Gun Debate Illustrates Two Different Americas

On USMB, I've heard gun owners referred to as "gun nuts", "gun freaks", etc. They're sometimes referred to as "the gun culture".

It's been drilled into them from childhood first by the government run public schools then by their leftist indoctrinated professors and the media. In the big city, they are able to surround you with the anti-gun message that you hear nothing else so that you never hear the other side. They've been trained by the socialists that want total control of our lives that to merely defend the Constitution makes you a crazy wacko and to merely be a constitutional moderate makes you a far right neocon loon. And like automatons, these useful idiots march and petition and harangue the rest of the world that we are crazy if we do not fall into line and surrender our liberty as they blindingly do.
What is so crazy about background checks and no automatic weapons?

We have background checks, and automatic weapons are already controlled.....

This most recent one was also reported to the FBI as being crazy... Shouldn't have an AR-15 that's a loophole
What's wrong with having an AR-15 ?
nothing in Crazy Town. In fact, they just love them for killing those high school students and gay bars and concerts...

3 out of 8 million AR-15 civilian rifles owned by law abiding citizens...

Going by your numbers knives and cars need to be banned since both are used to kill more Americans every single year than AR-15s.
I think that part of the problem is that the gun lobby is refusing to support even modest, reasonable restrictions on guns, i.e., universal background checks and raising the age for rifles to 21.

Name one mass shooter that would have been stopped by your unenforceable universal background checks. JUST ONE.

Several of them if it's enforced. If not all of them with mental check system too

Your talking about the current system, name one that got their weapon in a private sale. No hurry, I'll wait.

They should take guns away from dangerously insane like the guy in Las Vegas. For the kid in Connecticut for that matter...
This most recent one was also reported to the FBI as being crazy... Shouldn't have an AR-15 that's a loophole

That's not a loophole moron.....the police didn't arrest him, he had no criminal record so he wasn't prohibited...moron...

So....that means since the local, state and federal law enforcement didn't do their jobs.....even if you had background checks on all gun sales....that guy still would have passed all of no, that isn't a loophole, that is your government at work.
Back when I was a first year college student, I was taught the definition of a nation. Among other things, that definition showed a nation as being a single culture. But in America today, with respect to the subject of guns, we have 2 separate cultures. Those who like (and appreciate) them, and those who despise and fear them.

On USMB, I've heard gun owners referred to as "gun nuts", "gun freaks", etc. They're sometimes referred to as "the gun culture". Well, just as easily, those who dislike/fear guns, could be called the Anti-gun culture.

Perhaps this dichotomy has a relation to how Americans begin adulthood. Millions of high school kids go straight to college, never spending a minute in the military, or anywhere getting introduced to firearms. Most have never even touched a real gun, much less receive training on it. Making things worse, is that college teachers, who also never touched a gun, and whose left-wing political bearings, make them automatic gun opponents.

Millions of other kids bypass college entirely, and go straight into the military, after high school. Unlike the college kids, these young soldiers, sailors, marines, etc. aren't exposed to the leftist propaganda so prolific on college campuses, but they do have lots of introductions to firearms, thereby becoming familiar with and knowledgable of them. So, for the major pars of their adult lives (after college or the military), America is divided generally, into these 2 very differing groups.

Having spent 6 years in the US Army and Army National Guard, and then attending college for 4 years, I noticed a huge gap in gun perception in this 2 groups. I was often taken aback, sometimes humored, by the stiff and robotic way that my college cohorts perceived just the thought of guns. The college kids, with no direct exposure to guns, and lots of indoctrination against them, actually though that the only people to ordinarily possess a gun were police and criminals.

They really thought that if you weren't a cop or military person, you shouldn't have a gun, and had no idea why anyone else would. In contrast, my former Army National Guard buddies had whole collections guns, of various types, each suited for various purposes. They could take apart their M4A1s, M-14s, AR-15s, clean them, and put them back together blindfolded, in accordance with their military training.

How disconcerting it is to hear education system people worrying about things happening with guns in schools, when these fears emanate mostly from ignorance of guns, and how to handle and secure them. Equally perplexing and disturbing is their amazing lack of worry about the danger of guns not being there (in the schools), for the very necessary PROTECTION they provide.

