Has anyone considered that Mueller may be working on a charge of treason against Trump?

People keep talking about collusion despite the fact that collusion is not a crime. However, conspiracy to hack into the DNC email system AND obstruction of justice are both crimes and would qualify as high crimes and misdemeanors for the purposes of impeachment.

But what if that's not the least of it?

After all, isn't it strange that Trump never says anything bad or negative about Putin? Isn't it also extremely odd that Trump keeps denying Russian interference in the 2016 election despite overwhelming evidence provided by numerous intelligence agencies? And why hasn't Trump enacted the sanctions that congress overwhelmingly voted on last year?

Let me propose a possible theory of what happened in the past and what's happening behind the scenes now: Years ago, Trump struck a bargain with the devil (so to speak). He agreed to help Russians launder money (which is, of course, illegal) in exchange for payment. For the most part, these transactions mostly flew under the radar. However, the Russians would certainly have evidence of all of these transactions although they would certainly have no incentive to blow the whistle on Trump. But once Trump ran for president and WON the election, the Russians would now have leverage over Trump. That leverage would give the Russians the power to blackmail Trump. At this point, Trump had a choice. One choice was the choice of a patriot: refuse to give in to the blackmail and risk the possibility that the money laundering scheme would go public. The other choice is the choice of a traitor who would place his own personal interest above the interests of the USA while also betraying his oath of office. In other words, Trump is quite possibly putting the interests of Putin and Russia above that of his own country and is essentially a foreign agent, and a turncoat. More plainly, it's quite possible that President Trump is a traitor.

What say you?

Hillary got $150,000,000 for selling our scare uranium, there's your traitor

Uranium wasn't sold. Uranium STOCK was sold.
Barrels of uranium have been leaving the mine site in Wyoming for months. They are trucked to Canada then put on ships bound for Europe where they are sold to Iran and Russia who in turn smuggle some of them into NK.

Let me guess. Inforwars?

dannyboys got a discount when he went in to have his brainwash. The tech told him he would save money if he simply had a light rinse. Of course, being his limited brain power, he paid for and received the full Monty.
People keep talking about collusion despite the fact that collusion is not a crime. However, conspiracy to hack into the DNC email system AND obstruction of justice are both crimes and would qualify as high crimes and misdemeanors for the purposes of impeachment.

But what if that's not the least of it?

After all, isn't it strange that Trump never says anything bad or negative about Putin? Isn't it also extremely odd that Trump keeps denying Russian interference in the 2016 election despite overwhelming evidence provided by numerous intelligence agencies? And why hasn't Trump enacted the sanctions that congress overwhelmingly voted on last year?

Let me propose a possible theory of what happened in the past and what's happening behind the scenes now: Years ago, Trump struck a bargain with the devil (so to speak). He agreed to help Russians launder money (which is, of course, illegal) in exchange for payment. For the most part, these transactions mostly flew under the radar. However, the Russians would certainly have evidence of all of these transactions although they would certainly have no incentive to blow the whistle on Trump. But once Trump ran for president and WON the election, the Russians would now have leverage over Trump. That leverage would give the Russians the power to blackmail Trump. At this point, Trump had a choice. One choice was the choice of a patriot: refuse to give in to the blackmail and risk the possibility that the money laundering scheme would go public. The other choice is the choice of a traitor who would place his own personal interest above the interests of the USA while also betraying his oath of office. In other words, Trump is quite possibly putting the interests of Putin and Russia above that of his own country and is essentially a foreign agent, and a turncoat. More plainly, it's quite possible that President Trump is a traitor.

What say you?
trump is 100% american

So was Nixon.
Nixon wasn't charged with treason either.

Looks like Trump will. I thought Trump-0 said the investigation would be over by Thanksgiving, and then Christmas, and then the first of the year, and then the first few weeks of the year. What happened?

That's what happens when special prosecutors don't turn up any evidence

Many people were indicted and prosecuted in the aftermath of Watergate. Nixon was the last to go down. Don't be surprised if history repeats itself 44 years later.
People keep talking about collusion despite the fact that collusion is not a crime. However, conspiracy to hack into the DNC email system AND obstruction of justice are both crimes and would qualify as high crimes and misdemeanors for the purposes of impeachment.

