Gun owner...first shot kills homem invader...literally, his first shot...

I don't recall there being that many armed rioters. I also don't recall these Koreans killing a large number of people. How many people did they kill to defend themselves? Sounds like a situation where they could reload. You have a link that says what happened?

"I don't recall...I don't recall." I hope your dick isn't as short as your memory, Brain. Besides, you can click a Google button just as easy as me. I don't do homework for sloths. Tell me, you make yourself come across as an expert on the subject of high capacity magazines in defensive situations. Whet experience do you have is such matters?

So you make a claim you won't backup at all. You lose.

Your claim is that, since gangbangers and mass shooters use high capacity magazines, no one should be able to have them. But you have no way of determining whether the gangbangers (by far the larger hazard of the two) would be effected by such a law.

Yes I do. Gangsters used to love tommy guns. We made them very difficult and expensive to get. Now we seldom see machine guns used by criminals. We make hi cap mags expensive and difficult to get and the same thing will happen with them. Criminals do not need hi cap magazines. They use them because they are so plentiful. Places have been robbed by a finger in a pocket pretending to be a gun. Paranoid gun nuts are the only ones who think they need hi cap magazines.

don't you get tired of all the moronic lies you spew.

So you think machine guns are being used often in crimes? Really?
All I have to say is not one more bullet, one more weapon or one more piece of equipment....we have all the laws we need to reduce gun crime...I am going to use my vote to keep the politicians brain357 supports away from the levers of they can't enact his silly ideas....

that is where this discussion really ends...
All I have to say is not one more bullet, one more weapon or one more piece of equipment....we have all the laws we need to reduce gun crime...I am going to use my vote to keep the politicians brain357 supports away from the levers of they can't enact his silly ideas....

that is where this discussion really ends...

You should vote for whoever best supports your beliefs. That's what I do.
"I don't recall...I don't recall." I hope your dick isn't as short as your memory, Brain. Besides, you can click a Google button just as easy as me. I don't do homework for sloths. Tell me, you make yourself come across as an expert on the subject of high capacity magazines in defensive situations. Whet experience do you have is such matters?

So you make a claim you won't backup at all. You lose.

Your claim is that, since gangbangers and mass shooters use high capacity magazines, no one should be able to have them. But you have no way of determining whether the gangbangers (by far the larger hazard of the two) would be effected by such a law.

Yes I do. Gangsters used to love tommy guns. We made them very difficult and expensive to get. Now we seldom see machine guns used by criminals. We make hi cap mags expensive and difficult to get and the same thing will happen with them. Criminals do not need hi cap magazines. They use them because they are so plentiful. Places have been robbed by a finger in a pocket pretending to be a gun. Paranoid gun nuts are the only ones who think they need hi cap magazines.

don't you get tired of all the moronic lies you spew.

So you think machine guns are being used often in crimes? Really?

not legal ones
So you are saying police know when and where crimes are going to happen?

And yet you are claiming you know, know, how many rounds every person in a self defense will ever need, ever...

Have never claimed that. I am saying way more innocent people are being killed by criminals using hi cap magazines than will ever be saved by a defender with hi cap magazines. So far nobody has a single example of anyone ever needing a hi cap mag for defense. Lots of good examples of defenders using far less however. Guy for this thread used one shot.

Folks in other countries who are being invaded by other folks with hi-cap-mags are glad when their fire power is equal to (or greater than) their enemy's. Should America ever be invaded by and enemy (foreign or domestic) I think most Americans who are willing to stand for their flag, Constitution, and natural born rights will want to have the ability to "fight fire with fire."
So you are saying police know when and where crimes are going to happen?

And yet you are claiming you know, know, how many rounds every person in a self defense will ever need, ever...

Have never claimed that. I am saying way more innocent people are being killed by criminals using hi cap magazines than will ever be saved by a defender with hi cap magazines. So far nobody has a single example of anyone ever needing a hi cap mag for defense. Lots of good examples of defenders using far less however. Guy for this thread used one shot.

Folks in other countries who are being invaded by other folks with hi-cap-mags are glad when their fire power is equal to (or greater than) their enemy's. Should America ever be invaded by and enemy (foreign or domestic) I think most Americans who are willing to stand for their flag, Constitution, and natural born rights will want to have the ability to "fight fire with fire."

If we are being invaded you will need tanks, jets, rocket launchers, grenades... Whether you have a hi cap magazine or not will matter very little. BTW, we spend more on the military than the next 10 countries combined. We are safe from attack.
We don't give a shit about what you think we need Brian



I am fully aware you don't care about all the innocent people being killed.

Actually, I don't care about the thugs that innocent people kill.


