Hagel IN; Another Obama VICTORY!!

Republicans still had enough votes to block him...but they chose not to, they caved...Those 16 Republicans who voted against Hagel, but allowed the nomination to go forward, in the end they voted for Hagel, including John McCain and Lindsey Graham. Either you stand on principal or you don’t.. They didn’t…. The Democrats have no principals when it comes to Obama, neither do these Republicans apparently.

Or they just realized that this fight was making them look stupid and didn't continue it.

Keep in mind, the big Zionist Lobbies avoided this fight. The last thing they wanted anyone to remember is that Israel gets billions in Corporate Welfare while their kid's school is talking about cancelling extra-cirricular activities...

You don't compromise your principals because some might think you look bad while doing it. If so you really aren't a strong principled person are you.

What "principle" were they standing on here, guy? That Hagel isn't devoted to putting America''s interests beneath that of the Zionist Entity, and therefore should be disqualified?

Keep in mind, if you ever put foreign aid to a vote, 90% of people would vote against it.

You know who the biggest recipient of foriegn aid is? Take a guess.

The longer they screamed about Hagel's MILD criticisms of Israel, the more they point out how glaring the influence Israel has is.
"Zionst ..."Zionist"...Zionist" Get some help man your a nutjob:cuckoo:

No, nuts is saying that ONE AMERICAN should die for the Zionist religious fantasy.

Tired of watching Americans come home in body bags for a stupid imaginary friend in the sky.

No Americans die for Israel...they fight their own battles :cool:

No, they manipulate US into fighting them for them.

Keep in mind, the whole argument here is that Hagel isn't keen to go to war with Iran, a country that poses NO real threat to the US at all.

Lebanon, Kuwait, Iraq- we keep taking out whoever the Zionists are scared of because they haven't won a war on their own since 1967.

"The Senate on Tuesday voted to break the Republican-led filibuster of Chuck Hagel’s nomination to become the next Secretary of Defense, clearing the way for his confirmation.

Senate Republicans made history earlier this month by successfully filibustering a president’s Defense Secretary nominee for the first time in U.S. history.

But a number of Republicans who voted to uphold the filibuster — including Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Kelly Ayotte (R-NH), Lamar Alexander (R-NE), Roy Blunt (R-MO) and Orrin Hatch (R-UT) — joined Democrats in breaking the filibuster on Tuesday. Overall, 18 Republicans voted for cloture, which ultimately passed by a vote of 71-27."

:woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo:

Must be very hard up for victories. Understandable, since getting ignorant people to vote for him seems to be his only skill.

332-206. He he he...
QUOTE]Must be very hard up for victories. Understandable, since getting ignorant people to vote for him seems to be his only skill.
No, the electoral college members are not ignorant, nor are they free to vote for whomever they choose.

Obviously I was referring to the popular vote: 66 million vs 61 million.

Sorry, I just said ignorant. I forgot to add stupid. There is a difference although they are certainly not mutually exclusive.
QUOTE]Must be very hard up for victories. Understandable, since getting ignorant people to vote for him seems to be his only skill.
No, the electoral college members are not ignorant, nor are they free to vote for whomever they choose.

Obviously I was referring to the popular vote: 66 million vs 61 million.

Sorry, I just said ignorant. I forgot to add stupid. There is a difference although they are certainly not mutually exclusive.

You're mis-quoting me. Please change your post.

President Obama won 332-206.
QUOTE]Must be very hard up for victories. Understandable, since getting ignorant people to vote for him seems to be his only skill.
No, the electoral college members are not ignorant, nor are they free to vote for whomever they choose.

Obviously I was referring to the popular vote: 66 million vs 61 million.

Sorry, I just said ignorant. I forgot to add stupid. There is a difference although they are certainly not mutually exclusive.

You're mis-quoting me. Please change your post.

President Obama won 332-206.

Probably got so angry he got confused. He does that a lot.
You're mis-quoting me. Please change your post.

President Obama won 332-206.

Obviously I was referring to the popular vote: 66 million vs 61 million.

Sorry, I just said ignorant. I forgot to add stupid. There is a difference although they are certainly not mutually exclusive,

Is this better? I wish there were only 336 stupid and ignorant people in the US instead of 66 million.
You're mis-quoting me. Please change your post.

