Has anyone else noticed this strange political phenomenon?


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
No links or pictures, but I'd like to share something I couldn't help from noticing. Immediately after the election, just about every Biden/Harris campaign sign disappeared. it's like they were all collectively taken down overnight.

And yet, there are still the same Trump/Pence signs where they were all through the election. What would be the reason for that? I can understand how loyal Trump-supporters are leaving their signs out because, well, they love him.

But why did most all of the Biden-voters remove their signs already? Are they ashamed of voting for him? Do they fear retribution?

I don't get that. Take a drive around your neighborhood if you don't believe me.

Obligatory link:

"On Wednesday morning, about four days after the presidential election was called in Joseph R. Biden’s favor, “Trump 2020” flags and signs still dotted the region, proudly hoisted up flag poles, waving in the wind and rain."

One week after election called for Biden, north country voters still divided
The Biden signs were all put up by the same outfits, BLM, SEIU, Antifa, so they were all taken down at the same time.

Trump signs however, were acquired and put up individually. There is no overriding authority over the signs.
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The Biden signs were all put up by the same outfits, BLM, SEIU, Antifa, so they were all taken down at the same time.

Trump signs however, were acquired and put up individually. There is no overriding authority over the signs.

I'm not only referring to those signs that were put up at Democrat Party-related places, I meant at individual's residences. I made a mental inventory of who were Biden-supporters and who were Trump-supporters, during the election. The Biden signs disappeared out of most every yard, just withing a matter of days.
No links or pictures, but I'd like to share something I couldn't help from noticing. Immediately after the election, just about every Biden/Harris campaign sign disappeared. it's like they were all collectively taken down overnight.

And yet, there are still the same Trump/Pence signs where they were all through the election. What would be the reason for that? I can understand how loyal Trump-supporters are leaving their signs out because, well, they love him.

But why did most all of the Biden-voters remove their signs already? Are they ashamed of voting for him? Do they fear retribution?

I don't get that. Take a drive around your neighborhood if you don't believe me.

Obligatory link:

"On Wednesday morning, about four days after the presidential election was called in Joseph R. Biden’s favor, “Trump 2020” flags and signs still dotted the region, proudly hoisted up flag poles, waving in the wind and rain."

One week after election called for Biden, north country voters still divided

Biden won. His supporters have moved on. Only the keep holding on to hope because we hope he can steal the election Trump supporters worry about their signs. They're so cute. They think he's still going to pull this out. :)
The Biden signs were all put up by the same outfits, BLM, SEIU, Antifa, so they were all taken down at the same time.

Trump signs however, were acquired and put up individually. There is no overriding authority over the signs.

I'm not only referring to those signs that were put up at Democrat Party-related places, I meant at individual's residences. I made a mental inventory of who were Biden-supporters and who were Trump-supporters, during the election. The Biden signs disappeared out of most every yard, just withing a matter of days.

well? those signs were probably also put out by the same "pro-dimwit" organizations-----maybe for a rental fee ???
Biden won. His supporters have moved on. Only the keep holding on to hope because we hope he can steal the election Trump supporters worry about their signs. They're so cute. They think he's still going to pull this out. :)

After Hussein won in 08, his lackeys kept up their signs for years to show their devotion to "change"
No links or pictures, but I'd like to share something I couldn't help from noticing. Immediately after the election, just about every Biden/Harris campaign sign disappeared. it's like they were all collectively taken down overnight.

And yet, there are still the same Trump/Pence signs where they were all through the election. What would be the reason for that? I can understand how loyal Trump-supporters are leaving their signs out because, well, they love him.

But why did most all of the Biden-voters remove their signs already? Are they ashamed of voting for him? Do they fear retribution?

I don't get that. Take a drive around your neighborhood if you don't believe me.

Obligatory link:

"On Wednesday morning, about four days after the presidential election was called in Joseph R. Biden’s favor, “Trump 2020” flags and signs still dotted the region, proudly hoisted up flag poles, waving in the wind and rain."

One week after election called for Biden, north country voters still divided

Lots and lots of strange phenomena are going down out there across our America. Several notorious democrat politicians and many media pundits publicly stated on the record Trump would not or could not win the 2020 election. When I voted, and this is the first time it has happened since I began voting in 1992, I was forced (if I wanted to do early voting) to fill out a form which revealed my name and party affiliation—at the voting site. Not to mention how police, even police at our local community level, are in lockstep with the radical leftist agenda of equality of outcome and far flung political correctness. And then there is the manner in which EVERY news outlet, be it in print or broadcast, swallowed and regurgitated the George Floyd narrative, which drenched flames of political unrest with high octane propaganda. All local, state and federal government elected and appointed officials also jumped right on board with Floyd outrage ALL AT THE SAME TIME.