Then why do you want them to be so well armed? People don't need hi cap magazines for defense, only the thugs and mass shooters need them. Unless you have an example of someone needing a hi cap mag for defense?
"I don't recall...I don't recall." I hope your dick isn't as short as your memory, Brain. Besides, you can click a Google button just as easy as me. I don't do homework for sloths. Tell me, you make yourself come across as an expert on the subject of high capacity magazines in defensive situations. Whet experience do you have is such matters?

So you make a claim you won't backup at all. You lose.

Hey nitwit, I repeat my question: What experience do you have is such matters? When has magazine capacity ever had an impact on your life in a defensive situation? You're the expert in this thread, big mouth, or at least you think you are. Sound off.

So you still don't back it up. I have not heard of a single person ever needing a hi cap magazine for defense. Clearly you haven't either. I have however heard of lots needing no shots or just 1-2. I have never needed a gun for defense, so my experience says I need 0.

You know why you have never 'heard' of anyone 'needing' a, what you call high cap magazine, is because
A. You're ignorant
B. You have no need to know
C. Lawful owners need not publicly explain their use of ammunition magazines
D. Dead men tell no tales.


So you have some examples you can link to then?

Well of course- ask for links to statements :cuckoo:

But I'll play along

A. You're ignorant- That's because you have no respect for violence. You were likely never trained to fight against other violent people. So for you, mankind is moral and defense is premature
B. You have no need to know- Come on.. My privacy is foremost. Someones concern whether someone has a 10-15 or 30 round magazine is intrusive
C. Lawful owners need not publicly explain their use of ammunition magazines- ref(B)
D. Dead men tell no tales- I want 30 rounds. I want to expend whatever ammunition is required to eliminate the threat, 1-5-10-20 whatever it takes. A 30 round magazine is insurance in the event you need the capacity. Sure, blow the thugs head off with a double tap and be done with it. Or..... you lay an additional 28 into him for good measure

So you still don't back it up. I have not heard of a single person ever needing a hi cap magazine for defense. Clearly you haven't either. I have however heard of lots needing no shots or just 1-2. I have never needed a gun for defense, so my experience says I need 0.

So you're an idiot who doesn't know shit. Just as I thought. That's a custom-made 32 round magazine in my AR-15. I promise it was necessary for defense. But what the fuck would you and Geaux know about things like that?

I am fully aware you don't care about all the innocent people being killed.

Actually, I don't care about the thugs that innocent people kill.


Then why do you want them to be so well armed? People don't need hi cap magazines for defense, only the thugs and mass shooters need them. Unless you have an example of someone needing a hi cap mag for defense?
So you make a claim you won't backup at all. You lose.

Hey nitwit, I repeat my question: What experience do you have is such matters? When has magazine capacity ever had an impact on your life in a defensive situation? You're the expert in this thread, big mouth, or at least you think you are. Sound off.

So you still don't back it up. I have not heard of a single person ever needing a hi cap magazine for defense. Clearly you haven't either. I have however heard of lots needing no shots or just 1-2. I have never needed a gun for defense, so my experience says I need 0.

You know why you have never 'heard' of anyone 'needing' a, what you call high cap magazine, is because
A. You're ignorant
B. You have no need to know
C. Lawful owners need not publicly explain their use of ammunition magazines
D. Dead men tell no tales.


So you have some examples you can link to then?

Well of course- ask for links to statements :cuckoo:

But I'll play along

A. You're ignorant- That's because you have no respect for violence. You were likely never trained to fight against other violent people. So for you, mankind is moral and defense is premature
B. You have no need to know- Come on.. My privacy is foremost. Someones concern whether someone has a 10-15 or 30 round magazine is intrusive
C. Lawful owners need not publicly explain their use of ammunition magazines- ref(B)
D. Dead men tell no tales- I want 30 rounds. I want to expend whatever ammunition is required to eliminate the threat, 1-5-10-20 whatever it takes. A 30 round magazine is insurance in the event you need the capacity. Sure, blow the thugs head off with a double tap and be done with it. Or..... you lay an additional 28 into him for good measure


How many thugs have you blown away so far?
So you still don't back it up. I have not heard of a single person ever needing a hi cap magazine for defense. Clearly you haven't either. I have however heard of lots needing no shots or just 1-2. I have never needed a gun for defense, so my experience says I need 0.

So you're an idiot who doesn't know shit. Just as I thought. That's a custom-made 32 round magazine in my AR-15. I promise it was necessary for defense. But what the fuck would you and Geaux know about things like that?