President Obama won 332-206.

Obviously I was referring to the popular vote: 66 million vs 61 million.

Sorry, I just said ignorant. I forgot to add stupid. There is a difference although they are certainly not mutually exclusive,

Is this better? I wish there were only 336 stupid and ignorant people in the US instead of 66 million.

I think the point he was making was you are attributing your usual hateful rants to him by not using the quoting feature properly.

Frankly, most people voted for Obama because Romney was such a steaming turd of a candidate. Even Republicans are distancing themselves from him now.

Why they nominated him to start with is the question? Oh, yeah, the alternatives were Herman Cain and Michelle Bachmann.

And here's the problem. When I first voted Republican in 1980, we had Reagan, Bush the elder, John Connoley, Bob Dole, Howard Baker.. a true wealth of leadership.

In 2012- Romney (a guy who thinks he's wearing magic underwear) beat out a disgraced former speaker who wanted a moonbase, a whacked out congresswoman who thought she could pray away the gay, and a governor who couldn't name which government agencies he wanted to eliminate.

The GOP is increasingly becoming a fringe party of nutters... this is the problem.

The shocking thing is that Obama didn't win by a lot more.
The people lose again.


February 1, 2013

Chuck Hagel

Posted by Laurence Vance on February 1, 2013 12:23 PM

It is funny to watch conservatives get so upset about the nomination of Chuck Hagel for secretary of Defense. John McCain recently blasted Hagel for opposing the troop surge in Iraq.

Hagel as secretary of defense will change nothing when it comes to U.S. foreign or military policy. Will the U.S. Navy no longer be a global force for evil (not good as the commercials say)? Of course not. Does Hagel want to bring all U.S. troops home from overseas? Of course not. Has he ever said that U.S. troops should no longer be in Germany, Japan, and Italy--since WWII ended in 1945? Of course not. Does Hagel want to close all foreign military bases? Of course not. Does he want to close any? I mean out of principle, not because they are no longer an efficient use of resources. Does Hagel think very highly of the U.S. military and its role in the world? Of course he does. Will Hagel be loyal to the president and his foreign and military policy objectives? Of course he will. Does Hagel think that the U.S. military should withdraw from the Middle East and stop intervening? Of course not. Would Hagel be "better" than Rumsfeld? Only in the sense that getting hit 9 times is better than 10 or getting $9 stolen is better than $10."

And can anyone tell me exactly why the House deecided (for the first time in history) to filibuster a cabinet appointment?

Just so Ted Cruz could chanel Joe McCarthy for a bit?

And they wonder why so many people consider them stupid?????????
And can anyone tell me exactly why the House deecided (for the first time in history) to filibuster a cabinet appointment?

Just so Ted Cruz could chanel Joe McCarthy for a bit?

And they wonder why so many people consider them stupid?????????

Obviously he wasn't filibuster or he wouldn't have been confirmed you idio:eusa_eh:t

"The Senate on Tuesday voted to break the Republican-led filibuster of Chuck Hagel’s nomination to become the next Secretary of Defense, clearing the way for his confirmation.

Senate Republicans made history earlier this month by successfully filibustering a president’s Defense Secretary nominee for the first time in U.S. history.

But a number of Republicans who voted to uphold the filibuster — including Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Kelly Ayotte (R-NH), Lamar Alexander (R-NE), Roy Blunt (R-MO) and Orrin Hatch (R-UT) — joined Democrats in breaking the filibuster on Tuesday. Overall, 18 Republicans voted for cloture, which ultimately passed by a vote of 71-27."

:woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo:

Must be very hard up for victories. Understandable, since getting ignorant people to vote for him seems to be his only skill.
Better check that.

I guess you never noticed who the ignorant people preferred....who they were convinced would win!!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKKKgua7wQk]SARAH PALIN BOOK SIGNING - Interviews with Supporters - YouTube[/ame]​
And here's the point in tonight's show where we do our favorite routine, the Jew-hating rant where we don't actually say "Jew", but we not so cleverly use the term Zionists.

Most Jews I know are embarrassed by the Zioinists and their bad behavior. It's an apartheid state and a serial human rights abuser.

Zionism has become crazy Uncle screaming about Hitler at your Bat-Mitzvah. "Uncle Moshe, you're embarrassing me!"

