Haley challenges Trump for a debate; questions his 'mental competency'

Eric Cartman

Gold Member
Mar 21, 2011
Trump is too cowardly to debate Nikki Haley. He's going to keep hiding in his basement so people don't see his mental decline.

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In the NH Primary, this is the key stat and why Haley was even remotely close. Her resuilts.going forward will be worse. Per Fox News regarding NH Primary. Almost half of the voters were "unaffiliated", lol, yeah right: "Unaffiliated voters made up slightly less than half of the electorate (47%), and broke for Haley by 26 points."
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The leading candidate has nothing to gain and much to lose in debating a distant second. All it would do is lend credibility to her campaign. May be different if she was close.
Trump has 31 delegates and needs 1,215 to win. Why not give the Republican voters a choice?
They have one, and so far they are shouting loudly for Trump….’Tricky Nikki’ as she’s called here in SC is a liar as she demonstrated when sh was Gov. here…You libs were suckered…deal with it.
Haley told her supporters that with Trump, Republicans have lost almost every competitive election.“We lost the Senate.
Funny she doesn't tell them the truth: we lost the senate being a divided GOP with half the party working with democrats opposing their own leader. I guess she underestimates how much MAGA would oppose HER. Never mind that she would end up working more with democrats than the GOP in the end still advancing THEIR agenda.

We lost the House.
We got the House back. And once again, the GOP has done NOTHING with it. The problem isn't Trump, it is the current do-nothing GOP.

We lost the White House.
The GOP got caught with their pants down as usual and let the Dems spend a year getting state election laws changed while the GOP sat on its hands, then let the Dems use a sudden chinese global viral pandemic and a freak race riot grown from an arrest gone bad grow into a national race war they were totally unprepared to deal with letting the democrats literally write their own ticket in the 13th hour long after the 2020 election was over and engineer a manufactured finish which finally again put Biden over the Finish line.

If only Haley worked HALF as hard to advance her own party's agenda and national welfare as she does helping the democrats to win!
They have one, and so far they are shouting loudly for Trump….’Tricky Nikki’ as she’s called here in SC is a liar as she demonstrated when sh was Gov. here…You libs were suckered…deal with it.
The Biden White House is saying that Trump is going to be the nominee. He is the nominee that they've been wanting and would definitely be the easiest one for them to beat.
Given his most recent ramblings; there is more than ample reason to question whether the blob has lost it. But this is a desperate act from Haley.
Funny she doesn't tell them the truth: we lost the senate being a divided GOP with half the party working with democrats opposing their own leader. I guess she underestimates how much MAGA would oppose HER. Never mind that she would end up working more with democrats than the GOP in the end still advancing THEIR agenda.

We got the House back. And once again, the GOP has done NOTHING with it. The problem isn't Trump, it is the current do-nothing GOP.

The GOP got caught with their pants down as usual and let the Dems spend a year getting state election laws changed while the GOP sat on its hands, then let the Dems use a sudden chinese global viral pandemic and a freak race riot grown from an arrest gone bad grow into a national race war they were totally unprepared to deal with letting the democrats literally write their own ticket in the 13th hour long after the 2020 election was over and engineer a manufactured finish which finally again put Biden over the Finish line.

If only Haley worked HALF as hard to advance her own party's agenda and national welfare as she does helping the democrats to win!
If you think Biden engineered and manufactured his win in 2020 when he wasn't even in power.... Well what's stopping him from doing it this time? Why even bother running against him?
Trump will be hiding in the basement there is no way that he would debate Nikki cuz she would mop the floor with him. He has lost any edge he ever had.
Nah .. hiding in the basement is a Biden thing (poor miserable old fart that he is).

Yup, her “Karen” qualities would be amusing and Trump would likely have fun. (remember poor Hillary, she was so shell shocked by debating with Trump she spent the rest of the campaign drunk.)

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