Haitian man arrested for raping a 15 y/o disabled girl at a migrant hotel in Massachusetts Wednesday night came to the U.S. via the Biden admin’s ...

My side what the fuck are you taking about? Defend your stance of not caring about rape instead of trying to deflect from that stupidity

I am totally for holding people accountable for rape.

That doesn't include 138K Haitians who didn't rape anyone.
How stupid does a coed have to be to get falling down drunk at a frat party full of horny guys?

As for the act of rape itself we have enough to do protecting American women from American rapists without having to deal with foreign rapists also
Thanks for confirming this is about hating (non-white) immigrants and not protecting women.
You would if it was YOUR family member. One is ONE TOO MANY
This should have never happened.
If it were my family member, I would want the person who did it held accountable.

Not other innocent people who just happened to be on the same ethnicity.
Thanks for confirming this is about hating (non-white) immigrants and not protecting women.
I think fewer rapes in America is a good thing

But you apparently disagree

Let migrant men rape migrant women in their home country instead of raping American women here
I am totally for holding people accountable for rape.

That doesn't include 138K Haitians who didn't rape anyone.
You totally are for holding people accountable but you also have said you’re just not seeing the problem. Hard to hold someone accountable when you refuse to see the problem. But hey that’s the hypocrisy you believe in
I think fewer rapes in America is a good thing

But you apparently disagree

Let migrant men rape migrant women in their home country instead of raping American women here

Okay. Isn't a good reason to deny non-rapists asylum if they qualify.

Now, if you want less rapes, maybe devote the money to process the thousands of rape kids languishing in police evidence lockers for DNA.

You totally are for holding people accountable but you also have said you’re just not seeing the problem. Hard to hold someone accountable when you refuse to see the problem. But hey that’s the hypocrisy you believe in

No, I'm just not seeing it as an "immigration" problem, given immigrants are better behaved than the people who are born here.
Okay. Isn't a good reason to deny non-rapists asylum if they qualify.

Now, if you want less rapes, maybe devote the money to process the thousands of rape kids languishing in police evidence lockers for DNA.

No, I'm just not seeing it as an "immigration" problem, given immigrants are better behaved than the people who are born here.
Like I have said you refuse to see the problem that’s on you. Don’t claim you care when you obviously don’t give a shit.
Okay. Isn't a good reason to deny non-rapists asylum if they qualify.

Now, if you want less rapes, maybe devote the money to process the thousands of rape kids languishing in police evidence lockers for DNA.

No, I'm just not seeing it as an "immigration" problem, given immigrants are better behaved than the people who are born here.
I dont have a solution to drunk party girls at frat parties getting raped

But we can prevent rapes by migrants by not allowing the migrants into this country
Like I have said you refuse to see the problem that’s on you. Don’t claim you care when you obviously don’t give a shit.

I don't care about your problem. If you cared about Rape, you certainly wouldn't be supporting Trump, who has been found liable for it.

You just want to create fear to get people to go along with your fear of immigrants.
I don't care about your problem. If you cared about Rape, you certainly wouldn't be supporting Trump, who has been found liable for it.

You just want to create fear to get people to go along with your fear of immigrants.
Jesus you’re dumb. I don’t support Trump. I don’t support Biden. Anyone voting for either of those men hate America. You’re defending raping a 15 year old as no big deal, and your do t see a problem with it by your own words. Maybe tomorrow you will have better luck at not being a dickhead.
If it were my family member, I would want the person who did it held accountable.

Not other innocent people who just happened to be on the same ethnicity.
Of course you would. But you would not ask yourself "why did the Biden administration allow this to happen?" or better yet, "Why did the US Government fail to keep these people out?" "who is vetting these invaders?"

The federal government is responsible for conducting a number of activities to protect U.S. borders and enforce immigration laws.
You know that, right?

Read all about it right here Joe.

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I don't care about your problem. If you cared about Rape, you certainly wouldn't be supporting Trump, who has been found liable for it.

You just want to create fear to get people to go along with your fear of immigrants.
Donald Trump was not found guilty of rape. And the best part of it all

can not remember when it happened
no eye witness
no doctors report
no screams
and he is still convicted based.....on her word.
Trump warned that the corrupt Democrat Party's open border invasion is bringing in murderers and rapist and the Radical Left accused him of racism.

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.” - DJT​

none. I simply don't care.

We've already agreed to live in a crime ridden country due to a whole bunch of reasons. Immigrants are better behaved than the people who are born here.
Seriously I hope no one YOU know gets raped or has a run in with an illegal.
I can see you talking to them..

I was raped by an Illegal
Joe B: "I simply don't care"
Jesus you’re dumb. I don’t support Trump. I don’t support Biden. Anyone voting for either of those men hate America. You’re defending raping a 15 year old as no big deal, and your do t see a problem with it by your own words. Maybe tomorrow you will have better luck at not being a dickhead.

Are you some kind of a retard? No one was defending the rapist. I just stated ... and wait for it because you are a little slow... is that the other 138,000 Haitians who have come over seeking asylum DIDN'T RAPE ANYONE.

Seriously I hope no one YOU know gets raped or has a run in with an illegal.
I can see you talking to them..

I was raped by an Illegal
Joe B: "I simply don't care"

Why is being raped by an illegal so much worse than being raped by a citizen? It doesn't seem to be the rape you are fixated on, it was the illegal.

"I was raped by a citizen"
Bill: "Thank God he wasn't a dirty, stinking illegal!!!!"
Donald Trump was not found guilty of rape. And the best part of it all

can not remember when it happened
no eye witness
no doctors report
no screams
and he is still convicted based.....on her word.

There are guys in prison on less evidence than they had against Trump.
Why is being raped by an illegal so much worse than being raped by a citizen? It doesn't seem to be the rape you are fixated on, it was the illegal.
Because the ILLEGAL SHOULD NOT BE IN THE USA. The rape should have NEVER HAPPENED!
They have NO EVIDENCE other than "she said".
And that's often enough.

She also had outcry witnesses.

Trump had some credibility problem not only because of the Pussy Grabbing comment, but also because he claimed he didn't know who Carroll was, and then they produced a picture of her with him, where he thought she was Marla Maples.
And that's often enough.

She also had outcry witnesses.

Trump had some credibility problem not only because of the Pussy Grabbing comment, but also because he claimed he didn't know who Carroll was, and then they produced a picture of her with him, where he thought she was Marla Maples.
I grab woman by the pussy every chance I can get away with it. If he thought it was Marla, so what? Obviously he didn't know who it was. Joe, I have got to be honest, you are a very disturbing individual. Have you been this way all your life? Did this start when Trump was elected?


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