Nope, the true supporters of Zionism in this country are not America's Jewish population (which voted 69% for President Obama) but the Christian Funditards who think we need Israel so Jay-a-zus can come back and even all the scores that need evening.

Furthermore, there are Christian zionists, too. A guy named Tom DeLay comes to mind.

C'mon...c'mon.....you're referencing someone who'd spent TOO-many-years....huffing insecticides!!!

He IS missing that Congressional-$alary, though!!!

And can anyone tell me exactly why the House deecided (for the first time in history) to filibuster a cabinet appointment?

Just so Ted Cruz could chanel Joe McCarthy for a bit?

And they wonder why so many people consider them stupid?????????

Obviously he wasn't filibuster or he wouldn't have been confirmed you idio:eusa_eh:t

He was filibustered - they simply realized how stupid they were looking and ended their filibuter.

Are you under the impression that every filibuster goes on forever?

"The Senate voted 71 to 27 to move forward with Hagel's nomination, clearing the 60-vote threshold needed to end the GOP filibuster. A handful of the Republicans who allowed Hagel's nomination to come to a final vote ultimately voted against confirmation."
Last edited:
And can anyone tell me exactly why the House deecided (for the first time in history) to filibuster a cabinet appointment?

Just so Ted Cruz could chanel Joe McCarthy for a bit?

And they wonder why so many people consider them stupid?????????

Obviously he wasn't filibuster or he wouldn't have been confirmed you idio:eusa_eh:t

He was filibustered - they simply realized how stupid they wewre looking and ended their filibuter.

Are you under the impression that every filibuster goes on forever?

They had 41 votes against they could have held the filibuster and the nomination would have been pulled, no he wasn't filibusterd
Obviously he wasn't filibuster or he wouldn't have been confirmed you idio:eusa_eh:t

He was filibustered - they simply realized how stupid they wewre looking and ended their filibuter.

Are you under the impression that every filibuster goes on forever?

They had 41 votes against they could have held the filibuster and the nomination would have been pulled, no he wasn't filibusterd

"The Senate voted 71 to 27 to move forward with Hagel's nomination, clearing the 60-vote threshold needed to end the GOP filibuster. A handful of the Republicans who allowed Hagel's nomination to come to a final vote ultimately voted against confirmation."
He was filibustered - they simply realized how stupid they wewre looking and ended their filibuter.

Are you under the impression that every filibuster goes on forever?

They had 41 votes against they could have held the filibuster and the nomination would have been pulled, no he wasn't filibusterd

"The Senate voted 71 to 27 to move forward with Hagel's nomination, clearing the 60-vote threshold needed to end the GOP filibuster. A handful of the Republicans who allowed Hagel's nomination to come to a final vote ultimately voted against confirmation."

Thank you ...He's wasn't filibustered:eusa_eh:
They had 41 votes against they could have held the filibuster and the nomination would have been pulled, no he wasn't filibusterd

"The Senate voted 71 to 27 to move forward with Hagel's nomination, clearing the 60-vote threshold needed to end the GOP filibuster. A handful of the Republicans who allowed Hagel's nomination to come to a final vote ultimately voted against confirmation."

Thank you ...He's wasn't filibustered:eusa_eh:

Then why did they have to vote to end the filibuster?
"The Senate voted 71 to 27 to move forward with Hagel's nomination, clearing the 60-vote threshold needed to end the GOP filibuster. A handful of the Republicans who allowed Hagel's nomination to come to a final vote ultimately voted against confirmation."

Thank you ...He's wasn't filibustered:eusa_eh:

Then why did they have to vote to end the filibuster?
That's the bizarre part, regarding the filibuster, presently.

It's actually a THREAT to filibuster that's in-place. There's never really been a true filibuster, acted-upon, since this whole dance started.

"But hope of resurrecting the Senate’s noble purpose by reforming the filibuster is being championed by a diverse group of organizations and activists, including The Democratic Initiative and Fix the Senate Now. They want to take the filibuster, which can now be easily and quietly activated, and restore its original, public use (Think Mr. Smith or Mr. Sanders). Time is not on their side, however. Unless the Senate reforms the filibuster at the beginning of the new 113th Congress — that’s as soon as next Tuesday, January 22 — the minority wrecking crew remains in charge for the next two years."

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