Has Obama been as good/bad as you thought he'd be?

I've come to the conclusion that Obama is the first U.S. President who really dislikes our country.
He is exactly what i thought he would be

He still a union organizer
He is transparent as shit
He plays the race game
He is still a green politician

Agreed , I didnt think he would lose the international respect he had appeared to have garnered .
I like the racial aspect that the left uses....

When it's historical President Obama is the first Black President....
When the right opposes his policies they are racists because he's the first Black President....
When it's something positive,(to the left that's everything he's done) he is black.
When it's not (for the right that's everything,heh heh heh)...We are racists.

People look over the fact that he is part white....
Well black people do anyway.Why is that?
Are black people ashamed that he is part white?
It is NEVER mentioned when the liberal media are showering this "black" President with adoration.Everyone whistles past the graveyard and don't want to go anywhere near that third rail about the part that this "black" President really isn't so black after all.

How's does that grab you rdean and Bass2.0:eusa_whistle:

Prior to our PC days, he would have been considered black. There would not have been any of this, "he's half white", stuff and if he had lived during the years of slavery (thank the good Lord that we do not) he probably would have been a slave, but if not a slave, he would have been considered less than human.

I for one consider him the first black President. I am not ashamed to admit that I hope he does well and would like to see him end up one of the great Presidents partly because he is black. I think that would go a long way towards repairing race relations in this country.

I consider him more likable than our last President. I just wish he wasn't so caught up in the nanny state having to do everything for us, but then we seem to be offered two choices these days, either the nanny state government or the authoritarian government that views human rights as something to be diminished rather than protected.


But this isn't xx years ago and the fact is that Obama is bi-racial. That he ignores his white half and only refers/projects/thinks of himself as black speaks volumes.

I'd don't buy into any 'one drop theory'. That's just bunk. A person is their whole lineage not just part of it, no matter how much they wish it were true.

One drop theory? What's that?

Let's see

More debt

Big deficits

Bigger government

He's done exactly what every other fucking politician has ever done. No surprises there.
The Good: Heathcare passed; Economy saved and recovering; Tough on Terrorism; Well liked by other nations; Competent when dealing with disasters; Intelligent; Wonderful Speaker; Friendly to Labor.

The Bad: To soft on the GOP; Failed to pull out of Afghanistan and Iraq; Failed to close GITMO.

The Ugly: Extended Bush tax cuts; Trying his best to come off as a Conservative and alienates to the base.

Overall: He's done a remarkable job.

Troll post ......
The amount of debt that this administration has accumulated is staggering.The interest payments alone that are due amount to hundreds of billions of dollars.And the ultra left are angry that he didn't spend more.

These lefties are trying to spend us into oblivion and they need to be stopped.It's disturbing to see a trend in the media that's pushing for tax increases on guess who,those evil rich bastards who have the nerve to have more then other people.

So what's the answer.Well we need more money so let's take it.What are we gonna do with it? We're gonna spend it.What are we gonna do when it runs out,we're gonna take some more.

Sounds like a slogan we might be hearing at Democrat protests soon.
Economy SAVED and RECOVERING..what a joke.

ObamaCare the most CORRUPTED shit piece of legislation ever passed.

Has Obama been as good/bad as you thought he'd be?
He's definitely become "conservatives'" biggest-disappointment....



.....with his
Record-Breaking Presidency!!!

:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

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One drop theory? What's that?


It's quite racist. It means that anyone with "one drop" of non Caucasian blood was considered of the minority race.

One-drop rule - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Duh, I should have realized that was what Zoom meant.

However, he has more than one drop in his veins. I consider him black because he has the features of a black man. I also stand by my statement that had we lived in the times of slavery, he would probably have been a slave or at the best treated like one.

As far as I am concerned he is a human being. Ultimately, that is all that matters.

So, 2 years in, has Obama been as good, or bad, as you thought he'd be?

He's been exactly what I predicted. He'd continue the polities in the Middle East he ran against and he did follow through on his assault on American business and our economy that he told us he would do. And he would be completely uninsightful on everything else as all he'd ever done was community organizing preaching Marxist principles and half a year using the Senate Mens room and voting "present." He is the empty shirt he was his whole life, why would anyone have expected anything different?

If you like a condescending know it all who doesn't know anything, Obama's your go to guy...
Obama is doing exactly what I thought he would do
As was his in-coming agenda "never allow a crises to go by the way side" or never waste a crises
Thats close, not exact

running up the deficit will mean higher taxes later
8.00 a gallon of gas will mean govt owned GM volt will sale more than those GE with Govt

money is buying Obama-care means higher taxes and another entitlement, which for the record i am all in favor of reforming our system in some manner
I am a cancer survivor, the system works, but there are some falling thru the cracks
I'm disappointed in Obama.

But a disappointing friend is better than a deadly enemy.
Economy SAVED and RECOVERING..what a joke.

ObamaCare the most CORRUPTED shit piece of legislation ever passed.

Two Year Run Leaves Investors UP 95%

"Next week will mark the two-year anniversary of the bear market low on March 9, 2009. The quick 17-month 56.78% steep decline from the market high on October 9, 2007 (1565.15) to its low on March 9, 2009 (676.53) was the product of a liquidity crunch, a housing bubble with unsustainable prices, and unemployment, which resulted in a recession.

The market recovery started two years ago, as initial government supports took hold, and an economic balance between risk and reward met, albeit at a much lower level. Prices for products, housing and wages also realigned to the new economy. Corporate cost cutting (job reductions) has permitted companies to increase profits to the pre-recessionary level, with estimates now calling for new record levels of earnings in the second half of this year.

At this point, the prospect of continuing improvement in the economy via higher employment outweighs the expected Q1 impact of higher oil, given the prevailing belief is that oil prices will not escalate."

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Obama, has taken the title of the worst President in US history away from Jimmy Carter. Obama, is now the leader in that category. Now how nice is that. :eek:)
I already knew a few months before the election that if Obama won (by fraudulent votes,and a chunk of votes by Americans with very low I.Q's and/or Anti-Constitutionalisits) that the USA will go down the tubes). I have never seen anyone run for President lie on a regular basis during his campaign yet his followers believed him.
I already knew a few months before the election that if Obama won (by fraudulent votes,and a chunk of votes by Americans with very low I.Q's and/or Anti-Constitutionalisits) that the USA will go down the tubes). I have never seen anyone run for President lie on a regular basis during his campaign yet his followers believed him.

Kerry was a compulsive liar, but I agree with you even his followers didn't believe him like they do Obama. Obama's just a simpleton, which works since his followers are simpletons as well.
What has been more eye opening is the fervent support and blind hatred of Obamas supporters. His following is cult like and seems to breed a type of mindless temporary ( I hope) insanity .
It's been very sad for me. Daily. I had such high hopes for our first black President. Race relations have been set back 50 years. He's a collosal glittering failure.
What has been more eye opening is the fervent support and blind hatred of Obamas supporters. His following is cult like and seems to breed a type of mindless temporary ( I hope) insanity .

In what way is our "hatred" of Obama "blind?" Blind refers to not seeing things that he does that is counter to our dislike of him. What are we not seeing because of our blindness we're wrong about? BTW, I don't personally hate him, but I hate his big government ideology and what he's doing to this country because of it.

So, I'm slapping your face with my velvet glove and calling YOU the blind Obama bitch and challenging to take your lips off his cock long enough to back up your idiotic statement our hatred of him is "blind" because he is doing what we hate. So, back it up...

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