Those who speak about the "gun culture" should do some self-examination, with regard to the anti-gun culture, and the hows and whys of its existence.

“Gun nuts” are unwavering extremists . They assume every gun owner thinks like them . They don’t .

They assume any gun control = banning all guns . Which is rediculous .

The gun nut is a misonfirmist when it comes to gun debates . And spare me with the “you are ignorant of guns “ gun nerd move . You try to bully people with gun minutia to avoid the facts about assault weapons .

You want to discuss facts about assault weapons? Go ahead, you first. I'll be glad to talk about assault weapons with you any time.

Ok fine . The AR 15 Cruz used . That’s designed as a military weapon , right ? It’s designed to kill lots of people in a short amount of time .

All guns are designed to kill if need be. Nukes are designed to kill too. But if nukes are in the wrong hands, they can be used for evil purposes.

The fact of the matter is we had an "assault weapons" ban in this country for ten years. After those ten years, it was found that it didn't do any good, so they didn't renew it. More people are killed by hands and feet than assault rifles every year.

Instead of boring you with my personal favorite sites, I thought I would post from one of your own about assault rifles; the New York Times.

The Assault Weapon Myth

Guess you have no problem with North Korea and Iran having all the nukes they want .

No.....and you are stupid...North Korea and Iran are criminal regimes.....the same way we don't want felons to have guns, we don't want murderous dicatatorhips to have nukes...

I know that is a hard concept for asswipes like you to understand, but least try to use your brains.
Back when I was a first year college student, I was taught the definition of a nation. Among other things, that definition showed a nation as being a single culture. But in America today, with respect to the subject of guns, we have 2 separate cultures. Those who like (and appreciate) them, and those who despise and fear them.

On USMB, I've heard gun owners referred to as "gun nuts", "gun freaks", etc. They're sometimes referred to as "the gun culture". Well, just as easily, those who dislike/fear guns, could be called the Anti-gun culture.

Perhaps this dichotomy has a relation to how Americans begin adulthood. Millions of high school kids go straight to college, never spending a minute in the military, or anywhere getting introduced to firearms. Most have never even touched a real gun, much less receive training on it. Making things worse, is that college teachers, who also never touched a gun, and whose left-wing political bearings, make them automatic gun opponents.

Millions of other kids bypass college entirely, and go straight into the military, after high school. Unlike the college kids, these young soldiers, sailors, marines, etc. aren't exposed to the leftist propaganda so prolific on college campuses, but they do have lots of introductions to firearms, thereby becoming familiar with and knowledgable of them. So, for the major pars of their adult lives (after college or the military), America is divided generally, into these 2 very differing groups.

Having spent 6 years in the US Army and Army National Guard, and then attending college for 4 years, I noticed a huge gap in gun perception in this 2 groups. I was often taken aback, sometimes humored, by the stiff and robotic way that my college cohorts perceived just the thought of guns. The college kids, with no direct exposure to guns, and lots of indoctrination against them, actually though that the only people to ordinarily possess a gun were police and criminals.

They really thought that if you weren't a cop or military person, you shouldn't have a gun, and had no idea why anyone else would. In contrast, my former Army National Guard buddies had whole collections guns, of various types, each suited for various purposes. They could take apart their M4A1s, M-14s, AR-15s, clean them, and put them back together blindfolded, in accordance with their military training.

How disconcerting it is to hear education system people worrying about things happening with guns in schools, when these fears emanate mostly from ignorance of guns, and how to handle and secure them. Equally perplexing and disturbing is their amazing lack of worry about the danger of guns not being there (in the schools), for the very necessary PROTECTION they provide.

Those who speak about the "gun culture" should do some self-examination, with regard to the anti-gun culture, and the hows and whys of its existence.

A sick person can do a lot of damage with aN assault weapon. Suppose a sick person walks into a classroom and starts shooting everyone with his AR-15. How many people can he likely kill and what is the likelihood of a typical armed citizen stopping him by himself? I think most people can understand why some people want assault weapon's banned.

You are right. The military doesn't just hand you an M16 and let you go into combat with your fellow troops. Imagine what would happen in the infantry if the military did not make you pass M16 training g tests...

I think most Americans want the gun industry to be more regulated. There are lots of responsible gun owners.

