compare homicide rates?
Not wanting to rain on anybody's parade, but just thought I'd slip in here for a moment and post something that's actually related to the topic. I spoke to an old college friend yesterday. He still lives in New York City, and was mugged a couple of months ago, by a guy with a knife.

I told him I (legally) carry a gun in Florida, and I would have citizens arrested the mugger, in addition to not losing any of my money. He's still stuck in the New York liberal anti-gun culture mentality. Too bad he never served in the military.
Not wanting to rain on anybody's parade, but just thought I'd slip in here for a moment and post something that's actually related to the topic. I spoke to an old college friend yesterday. He still lives in New York City, and was mugged a couple of months ago, by a guy with a knife.

I told him I (legally) carry a gun in Florida, and I would have citizens arrested the mugger, in addition to not losing any of my money. He's still stuck in the New York liberal anti-gun culture mentality. Too bad he never served in the military.
That's some good fiction there....not.
Not wanting to rain on anybody's parade, but just thought I'd slip in here for a moment and post something that's actually related to the topic. I spoke to an old college friend yesterday. He still lives in New York City, and was mugged a couple of months ago, by a guy with a knife.

I told him I (legally) carry a gun in Florida, and I would have citizens arrested the mugger, in addition to not losing any of my money. He's still stuck in the New York liberal anti-gun culture mentality. Too bad he never served in the military.
You are aware NY has the largest city in the country and still has a lower homicide rate than FL right?
So you couldn't find one eh? I didn't think so. You can admit to being wrong now. Want to compare homicide rates?
No, you are wrong, because you're hiding behind a silly irrelevant point. Security from crime is in all places, not just schools. You can quit hiding under that desk now.

PS - I didn't look for French school shootings. ALL shootings is the point, not schools.

Wonderful. First off, this is only data up to 2016. Secondly, it's not explicit to gun crime, it's targeting violent crime. From your link:

An analysis by the the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University School of Law found that overall crime in the U.S. had dropped due to sustained declines in property-related offenses. Burglary, vehicle theft and larceny has declined for 14 straight years. But murder increases were driven by violence in many of the country's 30-largest cities.

"Chicago accounted for more than 20% of the nationwide murder increase in 2016, despite being home to less than 1% of the U.S. population," the center concluded.

So what they are telling us here is that the lions share of murders (not necessarily gun crime) comes from a place that has one of the most restrictive gun laws in the country. Well.......if a city that has some of the most restrictive gun policies in the country also leads the country in this murder increase, does that tell you more gun restrictions are working?????
Look at Wisconsin. Crime has increased every single year since they got concealed carry.

And lying troll...

No homicides in Green Bay in 2017 contributes to 10 percent drop in crime

GREEN BAY, Wis. (WFRV) - The Green Bay Police Department reports crime in the city dropped significantly last year - compared to the year before. Local 5's Kris Schuller has more on the numbers and reaction from residents who feel very safe living in Northeast Wisconsin.

If there's trouble within the Wilder Park neighborhood - Neighborhood Association President Scott Vanidestine says he can contact police and they'll respond quickly.

“They know the neighborhoods, they know what's going on. They take care of us out there,” said Vanidestine.

And based on just released uniform crime report numbers for the city of Green Bay for 2017 - the police department does a good job of taking care of the entire community.

“A 9.77 percent decrease in total crime in Green Bay is just fantastic, that's a number any chief across the country would be happy to have for crime numbers in their city,” said Police Chief Andrew Smith.

For violent crime robbery was down nearly 10 percent, rape nearly four and as for homicides, we'll there weren't any.

“We haven't done that since 1981 in Green Bay, so that's a terrific number for us as well,” said Smith.

Property crimes also saw significant reductions with burglary down 28 percent and theft down eight percent. Combined total crime in 2017 was down almost 10 percent when compared to 2016.
So one city in WI? Not even a very big city... So? Statewide crime has increased every single year since getting concealed carry.

Green bay and Milwaukee asshat....Milwaukee is the driver of their murder rate......troll.


So you couldn't find one eh? I didn't think so. You can admit to being wrong now. Want to compare homicide rates?
No, you are wrong, because you're hiding behind a silly irrelevant point. Security from crime is in all places, not just schools. You can quit hiding under that desk now.

PS - I didn't look for French school shootings. ALL shootings is the point, not schools.
So you want to compare all shootings to France? You must be joking.
You are aware NY has the largest city in the country and still has a lower homicide rate than FL right?
2017 NYC homicide rate is the lowest they've ever had. Is abnormal, due to massive intelligence input push, and massive gang roundups. If Florida had done that, their rate would be lower than NYC.

PS - Chicago has higher homicide rate than NY and LA combined, and Chicago has strict gun control.

PPS - New York's low crime rate didn't help my friend. A gun in his pocket would have. :biggrin:
Not wanting to rain on anybody's parade, but just thought I'd slip in here for a moment and post something that's actually related to the topic. I spoke to an old college friend yesterday. He still lives in New York City, and was mugged a couple of months ago, by a guy with a knife.

I told him I (legally) carry a gun in Florida, and I would have citizens arrested the mugger, in addition to not losing any of my money. He's still stuck in the New York liberal anti-gun culture mentality. Too bad he never served in the military.
You are aware NY has the largest city in the country and still has a lower homicide rate than FL right?

Florida, NY Crime Rates & Statistics
My 9mm uses a 15 round magazine. I can fit two in the left back pocket of my jeans, two in my right back pocket, two in each of my front pockets. That means with only my jeans on, I can carry 120 rounds.

Wow - that makes you a real badass! :rolleyes-41:
Way to DELIBERATELY miss the point, jackass.

120 rounds, or even 80 rounds (if only using 10-round magazines) is enough to do plenty of damage, so much so that a 10-round magazine restriction will not be enough. Then a 5-round will not be enough.

If we let the nature of the gun, rather than the nature of the perpetrator, dominate the discussion and be the exclusive action, complete ban and confiscation will be the result (which is obviously the leftists' ultimate objective, despite how much they lie about it, and swear to Mao's Ghost to the contrary).

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