Has any hypocrite on the left voluntarily paid more taxes, since they claim they want to?

You do realize that you are attempting to be right in spite of the fact?

We have a rate that businesses are taxed at. We have write offs.
You can talk in circles all you want but it does not make things diffrent.

You talk about a flat tax yet want to allow write offs. A flat tax as most understand it is you pay x amount. Period.

You tried to say that congress would not be affected by changing the tax code I showed you that you were incorrect. You are now saying that it is ok for them to use write offs. I have no problem with them using them but explain to me how they would not be impacted by changing the tax code?

Continue to run around in circles and I will eventually tire of trying to talk with you.

A flat tax is you pay X PERCENT of income and that percentage is the same for everyone

Flat Tax

A flat tax system applies the same tax rate to every taxpayer regardless of income bracket
I assume you did not read my last post very closely as I stated the same thing.
Ok so you want those on welfare to pay the same amount as a millionare.

You do realize that those that are on welfare are not going to support that? You do realize that most people are upset now that they did not get a large enough or a long enough tax cut? You perhaps understand that those who defend welfare are not going to support that? I have little doubt that those in minimal paying jobs are not going to support that.

What percentage do you want to tax at. Keep in mind that it has been proven that too high a tax will cause business to move overseas or leave profits out of the reach of the U.S. Millionaires will leave money in foreign banks where it will not be touched.

dude, can you try again in english? First off the poor don't pay federal taxes like people who earn a living. just don't. so your initial point is invalid.

Next, I want you to provide a definition of what is fair taxes. can you do that? I will state you won't.

You do realize that you are attempting to be right in spite of the fact?

We have a rate that businesses are taxed at. We have write offs.
You can talk in circles all you want but it does not make things diffrent.

You talk about a flat tax yet want to allow write offs. A flat tax as most understand it is you pay x amount. Period.

You tried to say that congress would not be affected by changing the tax code I showed you that you were incorrect. You are now saying that it is ok for them to use write offs. I have no problem with them using them but explain to me how they would not be impacted by changing the tax code?

Continue to run around in circles and I will eventually tire of trying to talk with you.

A flat tax is you pay X PERCENT of income and that percentage is the same for everyone

Flat Tax

A flat tax system applies the same tax rate to every taxpayer regardless of income bracket
I assume you did not read my last post very closely as I stated the same thing.
Ok so you want those on welfare to pay the same amount as a millionare.

You do realize that those that are on welfare are not going to support that? You do realize that most people are upset now that they did not get a large enough or a long enough tax cut? You perhaps understand that those who defend welfare are not going to support that? I have little doubt that those in minimal paying jobs are not going to support that.

What percentage do you want to tax at. Keep in mind that it has been proven that too high a tax will cause business to move overseas or leave profits out of the reach of the U.S. Millionaires will leave money in foreign banks where it will not be touched.


No you said everyone pays X amount

That implies that every pays the same amount not the same percentage. You do realize that people can pay the same percentage but pay vastly different amounts don't you?

I think 10% of all income regardless of the source is a fair tax rate.

So a person making 20K will pay 2K a year and a person making 2 Million will pay 200K per year

FYI that would also make the corporate tax rate 10% on all business income (profit not revenue)

But, but, but Maxdeath pays sales tax on his Modello and Bud Light. He’s a MAJOR contributor...just ask him.
I pay taxes to states in every state I visit in the form of sales tax. I pay federal and state taxes on every road I drive on when I purchase a gallon of fuel. I pay road use tax every time I purchase a tire. I pay federal taxes every year.

Funny how that works out isn't it.
Payroll taxes? Taxes are not equal between the states. You’re mistaken
You do realize that you are attempting to be right in spite of the fact?

We have a rate that businesses are taxed at. We have write offs.
You can talk in circles all you want but it does not make things diffrent.

You talk about a flat tax yet want to allow write offs. A flat tax as most understand it is you pay x amount. Period.

You tried to say that congress would not be affected by changing the tax code I showed you that you were incorrect. You are now saying that it is ok for them to use write offs. I have no problem with them using them but explain to me how they would not be impacted by changing the tax code?

Continue to run around in circles and I will eventually tire of trying to talk with you.

A flat tax is you pay X PERCENT of income and that percentage is the same for everyone

Flat Tax

A flat tax system applies the same tax rate to every taxpayer regardless of income bracket
I assume you did not read my last post very closely as I stated the same thing.
Ok so you want those on welfare to pay the same amount as a millionare.

You do realize that those that are on welfare are not going to support that? You do realize that most people are upset now that they did not get a large enough or a long enough tax cut? You perhaps understand that those who defend welfare are not going to support that? I have little doubt that those in minimal paying jobs are not going to support that.

