Gun Debate Illustrates Two Different Americas

Back when I was a first year college student, I was taught the definition of a nation. Among other things, that definition showed a nation as being a single culture. But in America today, with respect to the subject of guns, we have 2 separate cultures. Those who like (and appreciate) them, and those who despise and fear them.

On USMB, I've heard gun owners referred to as "gun nuts", "gun freaks", etc. They're sometimes referred to as "the gun culture". Well, just as easily, those who dislike/fear guns, could be called the Anti-gun culture.

Perhaps this dichotomy has a relation to how Americans begin adulthood. Millions of high school kids go straight to college, never spending a minute in the military, or anywhere getting introduced to firearms. Most have never even touched a real gun, much less receive training on it. Making things worse, is that college teachers, who also never touched a gun, and whose left-wing political bearings, make them automatic gun opponents.

Millions of other kids bypass college entirely, and go straight into the military, after high school. Unlike the college kids, these young soldiers, sailors, marines, etc. aren't exposed to the leftist propaganda so prolific on college campuses, but they do have lots of introductions to firearms, thereby becoming familiar with and knowledgable of them. So, for the major pars of their adult lives (after college or the military), America is divided generally, into these 2 very differing groups.

Having spent 6 years in the US Army and Army National Guard, and then attending college for 4 years, I noticed a huge gap in gun perception in this 2 groups. I was often taken aback, sometimes humored, by the stiff and robotic way that my college cohorts perceived just the thought of guns. The college kids, with no direct exposure to guns, and lots of indoctrination against them, actually though that the only people to ordinarily possess a gun were police and criminals.

They really thought that if you weren't a cop or military person, you shouldn't have a gun, and had no idea why anyone else would. In contrast, my former Army National Guard buddies had whole collections guns, of various types, each suited for various purposes. They could take apart their M4A1s, M-14s, AR-15s, clean them, and put them back together blindfolded, in accordance with their military training.

How disconcerting it is to hear education system people worrying about things happening with guns in schools, when these fears emanate mostly from ignorance of guns, and how to handle and secure them. Equally perplexing and disturbing is their amazing lack of worry about the danger of guns not being there (in the schools), for the very necessary PROTECTION they provide.

Those who speak about the "gun culture" should do some self-examination, with regard to the anti-gun culture, and the hows and whys of its existence.

A sick person can do a lot of damage with aN assault weapon. Suppose a sick person walks into a classroom and starts shooting everyone with his AR-15. How many people can he likely kill and what is the likelihood of a typical armed citizen stopping him by himself? I think most people can understand why some people want assault weapon's banned.

You are right. The military doesn't just hand you an M16 and let you go into combat with your fellow troops. Imagine what would happen in the infantry if the military did not make you pass M16 training g tests...

I think most Americans want the gun industry to be more regulated. There are lots of responsible gun owners.
Back when I was a first year college student, I was taught the definition of a nation. Among other things, that definition showed a nation as being a single culture. But in America today, with respect to the subject of guns, we have 2 separate cultures. Those who like (and appreciate) them, and those who despise and fear them.

On USMB, I've heard gun owners referred to as "gun nuts", "gun freaks", etc. They're sometimes referred to as "the gun culture". Well, just as easily, those who dislike/fear guns, could be called the Anti-gun culture.

Perhaps this dichotomy has a relation to how Americans begin adulthood. Millions of high school kids go straight to college, never spending a minute in the military, or anywhere getting introduced to firearms. Most have never even touched a real gun, much less receive training on it. Making things worse, is that college teachers, who also never touched a gun, and whose left-wing political bearings, make them automatic gun opponents.

Millions of other kids bypass college entirely, and go straight into the military, after high school. Unlike the college kids, these young soldiers, sailors, marines, etc. aren't exposed to the leftist propaganda so prolific on college campuses, but they do have lots of introductions to firearms, thereby becoming familiar with and knowledgable of them. So, for the major pars of their adult lives (after college or the military), America is divided generally, into these 2 very differing groups.