There are no "Assault" weapons.... the AR-15 is not a military rifle, it is not a weapon of has never been used by the military and has never been used in a war....revolvers and pump action shotguns are weapons of are lever action rifles and bolt action fact, muzzle loading rifles are weapons of war....but not the AR-15 civilian rifle. are wrong....most people are uninformed and don't know anything about the AR-15 civilian rifle or any guns for that matter.....

The worst school shooting in the country wast he Virginia Tech shooting.....he used 2 pistols...not an AR-15.

The gun industry is already regulated enough.....none of these mass shootings has anything to do with the gun industry, the problem with mass shootings is law enforcement failing to do it's job...wether it was failing to submit actual crimina records to the background check system, or using obama education policies, like the Promise Program, to not arrest violent students which keeps them from having a criminal record, which allows them to pass a gun background is not the gun industry that is the problem.....

The same sick person could walk into a classroom with a pump action shot gun and kill the same number of people...or hand guns......that is why we don't trust people like you.......if you ban the AR-15 civilian rifle, you will come back for every other gun too.......

Can you blame them?

If the object is trying to stop school (mass) shootings, does anybody really believe that a background check or age restriction will actually do that?
The NRA is worried about universal background checks morphing into gun registry - what Hitler used to confiscate guns. I'm a bit worried about it too.

Gun registration is the only reason they want universal background checks....since UBCs will not stop criminals or mass shooters.......

They need a gun registration to ban and confiscate guns.....they know from history that that is the first step they need so that gun owners can't report their guns lost or stolen before they grab them........
The NRA does not represent gun owners. The NRA represents the gun industry. Those millions of dues paying members are fools. And I would be willing to bet that NRA loses more members per year than it gains new ones as more and more of those fools open their eyes.

Like raising the age to purchase any firearm to 21. The majority of the American public supports that position. Many NRA members also support raising the age to 21. But not the NRA because gun manufacturers and gun dealers don't want to lose the few under 21 year old customers that they have.

What about closing the gun show loophole? Again, I believe the majority of the American public supports closing that loophole and mandating permits for all gun purchases, both public and private. I don't doubt countless NRA members support it as well. But not the NRA. And the reason why is absolutely sinister.

Look. I have known some gun runners. Hell, North Carolina is a big supplier of guns on the Iron Pipeline. It ain't that damn hard. You go to a gun show. You purchase a half dozen guns or so, sometimes in the parking lot. Then you take a drive up I-95, or better, head to Chicago.

Now, all the NRA talk defending that loophole; about making gun transactions bothersome, or restricting personal freedoms, or even passing down guns to heirs becoming problematic, is nothing but a big smoke screen. What they are really defending, what they are really worried about, is the continued ability to circumvent gun laws and, just like the age requirement, reach those customers that are members of MS-13, or convicted felons, are just some person convicted of domestic violence that is prevented from legally owning a gun. They don't represent their members, they don't represent the people, they don't even give a fat rat's ass about the second amendment except to the extent that it enables the GUN INDUSTRY to peddle their wares to, not just "law-abiding citizens", but anyone and everyone else that can push a few dollars across the counter. Their immigration, legal, or mental status be damned.
What you call a smokescreen is in your post, but not in the NRA's website. Is this strawman talk ? Yes, the NRA does oppose background checks at gun shows. Do you know why ?
Because they will do anything to sell more guns for their corporate gun maker Masters duh...

You keep attacking the NRA...the NRA supports the FIX NICS act....the democrats oppose it.

The NRA trains local, state and federal law enforcement...the democrats constantly attack law enforcement and prevent them from arresting violent gun criminals.

You keep attacking the NRA...the NRA supports armed security and armed staff in the schools, the democrats oppose it.

The NRA teaches fun safety to millions of children...the democrats fight teaching gun safety to kids.

The NRA supports keeping violent gun offenders in prison, the democrats let violent gun offenders out of jail and pass laws letting them out early.

The NRA doesn't support the PROMISE PROGRAM, of obama, which allowed the shooter to get the gun...the democrats created and support the Promise program...which allowed the shooter to get his gun...

Since those are the facts, the truth and the reality.....

Of the two groups...the democrats are the ones supporting violent murder, not the NRA...
I think that part of the problem is that the gun lobby is refusing to support even modest, reasonable restrictions on guns, i.e., universal background checks and raising the age for rifles to 21.