You ask me many if not all of the psychotic events of 2020 were planned years ahead of time. From COVID to George Floyd and the riots, from the Great Reset to the theft of the presidency from Donald Trump. All of it. All of it was planned. It's just all too neat and tidy to be random. Which, if you spend much time thinking about it, is terrifying. In unison the entire world was forced to wear masks to buy food. Nothing like that has ever happened before in known human history. And as I type this new lockdown measures are about to go into effect across my state that will kill thousands of my fellow Americans and financially ruin others. All of it . . . in 2020 . . . planned far ahead of time.
The Biden signs were all put up by the same outfits, BLM, SEIU, Antifa, so they were all taken down at the same time.

Trump signs however, were acquired and put up individually. There is no overriding authority over the signs.

I'm not only referring to those signs that were put up at Democrat Party-related places, I meant at individual's residences. I made a mental inventory of who were Biden-supporters and who were Trump-supporters, during the election. The Biden signs disappeared out of most every yard, just withing a matter of days.

well? those signs were probably also put out by the same "pro-dimwit" organizations-----maybe for a rental fee ???

They were passing them out at the local Democrat Party HQ, here in town. I actually got 5 of them that I'm got to use to target stands. They have stiff wire which is easy to push into the ground, and I can staple the targets onto the cardboard.

Of course, I didn't tell them what I was going to use them for.
No links or pictures, but I'd like to share something I couldn't help from noticing. Immediately after the election, just about every Biden/Harris campaign sign disappeared. it's like they were all collectively taken down overnight.

And yet, there are still the same Trump/Pence signs where they were all through the election. What would be the reason for that? I can understand how loyal Trump-supporters are leaving their signs out because, well, they love him.

But why did most all of the Biden-voters remove their signs already? Are they ashamed of voting for him? Do they fear retribution?

I don't get that. Take a drive around your neighborhood if you don't believe me.

Obligatory link:

"On Wednesday morning, about four days after the presidential election was called in Joseph R. Biden’s favor, “Trump 2020” flags and signs still dotted the region, proudly hoisted up flag poles, waving in the wind and rain."

One week after election called for Biden, north country voters still divided
I noticed how many Trump Pence signs are in trailer parks and rural neighborhoods known for Meth production. Crappy neighborhoods where a political sign is an improvement.
No links or pictures, but I'd like to share something I couldn't help from noticing. Immediately after the election, just about every Biden/Harris campaign sign disappeared. it's like they were all collectively taken down overnight.

And yet, there are still the same Trump/Pence signs where they were all through the election. What would be the reason for that? I can understand how loyal Trump-supporters are leaving their signs out because, well, they love him.

But why did most all of the Biden-voters remove their signs already? Are they ashamed of voting for him? Do they fear retribution?

I don't get that. Take a drive around your neighborhood if you don't believe me.

Obligatory link:

"On Wednesday morning, about four days after the presidential election was called in Joseph R. Biden’s favor, “Trump 2020” flags and signs still dotted the region, proudly hoisted up flag poles, waving in the wind and rain."

One week after election called for Biden, north country voters still divided
I noticed how many Trump Pence signs are in trailer parks and rural neighborhoods known for Meth production. Crappy neighborhoods where a political sign is an improvement.

You'd be surprised how many trailer park dwellers and meth heads are actually Democrats. There a family of them up the highway from me: Trash all over the yards, broken down cars, goats, chickens, and a run-down house with sheds falling apart. They too had Bidet signs out, as well as a big gay rainbow flag tied to the barbed wire fence, and two huge grotesque paper mache devil's heads or something on top of the fence posts.

I shit you not. I call them the "Manson Family" every time I drive by there. Was gonna drive by slow with a camera and upload on here, but they also took their signs down, right after the election.
MY town light on signs, all went away in a day or two. Was there a point? or are you just collecting data on signs?
MY town light on signs, all went away in a day or two. Was there a point? or are you just collecting data on signs?

No, actually I was collecting data on who to eat during the upcoming apocalypse. Most Democrats are mangy and stringy, but the young ones can be tender and tasty if cooked right.
No links or pictures, but I'd like to share something I couldn't help from noticing. Immediately after the election, just about every Biden/Harris campaign sign disappeared. it's like they were all collectively taken down overnight.

And yet, there are still the same Trump/Pence signs where they were all through the election. What would be the reason for that? I can understand how loyal Trump-supporters are leaving their signs out because, well, they love him.

