Has anybody here actually met a "White Supremacist"?

I am a Nationalist.

I am proud of being White. Really proud of being a Southerner and proud of my ancestor serving in the Confederate Army.

I think Blacks are silly, mostly criminals and welfare queens. Many of them dumber than a door knob, especially the ones elected to office by other dumbass ghetto Neggras. There are probably not 250 cumulative IQ points among the Democrat Black Caucus in Congress.

The same thing with the Browns, especially the Illegal ones.

While I ridicule Blacks and Browns for being assholes that do a lot of damage to this country it is not that I think I am genetically superior. Maybe culturally superior but that is an environment influence, not biological.

When Blacks stop being criminals, stop electing shithead Democrats, stop committing crime, and stop polluting the air with stupid Rap music I will give them a little more respect. Until then fuck 'em.

There's one!

Huge difference between a Nationalist, and a white separatist. Of course you're too stupid and dishonest to understand that.
Ruh Roooooh! Resorting to namecalling. I accept your surrender on this point.
Only in prison.

had to keep them and the Black Supremacists apart

Odd, according to leftists they are lurking at nearly every corner waiting to gun people down
Certainly true in El Paso and Gilroy recently.

Cease with your idiotic hyperbole.

But I notice you left out your left loon in Dayton, eh? You lying hack
Do we know the motive in Dayton yet? If you do, you need to share it with the Authorities. We DO know the motives in El Paso and Gilroy. I know it's tough for you to catch on.....but motive is important if one is going to accuse a shooter of being part of a group A or group B.
Last time I saw them was, I am going to say about 10-12 years ago.
They have no effect on my life, the same as 99.99% of the entire U.S. population.
They are better ignored. As long as they hang out in the middle of nowhere and a dozen show up for some protest and everyone laughs at them... then they are harmless.
Unlike ANTIFA.
I have no NEED of being a SUPREMACIST-----I am supreme by nature and natural talent------------it's just me-----that which I AM.
I am a Nationalist.

I am proud of being White. Really proud of being a Southerner and proud of my ancestor serving in the Confederate Army.

I think Blacks are silly, mostly criminals and welfare queens. Many of them dumber than a door knob, especially the ones elected to office by other dumbass ghetto Neggras. There are probably not 250 cumulative IQ points among the Democrat Black Caucus in Congress.

The same thing with the Browns, especially the Illegal ones.

While I ridicule Blacks and Browns for being assholes that do a lot of damage to this country it is not that I think I am genetically superior. Maybe culturally superior but that is an environment influence, not biological.

When Blacks stop being criminals, stop electing shithead Democrats, stop committing crime, and stop polluting the air with stupid Rap music I will give them a little more respect. Until then fuck 'em.

There's one!

Huge difference between a Nationalist, and a white separatist. Of course you're too stupid and dishonest to understand that.
Ruh Roooooh! Resorting to namecalling. I accept your surrender on this point.

Didn't YOU just call me a donnie deplorable?

OooohI win!!!! Lol
Odd, according to leftists they are lurking at nearly every corner waiting to gun people down

According to a few of the bed wetters like Mac1958 there are 60 million of them all registered to vote GOP.


I put that dope on ignore
What kind of person is so insecure that they have to announce when they put people on ignore......? A donnie deplorable.

Me..Plywood. Now what's your plan? Lol
You go on with this plywood thing and never explain it....how about now? Or will you be running away again? As I was saying earlier about insecure deplorables.....................................................
I am a Nationalist.

I am proud of being White. Really proud of being a Southerner and proud of my ancestor serving in the Confederate Army.

I think Blacks are silly, mostly criminals and welfare queens. Many of them dumber than a door knob, especially the ones elected to office by other dumbass ghetto Neggras. There are probably not 250 cumulative IQ points among the Democrat Black Caucus in Congress.

The same thing with the Browns, especially the Illegal ones.

While I ridicule Blacks and Browns for being assholes that do a lot of damage to this country it is not that I think I am genetically superior. Maybe culturally superior but that is an environment influence, not biological.

When Blacks stop being criminals, stop electing shithead Democrats, stop committing crime, and stop polluting the air with stupid Rap music I will give them a little more respect. Until then fuck 'em.

There's one!

Huge difference between a Nationalist, and a white separatist. Of course you're too stupid and dishonest to understand that.
Ruh Roooooh! Resorting to namecalling. I accept your surrender on this point.

Didn't YOU just call me a donnie deplorable?

OooohI win!!!! Lol
You self-identify? Well, that was certainly easy. :71:
I am a Nationalist.

I am proud of being White. Really proud of being a Southerner and proud of my ancestor serving in the Confederate Army.

I think Blacks are silly, mostly criminals and welfare queens. Many of them dumber than a door knob, especially the ones elected to office by other dumbass ghetto Neggras. There are probably not 250 cumulative IQ points among the Democrat Black Caucus in Congress.

The same thing with the Browns, especially the Illegal ones.

While I ridicule Blacks and Browns for being assholes that do a lot of damage to this country it is not that I think I am genetically superior. Maybe culturally superior but that is an environment influence, not biological.

When Blacks stop being criminals, stop electing shithead Democrats, stop committing crime, and stop polluting the air with stupid Rap music I will give them a little more respect. Until then fuck 'em.


No you are a white supremacist.

I actually agree with the evil witch. First time for everything

Aren't you a Jewish supremacist though?

