Hagel IN; Another Obama VICTORY!!

"The Senate on Tuesday voted to break the Republican-led filibuster of Chuck Hagel’s nomination to become the next Secretary of Defense, clearing the way for his confirmation.

Senate Republicans made history earlier this month by successfully filibustering a president’s Defense Secretary nominee for the first time in U.S. history.

But a number of Republicans who voted to uphold the filibuster — including Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Kelly Ayotte (R-NH), Lamar Alexander (R-NE), Roy Blunt (R-MO) and Orrin Hatch (R-UT) — joined Democrats in breaking the filibuster on Tuesday. Overall, 18 Republicans voted for cloture, which ultimately passed by a vote of 71-27."

:woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo:


There was no actual filibuster.....the pubs have been saying for weeks that Hagel was going to be confirmed. The pubs threaten a lot of shit, but they rarely carry through with anything. They are a bunch of bloviating assholes just like the dems.
Now was not the time to play politics. The GOP provided aid and comfort to our enemies, once again using political theater to show friend and foe alike how divided our country has become. Grown men acting like spoiled brats.
Congratulations in advancing war with Iran by months if not years. If not war then certainly some kind of Iranian offensive.
I saw that too. Yeah. Repubs lost another battle :( saying someone who was on the ground in 'nam wasn't qualified didn't (as we used to say in the military) "pass muster" ;)
Yup. Being in Nam makes you an expert in running the Department of Defense.

That's like saying Grips are experts in film production.

These guys thought being a community organizer qualified someone for President.

Think that argument is really going to change someone's opinion on Sec of Def?

Did EITHER of you two serve? When/where?

As to the OP, I see the Repubs got their "moments in the sun"(photo ops) for their base :eusa_pray: and then cut 'n run :( :lol:
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This idiot gets talking points from Obama during the hearing with little help from Carl Levin ....What a moron, perfect puppet for Obama.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lG3R9l61_XQ]Hagel Clarifies - YouTube[/ame]
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I saw that too. Yeah. Repubs lost another battle :( saying someone who was on the ground in 'nam wasn't qualified didn't (as we used to say in the military) "pass muster" ;)

You think every guy who was a grunt in Vietnam is qualified to be secretary of Defense?

You're a bigger idiot than I thought.
Now was not the time to play politics. The GOP provided aid and comfort to our enemies, once again using political theater to show friend and foe alike how divided our country has become. Grown men acting like spoiled brats.

So anyone who disagrees with your messiah is a traitor?

All you did what that post is reveal your Stalinist cloven hoof.

The totalitarian bootlicking mentality of Obama's drones is truly alarming. It's hard to believe such loathsome creatures could grow up in this country.
If you consider Hagel a victory I shudder over what you would consider a defeat. I'm glad he got confirmed I think he will be a albatross around Obama's neck for the next four years.

Honestly, I truly believe Hagel was selected to gut the military to the "bare-bones". Hell, Comrade Obama leaves in 4 years and, once again, Republicans will get the blame for "gutting the military".

Hagel = Moron
If you consider Hagel a victory I shudder over what you would consider a defeat. I'm glad he got confirmed I think he will be a albatross around Obama's neck for the next four years.

Please...He'll be doing Obama's bidding for the next four years, Hagel's just a figure head
Victory for Obama huh??

Wonder if it will be a victory for America?

Somehow I doubt it.

Wonder if it will be a victory for America?

Like that matters to Libs...

Hey dumb fuck, it ain't the Dems whining, puking, and mewling because they lost an election, and muttering about seccession. Very patriotic, that.

And why do you ever-so-patriotic 'Conservatives' constantly put up people like Cheney, that avoided his service to the nation, and despise people that did serve and suffer for their nation?
If you consider Hagel a victory I shudder over what you would consider a defeat. I'm glad he got confirmed I think he will be a albatross around Obama's neck for the next four years.

Honestly, I truly believe Hagel was selected to gut the military to the "bare-bones". Hell, Comrade Obama leaves in 4 years and, once again, Republicans will get the blame for "gutting the military".

Hagel = Moron

We currently spend more on military than the next 14 nations combined. Were we to cut our expenditures down to just that of the next 7 nations combined, do you think anyone would think of taking us headon? In fact, by spending this much on the military, and so little on infrastructer and education of our people, we are giving the farm away to nations like China, that are graduating many times the engineers that we are.
I saw that too. Yeah. Repubs lost another battle :( saying someone who was on the ground in 'nam wasn't qualified didn't (as we used to say in the military) "pass muster" ;)

You think every guy who was a grunt in Vietnam is qualified to be secretary of Defense?

You're a bigger idiot than I thought.

And every time I here assholes like you call our men in uniform grunts, I get angry. Ever serve, asshole? Got a dd214 that says honorable? If not, you have absolutely no right to denigrate anyone's service.

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