Those aren't modest or reasonable.

The only reason the anti gun leadership want universal background checks is so they can then demand gun registration.

That is the only reason.

UBCs do not stop mass shooters, who will be able to pass them....and they do not stop criminals, who use straw buyers....straw buyers who can right now, pass current federal background checks which means they too will be able to pass any background check on a private sale.....

Do you understand that?

Gun registration is the goal for universal background checks...

Scott Morefield - Think They’ll Never ‘Come and Take’ Your Guns Without an Armed Revolt? Think Again

Consider: If rational minds on the Left know all this, to what end are they still pushing for such laws, especially when it’s obvious that they don’t care whether ANY gun control laws are actually enforced. Not yet anyway. (Remember, it’s always conservatives, not liberals, pushing for enforcement of existing law.)

And yet, they do want more and more laws on the books, and the more draconian, obscure, and hard to keep track of, the better. But why?

Here’s the answer, and it should scare every gun owner in the country:

They want to make de facto criminals out of the majority of the gun owning population.

That way, they can essentially pick us off, one by one.

Without necessarily meaning to, Mehta hits on this critical point in his piece: “A national gun buyback law would turn a significant portion of the American people into criminals,” he wrote. “Residents of New York and Connecticut snubbed their new laws … Compliance with the registration requirement has been modest at best, as hundreds of thousands of gun owners in both states refused to register their weapons. So far, then, the laws have been most successful in creating hundreds of thousands of lawbreakers who feel obligated to break the law.”

If liberals are able to pass any sort of “assault weapons” ban, buyback or no buyback, they know they will make criminals out of several million currently law-abiding gun owners. And even if the majority of those gun owners don’t follow the law now, that won’t make them any less a criminal. They just haven’t been caught yet.

But when the ‘right people’ control the levers of power and the ‘right laws’ are all in place, make no mistake - they will be caught.

Here’s the rub. It’s one thing to hold up your rifle and shout “come and take it,” à la Charleton Heston, before thousands of like-minded people. The Feds aren’t going to come to a National Rifle Association convention and start arresting people, at least not yet. And they aren’t going to conduct door-to-door house searches, arresting gun owners and confiscating their firearms, either. Not yet.

But believe me, under the right circumstances and with the right laws in place, the arrests will come. They’ll come when you’re going to work, or to the bank, or to the park with your kids, or a thousand other places. They’ll come after you’ve used your now-illegal AR-15 to defend yourself against a home invader, or if they spot it during a “routine” home search.

Never, ever underestimate these people and the depth of their evil. Remember, the Cheka managed to fill the Soviet gulags to the brim, and yet they did it quietly, with little fuss and even less armed revolt.

And they won’t need to arrest everyone to make the majority obey. No, they only need a few, and word will spread quickly.

So what will you do, dear AR-15 owner, when the ‘Cheka’ comes for your neighbor, and you know the laws are on the books to prosecute? Will a “buyback” and “amnesty” be enough to convince YOU to acquiesce? You’ve got a job, a wife, kids to raise. When they “come and take it,” is your family worth risking?

No, when they take your guns there will be no civil war. There will be no large-scale revolution, because liberals are experts at pushing that Overton Window enough not to shock the system. Like frogs in water that’s about to boil, people won’t jump until it’s too late.
The supposed "anti-gun culture" has arisen from the downturn in overall American cultural values and civility. I was raised with guns, which my father kept locked up, and shot them (at targets). BUT, this was at a time when no one threatened each other, one didn't see pictures of so-called Americans loitering around on American street corners dressed in camouflage costumes brandishing military weaponry, no one was pushing the absurd idea that the point of having guns was to "protect" oneself from our own government rather than foreign invasion, as was the case when the 2nd Amendment was written, before the invention of automatic weaponry and before the creation of the National Guard, no one sent threatening messages to their fellow Americans with whom they disagree, such as:

"I am buying up my ammo right now you filthy, ugly, disgusting, fat, stupid, cruel, anti-Christian piece of liberal scum," she read aloud. "I am getting ready for the war so I hope you have a good hiding place, you sick, disgusting, miserable, piece of degenerate lesbian scum."
we weren't continually experiencing mass shootings, and race gangs weren't running around in the woods playing soldier. The only problem that might implicate guns in some sections of the country during this time was racial hostility.

