HARDBALLS: Chris Matthews Nailed By Sexual Harassment Scandal

I bet he has a spitting fetish...

Full coverage

NBC paid off producer who accused Chris Matthews of harassment, report says
Fox News - ‎1 hour ago‎
Chris Matthews, pictured here in April, has hosted MSNBC's 'Hardball with Chris Matthews' since 1997. (REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst). NBC paid thousands of dollars to an assistant producer on MSNBC's "Hardball with Chris Matthews" nearly two decades ago ...

NBC paid out severance to staffer who accused Chris Matthews of sexual harassment
The Hill - ‎45 minutes ago‎
A former MSNBC employee who accused host Chris Matthews of sexual harassment in 1999 was given a separation payment by the network, according to a Daily Caller report. Two sources told the Caller that a woman who was then an assistant producer on ...
NBC Made Payment To Staffer After Sexual Harassment Claim Against Chris Matthews
The Daily Caller - ‎1 hour ago‎
An MSNBC spokesman confirmed Saturday the company made a separation-related payment to one of Chris Matthews employees after the woman complained about sexual harassment. Two sources familiar with the situation told The Daily Caller that Matthews paid ...

Report: NBC Paid Off Chris Matthews Accuser Over Sexual Harassment Claims
Breitbart News - ‎14 minutes ago‎
The television network NBC paid off a woman who accused host Chris Matthews of sexual harassment back in 1999, the Daily Caller has revealed. According to internal sources, the network paid $40,000 to an assistant producer working on Matthews' nightly ...
"Truepundit.com" :lmao:

Jim Hoft must be busy in court. Or in jail.

Wanna buy a bridge, McRacist?
What a fail thread, by Steve McRacist, Mathews isn't even Black.
"Truepundit.com" :lmao:

Jim Hoft must be busy in court. Or in jail.

Wanna buy a bridge, McRacist?

Who is Jim Hoft ogo?

Jim Hoft runs a fake website called "Gateway Pundit" to ensnare gullible idiots like McRacist. Sensationalist headlines, fake news, and bogus stories that get him sued. McRacist usually goes to that well and posts threads as if they're legitimate stories.
So now we're down to sexual assault being "making jokes about your producer?" Seems to demean the seriousness of the term "sexual assault" a bit --- no ?? Salem, Mass 1700s.. We're there.
So now we're down to sexual assault being "making jokes about your producer?" Seems to demean the seriousness of the term "sexual assault" a bit --- no ?? Salem, Mass 1700s.. We're there.

Yep. We have all kinds of tv shows that sexualize kids having them wear skimpy outfits and make-up...

And then we have people being accused of sexual assault for making a joke that someone might get offended by. So instead of just saying, "Hey I am a bit offended, please don't do it anymore," it's sexual assault and someone's career should be ruined.
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So now we're down to sexual assault being "making jokes about your producer?" Seems to demean the seriousness of the term "sexual assault" a bit --- no ?? Salem, Mass 1700s.. We're there.

Exactly. And we're also down to taking such a snowflake incident from 20 years ago and calling it a "contemporary" "scandal" to sell ad clicks.
Chris Matthews?


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