What percentage do you want to tax at. Keep in mind that it has been proven that too high a tax will cause business to move overseas or leave profits out of the reach of the U.S. Millionaires will leave money in foreign banks where it will not be touched.


No you said everyone pays X amount

That implies that every pays the same amount not the same percentage. You do realize that people can pay the same percentage but pay vastly different amounts don't you?

I think 10% of all income regardless of the source is a fair tax rate.

So a person making 20K will pay 2K a year and a person making 2 Million will pay 200K per year

FYI that would also make the corporate tax rate 10% on all business income (profit not revenue)
Oh I am sorry I did not realize that you were context challenged. I will make sure to make all posts very simple from now on.

So under that plan those just barely getting by would pay 10%. People like seniors that are relying on Social Security only. Someone that is having to rely on snap and other welfare. But those that have a large house, those that have other write offs are paying only 5 or 6% in actuality. Business has learned how to pay 0% thanks to write offs and reinvestment. It would only be worse.

I hate to tell you this, Corky , but words mean things. Amount and percent are 2 entirely different things. That you can't grasp the definitions of the words you use has nothing to do with me.

10 cents on the dollar is not tough to do. Really are you going to starve on 9 dollars where you would be feasting on 10 dollars?

And congress doesn't benefit from the tax code more than any other person or business. Shit we foot the bill for everything Congress does. And the people that really run Congress would absolutely go for a flat tax and since it is the only fair way to tax income it is what we should be doing unless of course you want to abolish the income tax and move to a consumption tax
You really went through all the pages that have been typed and did not learn anything?

If it is such a great idea then just try selling that to congress. Without write offs you would be taxing everyone the same. Does not take an Einstein to understand that anyone that can use write offs would pay little to no tax. The people that vote for those in congress would vote against anyone who even suggested it.
A flat tax is you pay X PERCENT of income and that percentage is the same for everyone

Flat Tax

A flat tax system applies the same tax rate to every taxpayer regardless of income bracket
I assume you did not read my last post very closely as I stated the same thing.
Ok so you want those on welfare to pay the same amount as a millionare.

You do realize that those that are on welfare are not going to support that? You do realize that most people are upset now that they did not get a large enough or a long enough tax cut? You perhaps understand that those who defend welfare are not going to support that? I have little doubt that those in minimal paying jobs are not going to support that.

What percentage do you want to tax at. Keep in mind that it has been proven that too high a tax will cause business to move overseas or leave profits out of the reach of the U.S. Millionaires will leave money in foreign banks where it will not be touched.


No you said everyone pays X amount

That implies that every pays the same amount not the same percentage. You do realize that people can pay the same percentage but pay vastly different amounts don't you?

I think 10% of all income regardless of the source is a fair tax rate.

So a person making 20K will pay 2K a year and a person making 2 Million will pay 200K per year

FYI that would also make the corporate tax rate 10% on all business income (profit not revenue)
Oh I am sorry I did not realize that you were context challenged. I will make sure to make all posts very simple from now on.

So under that plan those just barely getting by would pay 10%. People like seniors that are relying on Social Security only. Someone that is having to rely on snap and other welfare. But those that have a large house, those that have other write offs are paying only 5 or 6% in actuality. Business has learned how to pay 0% thanks to write offs and reinvestment. It would only be worse.

I hate to tell you this, Corky , but words mean things. Amount and percent are 2 entirely different things. That you can't grasp the definitions of the words you use has nothing to do with me.

10 cents on the dollar is not tough to do. Really are you going to starve on 9 dollars where you would be feasting on 10 dollars?

And congress doesn't benefit from the tax code more than any other person or business. Shit we foot the bill for everything Congress does. And the people that really run Congress would absolutely go for a flat tax and since it is the only fair way to tax income it is what we should be doing unless of course you want to abolish the income tax and move to a consumption tax
You really went through all the pages that have been typed and did not learn anything?

If it is such a great idea then just try selling that to congress. Without write offs you would be taxing everyone the same. Does not take an Einstein to understand that anyone that can use write offs would pay little to no tax. The people that vote for those in congress would vote against anyone who even suggested it.
The percentage fk yes
A flat tax is you pay X PERCENT of income and that percentage is the same for everyone

Flat Tax

A flat tax system applies the same tax rate to every taxpayer regardless of income bracket
I assume you did not read my last post very closely as I stated the same thing.
Ok so you want those on welfare to pay the same amount as a millionare.

You do realize that those that are on welfare are not going to support that? You do realize that most people are upset now that they did not get a large enough or a long enough tax cut? You perhaps understand that those who defend welfare are not going to support that? I have little doubt that those in minimal paying jobs are not going to support that.

