Has the democratic party been infiltrated by Satanists?

Before we get into this I want to make it abundantly clear that I’m not painting all democrats with the same brush. I personally know a lot of Democrats and some of them are good well-intentioned people.

Did you not see Falwell?


Evangelicals are clearly the source of the true satanism in America

You are doing exactly what you accuse me of....painting all with the same brush.

Lots of folks succumb to temptations of various sorts....especially sexual temptations.....our history is replete with that not to forget all the Catholic Priests.

Christians are not perfect....just forgiven. That is one of the great things about Christianity....the doctrine of Salavation through grace.

As Ephesians 2:8–9 says, “For it is by grace you have been saved through faith. It is not from yourself or anything you've done, but the gift of God.” Salvation, therefore, is a free gift of grace from God. ... Protestants see the act of praying the sinner's prayer as the trigger that brings salvation into a person's life.

'Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner, and I ask for Your forgiveness. I believe You died for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn from my sins and invite You to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and Savior.'

I'm just kidding obviously i don't think he's a satanist calm down don't go all biblical on me

I meant evangelical leaders

The more sancamonious you are the more unpalatable. Hypocrisy is bad
Before we get into this I want to make it abundantly clear that I’m not painting all democrats with the same brush. I personally know a lot of Democrats and some of them are good well-intentioned people.

Did you not see Falwell?


Evangelicals are clearly the source of the true satanism in America

You are doing exactly what you accuse me of....painting all with the same brush.

Lots of folks succumb to temptations of various sorts....especially sexual temptations.....our history is replete with that not to forget all the Catholic Priests.

Christians are not perfect....just forgiven. That is one of the great things about Christianity....the doctrine of Salavation through grace.

As Ephesians 2:8–9 says, “For it is by grace you have been saved through faith. It is not from yourself or anything you've done, but the gift of God.” Salvation, therefore, is a free gift of grace from God. ... Protestants see the act of praying the sinner's prayer as the trigger that brings salvation into a person's life.

'Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner, and I ask for Your forgiveness. I believe You died for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn from my sins and invite You to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and Savior.'

I'm just kidding obviously i don't think he's a satanist calm down don't go all biblical on me

I meant evangelical leaders

The more sancamonious you are the more unpalatable. Hypocrisy is bad
Before we get into this I want to make it abundantly clear that I’m not painting all democrats with the same brush. I personally know a lot of Democrats and some of them are good well-intentioned people.

Communists and Satanists took control of the Communist Democratic Party a long time ago. :smoke:

and..............the leftwing radicals have taken control of the Democratic Party.

JFK said 'ask not what your country can you do but what you can do for your country.'

But now the democrats want everyone to depend on the Federal Government's handouts.

A huge transformation of the party in a relatively short time frame.
I think the Communists started taking control of the Communist Democratic Party in the late 1980s.

Yes at one time it was the party for the white working class.....they abandoned it and fled to the Republican Party....and elected Reagan.

hence they were called Reagan democrats.

Free market reagan, what the fuck are you smoking?

Give me some

Nationalism and free markets don't go together

Neither do nationalism and low tax rates

They bailed on the democrats because they were upset about poor brown people getting a tiny bit of welfare. And their own elites shit on them while shipping out our industrial base.

Are you a good* american or a good capitalist? Those things are inherently in conflict
Before we get into this I want to make it abundantly clear that I’m not painting all democrats with the same brush. I personally know a lot of Democrats and some of them are good well-intentioned people.

Did you not see Falwell?


Evangelicals are clearly the source of the true satanism in America

You are doing exactly what you accuse me of....painting all with the same brush.

Lots of folks succumb to temptations of various sorts....especially sexual temptations.....our history is replete with that not to forget all the Catholic Priests.

Christians are not perfect....just forgiven. That is one of the great things about Christianity....the doctrine of Salavation through grace.

As Ephesians 2:8–9 says, “For it is by grace you have been saved through faith. It is not from yourself or anything you've done, but the gift of God.” Salvation, therefore, is a free gift of grace from God. ... Protestants see the act of praying the sinner's prayer as the trigger that brings salvation into a person's life.

'Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner, and I ask for Your forgiveness. I believe You died for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn from my sins and invite You to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and Savior.'

I'm just kidding obviously i don't think he's a satanist calm down don't go all biblical on me

I meant evangelical leaders

The more sancamonious you are the more unpalatable. Hypocrisy is bad
Before we get into this I want to make it abundantly clear that I’m not painting all democrats with the same brush. I personally know a lot of Democrats and some of them are good well-intentioned people.

Did you not see Falwell?


