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Has Trump made your life better, worse, safer, unsafer, scarier?

Scarier insofar as I am uncertain about whether the man will fly off the handle and say/do something rash. Trump doesn't come across as a level-headed kind of guy. That's scary when it's a trait exhibited by a POTUS.

Also the uncertainty he's allowing to persist regarding the full nature and extent of his past/present involvement with Russia, as well as his lack of clarity about his own finances, also concerns me. The Russia part is somewhat scary: Is the man compromised? Is he making national decisions because they benefit him or because they benefit most other people, if even do benefit most other people.

He said he wants to be a different kind of president, but being different in terms of transparency and candor is not a way in which he should be different, unless he's going to be more transparent and forthright in sharing accurate details. That's not what I've seen him be.

As for the "better or worse" part of your question, for myself: neither. As long as he does nothing rash, my life's not likely to be worse under him. People who aren't in my (or relatively similar) situation, however, are likely to be a worse off. I'd like to be wrong about that, but nothing I've read suggests I will be.
For me, it's too soon to see how much worse and unsafe he has made my life - but he has sure as hell made my life scarier! Most of my family and friends feel the same. How about you?
In what way do you feel he has made your life "scarier"?

Was it when we all found out that the DNC tour bus literally empties human excrement (shit and piss) into the public road and waterways while they are trying to get out the "Latino vote" (read illegal alien vote) while campaigning?

Do you presume that many of your ilk blame it on Trump because Hillary may not have needed to go balls out for the illegal alien vote and dump shit in the road if she ran a better campaign?
Scarier insofar as I am uncertain about whether the man will fly off the handle and say/do something rash. Trump doesn't come across as a level-headed kind of guy. That's scary when it's a trait exhibited by a POTUS.

Also the uncertainty he's allowing to persist regarding the full nature and extent of his past/present involvement with Russia, as well as his lack of clarity about his own finances, also concerns me. The Russia part is somewhat scary: Is the man compromised? Is he making national decisions because they benefit him or because they benefit most other people, if even do benefit most other people.

He said he wants to be a different kind of president, but being different in terms of transparency and candor is not a way in which he should be different, unless he's going to be more transparent and forthright in sharing accurate details. That's not what I've seen him be.

As for the "better or worse" part of your question, for myself: neither. As long as he does nothing rash, my life's not likely to be worse under him. People who aren't in my (or relatively similar) situation, however, are likely to be a worse off. I'd like to be wrong about that, but nothing I've read suggests I will be.
Poor snowflake....
For me, it's too soon to see how much worse and unsafe he has made my life - but he has sure as hell made my life scarier! Most of my family and friends feel the same. How about you?

Here's what I see.

Unlike most people, Trump is a man who seems to thrive in an environment of chaos and conflict. So much so, that he goes out of the way to stir the pot and create conflict even when it previously didn't exist. His WH is a reflection of that personality trait. Strike 1

Trump either has no regard for the truth or can't tell the difference between what is true and what isn't.. Anything he doesn't like is automatically false even as he repeatedly makes statements of 'fact' that are demonstrably false. This is a double. So, Strike 2 and 3.

Trump's behavior, for lack of a better word, is childish. Strike 4

Trump arguably has less knowledge about gov't (not to mention experience in gov't) than any president in history. Strike 5

The presidency is a job with a lot of pressure. It requires a person with a calm deliberative approach to problem solving which Trump shows no sign of possessing. In fact, his temperament is the exact opposite. He's a man who is easily offended, or hurt, by a sense of being treated unfairly. As such, Trump is an open book and is easy to read which was made abundantly clear by his press conference which looked and sounded like a stream of consciousness therapy session. That means he's a highly reactive person who an adversary would have little if any problem in knowing how to read, and possibly, how to manipulate, as well. Strike 6.

Trump is untested. Strike 7

Trump WILL be tested.

Yeah, I'm worried too.
For me, it's too soon to see how much worse and unsafe he has made my life - but he has sure as hell made my life scarier! Most of my family and friends feel the same. How about you?

