Hagel IN; Another Obama VICTORY!!

Obama selected this guy not because he was the best available but because he felt he could be used politically. That seems to be what he does with all of his picks. The guy appears to be an incompitent boob and Obama needed a scapegoat when what he's been doing to the DoD becomes public.

obama not only needs a scapegoat, he needs a republican scapegoat and Hagel was the stupidest republican he could find. Once the public figures out what obama is doing, obama will simply point to Hagel and say "A republican did it".
A good Sec. Of Defense would a general, not an infantry Sgt who spent less than 2 years in the service and became a bullet magnet. He didn't learn anything about military tactics and barely could tell you the difference between S1, S3, and S4.....

Well gosh mudwhistle, that would mean Sgt Hagel has two more years of military service than former Sec of Defense, Richard (5 deferment) Cheney and-----and that would mean Sgt Hagel earned 5 more stripes than former Sec of Defense, Richard (5 deferment) Cheney and-----and I don't think Richard (5 deferment) Cheney had the heart to earn and wear any fruit salad on his chest, did he? -pewsh!-

Sorry, but I was responding to the claim that Hagel's limited military experience was some sort of unquestionable qualification. It is not.

Hagel's combat experience puts teh military experience of internet yahoos to shame.

After a Nam' experience that opened his eyes up to power and war, Hagel did not file a claim for disability and then hang out at Vet Posts and Message Boards spouting arm chair warrior bullshit. He became a contributing member of the whole of society
Obama selected this guy not because he was the best available but because he felt he could be used politically. That seems to be what he does with all of his picks. The guy appears to be an incompitent boob and Obama needed a scapegoat when what he's been doing to the DoD becomes public.

obama not only needs a scapegoat, he needs a republican scapegoat and Hagel was the stupidest republican he could find. Once the public figures out what obama is doing, obama will simply point to Hagel and say "A republican did it".

It seems to be what he's doing with sequester. It worked with Benghazi. He turned his fuckup into an attack against congress claiming it doesn't matter what happened because even though he lied about the attack and what caused it it was the GOP that cut their security budget.
True, it's Obama's victory. Reps lost. Military lost as well.
In fact, every time Obama wins, everyone else loses.

I saw that too. Yeah. Repubs lost another battle :( saying someone who was on the ground in 'nam wasn't qualified didn't (as we used to say in the military) "pass muster" ;)

I don't believe they ever expected to "win", at least not as far as stopping his confirmation goes. I believe certain individuals jsut wanted to get their Teabagger cred by taking shots at him, that's all.
yeah. It was simply rw kabuki theater for their base.
Yeah... Republicans failed at preventing Obama from appointing a Republican DoD. Did anyone really win over this?

Yes, Obama got his nominee over vocal republican opposition. It was a grand slam for your President.

Our President: Barack Hussein Obama II, President of the United States of America:cool:

add "two-termer" in there somewhere ;) :)
Obama won reelection -- Kerry is Secretary of State -- Hagel is Secretary of Defense

Yep. That's what an ineptocracy is all about.


(in-ep-toc'-ra-cy) - a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.
I saw that too. Yeah. Repubs lost another battle :( saying someone who was on the ground in 'nam wasn't qualified didn't (as we used to say in the military) "pass muster" ;)

I don't believe they ever expected to "win", at least not as far as stopping his confirmation goes. I believe certain individuals jsut wanted to get their Teabagger cred by taking shots at him, that's all.
yeah. It was simply rw kabuki theater for their base.
Yes, Obama got his nominee over vocal republican opposition. It was a grand slam for your President.

Our President: Barack Hussein Obama II, President of the United States of America:cool:

add "two-termer" in there somewhere ;) :)

I finished watching the 5th season of Breaking Bad last night. One of the episodes I saw started with Walter White telling his new "partner" the following:

"Say My Name"

"I don't know your name"

"Yes you do. Say my name"


"God Damn Right"

I wonder if President Obama calls Boehner shortly before he posts yet another victory over the GOP and has a similiar conversation? It's getting to be so routine that Boehner probably has it on a recording by now...:eusa_shhh:

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The libertarian wing of the party lost no battle. Maybe the choice of Hagel precludes the beginnng of the end of American imperialism.

