Harvey Weinstein Is a Product of the Left's Rebellion Against God

Harvey Weinstein Is a Product of the Left's Rebellion Against God

The article makes it clear that the problem in show business is much, much worse than we originally believed.
You do realize Trump admitted to the same thing Weinstein is now accused of? It didn't stop you or the Christian right to support him. How does that work? When the left has a sex scandal and act indignant when it breaks they are fake and offensive to God. When it's a conservative God forgives all sinners so acting indignant is completely unnecessary?

Really? Seems all those who accused him kind of just shut up and slithered away. Can the same be said of Mr weinstine? No not really. I mean you have this dude ON TAPE in some cases doing his thing. What I find disturbing is that the left can justify, even encourage rape then the character assassination of the victim as long as a republican did it. Y'all are weird.
God told Trump to grab pussies. Trump obeyed YHWH's commands, showing Rightards respect gods.

And the self proclaimed Champions of Christianity, the Christian Right, voted overwhelmingly for Trump.
What's a heart chimp?
what is beating in your chest Chimp...the Rube in the Bubble the Cry baby with the Baboon heart......

Allow me to introduce you to Mister Comma. He's your friend.


Are you an English professor?

We know you aren't.
Rebellion against God?

No, they are just a bunch of immoral, unethical, sexual deviant Criminal pigs...
Oh by the way, no one on the left should ever be allowed to use the term 'War on Women' again without being 'punched in the face' ...
The angle of the dangle plus the Mass of Trump 's ass is equal to the Weinstein constant or "covfefe coefficient "
Harvey Weinstein Is a Product of the Left's Rebellion Against God

The article makes it clear that the problem in show business is much, much worse than we originally believed.
You do realize Trump admitted to the same thing Weinstein is now accused of? It didn't stop you or the Christian right to support him. How does that work? When the left has a sex scandal and act indignant when it breaks they are fake and offensive to God. When it's a conservative God forgives all sinners so acting indignant is completely unnecessary?
Thinking Error:assuming
Harvey Weinstein Is a Product of the Left's Rebellion Against God

The article makes it clear that the problem in show business is much, much worse than we originally believed.
You do realize Trump admitted to the same thing Weinstein is now accused of? It didn't stop you or the Christian right to support him. How does that work? When the left has a sex scandal and act indignant when it breaks they are fake and offensive to God. When it's a conservative God forgives all sinners so acting indignant is completely unnecessary?

Really? Seems all those who accused him kind of just shut up and slithered away. Can the same be said of Mr weinstine? No not really. I mean you have this dude ON TAPE in some cases doing his thing. What I find disturbing is that the left can justify, even encourage rape then the character assassination of the victim as long as a republican did it. Y'all are weird.
Lol I've heard that argument before. What besides coming forward you suggest they do? All the people coming forward on Weinstein haven't charged him either and chances are he won't be. Can Harvey Weinstein be charged? Potentially — here's look at what could happen next
In a few days or weeks the story will die out. Will you then suggest the silence means Weinstein is innocent? Like I said Trump has been caught on tape saying he did make use of his status to get away with sexual inappropriate behavior. People have come forward to confirm these confessions. For some reason though, you are unconvinced Trump actually did what he said he did, while at the same this OP is being completely prepared to condemn the morality of the entire left for Weinstein's actions. Weinstein has lost his career, reputation, wife and business because of this. Trump got elected president. Forgive me when I call foul.
People Magazine Natasha Stoynoff has six independent witnesses to back up her allegation that Trump “pushed her against a wall, shoved his tongue in her mouth, and told her they were going to have an affair.”
People Magazine Natasha Stoynoff has six independent witnesses to back up her allegation that Trump “pushed her against a wall, shoved his tongue in her mouth, and told her they were going to have an affair.”
What about slick Willy?
Harvey Weinstein Is a Product of the Left's Rebellion Against God

The article makes it clear that the problem in show business is much, much worse than we originally believed.
You do realize Trump admitted to the same thing Weinstein is now accused of? It didn't stop you or the Christian right to support him. How does that work? When the left has a sex scandal and act indignant when it breaks they are fake and offensive to God. When it's a conservative God forgives all sinners so acting indignant is completely unnecessary?

No that is debunked far left religious dogma, but you did support Clinton and JFK..
And if by debunked you mean confirmed by Nancy O'Dell, the woman DoTard Trump claimed he tried to "fuck" even though both he and she were married at the time, as real Christian God lovers do, then you would be correct.

Given he met his current wife while married to his second one by slipping her his phone numbers, it might be wise to not try defending Trump.

Donald Trump courted wife Melania while out on a date with another woman in 1998, she reveals in interview about GOP front-runner

Donald Trump's wife Melania tells story of how they met

Marla and Donald separated in 1997. He met Melania while the divorce settlement was being worked out. (It's a rich person thing you probably wouldn't understand.)
You really think these women are victims??

These "victims" are just prostitutes. They went to Harv and said "I'll do anything if you'll give me a part in this movie".
Now the ho's are calling that harassment!!!
Harvey Weinstein Is a Product of the Left's Rebellion Against God

The article makes it clear that the problem in show business is much, much worse than we originally believed.

What is Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens (R) the product of?

Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens Admits To Extramarital Affair, Denies Blackmail Allegation | HuffPost

The woman said she had a consensual sexual encounter with Greitens in 2015, and that he took a photograph of her while she was naked, blindfolded and bound. She claimed Greitens threatened her, saying that if she spoke about the affair, “there would be pictures of [her] everywhere.”

“He took a picture of my wife naked as blackmail,” the ex-husband told News 4. “There is no worse person.”
On the topic of sexual harassment, have you heard that some Democrats may be bringing Trump's accusers to the State of the Union address?

Harvey Weinstein Is a Product of the Left's Rebellion Against God

And, uncontrolled tooth loss is a product of the meth-head's rebellion against the Tooth Fairy.

These are such silly statements.

Look, I don't care if people believe in God, but they are really hard to defend when they blame everything on a "rebellion against God."

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