One standard for Kosher Moshe, another standard for the Goy Boys.

Are you threatening the Pale Orc? You loco?
I'm certain they exist. But I've never met one.
You've met a few. You just didn't know it.

Here you go, willfully blind monkey:

Yes. So bent on white Supremacy that they collected swords and edged weapons of all kinds and fantasized about using them.


Others who shun you if you have even one black friend.
Others who would threaten you with gun violence then move from the neighborhood because you invited a black person to your pool party.

There are indeed a very large number of white supremacists and ultra racists.

Trump is not one. If you think he is, you have no clue what a supremacist really is.
Can't speak for those nut case sons of his, Bo and Diddly.
I'm certain they exist. But I've never met one.

Has anyone here ever met one?

Tell us how it went...

David Duke and Don Black used to rent a basement out from my father for storing their recruitment literature and holding their strategy meetings.

During school, I clerked in Jimmy Venable's law office. He was the last living klansman (and then Imperial Wizard) when the KKK got rebirthed atop Stone Mountain in (I'm thinking the 1920s IIRC - it was a long time ago when I clerked for him.) Additionally I went to school with the guy that Venable passed the torch to.

It all went strange - David Duke took Don Black's wife away from him. They would later reunite and rekindle their college years friendship. Don Black was shot by the brother of James Earl Ray (who was a security guard) when Black tried to steal the mailing list of a rival organization (IIRC.) Then David Duke was caught trying to sell the KKK mailing list to Bill Wilkinson. Wilkinson ended up being that faction's leader without paying for the mailing list.

When Jimmy Venable retired, he turned over that faction to a guy I went to school with. In some strange turn of events (I'm fuzzy on details) that guy got sent to prison and didn't have much for his former KKK buddies. We would later have the same classes in school (Constitutional Law, Real Estate, and a Probate - Wills class.) After that he went to work for two Jewish guys that are ACLU lawyers.

BTW, when I clerked for Venable, he used to debate politics in his office, after hours with another visible activist. This activist was also a client. A local legal newspaper did a story about the relationship as it was so unbelievable. Venable's regular client was Hosea Williams (the man who inherited the political empire SCLC from Martin Luther King, Jr.) Venable had his clean up lady save his copy and give it to me as I had asked for it... still have it, BTW.

If I wrote a book about the 1970s through the 1990s nobody would believe it. One time a guy tried to recruit me at Venable's office. I wasn't very good recruitment material - and that was a good thing. That guy was connected to a white supremacist group that went on to rob armored cars. Luckily, I'm the kind of guy that is afraid to hold up a 3 year old for their candy bar. But I digress. That question brought back a lot of memories of my youth, school and the characters I ran across.
I'm certain they exist. But I've never met one.

Has anyone here ever met one?

Tell us how it went...
Charlottesville had an entire torch March of young white supremacist men, shouting Jews will not replace us.

We have several white nationalists/ white supremacists on this board...
It is such an old and tired stupid attack...the dems should be ashamed...every election season white people turn into evil incarnate...its past being effective unless you are trying to get people to carry out acts of hatred against the accused.....and that should be actionable in court....
Start dragging these accusers in front of a judge for liable suits...it will stop on a dime....
Why can't you rein in your peeps? We keep telling Muslims to do it, why can't white males rein in their violent crazies?
They are not my peeps first of all ass....but they are so small in numbers compared to Muslim radicals it makes your question juvenile....
I'm certain they exist. But I've never met one.

Has anyone here ever met one?

Tell us how it went...
Charlottesville had an entire torch March of young white supremacist men, shouting Jews will not replace us.

We have several white nationalists/ white supremacists on this board...

Using "White Nationalists" and "White Supremacists" as if they are one and the same shows a profound lack of understanding of what real "Supremacy" is all about.
It is such an old and tired stupid attack...the dems should be ashamed...every election season white people turn into evil incarnate...its past being effective unless you are trying to get people to carry out acts of hatred against the accused.....and that should be actionable in court....
Start dragging these accusers in front of a judge for liable suits...it will stop on a dime....
Why can't you rein in your peeps? We keep telling Muslims to do it, why can't white males rein in their violent crazies?
You do know that the shooter in Dayton was an ANTIFA supporter?...and the El Paso shooter was a environmentalist whack job that wants human life restricted?...don't you?...You could say both shooters have more in common with you than I...pal....
I am a Nationalist.

I am proud of being White. Really proud of being a Southerner and proud of my ancestor serving in the Confederate Army.

I think Blacks are silly, mostly criminals and welfare queens. Many of them dumber than a door knob, especially the ones elected to office by other dumbass ghetto Neggras. There are probably not 250 cumulative IQ points among the Democrat Black Caucus in Congress.

The same thing with the Browns, especially the Illegal ones.

While I ridicule Blacks and Browns for being assholes that do a lot of damage to this country it is not that I think I am genetically superior. Maybe culturally superior but that is an environment influence, not biological.

When Blacks stop being criminals, stop electing shithead Democrats, stop committing crime, and stop polluting the air with stupid Rap music I will give them a little more respect. Until then fuck 'em.

There's one!

Huge difference between a Nationalist, and a white separatist. Of course you're too stupid and dishonest to understand that.
Ruh Roooooh! Resorting to namecalling. I accept your surrender on this point.

I didn't name call sweetcheeks, i merely stated what you are. That is called FACTUAL.

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