But what if that's not the least of it?

After all, isn't it strange that Trump never says anything bad or negative about Putin? Isn't it also extremely odd that Trump keeps denying Russian interference in the 2016 election despite overwhelming evidence provided by numerous intelligence agencies? And why hasn't Trump enacted the sanctions that congress overwhelmingly voted on last year?

Let me propose a possible theory of what happened in the past and what's happening behind the scenes now: Years ago, Trump struck a bargain with the devil (so to speak). He agreed to help Russians launder money (which is, of course, illegal) in exchange for payment. For the most part, these transactions mostly flew under the radar. However, the Russians would certainly have evidence of all of these transactions although they would certainly have no incentive to blow the whistle on Trump. But once Trump ran for president and WON the election, the Russians would now have leverage over Trump. That leverage would give the Russians the power to blackmail Trump. At this point, Trump had a choice. One choice was the choice of a patriot: refuse to give in to the blackmail and risk the possibility that the money laundering scheme would go public. The other choice is the choice of a traitor who would place his own personal interest above the interests of the USA while also betraying his oath of office. In other words, Trump is quite possibly putting the interests of Putin and Russia above that of his own country and is essentially a foreign agent, and a turncoat. More plainly, it's quite possible that President Trump is a traitor.

What say you?

Hillary got $150,000,000 for selling our scare uranium, there's your traitor

Uranium wasn't sold. Uranium STOCK was sold.
Barrels of uranium have been leaving the mine site in Wyoming for months. They are trucked to Canada then put on ships bound for Europe where they are sold to Iran and Russia who in turn smuggle some of them into NK.

Let me guess. Inforwars?

dannyboys got a discount when he went in to have his brainwash. The tech told him he would save money if he simply had a light rinse. Of course, being his limited brain power, he paid for and received the full Monty.

I've always warned people not to clean out their ears with the end of a coat hanger. Apparently, dannyboys never got the message.
trump is 100% american

So was Nixon.
Nixon wasn't charged with treason either.

Looks like Trump will. I thought Trump-0 said the investigation would be over by Thanksgiving, and then Christmas, and then the first of the year, and then the first few weeks of the year. What happened?

That's what happens when special prosecutors don't turn up any evidence

Many people were indicted and prosecuted in the aftermath of Watergate. Nixon was the last to go down. Don't be surprised if history repeats itself 44 years later.

LOL. You mean like your election night prognostication? Hillary can't lose! You just see what you want to see.

You going to start a thread saying you were wrong when Mueller wraps up to admit you were wrong? I'm thinking no
People keep talking about collusion despite the fact that collusion is not a crime. However, conspiracy to hack into the DNC email system AND obstruction of justice are both crimes and would qualify as high crimes and misdemeanors for the purposes of impeachment.

But what if that's not the least of it?

After all, isn't it strange that Trump never says anything bad or negative about Putin? Isn't it also extremely odd that Trump keeps denying Russian interference in the 2016 election despite overwhelming evidence provided by numerous intelligence agencies? And why hasn't Trump enacted the sanctions that congress overwhelmingly voted on last year?

Let me propose a possible theory of what happened in the past and what's happening behind the scenes now: Years ago, Trump struck a bargain with the devil (so to speak). He agreed to help Russians launder money (which is, of course, illegal) in exchange for payment. For the most part, these transactions mostly flew under the radar. However, the Russians would certainly have evidence of all of these transactions although they would certainly have no incentive to blow the whistle on Trump. But once Trump ran for president and WON the election, the Russians would now have leverage over Trump. That leverage would give the Russians the power to blackmail Trump. At this point, Trump had a choice. One choice was the choice of a patriot: refuse to give in to the blackmail and risk the possibility that the money laundering scheme would go public. The other choice is the choice of a traitor who would place his own personal interest above the interests of the USA while also betraying his oath of office. In other words, Trump is quite possibly putting the interests of Putin and Russia above that of his own country and is essentially a foreign agent, and a turncoat. More plainly, it's quite possible that President Trump is a traitor.

What say you?
People keep talking about collusion despite the fact that collusion is not a crime. However, conspiracy to hack into the DNC email system AND obstruction of justice are both crimes and would qualify as high crimes and misdemeanors for the purposes of impeachment.