My father was a gentleman with a quiet demeanor, a strong sense of ethics, a respect for humanity, and impeccable manners. He would never, ever have indulged in the sort of behavior I've described.

The population of untrustworthy and unethical low-lifes in this country has seemed to increase exponentially in the last few decades, while the weaponry they have access to has increased exponentially in power. This uncivilized and sometimes mentally-ill behavior is the source of "anti-gun culture."
Even if all this were true it doesn't explain why the anti-gun culture opposes guns in schools in the hands of well vetted, well trained, GOOD guys.
Guns should not be in schools. That is no place for them. Absolutely not. We don't turn our nation into an armed camp. We take away the military-style rapid-fire weapons. There is no need for any regular citizen to have them. Enough is enough. Macho bullshit should not outweigh our safety, and the gun control pretty much is based on macho bullshit.

Congress has 535 members...they are protected by 2000 armed police officers....

We know from mass shooters we captured and the notes of the ones who are dead that they pick gun free zones for their targets...

This is a fact.

They do not do a mass shooting to engage in a shoot out with police.....we know this because the outcome of all mass shootings is...suicide, surrender or running away....this is what they have done in all of these mass public shootings as soon as anyone with a gun...civilians as well as police, show up to stop them....

If you get rid of democrat gun free school keep mass shooters from attacking them.
What is so crazy about background checks and no automatic weapons?
Both those questions have been answered repeatedly in the thread. Are you reading it ?

Don't mind Franco. He's just a troll that seldom knows what he's talking about, particularly when it comes to guns. So he'll call you a dupe, blame guns on Reagan for some reason, and tell you that the GOP is the problem in our country.

It's all he really knows.
I think that part of the problem is that the gun lobby is refusing to support even modest, reasonable restrictions on guns, i.e., universal background checks and raising the age for rifles to 21.

Name one mass shooter that would have been stopped by your unenforceable universal background checks. JUST ONE.

Several of them if it's enforced. If not all of them with mental check system too

Your talking about the current system, name one that got their weapon in a private sale. No hurry, I'll wait.

They should take guns away from dangerously insane like the guy in Las Vegas. For the kid in Connecticut for that matter...

The Vegas shooter was nearly a model citizen until he went on his rampage killing all those people. He made a lot of money in business, he took care of his elderly mother, and certainly no stranger to Vegas. If we were to deny him access to guns, on what grounds would you base that on?

You really shouldn't talk about things you know nothing about.
Your talking about the current system, name one that got their weapon in a private sale. No hurry, I'll wait.

How They Got Their Guns

So the answer is ZERO, seems like your unenforceable universal background checks are a solution in search of a problem. Typical regressive policy.

There were others where the the system failed when the Navy didn't follow through. Try reading something, dupe. Good night!
The whole goddamn background check system is a mess. Jesus Christ! Great job bought off GOP and silly dupes of the NRA

Yeah, they keept the regressive states form submitting data, give me a break.

The NRA and the GOP? That's a fact Jack. Don't be a dumbass read something.

So the answer is ZERO, seems like your unenforceable universal background checks are a solution in search of a problem. Typical regressive policy.

There were others where the the system failed when the Navy didn't follow through. Try reading something, dupe. Good night!
The whole goddamn background check system is a mess. Jesus Christ! Great job bought off GOP and silly dupes of the NRA

Yeah, they keept the regressive states form submitting data, give me a break.

The NRA and the GOP? That's a fact Jack. Don't be a dumbass read something.

I have , the NRA has been pushing for data inclusion in NICS for 25 years. It's regressives that have been blocking it, because they aren't interested in solutions, they want the issue. Unfortunately you're too old and ignorant to recognize it. Hell you posted a link yourself that no mass shooters got their guns from another citizen, they all bought from dealers legally. Yet you are pushing the ignorance that private sales need background checks, and somewhere in your demented regressive mind, that sounds reasonable to you? Run along child, I think we're done.

So the answer is ZERO, seems like your unenforceable universal background checks are a solution in search of a problem. Typical regressive policy.

There were others where the the system failed when the Navy didn't follow through. Try reading something, dupe. Good night!
The whole goddamn background check system is a mess. Jesus Christ! Great job bought off GOP and silly dupes of the NRA

Yeah, they keept the regressive states form submitting data, give me a break.

