Hagel IN; Another Obama VICTORY!!

I saw that too. Yeah. Repubs lost another battle :( saying someone who was on the ground in 'nam wasn't qualified didn't (as we used to say in the military) "pass muster" ;)
Yup. Being in Nam makes you an expert in running the Department of Defense.

That's like saying Grips are experts in film production.

heck, even jane fonda was in nam
The do nothing democrat majority in the senate confirmed a democrat appointee and the left thinks it's the 4th of July. Kind of shows how limited the Obama victories are these days.
The do nothing democrat majority in the senate confirmed a democrat appointee and the left thinks it's the 4th of July. Kind of shows how limited the Obama victories are these days.

i always thought it was kind of funny when even in his first two years and a super majority he couldn't score a victory without a fight
Victory for Obama huh??

Wonder if it will be a victory for America?

Somehow I doubt it.

Probably Obama did not see the real mission of the DOD even coming to the forefront, in an Ivy League Lawyer's administration. Anyone could guess that at least he could hear it coming(?). . .especially dressed up as grandma--or whatever it was that Michelle had on(?)! The NRA seems to know its mission! Hunting, is what they call it!

The Republican contempt for gun control tends to have its basis certain. The Founders had intended that a State-Sponsored Terrorist Organization, Being Necessary For the Decimation of the Tribal Nations, the right to keep and bear nuclear weapons, free from international inspections: Shall Not Be Infringed! The Second main basis is way more legendary! Aging Texas Lawyers need to be sent on "hunting trips" with Draft-Dodger, VP, Dick Cheney.

Anyone sees the skill. State Bar Associations, probably mainly have taken note! It really takes a high-placed draft-dodger to get things done, and even their way. Bill Clinton actually went out and became a lawyer.

The compare and contrast is not even deafening(?).

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(And now there are gaming casinos to head off at the pass(?). . .the one's in California most especially, probably(?)!)

"The Senate on Tuesday voted to break the Republican-led filibuster of Chuck Hagel’s nomination to become the next Secretary of Defense, clearing the way for his confirmation.

Senate Republicans made history earlier this month by successfully filibustering a president’s Defense Secretary nominee for the first time in U.S. history.

But a number of Republicans who voted to uphold the filibuster — including Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Kelly Ayotte (R-NH), Lamar Alexander (R-NE), Roy Blunt (R-MO) and Orrin Hatch (R-UT) — joined Democrats in breaking the filibuster on Tuesday. Overall, 18 Republicans voted for cloture, which ultimately passed by a vote of 71-27."

:woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo:


Who will they all blame now. the media?

A good Sec. Of Defense would a general, not an infantry Sgt who spent less than 2 years in the service and became a bullet magnet. He didn't learn anything about military tactics and barely could tell you the difference between S1, S3, and S4.....

Well gosh mudwhistle, that would mean Sgt Hagel has two more years of military service than former Sec of Defense, Richard (5 deferment) Cheney and-----and that would mean Sgt Hagel earned 5 more stripes than former Sec of Defense, Richard (5 deferment) Cheney and-----and I don't think Richard (5 deferment) Cheney had the heart to earn and wear any fruit salad on his chest, did he? -pewsh!-
I saw that too. Yeah. Repubs lost another battle :( saying someone who was on the ground in 'nam wasn't qualified didn't (as we used to say in the military) "pass muster" ;)

I don't believe they ever expected to "win", at least not as far as stopping his confirmation goes. I believe certain individuals jsut wanted to get their Teabagger cred by taking shots at him, that's all.

"The Senate on Tuesday voted to break the Republican-led filibuster of Chuck Hagel’s nomination to become the next Secretary of Defense, clearing the way for his confirmation.

Senate Republicans made history earlier this month by successfully filibustering a president’s Defense Secretary nominee for the first time in U.S. history.

But a number of Republicans who voted to uphold the filibuster — including Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Kelly Ayotte (R-NH), Lamar Alexander (R-NE), Roy Blunt (R-MO) and Orrin Hatch (R-UT) — joined Democrats in breaking the filibuster on Tuesday. Overall, 18 Republicans voted for cloture, which ultimately passed by a vote of 71-27."
:woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo:



(NewsFlash) Washington, DC- Breaking with 33 years of anti-American chickenshit political nutballism, four nutball senators, Richard Shelby of Alabama, Mike Johanns of Nebraska, Rand Paul of Kentucky and Thad Cochran of Mississippi, behaved honorably today and voted for combat veteran and multiple purple heart awardee, Chuck Hagel.

This in contrast to the filthy god damned nutball scum who attacked Silver Star and multiple purple heart awardee, John Kerry, in the 2004 presidential campaign, apparently fearing that having a real American with combat experience in the presidency would result in defense cuts.

The defense industry is known to prefer nutballs in government, especially rear echelon motherfuckers with very, very small penises in the presidency, because men with feelings of inadequacy have demonstrated a similarity to wild-eyed Irish drunks in their childlike eagerness compensate for physical inadequacies by spending other people's lives, health and money on their own personal potency fantasies like land wars in Asia and military toys that look cool in parades.
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