View attachment 32990

So you have had shootouts where you have fired 32 times in self defense? Really?
So you still don't back it up. I have not heard of a single person ever needing a hi cap magazine for defense. Clearly you haven't either. I have however heard of lots needing no shots or just 1-2. I have never needed a gun for defense, so my experience says I need 0.

So you're an idiot who doesn't know shit. Just as I thought. That's a custom-made 32 round magazine in my AR-15. I promise it was necessary for defense. But what the fuck would you and Geaux know about things like that?

View attachment 32990

One man team.


This story is why guns are so important as a defensive tool....this is a 70 year old man who never fired a gun before...ever....a home invader breaks into this couples house, points the shotgun and orders the 70 year old man to get on the ground....

Defensive Gun Use of the Day OK Gun Owner s First Ever Shot Takes Down Shotgun Burglar Edition - The Truth About Guns

Cardell says he did not have any experience using a firearm.

“No! That’s my first time shooting a gun,” he said.

Frances said they bought the gun hoping to never need it, but now she’s glad it was there.

“This is something we never dreamed would have happened in our lifetime,” Frances said.

the anti gunners don't understand...firearms are not that hard to use...sure...more training is better than no training....but very little training is no bar from deploying a gun most self defense cases, you aren't going to find people who train like navy seals....they tend to be average people with little to no training, and they use the guns to save lives and stop violent criminal attacks....that is why the gun replaced the sword, and spear and why they are so important for the weak, the old, the injured, the ambushed and the individual facing multiple other weapon makes people equal the way a gun does....

And he didn't need a hi cap magazine.

No one has ever lost a gun fight because he had TOO much ammo

its like saying that disease I had did no require my 1 million annual insurance policy limits

Listen anti gun twits: IF CIVILIAN POLICE have determined that 17 shot pistols and 30 shot rifles are the most suitable self defense weapons for CIVILIAN cops to use in a CIVILIAN URBAN ENVIRONMENT, who are you ninnies to disagree?

Sorry but if you have to actually arrest criminals it's different than defending. Defending you shoot at somebody a couple times and they take off it's over. Cop shoots at a criminal a couple times and he takes off and the cop needs to pursue. Totally different. Sorry.
That's so moronic I cannot believe anyone who claims to be a brain would say it

are you saying trying to arrest criminals requires different weapons than engaging in a firefight with criminals who decided when and where to attack you violently

You really need to STFU. You don't know what you are talking about
I think he's about a ten year old, playing on mommy's computer.
This story is why guns are so important as a defensive tool....this is a 70 year old man who never fired a gun before...ever....a home invader breaks into this couples house, points the shotgun and orders the 70 year old man to get on the ground....

Defensive Gun Use of the Day OK Gun Owner s First Ever Shot Takes Down Shotgun Burglar Edition - The Truth About Guns

the anti gunners don't understand...firearms are not that hard to use...sure...more training is better than no training....but very little training is no bar from deploying a gun most self defense cases, you aren't going to find people who train like navy seals....they tend to be average people with little to no training, and they use the guns to save lives and stop violent criminal attacks....that is why the gun replaced the sword, and spear and why they are so important for the weak, the old, the injured, the ambushed and the individual facing multiple other weapon makes people equal the way a gun does....

And he didn't need a hi cap magazine.

No one has ever lost a gun fight because he had TOO much ammo

its like saying that disease I had did no require my 1 million annual insurance policy limits

Listen anti gun twits: IF CIVILIAN POLICE have determined that 17 shot pistols and 30 shot rifles are the most suitable self defense weapons for CIVILIAN cops to use in a CIVILIAN URBAN ENVIRONMENT, who are you ninnies to disagree?

Sorry but if you have to actually arrest criminals it's different than defending. Defending you shoot at somebody a couple times and they take off it's over. Cop shoots at a criminal a couple times and he takes off and the cop needs to pursue. Totally different. Sorry.
That's so moronic I cannot believe anyone who claims to be a brain would say it

are you saying trying to arrest criminals requires different weapons than engaging in a firefight with criminals who decided when and where to attack you violently

You really need to STFU. You don't know what you are talking about
I think he's about a ten year old, playing on mommy's computer.

And yet I am owning you. You must feel pretty stupid.
And he didn't need a hi cap magazine.

No one has ever lost a gun fight because he had TOO much ammo

its like saying that disease I had did no require my 1 million annual insurance policy limits

Listen anti gun twits: IF CIVILIAN POLICE have determined that 17 shot pistols and 30 shot rifles are the most suitable self defense weapons for CIVILIAN cops to use in a CIVILIAN URBAN ENVIRONMENT, who are you ninnies to disagree?

