Hagel IN; Another Obama VICTORY!!

True, they should have articulated the reasons why, such as Hagel will help obama destroy the defense department.

If they believe that, then they have betrayed America by ending their filibuster.

So they have. That's just what they did. It was really worse than that. They didn't come out and tell the truth of why Hagel was chosen in the first place.


.....But, they told you, right??
There was never really any doubt in my mind that Hagel would assume the position. This is President Obama's second term to make or break. The fuss has been raised so that Hagel's moves can be more readily attacked by the GOP.

Hagel's moves will be President Obama's moves and Kerry is also President Obama's man full on man. These years will show what President Obama intends to do with Foreign Policy when Congress is reticent on fiscal policy.

Whatever anyone wants to say about President Obama, he has won his second term and he's come in with a forceful one. It attacks the Republicans on many fronts like a world war on Republicanism. So yeah, the Republicans are one angry bunch.


President Obama's second term dance has begun, he's not one to sit and do nothing. He is an organizer and he's organizing a furry. Outside of legislation. :thup: Watch for legislation in year 3 & 4. By then he might well have worn the Republican party out. :tongue:

Yeah, he's got term 2 figured out. He might not get everything he wants, but he's not getting on the plan, he's on his plan.

Well if we only had some real principled conservatives to stand up to Obama and lay out to the American people what real conservatism is all about. Sadly all we have is a few, the rest of the Republican Party are nothing but establishment bureaucrats easy pickings for Obama

I think that the Republican party has squandered their chances. For how long is another story I suppose. Now I'm watching the Democratic party spend on their belief that the American economy can handle it. We'll see, won't we?
Prague is anything but a shit hole. The women here don't look like livestock either.:razz:

Meaning they are white?
Huh? You think non-white women look like livestock?

NO, I'm just trying to get into your odd brain that seems to have this bizarre image of Chicago as being a shithole and the women here (many non-white) look like "Livestock"...

Because honestly, your rants seem to get more bizarre by the day...
Meaning they are white?
Huh? You think non-white women look like livestock?

NO, I'm just trying to get into your odd brain that seems to have this bizarre image of Chicago as being a shithole and the women here (many non-white) look like "Livestock"...

Because honestly, your rants seem to get more bizarre by the day...
I imagine since you haven't traveled much, you think whatever you know is normal. It's understandable then that you don't realize that you live in a shit hole and you are surrounded by women that look like livestock. It's not entirely your fault, the cost of traveling is prohibitive when you live on government handouts.
Well, you have a point.

Conservatism isn't principled. It's about getting poor people upset about bullshit issues so they vote against their own economic interests.

It's why abortion is still legal but rich people got their tax cuts.

You must be on Obama's payroll..or you're just that stupid...on a side note do you get paid for posting here? closing in on 27,000 posts in a year and a 1/2!!....unreal!!

The fact that you changed the subject shows you can't answer the point.

Also, I've always found it amusing that you really think the Democrats (or the Republicans for that matter) pay people to post on a bulliten board with maybe 40K members and only a couple hundred that read regularly.

Now, to the point- let us look at the unholy alliance between the wealthy and the religious tools in this country.

The Wealthy got tax cuts, they got free trade, they got "Right to Work" and "At Will Employment". They got massive deregulation that allowed them to loot the banks and savings of most Americans.

So what did the religious whacks get?

Abortion is still legal.
School Prayer is still banned.
Your kids are still being taught about evolution.
Your kids are still being given condoms.
Gay marriage is legal in 10 states now. Maybe soon the whole country.

See the problem, here, or are you kind of dense?

I don't really think you're getting paid by the democrat party but you probably post while you're supposed to be working so you getting paid while you post...As far as your anti-religion stupidity it's just that stupidity...The democrat party has their own special rich people. Establishment Republicans and Democrats are all part of the same political class. Conservative are for liberty and freedom to fail or succeed based on one’s own merits, not some stupid government program, handout or special crony deal made by idiot politicians
I don't really think you're getting paid by the democrat party but you probably post while you're supposed to be working so you getting paid while you post...As far as your anti-religion stupidity it's just that stupidity...The democrat party has their own special rich people. Establishment Republicans and Democrats are all part of the same political class. Conservative are for liberty and freedom to fail or succeed based on one’s own merits, not some stupid government program, handout or special crony deal made by idiot politicians

Oh, bullshit.

YOu really honestly think Mitt Romney got rich on his own merit, and not because his daddy had a shitload of money? Or George W. Bush? Please, talk about cronyism and privilage.

And you miss the point of my comments on religion. It isn't that you religious nutters are ever going to get your way on any issue you care about, it's that you keep voting against your own economic interests in the hope that they might.
]I imagine since you haven't traveled much, you think whatever you know is normal. It's understandable then that you don't realize that you live in a shit hole and you are surrounded by women that look like livestock. It's not entirely your fault, the cost of traveling is prohibitive when you live on government handouts.

I live in the third largest and greatest city in America.

You live in a second world ex-communist shithole...

Just to keep that straight.

Although I hear you can get a Czech Mail Order bride pretty cheap.
I don't really think you're getting paid by the democrat party but you probably post while you're supposed to be working so you getting paid while you post...As far as your anti-religion stupidity it's just that stupidity...The democrat party has their own special rich people. Establishment Republicans and Democrats are all part of the same political class. Conservative are for liberty and freedom to fail or succeed based on one’s own merits, not some stupid government program, handout or special crony deal made by idiot politicians

Oh, bullshit.

YOu really honestly think Mitt Romney got rich on his own merit, and not because his daddy had a shitload of money? Or George W. Bush? Please, talk about cronyism and privilage.

And you miss the point of my comments on religion. It isn't that you religious nutters are ever going to get your way on any issue you care about, it's that you keep voting against your own economic interests in the hope that they might.

You think only Republicans benefit from this crony government bullshit? Crony capitalism is a problem from both parties. That political class is bipartisan..The problem is too much big government, too much cronyism, too many special deals

You think only Republicans benefit from this crony government bullshit? Crony capitalism is a problem from both parties. That political class is bipartisan..The problem is too much big government, too much cronyism, too many special deals

no, it's that one party only thinks it works for the rich. That would be the REpublicans.

That's why Romney's "47%" comments were so bad. He actually said out loud what we all knew.

You think only Republicans benefit from this crony government bullshit? Crony capitalism is a problem from both parties. That political class is bipartisan..The problem is too much big government, too much cronyism, too many special deals

no, it's that one party only thinks it works for the rich. That would be the REpublicans.

That's why Romney's "47%" comments were so bad. He actually said out loud what we all knew.

Dah...Stupid brainless talking points :eusa_eh:

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