Having spent 6 years in the US Army and Army National Guard, and then attending college for 4 years, I noticed a huge gap in gun perception in this 2 groups. I was often taken aback, sometimes humored, by the stiff and robotic way that my college cohorts perceived just the thought of guns. The college kids, with no direct exposure to guns, and lots of indoctrination against them, actually though that the only people to ordinarily possess a gun were police and criminals.

They really thought that if you weren't a cop or military person, you shouldn't have a gun, and had no idea why anyone else would. In contrast, my former Army National Guard buddies had whole collections guns, of various types, each suited for various purposes. They could take apart their M4A1s, M-14s, AR-15s, clean them, and put them back together blindfolded, in accordance with their military training.

How disconcerting it is to hear education system people worrying about things happening with guns in schools, when these fears emanate mostly from ignorance of guns, and how to handle and secure them. Equally perplexing and disturbing is their amazing lack of worry about the danger of guns not being there (in the schools), for the very necessary PROTECTION they provide.

Those who speak about the "gun culture" should do some self-examination, with regard to the anti-gun culture, and the hows and whys of its existence.

“Gun nuts” are unwavering extremists . They assume every gun owner thinks like them . They don’t .

They assume any gun control = banning all guns . Which is rediculous .

The gun nut is a misonfirmist when it comes to gun debates . And spare me with the “you are ignorant of guns “ gun nerd move . You try to bully people with gun minutia to avoid the facts about assault weapons .

You want to discuss facts about assault weapons? Go ahead, you first. I'll be glad to talk about assault weapons with you any time.

Ok fine . The AR 15 Cruz used . That’s designed as a military weapon , right ? It’s designed to kill lots of people in a short amount of time .

All guns are designed to kill if need be. Nukes are designed to kill too. But if nukes are in the wrong hands, they can be used for evil purposes.

The fact of the matter is we had an "assault weapons" ban in this country for ten years. After those ten years, it was found that it didn't do any good, so they didn't renew it. More people are killed by hands and feet than assault rifles every year.

Instead of boring you with my personal favorite sites, I thought I would post from one of your own about assault rifles; the New York Times.

The Assault Weapon Myth

Guess you have no problem with North Korea and Iran having all the nukes they want .
Back when I was a first year college student, I was taught the definition of a nation. Among other things, that definition showed a nation as being a single culture. But in America today, with respect to the subject of guns, we have 2 separate cultures. Those who like (and appreciate) them, and those who despise and fear them.

On USMB, I've heard gun owners referred to as "gun nuts", "gun freaks", etc. They're sometimes referred to as "the gun culture". Well, just as easily, those who dislike/fear guns, could be called the Anti-gun culture.

Perhaps this dichotomy has a relation to how Americans begin adulthood. Millions of high school kids go straight to college, never spending a minute in the military, or anywhere getting introduced to firearms. Most have never even touched a real gun, much less receive training on it. Making things worse, is that college teachers, who also never touched a gun, and whose left-wing political bearings, make them automatic gun opponents.

Millions of other kids bypass college entirely, and go straight into the military, after high school. Unlike the college kids, these young soldiers, sailors, marines, etc. aren't exposed to the leftist propaganda so prolific on college campuses, but they do have lots of introductions to firearms, thereby becoming familiar with and knowledgable of them. So, for the major pars of their adult lives (after college or the military), America is divided generally, into these 2 very differing groups.

Having spent 6 years in the US Army and Army National Guard, and then attending college for 4 years, I noticed a huge gap in gun perception in this 2 groups. I was often taken aback, sometimes humored, by the stiff and robotic way that my college cohorts perceived just the thought of guns. The college kids, with no direct exposure to guns, and lots of indoctrination against them, actually though that the only people to ordinarily possess a gun were police and criminals.

They really thought that if you weren't a cop or military person, you shouldn't have a gun, and had no idea why anyone else would. In contrast, my former Army National Guard buddies had whole collections guns, of various types, each suited for various purposes. They could take apart their M4A1s, M-14s, AR-15s, clean them, and put them back together blindfolded, in accordance with their military training.