But why did most all of the Biden-voters remove their signs already? Are they ashamed of voting for him? Do they fear retribution?

I don't get that. Take a drive around your neighborhood if you don't believe me.

Obligatory link:

"On Wednesday morning, about four days after the presidential election was called in Joseph R. Biden’s favor, “Trump 2020” flags and signs still dotted the region, proudly hoisted up flag poles, waving in the wind and rain."

One week after election called for Biden, north country voters still divided
I noticed how many Trump Pence signs are in trailer parks and rural neighborhoods known for Meth production. Crappy neighborhoods where a political sign is an improvement.

This is what I don't get. Biden supposedly won, yet its like his devotees don't really believe it. If they really thought that the joys of the Dawn of the Biden Era were nigh, they'd be reaching across the aisle in unity, like Joe the Sleepy said they would do if elected.
No links or pictures, but I'd like to share something I couldn't help from noticing. Immediately after the election, just about every Biden/Harris campaign sign disappeared. it's like they were all collectively taken down overnight.

And yet, there are still the same Trump/Pence signs where they were all through the election. What would be the reason for that? I can understand how loyal Trump-supporters are leaving their signs out because, well, they love him.

But why did most all of the Biden-voters remove their signs already? Are they ashamed of voting for him? Do they fear retribution?

I don't get that. Take a drive around your neighborhood if you don't believe me.

Obligatory link:

"On Wednesday morning, about four days after the presidential election was called in Joseph R. Biden’s favor, “Trump 2020” flags and signs still dotted the region, proudly hoisted up flag poles, waving in the wind and rain."

One week after election called for Biden, north country voters still divided
I noticed how many Trump Pence signs are in trailer parks and rural neighborhoods known for Meth production. Crappy neighborhoods where a political sign is an improvement.

But those pesky facts prove that you should see more Dem signs in the disgusting shitholes you speak of...See graph below.
Further, I thought you twisted filth love all things filth?
Suddenly you detest the poor? I thought they ranked right there with illegal wetbacks, ghetto blacks, drug addicts, pole puffers, rug munchers and criminals for you dirty bastards?
No links or pictures, but I'd like to share something I couldn't help from noticing. Immediately after the election, just about every Biden/Harris campaign sign disappeared. it's like they were all collectively taken down overnight.

And yet, there are still the same Trump/Pence signs where they were all through the election. What would be the reason for that? I can understand how loyal Trump-supporters are leaving their signs out because, well, they love him.

But why did most all of the Biden-voters remove their signs already? Are they ashamed of voting for him? Do they fear retribution?

I don't get that. Take a drive around your neighborhood if you don't believe me.

Obligatory link:

"On Wednesday morning, about four days after the presidential election was called in Joseph R. Biden’s favor, “Trump 2020” flags and signs still dotted the region, proudly hoisted up flag poles, waving in the wind and rain."

One week after election called for Biden, north country voters still divided
Thank you for confirming my observation.
No links or pictures, but I'd like to share something I couldn't help from noticing. Immediately after the election, just about every Biden/Harris campaign sign disappeared. it's like they were all collectively taken down overnight.

And yet, there are still the same Trump/Pence signs where they were all through the election. What would be the reason for that? I can understand how loyal Trump-supporters are leaving their signs out because, well, they love him.

But why did most all of the Biden-voters remove their signs already? Are they ashamed of voting for him? Do they fear retribution?

I don't get that. Take a drive around your neighborhood if you don't believe me.

Obligatory link:

"On Wednesday morning, about four days after the presidential election was called in Joseph R. Biden’s favor, “Trump 2020” flags and signs still dotted the region, proudly hoisted up flag poles, waving in the wind and rain."

One week after election called for Biden, north country voters still divided
I noticed how many Trump Pence signs are in trailer parks and rural neighborhoods known for Meth production. Crappy neighborhoods where a political sign is an improvement.

This is what I don't get. Biden supposedly won, yet its like his devotees don't really believe it. If they really thought that the joys of the Dawn of the Biden Era were nigh, they'd be reaching across the aisle in unity, like Joe the Sleepy said they would do if elected.

Apparently they're sorely lacking in humility, decency, and common courtesy. None of them were really voting out of love for their candidate, only out of hatred for President Trump and his supporters. Like Obama said, "Voting is the best revenge."

A more miserable bunch of skunks I've never known. Everyone pretty much knows already, that no matter how much the left gets, it's never enough. That is one of the agonizing things about being a liberal, because they can never be truly happy.

For example, the left-wing riots. Did they mysteriously stop after the election? Nope. Now they're splitting off into different factions and fighting among themselves.

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