Evangelicals are clearly the source of the true satanism in America

You are doing exactly what you accuse me of....painting all with the same brush.

Lots of folks succumb to temptations of various sorts....especially sexual temptations.....our history is replete with that not to forget all the Catholic Priests.

Christians are not perfect....just forgiven. That is one of the great things about Christianity....the doctrine of Salavation through grace.

As Ephesians 2:8–9 says, “For it is by grace you have been saved through faith. It is not from yourself or anything you've done, but the gift of God.” Salvation, therefore, is a free gift of grace from God. ... Protestants see the act of praying the sinner's prayer as the trigger that brings salvation into a person's life.

'Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner, and I ask for Your forgiveness. I believe You died for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn from my sins and invite You to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and Savior.'

I'm just kidding obviously i don't think he's a satanist calm down don't go all biblical on me

I meant evangelical leaders

The more sancamonious you are the more unpalatable. Hypocrisy is bad
Before we get into this I want to make it abundantly clear that I’m not painting all democrats with the same brush. I personally know a lot of Democrats and some of them are good well-intentioned people.

Communists and Satanists took control of the Communist Democratic Party a long time ago. :smoke:

and..............the leftwing radicals have taken control of the Democratic Party.

JFK said 'ask not what your country can you do but what you can do for your country.'

But now the democrats want everyone to depend on the Federal Government's handouts.

A huge transformation of the party in a relatively short time frame.
I think the Communists started taking control of the Communist Democratic Party in the late 1980s.

Yes at one time it was the party for the white working class.....they abandoned it and fled to the Republican Party....and elected Reagan.

hence they were called Reagan democrats.

Free market reagan, what the fuck are you smoking?

Give me some

Nationalism and free markets don't go together

Neither do nationalism and low tax rates

They bailed on the democrats because they were upset about poor brown people getting a tiny bit of welfare. And their own elites shit on them while shipping out our industrial base.

Are you a good* american or a good capitalist? Those things are inherently in conflict

What do you think happens when Trump is gone? lol

What does he think happens? IDK

But I can tell you what will happen.

Republicans will be the party of markets. Democrats will be the ones with sense

Just because one republican in our lifetime bucked the platform means literally nothing. He didn't even bother to change what they say openly, it will go back to the same old bullshit when he's gone in a few months or a few years

Chamber of Commerce isn't going anywhere
Before we get into this I want to make it abundantly clear that I’m not painting all democrats with the same brush.
But you will spread 'Q' BS. I'm sure your Democratic friends wouldn't appreciate the characterization. I wouldn't call Republicans Satanists, but they did enable one of Satan's minions to become president. I predict a long stretch in purgatory for that one. Bring the burn ointment and keep hydrated.
Our beloved President has become a strong Christian. He is exactly what America needs.
I don't know. In that photo-op where he's holding a Bible, it's upside down! Sounds Satanic to me.

And no, that is a not a reference to Herman Cain. RIP, Pizza Man.
Global Child molesters....
If Hillary won in 2016, Bill Clinton would be partying with Epstein in the white house and all the Democrats here would be defending them.

Most Democrats aren't pedophiles, but most pedophiles are Democrats. That's how they can turn an eye to biden creeping on little girls.

Have you seen how the south deals with dating teenagers? lol

Pedophilia today = under 18

And by that standard conservatives are vastly worse.

It's legal to commit what you're calling pedophilia in many southern states with a parents permission.

Who are the pedophiles? You stupid ****

ANd if you want to go by pre puberty = pedophilia. Well then 99% of the people we're calling pedophiles aren't
Before we get into this I want to make it abundantly clear that I’m not painting all democrats with the same brush. I personally know a lot of Democrats and some of them are good well-intentioned people.

Communists and Satanists took control of the Communist Democratic Party a long time ago. :smoke:

and..............the leftwing radicals have taken control of the Democratic Party.

JFK said 'ask not what your country can you do but what you can do for your country.'

But now the democrats want everyone to depend on the Federal Government's handouts.

A huge transformation of the party in a relatively short time frame.
I think the Communists started taking control of the Communist Democratic Party in the late 1980s.
What makes you think that?
Before we get into this I want to make it abundantly clear that I’m not painting all democrats with the same brush. I personally know a lot of Democrats and some of them are good well-intentioned people.

Communists and Satanists took control of the Communist Democratic Party a long time ago. :smoke:

and..............the leftwing radicals have taken control of the Democratic Party.

JFK said 'ask not what your country can you do but what you can do for your country.'

But now the democrats want everyone to depend on the Federal Government's handouts.

