Has Trump ever done anything legal?

You have to remember the cult doesn't care if he has or will break the law. He all but told you so.
I think Shays just showed his ass.

25,000+ messages here plus v2, Monkeys and ?

This basement dweller needs to get a job. or a life.

Is Shays black? Is he a "Superbadbrutha"? LOL
All of these charges and lawsuits is to get Trump to abandon all political aspirations. Everyone with any brains knows that there isn't any basis for any criminal or civil actions.

Really? You "know" do you? With what evidence? From what sources?
Has Trump ever done anything legal?
Everything. Do you have proof that he has ever not? And do please take that uber-leftwing hate rag of made-up Trump propaganda and do shove it far up your ass without lubricant--- they only print it to keep you bean-brains hopped up on anti-Trump fervor to help them keep their power and to keep you deflected from all of the real crimes of the nine Biden's in their ring of devious international influence pedaling which is coming out now and will lead to Biden being impeached then the whole family prosecuted!

It sure seems that he prefers to remain on the illegal side of the fence.
How can you say then that Trump, never having been impeached from office nor convicted of so much as a parking ticket is any more guilty of anything than Hillary Clinton?
Or Joe Biden?
Or Barry Obumma?

Only difference with Trump is that as a republican, he has just gotten ACCUSED of a lot by democrats but NOTHING EVER PROVEN.

Which makes you the Star of the Talk-Is-Cheap Club.
I have no intention of refuting each and every lie democrats have sworn to since Trump came down the escalator. It would take years.

I don't expect you to discuss every single thing.

How about this one? Just this one.

"the former US president faces 34 counts of falsifying business records."

Did Trump falsify business records?
Did Trump give money to Cohen, who gave money to Stormy Daniels to be quiet about Trump having sex with her while his wife was pregnant?
All of these charges and lawsuits is to get Trump to abandon all political aspirations. Everyone with any brains knows that there isn't any basis for any criminal or civil actions.


Democrats don’t want Trump to give up; they’d love nothing more than for Trump to be the 2024 GOP presidential nominee.

And the lawsuits and charges brought against Trump are perfectly warranted, lawful, and fact-based.
Whether Trump did anything is immaterial since the entire indictment is barred by the statute of limitations.

However, the check came from the account of the Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust. A revocable trust is an estate planning device. It is not a business. It is a personal account and personal records, not business records. Bragg contends that since the account was administered by the Trump Organization it was in the nature of a business account. There are no 34 separate acts, there is one check, cut and pasted 34 times.

Who Trump fucked and when isn't an issue for anyone for any reason.
Alvin Bragg tried to rescue his time barred claim by alleging violation of a federal law. That the false record was made to cover up another crime. The nonsense indictment actually says "another crime". But never identifies any other crime.
Yes, there is lots of bad stuff you could say about him, yet you never, ever do. A true sign of worship

Why do you not care about the right being successful in their abusing of power?
I'll take that as your admission that the left are indeed abusing their power.
Alvin Bragg tried to rescue his time barred claim by alleging violation of a federal law. That the false record was made to cover up another crime. The nonsense indictment actually says "another crime". But never identifies any other crime.
The discovery process of the pretrial brings that out....I believe they are doing Discovery now.... patience grasshopper, patience. We will know soon enough if Bragg really has something or not.
I always know when I have won my argument when the other side starts hurling names and insults. So, I thank you for that.

I am glad that you find winning on this forum so very important that I was able to give your day a little bit of brightness.

I am sure all your buddies down at Wendy's will be very impressed by your stories of conquest.
I am glad that you find winning on this forum so very important that I was able to give your day a little bit of brightness.

I am sure all your buddies down at Wendy's will be very impressed by your stories of conquest.
Ummmmmmmmmmmm, I don't go to Wendy's.

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