Sorry but if you have to actually arrest criminals it's different than defending. Defending you shoot at somebody a couple times and they take off it's over. Cop shoots at a criminal a couple times and he takes off and the cop needs to pursue. Totally different. Sorry.
That's so moronic I cannot believe anyone who claims to be a brain would say it

are you saying trying to arrest criminals requires different weapons than engaging in a firefight with criminals who decided when and where to attack you violently

You really need to STFU. You don't know what you are talking about
I think he's about a ten year old, playing on mommy's computer.

And yet I am owning you. You must feel pretty stupid.
ah another retard who awards himself special olympics gold medals
And he didn't need a hi cap magazine.

No one has ever lost a gun fight because he had TOO much ammo

its like saying that disease I had did no require my 1 million annual insurance policy limits

Listen anti gun twits: IF CIVILIAN POLICE have determined that 17 shot pistols and 30 shot rifles are the most suitable self defense weapons for CIVILIAN cops to use in a CIVILIAN URBAN ENVIRONMENT, who are you ninnies to disagree?

Sorry but if you have to actually arrest criminals it's different than defending. Defending you shoot at somebody a couple times and they take off it's over. Cop shoots at a criminal a couple times and he takes off and the cop needs to pursue. Totally different. Sorry.
That's so moronic I cannot believe anyone who claims to be a brain would say it

are you saying trying to arrest criminals requires different weapons than engaging in a firefight with criminals who decided when and where to attack you violently

You really need to STFU. You don't know what you are talking about
I think he's about a ten year old, playing on mommy's computer.

And yet I am owning you. You must feel pretty stupid.
Dream on, little one! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
No one has ever lost a gun fight because he had TOO much ammo

its like saying that disease I had did no require my 1 million annual insurance policy limits

Listen anti gun twits: IF CIVILIAN POLICE have determined that 17 shot pistols and 30 shot rifles are the most suitable self defense weapons for CIVILIAN cops to use in a CIVILIAN URBAN ENVIRONMENT, who are you ninnies to disagree?

Sorry but if you have to actually arrest criminals it's different than defending. Defending you shoot at somebody a couple times and they take off it's over. Cop shoots at a criminal a couple times and he takes off and the cop needs to pursue. Totally different. Sorry.
That's so moronic I cannot believe anyone who claims to be a brain would say it

are you saying trying to arrest criminals requires different weapons than engaging in a firefight with criminals who decided when and where to attack you violently

You really need to STFU. You don't know what you are talking about
I think he's about a ten year old, playing on mommy's computer.

And yet I am owning you. You must feel pretty stupid.
ah another retard who awards himself special olympics gold medals

And you are still ranting and saying nothing of value.
No one has ever lost a gun fight because he had TOO much ammo

its like saying that disease I had did no require my 1 million annual insurance policy limits

Listen anti gun twits: IF CIVILIAN POLICE have determined that 17 shot pistols and 30 shot rifles are the most suitable self defense weapons for CIVILIAN cops to use in a CIVILIAN URBAN ENVIRONMENT, who are you ninnies to disagree?

Sorry but if you have to actually arrest criminals it's different than defending. Defending you shoot at somebody a couple times and they take off it's over. Cop shoots at a criminal a couple times and he takes off and the cop needs to pursue. Totally different. Sorry.
That's so moronic I cannot believe anyone who claims to be a brain would say it

are you saying trying to arrest criminals requires different weapons than engaging in a firefight with criminals who decided when and where to attack you violently

You really need to STFU. You don't know what you are talking about
I think he's about a ten year old, playing on mommy's computer.

And yet I am owning you. You must feel pretty stupid.
Dream on, little one! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

So you are going to provide some links then of people needing a hi cap magazine for defense?
Sorry but if you have to actually arrest criminals it's different than defending. Defending you shoot at somebody a couple times and they take off it's over. Cop shoots at a criminal a couple times and he takes off and the cop needs to pursue. Totally different. Sorry.
That's so moronic I cannot believe anyone who claims to be a brain would say it

are you saying trying to arrest criminals requires different weapons than engaging in a firefight with criminals who decided when and where to attack you violently

You really need to STFU. You don't know what you are talking about
I think he's about a ten year old, playing on mommy's computer.

And yet I am owning you. You must feel pretty stupid.
ah another retard who awards himself special olympics gold medals

And you are still ranting and saying nothing of value.
Actually people pay me good money for my training and instruction when it comes to guns. You are just a whining retard who doesn't like gun owners. Is it because we remind you of your own cowardly failings as a "man" or is it because you engage in activities that might justify an honest citizen capping your sorry ass?

Either way, you are a complete moron on this subject

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