Guns are great, great for killing, maiming and used for fun.

When was the last time a gun jumped off the shelf and shot someone. When was the last time a car, on its own, ran someone down? It’s all about the person holding the gun or driving the car. This is the critical point, fact, that is beyond comprehension of the liberal mindset to grasp. Next thing you will learn is that knives kill people not the people holding the knife.

My wife's car ran over her in 1989!
so youre trying to tell me that if trump was in the WH the dems wouldnt still be talking about banning guns let alone assault rifles??
If Trump was in the WHITE HOUSE, the dems couldn't be abusing their positions to issue executive orders to disarm the law abidding. When Biden goes after White Nationalists---he means he fears the law abidding people of the US going after his corruption.

The shooter btw, is a black Racist who ranted about his hate of whites and how they owed his useless homeless crazy ass-------another racist on drugs with mental problems who btw was also ranting about homosexuality---sounds like he was bi and disgusted with himself.
If Trump was in the WHITE HOUSE, the dems couldn't be abusing their positions to issue executive orders to disarm the law abidding. When Biden goes after White Nationalists---he means he fears the law abidding people of the US going after his corruption.

The shooter btw, is a black Racist who ranted about his hate of whites and how they owed his useless homeless crazy ass-------another racist on drugs with mental problems who btw was also ranting about homosexuality---sounds like he was bi and disgusted with himself.
we know hes done things and said things that took rights away so are you ever going to tell me what trumps done or said to restore gun rights or not??

,so far he seemed happy with the status quo,,
Again if Trump was still President we would not be having any gun control discussion. It would not happen. He would not be pushing any gun control agenda. You and not voting for him own this shit.
You sound like the anti vaxer who said his freedom was more important than our health. Then he died of covid.

The only way Republicans will see the light is for something horrible to happen to them personally. Like Reagan woke up to things like gun legislation or stem cell research because it affected him personally. Until it affected him personally, he remained ignorant.

The younger generation might pass laws you don't like old timer.
If something bad happens to me personally, i will buy MORE guns, not less.

And telling hasn't made a damn bit of difference.

I legally bought my first so called Assault Weapon during the Assault Weapons Ban ...
As well as the banned 30 round mags to go with it ... :auiqs.jpg:

I just want common sense gun regulations. I love my guns and I now don’t mind assault rifles. We should own them. Some of us.
But one can not make illegal what was previously legal, due to the Ex Post Facto legal principle.
Nor should anyone want government, the most corrupt source of authoritarian dictatorships in the world, to have a monopoly on the means of violence.

If one passes laws to prevent ordinary citizens from having the same arms as government, then eventually that ensures a dictatorship.
Governments are always the most suspect and corrupt concentration of wealth and power.
Cop killer ammo that pierces armor was once legal and isn’t now.
If something bad happens to me personally, i will buy MORE guns, not less.
Yea but if a nut who shouldn’t have been sold a gun is and I kills your love ones, you’ll want background checks that would prevent that from ever happening again.
If something bad happens to me personally, i will buy MORE guns, not less.
I could see how the federal government will do it. They’re allowing states to legalize pot. A lot of you will get medical marijuana cards. So you will break the federal law and they will charge you with a felony.
Which is illegal already.

Why should it take me 3-6 months and $500 just to get a permit for a revolver in NYC?
It shouldn’t. It took about 4 weeks for me. Something red flagged me so I couldn’t walk out the door of Dunham’s with my ruger 450 bushmaster. It could be I almost went to trial for assault and battery, but it was dismissed years ago. It could be one time I had a medical marijuana card? Idk. Eventually I got my gun. What’s the big deal? I liked it that it wasn’t too easy.
Here's something to think about
Democrats have created laws that made plenty of blacks prohibited people. Fucking racist pieces of shit and blacks continue to support this

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