Hagel IN; Another Obama VICTORY!!

If you consider Hagel a victory I shudder over what you would consider a defeat. I'm glad he got confirmed I think he will be a albatross around Obama's neck for the next four years.

Please...He'll be doing Obama's bidding for the next four years, Hagel's just a figure head

SMH @Y -- of course he will, that's why secretaries are called secretaries -pewsh!-
I saw that too. Yeah. Repubs lost another battle :( saying someone who was on the ground in 'nam wasn't qualified didn't (as we used to say in the military) "pass muster" ;)

You think every guy who was a grunt in Vietnam is qualified to be secretary of Defense?

You're a bigger idiot than I thought.

And every time I here assholes like you call our men in uniform grunts, I get angry. Ever serve, asshole? Got a dd214 that says honorable? If not, you have absolutely no right to denigrate anyone's service.

Goes to show what an ignorant fool you are. "Grunt" is an infantryman you fool. I damn well have an honorable DD214 and I was a GRUNT - and damn proud to have been.

Damn you clowns are stupid.....
I saw that too. Yeah. Repubs lost another battle :( saying someone who was on the ground in 'nam wasn't qualified didn't (as we used to say in the military) "pass muster" ;)

You think every guy who was a grunt in Vietnam is qualified to be secretary of Defense?

You're a bigger idiot than I thought.

And every time I here assholes like you call our men in uniform grunts, I get angry. Ever serve, asshole? Got a dd214 that says honorable? If not, you have absolutely no right to denigrate anyone's service.

Opposition to whatever Obama does is now as much a reflex as anything else. It's like breathing to these dolts. The guy serves as a Senator, right? Yet that is put aside and never mentioned and they go with "grunt in 'Nam" to attempt to discredit.

You get the feeling that their heart is no longer in it and daily resentment is just now a condition that will never leave. This is how you end up with the "Get off my lawn" dumbfuck who lives down the street from you. Pretty hilarious and impotent.
Who the heck cares? We all know Obama was going to have some bad choice in here. Was there any chance we thought he'd pick someone reasonable? At least we have an idea of where he is totally crappy. like his anti Israel stances. Really sucks that we have someone hostile to our allies, but at least we know.

Frankly, anything less than complete fanatic devoltion to the Zionist Entity is considered "hostile".

We certainly can't talk about Israel's systematic abuse of human rights.

So how many Americans are you willing to sacrifice so the Zionists can play, "God Loves Me the Very Bestest!" ?

I'm not willing to sacrifice any and think we've sacrificed too many already.
I saw that too. Yeah. Repubs lost another battle :( saying someone who was on the ground in 'nam wasn't qualified didn't (as we used to say in the military) "pass muster" ;)

You think every guy who was a grunt in Vietnam is qualified to be secretary of Defense?

You're a bigger idiot than I thought.

No, what qualifies him is his entire career.

What got him in trouble was pointing out that the Zionists have a stranglehold on our politics, and the fact that such a great bipartisan pick was resisted proves the point.
I saw that too. Yeah. Repubs lost another battle :( saying someone who was on the ground in 'nam wasn't qualified didn't (as we used to say in the military) "pass muster" ;)

You think every guy who was a grunt in Vietnam is qualified to be secretary of Defense?

You're a bigger idiot than I thought.

No, what qualifies him is his entire career.

What got him in trouble was pointing out that the Zionists have a stranglehold on our politics, and the fact that such a great bipartisan pick was resisted proves the point.

And here's the point in tonight's show where we do our favorite routine, the Jew-hating rant where we don't actually say "Jew", but we not so cleverly use the term Zionists.
And here's the point in tonight's show where we do our favorite routine, the Jew-hating rant where we don't actually say "Jew", but we not so cleverly use the term Zionists.

Most Jews I know are embarrassed by the Zioinists and their bad behavior. It's an apartheid state and a serial human rights abuser.

Zionism has become crazy Uncle screaming about Hitler at your Bat-Mitzvah. "Uncle Moshe, you're embarrassing me!"

Nope, the true supporters of Zionism in this country are not America's Jewish population (which voted 69% for President Obama) but the Christian Funditards who think we need Israel so Jay-a-zus can come back and even all the scores that need evening.
it seeems that's all liberals care about these days "victories for Obama"...Petty little pea brains.:eusa_eh:

Any day the Religious crazies get slapped down is a great day for America.

Nobody got slapped down, Republicans just caved like they always do with Obama.

No, man, you totally got slapped down. The Zionist Amen Corner drew a line in teh sand and Obama walked right over it...

The Emperor has no Clothes. A great day, when our politicians might actually realize they can ignore Israel's whims with impunity.
Any day the Religious crazies get slapped down is a great day for America.

Nobody got slapped down, Republicans just caved like they always do with Obama.

No, man, you totally got slapped down. The Zionist Amen Corner drew a line in teh sand and Obama walked right over it...

The Emperor has no Clothes. A great day, when our politicians might actually realize they can ignore Israel's whims with impunity.

"Zionst ..."Zionist"...Zionist" Get some help man your a nutjob:cuckoo:
A good Sec. Of Defense would a general, not an infantry Sgt who spent less than 2 years in the service and became a bullet magnet. He didn't learn anything about military tactics and barely could tell you the difference between S1, S3, and S4.....

Well gosh mudwhistle, that would mean Sgt Hagel has two more years of military service than former Sec of Defense, Richard (5 deferment) Cheney and-----and that would mean Sgt Hagel earned 5 more stripes than former Sec of Defense, Richard (5 deferment) Cheney and-----and I don't think Richard (5 deferment) Cheney had the heart to earn and wear any fruit salad on his chest, did he? -pewsh!-

Yeah, The DICK; Cheney has quite the impressive bio....

"The issue also received little attention during Mr. Cheney's Senate confirmation hearings as defense secretary in 1989 under the first President Bush, largely because the Armed Services Committee had just completed a bitter and protracted battle over the president's original choice, John G. Tower. Mr. Tower had faced questions about philandering, drinking and conflicts over defense contracts before he was rejected.

Senators of both parties were so eager to confirm Mr. Cheney quickly that they were relatively undemanding, not pressing him on the draft but merely asking him if he had anything to say about it.

He added that he "would have obviously been happy to serve had I been called."


A good Sec. Of Defense would a general, not an infantry Sgt who spent less than 2 years in the service and became a bullet magnet. He didn't learn anything about military tactics and barely could tell you the difference between S1, S3, and S4.....

Well gosh mudwhistle, that would mean Sgt Hagel has two more years of military service than former Sec of Defense, Richard (5 deferment) Cheney and-----and that would mean Sgt Hagel earned 5 more stripes than former Sec of Defense, Richard (5 deferment) Cheney and-----and I don't think Richard (5 deferment) Cheney had the heart to earn and wear any fruit salad on his chest, did he? -pewsh!-

Sorry, but I was responding to the claim that Hagel's limited military experience was some sort of unquestionable qualification. It is not.
Republicans still had enough votes to block him...but they chose not to, they caved...Those 16 Republicans who voted against Hagel, but allowed the nomination to go forward, in the end they voted for Hagel, including John McCain and Lindsey Graham. Either you stand on principal or you don’t.. They didn’t…. The Democrats have no principals when it comes to Obama, neither do these Republicans apparently.
Ohhhhh this is going to get good. Between Kerry and Hagel, either Iran or North Korea or both will be able to take their giant step unimpeded.
Obama selected this guy not because he was the best available but because he felt he could be used politically. That seems to be what he does with all of his picks. The guy appears to be an incompitent boob and Obama needed a scapegoat when what he's been doing to the DoD becomes public.

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