Here's what I see.

Unlike most people, Trump is a man who seems to thrive in an environment of chaos and conflict. So much so, that he goes out of the way to stir the pot and create conflict even when it previously didn't exist. His WH is a reflection of that personality trait. Strike 1

Trump either has no regard for the truth or can't tell the difference between what is true and what isn't.. Anything he doesn't like is automatically false even as he repeatedly makes statements of 'fact' that are demonstrably false. This is a double. So, Strike 2 and 3.

Trump's behavior, for lack of a better word, is childish. Strike 4

Trump arguably has less knowledge about gov't (not to mention experience in gov't) than any president in history. Strike 5

The presidency is a job with a lot of pressure. It requires a person with a calm deliberative approach to problem solving which Trump shows no sign of possessing. In fact, his temperament is the exact opposite. He's a man who is easily offended, or hurt, by a sense of being treated unfairly. As such, Trump is an open book and is easy to read which was made abundantly clear by his press conference which looked and sounded like a stream of consciousness therapy session. That means he's a highly reactive person who an adversary would have little if any problem in knowing how to read, and possibly, how to manipulate, as well. Strike 6.

Trump is untested. Strike 7

Trump WILL be tested.

Yeah, I'm worried too.
I think Trumps strongest trait is that he has an exemplary understanding of the government....he inherited a mess and will move the government light years ahead under his leadership.....
In 4 weeks he has gotten more done by HIMSELF than Obama got done in 8 years.
In 4 weeks he has made my life, and press conferences more entertaining.

In 4 weeks he is exhausting Democrats who have worked in to the wee hours of the morning to obstruct everything they can to fail every time they try.

Yah, he's made my life better.

Next up, is cleaning out The Intelligence Community of Traitorous Obama Scum.

If you feel unsafe it is because you are either in violation of The Law, or engaged in subversive activities.

If you are worried, it is because you are scamming the system and robbing the taxpayer blind, and your interests only lies with stuff you can get paid for by taxpayers.

If he has made your life worse, it is either because you are a drug dealer, illegal, communist, globalist liberal who pisses on our flag, and shits on our constitution.

In all three cases, I suggest you go find another country to live in.
He's made all of our lives infinitely better for one reason...Hillary Clinton is not our president and never will be. That in itself is the best thing that could have happened.

Got THAT right! The only thing worse than 4 years of Hillarious would have been 4 MORE years of Obamaniac! Jesus, a box of hammers woulda been a better choice than Hillary! Go Trump!

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
For me, it's too soon to see how much worse and unsafe he has made my life - but he has sure as hell made my life scarier! Most of my family and friends feel the same. How about you?

Must suck living in irrational fear all the time. There's places you can check yourself into and professionals you can talk to for that sort of thing.

As for your question, if were being honest and not spewing partisan garbage obviously it's way to early to answer- unless you're a political appointee in the government. Except I do get enjoyment witnessing all the liberal butt hurt from a purely entertainment standpoint.
Tangibly, I'm pretty much the same as I was before he held office.

I will say that he has created a great deal of instability and divide in America, however. So, I worry, broadly, about the future of our economy and standing in the global community. He has only been in office for a month, so there is always the chance that he totally change his ways, persona, and administration to become a leader of America rather than its divider.
Trump didn't "divide" anything. The left has been doing that for decades, and Obama put it into overdrive. The so-called "instability" is also all on the left. They are all unstable.
Tangibly, I'm pretty much the same as I was before he held office.

I will say that he has created a great deal of instability and divide in America, however. So, I worry, broadly, about the future of our economy and standing in the global community. He has only been in office for a month, so there is always the chance that he totally change his ways, persona, and administration to become a leader of America rather than its divider.
Trump didn't "divide" anything. The left has been doing that for decades, and Obama put it into overdrive. The so-called "instability" is also all on the left. They are all unstable.
I'm not disagreeing at all that Obama allowed the nation to develop into the state that it is now (although I would say that he didn't encourage it, as right wingers would attest to).