How disconcerting it is to hear education system people worrying about things happening with guns in schools, when these fears emanate mostly from ignorance of guns, and how to handle and secure them. Equally perplexing and disturbing is their amazing lack of worry about the danger of guns not being there (in the schools), for the very necessary PROTECTION they provide.

Those who speak about the "gun culture" should do some self-examination, with regard to the anti-gun culture, and the hows and whys of its existence.

“Gun nuts” are unwavering extremists . They assume every gun owner thinks like them . They don’t .

They assume any gun control = banning all guns . Which is rediculous .

The gun nut is a misonfirmist when it comes to gun debates . And spare me with the “you are ignorant of guns “ gun nerd move . You try to bully people with gun minutia to avoid the facts about assault weapons .

You want to discuss facts about assault weapons? Go ahead, you first. I'll be glad to talk about assault weapons with you any time.

Ok fine . The AR 15 Cruz used . That’s designed as a military weapon , right ? It’s designed to kill lots of people in a short amount of time .

All guns are designed to kill if need be. Nukes are designed to kill too. But if nukes are in the wrong hands, they can be used for evil purposes.

The fact of the matter is we had an "assault weapons" ban in this country for ten years. After those ten years, it was found that it didn't do any good, so they didn't renew it. More people are killed by hands and feet than assault rifles every year.

Instead of boring you with my personal favorite sites, I thought I would post from one of your own about assault rifles; the New York Times.

The Assault Weapon Myth

Guess you have no problem with North Korea and Iran having all the nukes they want .

Of course I have a problem with it. But the solution is not to disarm the entire world hoping to stop them. All disarmament would do is disarm the good people who have nukes. The bad people will continue to have them. In the end, only the bad people would have nukes. Is that what you would like to see happen in our country in regards to firearms?
“Gun nuts” are unwavering extremists . They assume every gun owner thinks like them . They don’t .

They assume any gun control = banning all guns . Which is rediculous .

The gun nut is a misonfirmist when it comes to gun debates . And spare me with the “you are ignorant of guns “ gun nerd move . You try to bully people with gun minutia to avoid the facts about assault weapons .

You want to discuss facts about assault weapons? Go ahead, you first. I'll be glad to talk about assault weapons with you any time.

Ok fine . The AR 15 Cruz used . That’s designed as a military weapon , right ? It’s designed to kill lots of people in a short amount of time .

All guns are designed to kill if need be. Nukes are designed to kill too. But if nukes are in the wrong hands, they can be used for evil purposes.

The fact of the matter is we had an "assault weapons" ban in this country for ten years. After those ten years, it was found that it didn't do any good, so they didn't renew it. More people are killed by hands and feet than assault rifles every year.

Instead of boring you with my personal favorite sites, I thought I would post from one of your own about assault rifles; the New York Times.

The Assault Weapon Myth

Guess you have no problem with North Korea and Iran having all the nukes they want .

Of course I have a problem with it. But the solution is not to disarm the entire world hoping to stop them. All disarmament would do is disarm the good people who have nukes. The bad people will continue to have them. In the end, only the bad people would have nukes. Is that what you would like to see happen in our country in regards to firearms?
NO ONE does, dupe.
The liberal mentality is incredible. Instead of trying to use more guns to protect children in school, try to disarm over 100 million Americans instead to solve the problem.
Incredible indeed. After Parkland, one would think a CHANGE would be hastily brought about, so what how :lame2: liberals respond ? With more of the same > gun-free zone schools. Yikes! is there a doctor in the house ? I mean really.
Who the hell gives a damn about gun zones... Sounds like Fox b*******.
I think that part of the problem is that the gun lobby is refusing to support even modest, reasonable restrictions on guns, i.e., universal background checks and raising the age for rifles to 21.

Name one mass shooter that would have been stopped by your unenforceable universal background checks. JUST ONE.

I think that part of the problem is that the gun lobby is refusing to support even modest, reasonable restrictions on guns, i.e., universal background checks and raising the age for rifles to 21.

