Had a Conversation with an Anti-Vaccination Gal


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
This is the level of insanity permitting in the world right now (Disclosure, I get the annual flu vaccination and various vaccinations going to 3rd world nations):

Her: Everyone should be required to get the CV19 vaccination when it comes out.

Me: I thought you were against vaccinations.

Her: Yes, but this is different. The government must force everyone to obtain the vaccination.

Me: I don’t think the government should force medical procedures upon unwilling people.


Yes, and so does the flu, chicken pox, malaria. If you get the vaccination, what’s it to you I don’t? I can’t give it to you.

Her: YOU JUST DONT CARE (storms away)

Humanity got an IQ and wisdom test this year, and we failed.

I haven't had the flu shot since I left the service over twenty years ago. Yes I sometimes get sick and in turn I recover. However... I also know others who have religiously went in for their flu shot and in turn became sick because they were given a shot for a different flu strain. Which brings me to my point....

In another discussion they were discussing this Chinese virus and some were calling it a "novel virus" and therefore we had to institute all these pandemic lockdown precautions. Which is fine so far as it goes. On the other hand when I asked if that doesn't make a different flu strain than the one everyone is being inoculated for that year also "novel" and shouldn't pandemic lockdown precautions be instituted then also? The poster, a progressive, became very rude.

Forcing inoculations of people may or may not work because viruses can and do mutate. We can all hope for the best however people die. That's a fact of life.


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I haven't had the flu shot since I left the service over twenty years ago. Yes I sometimes get sick and in turn I recover. However... I also know others who have religiously went in for their flu shot and in turn became sick because they were given a shot for a different flu strain. Which brings me to my point....

In another discussion they were discussing this Chinese virus and some were calling it a "novel virus" and therefore we had to institute all these pandemic lockdown precautions. Which is fine so far as it goes. On the other hand when I asked if that doesn't make a different flu strain than the one everyone is being inoculated for that year also "novel" and shouldn't pandemic lockdown precautions instituted then also? The poster, a progressive, became very rude.

Forcing inoculations of people may or may not work because viruses can and do mutate. We can all hope for the best however people die. That's a fact of life.



yep, constant fort seige going on in the blood supply. They do mutate but that vaccine allows you to worry about one less bug. I dont know how all this feels I never get the flu. I have alergies in spring and fall about the only thing that ever gets me. I admit I do not keep up on the flu shots I never get it. The time I get shots is when they send me over seas but that hardly happenes any more.
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I haven't had the flu shot since I left the service over twenty years ago. Yes I sometimes get sick and in turn I recover. However... I also know others who have religiously went in for their flu shot and in turn became sick because they were given a shot for a different flu strain. Which brings me to my point....

In another discussion they were discussing this Chinese virus and some were calling it a "novel virus" and therefore we had to institute all these pandemic lockdown precautions. Which is fine so far as it goes. On the other hand when I asked if that doesn't make a different flu strain than the one everyone is being inoculated for that year also "novel" and shouldn't pandemic lockdown precautions instituted then also? The poster, a progressive, became very rude.

Forcing inoculations of people may or may not work because viruses can and do mutate. We can all hope for the best however people die. That's a fact of life.



The insanity dial has been turned up to 11.
I have had the flu vaccine every year for the last forty-five years and have never noticed any ill effects from it. I will take a Covid-19 vaccine as soon as it is available.
This is the level of insanity permitting in the world right now (Disclosure, I get the annual flu vaccination and various vaccinations going to 3rd world nations):

Her: Everyone should be required to get the CV19 vaccination when it comes out.

Me: I thought you were against vaccinations.

Her: Yes, but this is different. The government must force everyone to obtain the vaccination.

Me: I don’t think the government should force medical procedures upon unwilling people.


Yes, and so does the flu, chicken pox, malaria. If you get the vaccination, what’s it to you I don’t? I can’t give it to you.

Her: YOU JUST DONT CARE (storms away)

Humanity got an IQ and wisdom test this year, and we failed.
She listen to the constant hysteria of the MSM. They've gotten into her head.
This is the level of insanity permitting in the world right now (Disclosure, I get the annual flu vaccination and various vaccinations going to 3rd world nations):

Her: Everyone should be required to get the CV19 vaccination when it comes out.

Me: I thought you were against vaccinations.

Her: Yes, but this is different. The government must force everyone to obtain the vaccination.

Me: I don’t think the government should force medical procedures upon unwilling people.


Yes, and so does the flu, chicken pox, malaria. If you get the vaccination, what’s it to you I don’t? I can’t give it to you.

Her: YOU JUST DONT CARE (storms away)

Humanity got an IQ and wisdom test this year, and we failed.

Is it because the blatent stupidity of the anti-vaxxors parallels that of Cult45 so profoundly?
This is the level of insanity permitting in the world right now (Disclosure, I get the annual flu vaccination and various vaccinations going to 3rd world nations):

Her: Everyone should be required to get the CV19 vaccination when it comes out.

Me: I thought you were against vaccinations.

Her: Yes, but this is different. The government must force everyone to obtain the vaccination.

Me: I don’t think the government should force medical procedures upon unwilling people.


Yes, and so does the flu, chicken pox, malaria. If you get the vaccination, what’s it to you I don’t? I can’t give it to you.

Her: YOU JUST DONT CARE (storms away)

Humanity got an IQ and wisdom test this year, and we failed.
FANTASTIC. THIS IS THE WAY THE LEFT RESPONDS. You keep your unvaccinated kid away from mine. too fking funny, absolutely no fking common sense.
I have had the flu vaccine every year for the last forty-five years and have never noticed any ill effects from it. I will take a Covid-19 vaccine as soon as it is available.
so the question is, do you still get sick? there hasn't been a vaccination that is truly a vaccination since polio.

if the flu vaccination was a vaccination why do people still get it? you all truly have no brains.
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I haven't had the flu shot since I left the service over twenty years ago. Yes I sometimes get sick and in turn I recover. However... I also know others who have religiously went in for their flu shot and in turn became sick because they were given a shot for a different flu strain. Which brings me to my point....

In another discussion they were discussing this Chinese virus and some were calling it a "novel virus" and therefore we had to institute all these pandemic lockdown precautions. Which is fine so far as it goes. On the other hand when I asked if that doesn't make a different flu strain than the one everyone is being inoculated for that year also "novel" and shouldn't pandemic lockdown precautions be instituted then also? The poster, a progressive, became very rude.

Forcing inoculations of people may or may not work because viruses can and do mutate. We can all hope for the best however people die. That's a fact of life.



I quit taking the damn things while I was still in the AF. They tried to order me and I told where they could stick it. When I threatened them with athe possibilty of a congressional investigation, they backed to fuck off. Every year I got that damn shot I got the flu but every I didn't it passed me by. I told them to come see me when they had a cure for the common cold it too being a virus but until they did they didn't know shit about any virus. And today they have yet to cure a common cold. When it comes to viral infections, today's medical community is just as clueless as it was in the dark ages. They know what it is but that's all they know, the rest is pure guess work and they're no better than witch doctors.

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