A huge transformation of the party in a relatively short time frame.
I think the Communists started taking control of the Communist Democratic Party in the late 1980s.

Yes at one time it was the party for the white working class.....they abandoned it and fled to the Republican Party....and elected Reagan.

hence they were called Reagan democrats.

Free market reagan, what the fuck are you smoking?

Give me some

Nationalism and free markets don't go together

Neither do nationalism and low tax rates

They bailed on the democrats because they were upset about poor brown people getting a tiny bit of welfare. And their own elites shit on them while shipping out our industrial base.

Are you a good* american or a good capitalist? Those things are inherently in conflict
Government check?
Before we get into this I want to make it abundantly clear that I’m not painting all democrats with the same brush. I personally know a lot of Democrats and some of them are good well-intentioned people.

No just global communist, not that there is much difference
Before we get into this I want to make it abundantly clear that I’m not painting all democrats with the same brush. I personally know a lot of Democrats and some of them are good well-intentioned people.

Communists and Satanists took control of the Communist Democratic Party a long time ago. :smoke:

and..............the leftwing radicals have taken control of the Democratic Party.

JFK said 'ask not what your country can you do but what you can do for your country.'

But now the democrats want everyone to depend on the Federal Government's handouts.

A huge transformation of the party in a relatively short time frame.
I think the Communists started taking control of the Communist Democratic Party in the late 1980s.

Yes at one time it was the party for the white working class.....they abandoned it and fled to the Republican Party....and elected Reagan.

hence they were called Reagan democrats.

Free market reagan, what the fuck are you smoking?

Give me some

Nationalism and free markets don't go together

Neither do nationalism and low tax rates

They bailed on the democrats because they were upset about poor brown people getting a tiny bit of welfare. And their own elites shit on them while shipping out our industrial base.

Are you a good* american or a good capitalist? Those things are inherently in conflict
Government check?

Not only do i pay taxes

so do my kin

Unlike most of you, hahahaha

Low born white trash so uppity, "boo hoo the blacks are getting things"

So you are you dipshit

It's always barely educated laborers who cry about that shit.
Before we get into this I want to make it abundantly clear that I’m not painting all democrats with the same brush. I personally know a lot of Democrats and some of them are good well-intentioned people.

No, it hasn’t been “infiltrated” by Satanic assholes. They welcomed them with open arms.
Before we get into this I want to make it abundantly clear that I’m not painting all democrats with the same brush. I personally know a lot of Democrats and some of them are good well-intentioned people.

No, it hasn’t been “infiltrated” by Satanic assholes. They welcomed them with open arms.
OIP (34).jpg
Before we get into this I want to make it abundantly clear that I’m not painting all democrats with the same brush. I personally know a lot of Democrats and some of them are good well-intentioned people.

Communists and Satanists took control of the Communist Democratic Party a long time ago. :smoke:

and..............the leftwing radicals have taken control of the Democratic Party.

JFK said 'ask not what your country can you do but what you can do for your country.'

But now the democrats want everyone to depend on the Federal Government's handouts.

A huge transformation of the party in a relatively short time frame.
I think the Communists started taking control of the Communist Democratic Party in the late 1980s.

Yes at one time it was the party for the white working class.....they abandoned it and fled to the Republican Party....and elected Reagan.

hence they were called Reagan democrats.

Free market reagan, what the fuck are you smoking?

Give me some

Nationalism and free markets don't go together

Neither do nationalism and low tax rates

They bailed on the democrats because they were upset about poor brown people getting a tiny bit of welfare. And their own elites shit on them while shipping out our industrial base.

Are you a good* american or a good capitalist? Those things are inherently in conflict
Government check?

Not only do i pay taxes

so do my kin

Unlike most of you, hahahaha

Low born white trash so uppity, "boo hoo the blacks are getting things"

So you are you dipshit

It's always barely educated laborers who cry about that shit.
With what? Do you work for one of those big, bad corporations? You know - those capitalist corporations that make it possible to fund your government welfare check?
You'll believe that only if you're a retard.

You reply with an ad hominem attack....is that all you are capable of?

If one cannot defend their argument or cite reasons for it...you should stay away.

This is a 'message board' designed to promote discussion and arguments not a place just to come to and make personal attacks or just post your personal opinion....like that has some value.

Your OP is an ad hominem attack.

My response was worthy of your post.
Before we get into this I want to make it abundantly clear that I’m not painting all democrats with the same brush. I personally know a lot of Democrats and some of them are good well-intentioned people.

Communists and Satanists took control of the Communist Democratic Party a long time ago. :smoke:

and..............the leftwing radicals have taken control of the Democratic Party.