At least I hope so.
And here's the point in tonight's show where we do our favorite routine, the Jew-hating rant where we don't actually say "Jew", but we not so cleverly use the term Zionists.

Most Jews I know are embarrassed by the Zioinists and their bad behavior. It's an apartheid state and a serial human rights abuser.

Zionism has become crazy Uncle screaming about Hitler at your Bat-Mitzvah. "Uncle Moshe, you're embarrassing me!"

Nope, the true supporters of Zionism in this country are not America's Jewish population (which voted 69% for President Obama) but the Christian Funditards who think we need Israel so Jay-a-zus can come back and even all the scores that need evening.

Furthermore, there are Christian zionists, too. A guy named Tom DeLay comes to mind.
Nobody got slapped down, Republicans just caved like they always do with Obama.

No, man, you totally got slapped down. The Zionist Amen Corner drew a line in teh sand and Obama walked right over it...

The Emperor has no Clothes. A great day, when our politicians might actually realize they can ignore Israel's whims with impunity.

"Zionst ..."Zionist"...Zionist" Get some help man your a nutjob:cuckoo:

No, nuts is saying that ONE AMERICAN should die for the Zionist religious fantasy.

Tired of watching Americans come home in body bags for a stupid imaginary friend in the sky.
Republicans still had enough votes to block him...but they chose not to, they caved...Those 16 Republicans who voted against Hagel, but allowed the nomination to go forward, in the end they voted for Hagel, including John McCain and Lindsey Graham. Either you stand on principal or you don’t.. They didn’t…. The Democrats have no principals when it comes to Obama, neither do these Republicans apparently.

Or they just realized that this fight was making them look stupid and didn't continue it.

Keep in mind, the big Zionist Lobbies avoided this fight. The last thing they wanted anyone to remember is that Israel gets billions in Corporate Welfare while their kid's school is talking about cancelling extra-cirricular activities...
Republicans still had enough votes to block him...but they chose not to, they caved...Those 16 Republicans who voted against Hagel, but allowed the nomination to go forward, in the end they voted for Hagel, including John McCain and Lindsey Graham. Either you stand on principal or you don’t.. They didn’t…. The Democrats have no principals when it comes to Obama, neither do these Republicans apparently.

Or they just realized that this fight was making them look stupid and didn't continue it.

Keep in mind, the big Zionist Lobbies avoided this fight. The last thing they wanted anyone to remember is that Israel gets billions in Corporate Welfare while their kid's school is talking about cancelling extra-cirricular activities...

You don't compromise your principals because some might think you look bad while doing it. If so you really aren't a strong principled person are you.
No, man, you totally got slapped down. The Zionist Amen Corner drew a line in teh sand and Obama walked right over it...

The Emperor has no Clothes. A great day, when our politicians might actually realize they can ignore Israel's whims with impunity.

"Zionst ..."Zionist"...Zionist" Get some help man your a nutjob:cuckoo:

No, nuts is saying that ONE AMERICAN should die for the Zionist religious fantasy.

Tired of watching Americans come home in body bags for a stupid imaginary friend in the sky.

No Americans die for Israel...they fight their own battles :cool:

"The Senate on Tuesday voted to break the Republican-led filibuster of Chuck Hagel’s nomination to become the next Secretary of Defense, clearing the way for his confirmation.

Senate Republicans made history earlier this month by successfully filibustering a president’s Defense Secretary nominee for the first time in U.S. history.

But a number of Republicans who voted to uphold the filibuster — including Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Kelly Ayotte (R-NH), Lamar Alexander (R-NE), Roy Blunt (R-MO) and Orrin Hatch (R-UT) — joined Democrats in breaking the filibuster on Tuesday. Overall, 18 Republicans voted for cloture, which ultimately passed by a vote of 71-27."

:woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo:

Must be very hard up for victories. Understandable, since getting ignorant people to vote for him seems to be his only skill.

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