What percentage do you want to tax at. Keep in mind that it has been proven that too high a tax will cause business to move overseas or leave profits out of the reach of the U.S. Millionaires will leave money in foreign banks where it will not be touched.

dude, can you try again in english? First off the poor don't pay federal taxes like people who earn a living. just don't. so your initial point is invalid.

Next, I want you to provide a definition of what is fair taxes. can you do that? I will state you won't.

A flat tax is you pay X PERCENT of income and that percentage is the same for everyone

Flat Tax

A flat tax system applies the same tax rate to every taxpayer regardless of income bracket
I assume you did not read my last post very closely as I stated the same thing.
Ok so you want those on welfare to pay the same amount as a millionare.

You do realize that those that are on welfare are not going to support that? You do realize that most people are upset now that they did not get a large enough or a long enough tax cut? You perhaps understand that those who defend welfare are not going to support that? I have little doubt that those in minimal paying jobs are not going to support that.

What percentage do you want to tax at. Keep in mind that it has been proven that too high a tax will cause business to move overseas or leave profits out of the reach of the U.S. Millionaires will leave money in foreign banks where it will not be touched.


No you said everyone pays X amount

That implies that every pays the same amount not the same percentage. You do realize that people can pay the same percentage but pay vastly different amounts don't you?

I think 10% of all income regardless of the source is a fair tax rate.

So a person making 20K will pay 2K a year and a person making 2 Million will pay 200K per year

FYI that would also make the corporate tax rate 10% on all business income (profit not revenue)

But, but, but Maxdeath pays sales tax on his Modello and Bud Light. He’s a MAJOR contributor...just ask him.
I pay taxes to states in every state I visit in the form of sales tax. I pay federal and state taxes on every road I drive on when I purchase a gallon of fuel. I pay road use tax every time I purchase a tire. I pay federal taxes every year.

Funny how that works out isn't it.
Payroll taxes? Taxes are not equal between the states. You’re mistaken
Payroll???? Read again.
Has there been any public rich democrat like Pelosi or Feinstein or Kerry, or any moron that posts here done that?

They can.

Have they?

Actually most of the Democratic leadership has had ethics issues and most of those have something to do with either tax evasion (like John Kerry) or insider deals that enrich them (like Pelosi and Feinstein).
So, there is not one known democrat in public or even on this site that post here, who all chant for higher taxes, have ever voluntarily paid more taxes?

That is big gigantic no. Like we all knew. Aren't they pathetic?

Always always always point out their hypocrisy. That, pisses them off.
So, there is not one known democrat in public or even on this site that post here, who all chant for higher taxes, have ever voluntarily paid more taxes?

That is big gigantic no. Like we all knew. Aren't they pathetic?

Always always always point out their hypocrisy. That, pisses them off.
tax cut economics are income transfers that benefit the wealthiest. the right wing has no problem with that; why Only complain about the Poor?
So, there is not one known democrat in public or even on this site that post here, who all chant for higher taxes, have ever voluntarily paid more taxes?

That is big gigantic no. Like we all knew. Aren't they pathetic?

Always always always point out their hypocrisy. That, pisses them off.

If we had a press corps that did it's job they'd be a lot less likely to break the rules but they know that even if they get caught...the main stream media will cover for them.
So, there is not one known democrat in public or even on this site that post here, who all chant for higher taxes, have ever voluntarily paid more taxes?

That is big gigantic no. Like we all knew. Aren't they pathetic?

Always always always point out their hypocrisy. That, pisses them off.
tax cut economics are income transfers that benefit the wealthiest. the right wing has no problem with that; why Only complain about the Poor?

Good for you, that qualifies as pathetic.
So, there is not one known democrat in public or even on this site that post here, who all chant for higher taxes, have ever voluntarily paid more taxes?

That is big gigantic no. Like we all knew. Aren't they pathetic?

Always always always point out their hypocrisy. That, pisses them off.
tax cut economics are income transfers that benefit the wealthiest. the right wing has no problem with that; why Only complain about the Poor?

It's an "income transfer" to let people keep more of the money they earned? Only to a California liberal, Daniel!
So, there is not one known democrat in public or even on this site that post here, who all chant for higher taxes, have ever voluntarily paid more taxes?

That is big gigantic no. Like we all knew. Aren't they pathetic?

Always always always point out their hypocrisy. That, pisses them off.
tax cut economics are income transfers that benefit the wealthiest. the right wing has no problem with that; why Only complain about the Poor?

Good for you, that qualifies as pathetic.
only the Rich are Worth it according to the Right Wing.
Has there been any public rich democrat like Pelosi or Feinstein or Kerry, or any moron that posts here done that?