However, you later statements simply reflect the divide. You cannot unite when you have a group of radicals blaming all the problems on those who disagree with them...both the radical leftists and the radical right wingers (which you apparently are part of) are at fault for this. We need a charismatic leader able to bridge the divide and bring our nation backtogether...not a guy that takes the same same frame of mind you do...blaming all issues on people who don't agree with him (which is roughly half the nation), therefore causing a further split.
For me, it's too soon to see how much worse and unsafe he has made my life - but he has sure as hell made my life scarier! Most of my family and friends feel the same. How about you?

So far, neither.

He has made a lot of noise but has not actually done anything except screw over the miners.

That was heartbreaking to watch - him asking a miner to make a statement, the miner gushing over drumpf for getting their jobs back but FACT is, the Cheeto in Chief did nothing of the kind. All he did was put more money in the pockets of his big business cronies.

Imagine the miners driving back to W VA, happy, thinking theirs lives will now change for the better.

Now, his appearance at Boeing after screwing over Lockheed and threatening Boeing. He looked almost like an adult though not "presidential" -- but he lied and piled more lies on top of his lies. And those poor schlubs just ate it up, happy that they'll be making less money and working longer hours with fewer benefits.

The only thing drumpf seems to be good at is whining and stealing from the taxpayers. He and his worthless families have tapped into a real gold mine and the RWNJ Pootarians are too dumb to ask how much they're paying them for their constant vacations and enriching the trump "brand" and trump businesses.

Easily the most corrupt, most crooked administration in our history.
Tangibly, I'm pretty much the same as I was before he held office.

I will say that he has created a great deal of instability and divide in America, however. So, I worry, broadly, about the future of our economy and standing in the global community. He has only been in office for a month, so there is always the chance that he totally change his ways, persona, and administration to become a leader of America rather than its divider.

And look at what he's doing in the ME and elsewhere. Its not just the US he is destabilizing.

Get ready for the war he said he "loves". That's what he wants and its what we will get.
Also - about him going on and on about US business, bring business back to the US after the Rs voted for years against Obama bringing US back to the US.

This is probably the lie that makes me the angriest - his lies about bringing business back to the US.

Read the link in my sig for the truth about that.

Why is this okay with you RWNJ traitors?
Well I am laughing a lot. I hurt myself laughing yesterday. Other than that life seems to goes on, day after day. But I'm not at risk under these assholes.
Tangibly, I'm pretty much the same as I was before he held office.

I will say that he has created a great deal of instability and divide in America, however. So, I worry, broadly, about the future of our economy and standing in the global community. He has only been in office for a month, so there is always the chance that he totally change his ways, persona, and administration to become a leader of America rather than its divider.

And look at what he's doing in the ME and elsewhere. Its not just the US he is destabilizing.

Get ready for the war he said he "loves". That's what he wants and its what we will get.
I honestly lump Trump in with people like NK's leader Kim Jung Un or Iraq's Saddam Hussein...who talk brashly, but really don't want to go to war with developed powers at all. It is all smoke and mirrors in attempts to maintain power and control. So, I highly doubt we would devolve into war with at developed power unless Trump was forced into it...which would be out of his control anyways.

I would say that a bigger issue is our voice in the international forum as well as our trade deals, which have, in large part, kept America as the strongest and most stable economy in the world. Trump is looking to turn away from what has made us the greatest economy, and regress us into an emerging economy by erecting trade barriers and stuffing low skill low wage jobs down our throats.
For me, it's too soon to see how much worse and unsafe he has made my life - but he has sure as hell made my life scarier! Most of my family and friends feel the same. How about you?
The man is highly entertaining, literally a one-man clown show.

However, the world is unsafer.
For me, it's too soon to see how much worse and unsafe he has made my life - but he has sure as hell made my life scarier! Most of my family and friends feel the same. How about you?
The man is highly entertaining, literally a one-man clown show.

However, the world is unsafer.
Know anyone who died of heroin? Yes the world is unsafer in 2016-2017.

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