But what if that's not the least of it?

After all, isn't it strange that Trump never says anything bad or negative about Putin? Isn't it also extremely odd that Trump keeps denying Russian interference in the 2016 election despite overwhelming evidence provided by numerous intelligence agencies? And why hasn't Trump enacted the sanctions that congress overwhelmingly voted on last year?

Let me propose a possible theory of what happened in the past and what's happening behind the scenes now: Years ago, Trump struck a bargain with the devil (so to speak). He agreed to help Russians launder money (which is, of course, illegal) in exchange for payment. For the most part, these transactions mostly flew under the radar. However, the Russians would certainly have evidence of all of these transactions although they would certainly have no incentive to blow the whistle on Trump. But once Trump ran for president and WON the election, the Russians would now have leverage over Trump. That leverage would give the Russians the power to blackmail Trump. At this point, Trump had a choice. One choice was the choice of a patriot: refuse to give in to the blackmail and risk the possibility that the money laundering scheme would go public. The other choice is the choice of a traitor who would place his own personal interest above the interests of the USA while also betraying his oath of office. In other words, Trump is quite possibly putting the interests of Putin and Russia above that of his own country and is essentially a foreign agent, and a turncoat. More plainly, it's quite possible that President Trump is a traitor.

What say you?
Yep.....Make America Great Again....sounds like treason to most liberals.
So was Nixon.
Nixon wasn't charged with treason either.

Looks like Trump will. I thought Trump-0 said the investigation would be over by Thanksgiving, and then Christmas, and then the first of the year, and then the first few weeks of the year. What happened?

That's what happens when special prosecutors don't turn up any evidence

Many people were indicted and prosecuted in the aftermath of Watergate. Nixon was the last to go down. Don't be surprised if history repeats itself 44 years later.

LOL. You mean like your election night prognostication? Hillary can't lose! You just see what you want to see.

You going to start a thread saying you were wrong when Mueller wraps up to admit you were wrong? I'm thinking no

The asshole is going to claim that the MOST AMAZING HONEST SC to have ever lived was somehow 'bought off' by President Trump. Or Mueller was "blackmailed" by Trump.
You all wait.
When Mueller exonerates President Trump the DEMs can kiss Nov. and 2020 good fucking bye.
Then Ivanka will take over for another eight years.
People keep talking about collusion despite the fact that collusion is not a crime. However, conspiracy to hack into the DNC email system AND obstruction of justice are both crimes and would qualify as high crimes and misdemeanors for the purposes of impeachment.

But what if that's not the least of it?

After all, isn't it strange that Trump never says anything bad or negative about Putin? Isn't it also extremely odd that Trump keeps denying Russian interference in the 2016 election despite overwhelming evidence provided by numerous intelligence agencies? And why hasn't Trump enacted the sanctions that congress overwhelmingly voted on last year?

Let me propose a possible theory of what happened in the past and what's happening behind the scenes now: Years ago, Trump struck a bargain with the devil (so to speak). He agreed to help Russians launder money (which is, of course, illegal) in exchange for payment. For the most part, these transactions mostly flew under the radar. However, the Russians would certainly have evidence of all of these transactions although they would certainly have no incentive to blow the whistle on Trump. But once Trump ran for president and WON the election, the Russians would now have leverage over Trump. That leverage would give the Russians the power to blackmail Trump. At this point, Trump had a choice. One choice was the choice of a patriot: refuse to give in to the blackmail and risk the possibility that the money laundering scheme would go public. The other choice is the choice of a traitor who would place his own personal interest above the interests of the USA while also betraying his oath of office. In other words, Trump is quite possibly putting the interests of Putin and Russia above that of his own country and is essentially a foreign agent, and a turncoat. More plainly, it's quite possible that President Trump is a traitor.

What say you?
trump is 100% american

So was Nixon.
Nixon wasn't charged with treason either.

Looks like Trump will. I thought Trump-0 said the investigation would be over by Thanksgiving, and then Christmas, and then the first of the year, and then the first few weeks of the year. What happened?

That's what happens when special prosecutors don't turn up any evidence

Already a few guilty pleas and arrests. There has to be some evidence
Nixon wasn't charged with treason either.