They can.

Have they?


1. The liberal elite pushes BS rhetoric. The elite recognize progressives are easy targets because they lead by emotion. Therefore the BS is easily adopted by their base.

2. I have some friends who demonstrate typical progressive behavior and mindset. He smokes dope 24/7, won't save a dime etc. Now he needs a car and will have to pay high interest for it. His entire family is the same, they smoke dope and won't save a dime. Just one bad decision after another. They believe the public should make-up for their short-comings. Point being, progressives are quick to spend your money on themselves. They give nothing for something, benefits without effort. They believe this is the right way to do things, because the liberal elite and progressives say it's so, and after all, "it's supported under the Christianity".

3. Progressives in government are just mouths. They only say what the above want to hear. Unless they're rock dumb like Waters, They likely don't believe a word of it, as demonstrated by the fact they don't live by their ideology. Everyone is a hypocrite, but Democrats are by far the worst of the bunch.
So, there is not one known democrat in public or even on this site that post here, who all chant for higher taxes, have ever voluntarily paid more taxes?

That is big gigantic no. Like we all knew. Aren't they pathetic?

Always always always point out their hypocrisy. That, pisses them off.
tax cut economics are income transfers that benefit the wealthiest. the right wing has no problem with that; why Only complain about the Poor?

It's an "income transfer" to let people keep more of the money they earned? Only to a California liberal, Daniel!
nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.

socialist Income Transfers is All they are: U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
Has there been any public rich democrat like Pelosi or Feinstein or Kerry, or any moron that posts here done that?

They can.

Have they?
Aren’t we already paying enough keeping red state economic basket cases from his totally sinking?
So, there is not one known democrat in public or even on this site that post here, who all chant for higher taxes, have ever voluntarily paid more taxes?

That is big gigantic no. Like we all knew. Aren't they pathetic?

Always always always point out their hypocrisy. That, pisses them off.
tax cut economics are income transfers that benefit the wealthiest. the right wing has no problem with that; why Only complain about the Poor?

It's an "income transfer" to let people keep more of the money they earned? Only to a California liberal, Daniel!
nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.

socialist Income Transfers is All they are: U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Nobody on the left does, Daniel but that's because you're all so damn CLUELESS on the subject! :dance:
So, there is not one known democrat in public or even on this site that post here, who all chant for higher taxes, have ever voluntarily paid more taxes?

That is big gigantic no. Like we all knew. Aren't they pathetic?

Always always always point out their hypocrisy. That, pisses them off.
tax cut economics are income transfers that benefit the wealthiest. the right wing has no problem with that; why Only complain about the Poor?

It's an "income transfer" to let people keep more of the money they earned? Only to a California liberal, Daniel!
nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.

socialist Income Transfers is All they are: U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Nobody on the left does, Daniel but that's because you're all so damn CLUELESS on the subject! :dance:
Congress has the Power to Tax, to Pay the Debts.
Has there been any public rich democrat like Pelosi or Feinstein or Kerry, or any moron that posts here done that?

They can.

Have they?
Aren’t we already paying enough keeping red state economic basket cases from his totally sinking?

Do you even pay taxes, R-Derp? I find it hard to believe that anyone with your IQ could hold down a job that would pay enough so that you'd owe taxes...
So, there is not one known democrat in public or even on this site that post here, who all chant for higher taxes, have ever voluntarily paid more taxes?

That is big gigantic no. Like we all knew. Aren't they pathetic?

Always always always point out their hypocrisy. That, pisses them off.
tax cut economics are income transfers that benefit the wealthiest. the right wing has no problem with that; why Only complain about the Poor?

It's an "income transfer" to let people keep more of the money they earned? Only to a California liberal, Daniel!
nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.

socialist Income Transfers is All they are: U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Nobody on the left does, Daniel but that's because you're all so damn CLUELESS on the subject! :dance:
Congress has the Power to Tax, to Pay the Debts.

How's that coming...the whole "paying down the debt" thing?
It's amazing that the very thing that liberal ICON, John F. Kennedy advocated for...tax cuts...has become a bogyman for today's liberal!
tax cut economics are income transfers that benefit the wealthiest. the right wing has no problem with that; why Only complain about the Poor?

It's an "income transfer" to let people keep more of the money they earned? Only to a California liberal, Daniel!
nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.

socialist Income Transfers is All they are: U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Nobody on the left does, Daniel but that's because you're all so damn CLUELESS on the subject! :dance:
Congress has the Power to Tax, to Pay the Debts.

How's that coming...the whole "paying down the debt" thing?
The rich are getting richer and the People's Debt is getting bigger. Coincidence or conspiracy.

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