The NRA and the GOP? That's a fact Jack. Don't be a dumbass read something.

I have , the NRA has been pushing for data inclusion in NICS for 25 years. It's regressives that have been blocking it, because they aren't interested in solutions, they want the issue. Unfortunately you're too old and ignorant to recognize it. Hell you posted a link yourself that no mass shooters got their guns from another citizen, they all bought from dealers legally. Yet you are pushing the ignorance that private sales need background checks, and somewhere in your demented regressive mind, that sounds reasonable to you? Run along child, I think we're done.


I have , the NRA has been pushing for data inclusion in NICS for 25 years.

Who told you that bullshit?

In fact, it was the NRA that led the effort to block the federal mandate, by financing and arguing the US Supreme Court case that let states off the hook. The 1997 decision in Printz v. United States threw out part of the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act, and made it optional for local courts, police departments and states to submit background information on residents.

NRA slams gun-background system flaws it helped create - CNN
There were others where the the system failed when the Navy didn't follow through. Try reading something, dupe. Good night!
The whole goddamn background check system is a mess. Jesus Christ! Great job bought off GOP and silly dupes of the NRA

Yeah, they keept the regressive states form submitting data, give me a break.

The NRA and the GOP? That's a fact Jack. Don't be a dumbass read something.

I have , the NRA has been pushing for data inclusion in NICS for 25 years. It's regressives that have been blocking it, because they aren't interested in solutions, they want the issue. Unfortunately you're too old and ignorant to recognize it. Hell you posted a link yourself that no mass shooters got their guns from another citizen, they all bought from dealers legally. Yet you are pushing the ignorance that private sales need background checks, and somewhere in your demented regressive mind, that sounds reasonable to you? Run along child, I think we're done.


I have , the NRA has been pushing for data inclusion in NICS for 25 years.

Who told you that bullshit?

In fact, it was the NRA that led the effort to block the federal mandate, by financing and arguing the US Supreme Court case that let states off the hook. The 1997 decision in Printz v. United States threw out part of the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act, and made it optional for local courts, police departments and states to submit background information on residents.

NRA slams gun-background system flaws it helped create - CNN

Still showing your ignorance I see, the "interim provisions" of the bill effectively commandeered state and local police depts to do background checks while NICS was established. SCOTUS has always found federal attempts to commandeer local resources unconstitutional. Had the feds provided funding for the resources the outcome could have been different. So you and your commie network can feel free to take a flyer on this one, the facts don't support your claim.

This entire topic is a mere symptom of a much larger issue.

To get to the heart of the issue, one must ask why one side values false-security over freedom. One must also ask why another sector of our population values the edicts and demands of ancient mythology over freedom.

The answer is that most of Americans don't understand freedom, and naturally gravitate toward authoritarianism. It is much easier to let others do your work for you. Self-reliance is too hard.

The real issue is that we have a huge population of people who are just smart enough to barely do their jobs to a substandard level, and nothing more. They are not smart enough for freedom.

Stupid people cannot, and don't desreve to, live free.

Now, give me my "weapons of war" so I can protect myself from all these idiots. Thanks, and fuck off.
Back when I was a first year college student, I was taught the definition of a nation. Among other things, that definition showed a nation as being a single culture. But in America today, with respect to the subject of guns, we have 2 separate cultures. Those who like (and appreciate) them, and those who despise and fear them.

On USMB, I've heard gun owners referred to as "gun nuts", "gun freaks", etc. They're sometimes referred to as "the gun culture". Well, just as easily, those who dislike/fear guns, could be called the Anti-gun culture.

Perhaps this dichotomy has a relation to how Americans begin adulthood. Millions of high school kids go straight to college, never spending a minute in the military, or anywhere getting introduced to firearms. Most have never even touched a real gun, much less receive training on it. Making things worse, is that college teachers, who also never touched a gun, and whose left-wing political bearings, make them automatic gun opponents.

Millions of other kids bypass college entirely, and go straight into the military, after high school. Unlike the college kids, these young soldiers, sailors, marines, etc. aren't exposed to the leftist propaganda so prolific on college campuses, but they do have lots of introductions to firearms, thereby becoming familiar with and knowledgable of them. So, for the major pars of their adult lives (after college or the military), America is divided generally, into these 2 very differing groups.

