Has There Ever Been A President Or World Leader Who Walked Around With a Talking Points Notebook

Besides Sleepy "I'm Not Gonna Answer Gannistan Naw" Joe? So comforting to see Blacks, Browns, and Chinese and most likely some transvestite Jews in charge of FEMA. :laugh:

Actually. all or most of them did have notebooks already placed on the podium. except for trump, who
invented whatever came to mind since he didn't read-- Right, wrong, or otherwise.
Actually. all or most of them did have notebooks already placed on the podium. except for grifter trump, who
invented whatever came to mind since he didn't read-- Right, wrong, or otherwise.
LOL The previous "fool" did a hell of a lot better than the boob you voted for.

I guess you don't like gas at 1.70 a gallon or jobs all across the country. And I'm sure you hate a great economy.

Speaking of Boob. You fit that bill to a T.
LOL The previous "fool" did a hell of a lot better than the boob you voted for.

I guess you don't like gas at 1.70 a gallon or jobs all across the country. And I'm sure you hate a great economy.

Speaking of Boob. You fit that bill to a T.
No, the previous fool and grifter made a mess of things. What happened then comes home to roost in the next administration. Obviously, you have no knowledge of how gas prices are computed, yes?
Typical trumpecile you are, sweetie. Ever hear of unintended consequences? That is we now have due to the grifter's time in office.
No. Bidumb made the mess. We now have dead Marines and thousands of Americans, Europeans and friendlies stuck in the Stan. Had Bidumb followed the plan all Americans and friendlies would have been out.
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1. How do you get an inept worthless puppet to stay in control? Put an even MORE inept worthless puppet in as his Vice president.

2. Those aren't notebooks, they are instruction books. Beijing Brainless Bidens puppet masters create these "notebooks" for him to read from, since he can't read a teleprompter.

3. The Great Puppet Show continues on, in order to keep the masses and media entertained, while the DNC is in their back rooms, illegally changing laws, syphoning more of our tax dollars to their private overseas accounts, and selling off more of this country to China.
No. Bidumb made the mess. We now have dead Marines and thousands of Americans, Europeans and friendlies stuck in the Stand. Had Bidumb followed the plan all Americans and friendlies would have been out.
Horseshit. Trump didn't care one iota about peoples lives. An example is the 100,000 Kurdish allies that he walked out on and who were then annihilated by the Turks. Of course, Biden could have done better, and who expected the Afghan military to run like hell the next day? Trump is a big talker and grifter and you are a fool for falling for his rhetoric. Hindsight is the cat's meow.


Horseshit. Trump didn't care one iota about peoples lives. An example is the 100,000 Kurdish allies that he walked out on and who were then annihilated by the Turks. Of course, Biden could have done better, and who expected the Afghan military to run like hell the next day? Trump is a big talker and grifter and you are a fool for falling for his rhetoric. Hindsight is the cat's meow.

It's their war, not ours. If you're so concerned about them, go fight with them yourself, brave little soldier.
Besides Sleepy "I'm Not Gonna Answer Gannistan Naw" Joe? So comforting to see Blacks, Browns, and Chinese and most likely some transvestite Jews in charge of FEMA. :laugh:

Well, at least they aren't scrawled in sharpie on the back of important documents.
Also what does "black, brown, and Chinese in charge of FEMA" have to do with anything?

With a diverse population a lot of that is okay. It is the equity part that is disturbing. We have a Village that slowly took control of what was a sleek modern high tech kingdom that is becoming woefully inefficient. Hire the best for the most important positions. We do not do that.
Joe Biden isn't the first world leader who has had severe cognitive difficulties and probably won't be the last. George III of Great Britain had severe difficulties in the early 19th Century and was aided a lot by his beloved son.

Ditto with Pope John Paul II, who was really suffering from his Parkinson's at the tail end of his reign.

Ivan V of Russia was senile and still served as tsar.

America's problem with Sleepy Joe isn't unprecedented in any sense of the word.
February 21, 2018
Donald Trump held a listening session Wednesday afternoon with parents, teachers and students affected by school shootings over the past two decades, and he prepared some talking points for the meeting.

In a photo tweeted out by the Associated Press, Trump held some notes written in sharpie on White House card stock. Some of the points are obscured by his hands, but you can see some reminders, including “What would you most want me to know about your experience?” and “What can we do to help you feel safe?”

The fifth point on the note was “I hear you.”
It would be the humiliation of it that would do some good. They worked so hard to replace Trump and their main man didn't last however long.
Thats no consolation as harris finishes the destruction that biden started

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