Name one mass shooter that would have been stopped by your unenforceable universal background checks. JUST ONE.

Several of them if it's enforced. If not all of them with mental check system too
Who the hell gives a damn about gun zones... Sounds like Fox b*******.
People who have a brain in their head. And airheads don't care, which is why they have been causing dozens (if not hundreds) of people to be killed in America in recent years. Now they will continue to cause more deaths, by advocating gun-free zones in the schools.

We'll get more Parklands. More Newtowns. More Pulse clubs. More Fort Hoods, More San Bernardinos, etc.

You don't get it, do you ?
I think that part of the problem is that the gun lobby is refusing to support even modest, reasonable restrictions on guns, i.e., universal background checks and raising the age for rifles to 21.

Name one mass shooter that would have been stopped by your unenforceable universal background checks. JUST ONE.

Several of them if it's enforced. If not all of them with mental check system too

Your talking about the current system, name one that got their weapon in a private sale. No hurry, I'll wait.

Who the hell gives a damn about gun zones... Sounds like Fox b*******.
People who have a brain in their head. And airheads don't care, which is why they have been causing dozens (if not hundreds) of people to be killed in America in recent years. Now they will continue to cause more deaths, by advocating gun-free zones in the schools.

We'll get more Parklands. More Newtowns. More Pulse clubs. More Fort Hoods, More San Bernardinos, etc.

You don't get it, do you ?
Nobody cares about gun free zones anymore, Dupe. They obviously failed, stupid signs that's all. On the other hand they were only disobeyed By the insane.
I think that part of the problem is that the gun lobby is refusing to support even modest, reasonable restrictions on guns, i.e., universal background checks and raising the age for rifles to 21.

Name one mass shooter that would have been stopped by your unenforceable universal background checks. JUST ONE.

Several of them if it's enforced. If not all of them with mental check system too

Your talking about the current system, name one that got their weapon in a private sale. No hurry, I'll wait.

They should take guns away from dangerously insane like the guy in Las Vegas. For the kid in Connecticut for that matter...
I think that part of the problem is that the gun lobby is refusing to support even modest, reasonable restrictions on guns, i.e., universal background checks and raising the age for rifles to 21.

Name one mass shooter that would have been stopped by your unenforceable universal background checks. JUST ONE.

Several of them if it's enforced. If not all of them with mental check system too

Your talking about the current system, name one that got their weapon in a private sale. No hurry, I'll wait.

How They Got Their Guns
I think that part of the problem is that the gun lobby is refusing to support even modest, reasonable restrictions on guns, i.e., universal background checks and raising the age for rifles to 21.

Name one mass shooter that would have been stopped by your unenforceable universal background checks. JUST ONE.

Several of them if it's enforced. If not all of them with mental check system too

Your talking about the current system, name one that got their weapon in a private sale. No hurry, I'll wait.

They should take guns away from dangerously insane like the guy in Las Vegas. For the kid in Connecticut for that matter...
This most recent one was also reported to the FBI as being crazy... Shouldn't have an AR-15 that's a loophole
On USMB, I've heard gun owners referred to as "gun nuts", "gun freaks", etc. They're sometimes referred to as "the gun culture".

It's been drilled into them from childhood first by the government run public schools then by their leftist indoctrinated professors and the media. In the big city, they are able to surround you with the anti-gun message that you hear nothing else so that you never hear the other side. They've been trained by the socialists that want total control of our lives that to merely defend the Constitution makes you a crazy wacko and to merely be a constitutional moderate makes you a far right neocon loon. And like automatons, these useful idiots march and petition and harangue the rest of the world that we are crazy if we do not fall into line and surrender our liberty as they blindingly do.
Nobody cares about gun free zones anymore, Dupe. They obviously failed, stupid signs that's all. On the other hand they were only disobeyed By the insane.
You don't get it. Gun free zones have gotten hundreds of people KILLED. And the dum dums opposing arming teachers, are calling for more of that. Get it ? Sheesh.

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