Looks like Trump will. I thought Trump-0 said the investigation would be over by Thanksgiving, and then Christmas, and then the first of the year, and then the first few weeks of the year. What happened?

That's what happens when special prosecutors don't turn up any evidence

Many people were indicted and prosecuted in the aftermath of Watergate. Nixon was the last to go down. Don't be surprised if history repeats itself 44 years later.

LOL. You mean like your election night prognostication? Hillary can't lose! You just see what you want to see.

You going to start a thread saying you were wrong when Mueller wraps up to admit you were wrong? I'm thinking no

The asshole is going to claim that the MOST AMAZING HONEST SC to have ever lived was somehow 'bought off' by President Trump. Or Mueller was "blackmailed" by Trump.
You all wait.
When Mueller exonerates President Trump the DEMs can kiss Nov. and 2020 good fucking bye.
Then Ivanka will take over for another eight years.

A Special Counsel doesn't "exonerate" anyone. They either find sufficient evidence to indict and file charges, or they don't find sufficient evidence to do so.
trump is 100% american

So was Nixon.
Nixon wasn't charged with treason either.

Looks like Trump will. I thought Trump-0 said the investigation would be over by Thanksgiving, and then Christmas, and then the first of the year, and then the first few weeks of the year. What happened?

That's what happens when special prosecutors don't turn up any evidence

Already a few guilty pleas and arrests. There has to be some evidence

Not for colluding with Russia. You know, Hot For Trump's Daughter Boy, like Hillary did?
Sloppy Michael Hayden said the "situation is off the map in terms of what Muller is asked to do. I don't envy him." Of the Steele dossier, Sloppy Hayden said: "my gestalt idea when i saw it was this looks like our intelligence stuff"
People keep talking about collusion despite the fact that collusion is not a crime. However, conspiracy to hack into the DNC email system AND obstruction of justice are both crimes and would qualify as high crimes and misdemeanors for the purposes of impeachment.

But what if that's not the least of it?

After all, isn't it strange that Trump never says anything bad or negative about Putin? Isn't it also extremely odd that Trump keeps denying Russian interference in the 2016 election despite overwhelming evidence provided by numerous intelligence agencies? And why hasn't Trump enacted the sanctions that congress overwhelmingly voted on last year?

Let me propose a possible theory of what happened in the past and what's happening behind the scenes now: Years ago, Trump struck a bargain with the devil (so to speak). He agreed to help Russians launder money (which is, of course, illegal) in exchange for payment. For the most part, these transactions mostly flew under the radar. However, the Russians would certainly have evidence of all of these transactions although they would certainly have no incentive to blow the whistle on Trump. But once Trump ran for president and WON the election, the Russians would now have leverage over Trump. That leverage would give the Russians the power to blackmail Trump. At this point, Trump had a choice. One choice was the choice of a patriot: refuse to give in to the blackmail and risk the possibility that the money laundering scheme would go public. The other choice is the choice of a traitor who would place his own personal interest above the interests of the USA while also betraying his oath of office. In other words, Trump is quite possibly putting the interests of Putin and Russia above that of his own country and is essentially a foreign agent, and a turncoat. More plainly, it's quite possible that President Trump is a traitor.

What say you?
That is an interesting topic.

Now it's not easy to prove treason, but there are more aspects to it than what you wrote.

It has been documented that at the moment Russia's goal is not the control of America, but fracturing and destabilizing it.

Trump has been at war with American institutions since he began his presidency, by means of his cabinet.

Look at the EPA, destroying the environment is their goal.

The goal of DeVos is to destroy the public education system.

The railway system has had accidents because one of his kakistocrat appointees is effectively running it (the actual top position is open). And he wants to appoint his personal pilot at the head of the FAA.

There are probably more examples like this, but the White House is also doing away with rules and laws governing discrimination, corruption and other important things.
People keep talking about collusion despite the fact that collusion is not a crime. However, conspiracy to hack into the DNC email system AND obstruction of justice are both crimes and would qualify as high crimes and misdemeanors for the purposes of impeachment.

But what if that's not the least of it?

After all, isn't it strange that Trump never says anything bad or negative about Putin? Isn't it also extremely odd that Trump keeps denying Russian interference in the 2016 election despite overwhelming evidence provided by numerous intelligence agencies? And why hasn't Trump enacted the sanctions that congress overwhelmingly voted on last year?