JFK said 'ask not what your country can you do but what you can do for your country.'

But now the democrats want everyone to depend on the Federal Government's handouts.

A huge transformation of the party in a relatively short time frame.
I think the Communists started taking control of the Communist Democratic Party in the late 1980s.

Yes at one time it was the party for the white working class.....they abandoned it and fled to the Republican Party....and elected Reagan.

hence they were called Reagan democrats.

Free market reagan, what the fuck are you smoking?

Give me some

Nationalism and free markets don't go together

Neither do nationalism and low tax rates

They bailed on the democrats because they were upset about poor brown people getting a tiny bit of welfare. And their own elites shit on them while shipping out our industrial base.

Are you a good* american or a good capitalist? Those things are inherently in conflict
Government check?

Not only do i pay taxes

so do my kin

Unlike most of you, hahahaha

Low born white trash so uppity, "boo hoo the blacks are getting things"

So you are you dipshit

It's always barely educated laborers who cry about that shit.

Everyone pays taxes of some sort.............it has been documented that Whites pay about 97 percent of the revenue the gubmint gets.

Thus hard working white folk support the blacks aka paying for their food, housing etc.

And yet the blacks whine and whine about white folk ....biting the hand that feeds them.

They should fall down on their knees and thank God that white folk brought them to America.....unfortunately too many of them really hate white folk.

The crime rate documents that.

and now we see all the rioting and looting....just an excuse for them to go out and get more free stuff.
You'll believe that only if you're a retard.

You reply with an ad hominem attack....is that all you are capable of?

If one cannot defend their argument or cite reasons for it...you should stay away.

This is a 'message board' designed to promote discussion and arguments not a place just to come to and make personal attacks or just post your personal opinion....like that has some value.

Your OP is an ad hominem attack.

My response was worthy of your post.
And THAT makes you a retard.
You'll believe that only if you're a retard.

You reply with an ad hominem attack....is that all you are capable of?

If one cannot defend their argument or cite reasons for it...you should stay away.

This is a 'message board' designed to promote discussion and arguments not a place just to come to and make personal attacks or just post your personal opinion....like that has some value.

Your OP is an ad hominem attack.

My response was worthy of your post.
And THAT makes you a retard.

Whatever, Rubepublican.
You'll believe that only if you're a retard.

You reply with an ad hominem attack....is that all you are capable of?

If one cannot defend their argument or cite reasons for it...you should stay away.

This is a 'message board' designed to promote discussion and arguments not a place just to come to and make personal attacks or just post your personal opinion....like that has some value.

Your OP is an ad hominem attack.

My response was worthy of your post.

You obviously do not even know what a ad hominem attack is.

Study up and get back with us.
Before we get into this I want to make it abundantly clear that I’m not painting all democrats with the same brush. I personally know a lot of Democrats and some of them are good well-intentioned people.

Communists and Satanists took control of the Communist Democratic Party a long time ago. :smoke:

and..............the leftwing radicals have taken control of the Democratic Party.

JFK said 'ask not what your country can you do but what you can do for your country.'

But now the democrats want everyone to depend on the Federal Government's handouts.

A huge transformation of the party in a relatively short time frame.
I think the Communists started taking control of the Communist Democratic Party in the late 1980s.

Yes at one time it was the party for the white working class.....they abandoned it and fled to the Republican Party....and elected Reagan.

hence they were called Reagan democrats.

Free market reagan, what the fuck are you smoking?

Give me some

Nationalism and free markets don't go together

Neither do nationalism and low tax rates

They bailed on the democrats because they were upset about poor brown people getting a tiny bit of welfare. And their own elites shit on them while shipping out our industrial base.

Are you a good* american or a good capitalist? Those things are inherently in conflict
Government check?

Not only do i pay taxes

so do my kin

Unlike most of you, hahahaha

Low born white trash so uppity, "boo hoo the blacks are getting things"

So you are you dipshit

It's always barely educated laborers who cry about that shit.

Everyone pays taxes of some sort.............it has been documented that Whites pay about 97 percent of the revenue the gubmint gets.

Thus hard working white folk support the blacks aka paying for their food, housing etc.

And yet the blacks whine and whine about white folk ....biting the hand that feeds them.

They should fall down on their knees and thank God that white folk brought them to America.....unfortunately too many of them really hate white folk.

The crime rate documents that.

and now we see all the rioting and looting....just an excuse for them to go out and get more free stuff.

And it is also documented that the Blue states subsidize the red states.

But you don’t hear so-called conservatives crying about that.

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