Having spent 6 years in the US Army and Army National Guard, and then attending college for 4 years, I noticed a huge gap in gun perception in this 2 groups. I was often taken aback, sometimes humored, by the stiff and robotic way that my college cohorts perceived just the thought of guns. The college kids, with no direct exposure to guns, and lots of indoctrination against them, actually though that the only people to ordinarily possess a gun were police and criminals.

They really thought that if you weren't a cop or military person, you shouldn't have a gun, and had no idea why anyone else would. In contrast, my former Army National Guard buddies had whole collections guns, of various types, each suited for various purposes. They could take apart their M4A1s, M-14s, AR-15s, clean them, and put them back together blindfolded, in accordance with their military training.

How disconcerting it is to hear education system people worrying about things happening with guns in schools, when these fears emanate mostly from ignorance of guns, and how to handle and secure them. Equally perplexing and disturbing is their amazing lack of worry about the danger of guns not being there (in the schools), for the very necessary PROTECTION they provide.

Those who speak about the "gun culture" should do some self-examination, with regard to the anti-gun culture, and the hows and whys of its existence.

There are many of us who are fine with guns, but realize we can't have guns for mass killing legal. As we saw in the most recent school shooting, Vegas, Orlando, the recent church shooting in TX... Semi auto rifles with high capacity magazines can kill a lot of innocent people really fast. Just like we heavily regulate machine guns, we need to do the same with these semi-auto rifles. The gun culture survived regulating machine guns, and will continue on after we regulate semi-auto rifles and high capacity magazines. Machine guns are now rarely used in crimes btw.
I think that part of the problem is that the gun lobby is refusing to support even modest, reasonable restrictions on guns, i.e., universal background checks and raising the age for rifles to 21.

Name one mass shooter that would have been stopped by your unenforceable universal background checks. JUST ONE.

Several of them if it's enforced. If not all of them with mental check system too

Your talking about the current system, name one that got their weapon in a private sale. No hurry, I'll wait.

They should take guns away from dangerously insane like the guy in Las Vegas. For the kid in Connecticut for that matter...

The Vegas shooter was nearly a model citizen until he went on his rampage killing all those people. He made a lot of money in business, he took care of his elderly mother, and certainly no stranger to Vegas. If we were to deny him access to guns, on what grounds would you base that on?

You really shouldn't talk about things you know nothing about.
He should have been denied access to guns for mass killing as everyone should have. Semi auto rifles and high capacity magazines should be heavily regulated.
This entire topic is a mere symptom of a much larger issue.

To get to the heart of the issue, one must ask why one side values false-security over freedom. One must also ask why another sector of our population values the edicts and demands of ancient mythology over freedom.

The answer is that most of Americans don't understand freedom, and naturally gravitate toward authoritarianism. It is much easier to let others do your work for you. Self-reliance is too hard.

The real issue is that we have a huge population of people who are just smart enough to barely do their jobs to a substandard level, and nothing more. They are not smart enough for freedom.

Stupid people cannot, and don't desreve to, live free.

Now, give me my "weapons of war" so I can protect myself from all these idiots. Thanks, and fuck off.

We value the freedom of life. Legally arming killers with guns for mass killing is depriving many of their right to life.
So the answer is ZERO, seems like your unenforceable universal background checks are a solution in search of a problem. Typical regressive policy.

There were others where the the system failed when the Navy didn't follow through. Try reading something, dupe. Good night!
The whole goddamn background check system is a mess. Jesus Christ! Great job bought off GOP and silly dupes of the NRA

Yeah, they keept the regressive states form submitting data, give me a break.

The NRA and the GOP? That's a fact Jack. Don't be a dumbass read something.

I have , the NRA has been pushing for data inclusion in NICS for 25 years. It's regressives that have been blocking it, because they aren't interested in solutions, they want the issue. Unfortunately you're too old and ignorant to recognize it. Hell you posted a link yourself that no mass shooters got their guns from another citizen, they all bought from dealers legally. Yet you are pushing the ignorance that private sales need background checks, and somewhere in your demented regressive mind, that sounds reasonable to you? Run along child, I think we're done.

NRA actively worked to weaken gun law enforcement

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