Let me propose a possible theory of what happened in the past and what's happening behind the scenes now: Years ago, Trump struck a bargain with the devil (so to speak). He agreed to help Russians launder money (which is, of course, illegal) in exchange for payment. For the most part, these transactions mostly flew under the radar. However, the Russians would certainly have evidence of all of these transactions although they would certainly have no incentive to blow the whistle on Trump. But once Trump ran for president and WON the election, the Russians would now have leverage over Trump. That leverage would give the Russians the power to blackmail Trump. At this point, Trump had a choice. One choice was the choice of a patriot: refuse to give in to the blackmail and risk the possibility that the money laundering scheme would go public. The other choice is the choice of a traitor who would place his own personal interest above the interests of the USA while also betraying his oath of office. In other words, Trump is quite possibly putting the interests of Putin and Russia above that of his own country and is essentially a foreign agent, and a turncoat. More plainly, it's quite possible that President Trump is a traitor.

What say you?

I agree! It may well be treason!

Mueller desperately wants a way out of this endless and unproductive witch hunt but can't get out himself and is seeking for someone or something to do it for him
Mueller desperately wants a way out of this endless and unproductive witch hunt but can't get out himself and is seeking for someone or something to do it for him

What is the number of combined guilty pleas and indictments which qualifies to be regarded as "unproductive?"
The answer is catching a few minnows as he has while being put on the job to land the big fish
People keep talking about collusion despite the fact that collusion is not a crime. However, conspiracy to hack into the DNC email system AND obstruction of justice are both crimes and would qualify as high crimes and misdemeanors for the purposes of impeachment.

But what if that's not the least of it?

After all, isn't it strange that Trump never says anything bad or negative about Putin? Isn't it also extremely odd that Trump keeps denying Russian interference in the 2016 election despite overwhelming evidence provided by numerous intelligence agencies? And why hasn't Trump enacted the sanctions that congress overwhelmingly voted on last year?

Let me propose a possible theory of what happened in the past and what's happening behind the scenes now: Years ago, Trump struck a bargain with the devil (so to speak). He agreed to help Russians launder money (which is, of course, illegal) in exchange for payment. For the most part, these transactions mostly flew under the radar. However, the Russians would certainly have evidence of all of these transactions although they would certainly have no incentive to blow the whistle on Trump. But once Trump ran for president and WON the election, the Russians would now have leverage over Trump. That leverage would give the Russians the power to blackmail Trump. At this point, Trump had a choice. One choice was the choice of a patriot: refuse to give in to the blackmail and risk the possibility that the money laundering scheme would go public. The other choice is the choice of a traitor who would place his own personal interest above the interests of the USA while also betraying his oath of office. In other words, Trump is quite possibly putting the interests of Putin and Russia above that of his own country and is essentially a foreign agent, and a turncoat. More plainly, it's quite possible that President Trump is a traitor.

What say you?
That is an interesting topic.

Now it's not easy to prove treason, but there are more aspects to it than what you wrote.

It has been documented that at the moment Russia's goal is not the control of America, but fracturing and destabilizing it.

Trump has been at war with American institutions since he began his presidency, by means of his cabinet.

Look at the EPA, destroying the environment is their goal.

The goal of DeVos is to destroy the public education system.

The railway system has had accidents because one of his kakistocrat appointees is effectively running it (the actual top position is open). And he wants to appoint his personal pilot at the head of the FAA.

There are probably more examples like this, but the White House is also doing away with rules and laws governing discrimination, corruption and other important things.

"xyz" was always code for "examine your zipper" when your fly was open. Your zipper used to keep your mouth closed is in need of attention. You imagination is running away with your mouth!
Mueller desperately wants a way out of this endless and unproductive witch hunt but can't get out himself and is seeking for someone or something to do it for him

What is the number of combined guilty pleas and indictments which qualifies to be regarded as "unproductive?"

Indictments don't mean Shiite! With that and a $1.00, you can a get a large drink at McDonald's.

The guilty pleas? "I lied to the FBI when I should have kept my right to remain silent and I wouldn't have lied. I am an idiot!"

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