Has Trump's preparation & response to COVID-19 been the worse performance of US President ever?

Could you please cite worse with evidence..

Presidents have made mistakes in the past, but
  • consider the lives lost
  • the removal and downscaling the global pandemic team
  • the multiple warnings given to the President (not the governors)
  • lack of equipment control:
    • Federal Stocks unmaintained, unreplenished...
    • Uncontrolled bidding war
    • No standards for Antibody test kits
  • His mixed messages around number topics(Testing, PPE, hydroxychloroquine, UV light, Disinfectant...)
  • No proper leverage on War Production Act
  • Lack of knowledge of hat is going on (the Testing call with the Governors)
  • Divisive behaviour:
    • Tell states you are own
    • Rants at Media (even when given softball questions)
    • Insults any international ally
    • Refuses to work with the work and refuses to engage with a global effort
  • The just stupid stuff : Better ratings than the Batchelor, holding rallies, accuses Health Worker of stealing PPE....
  • Sets a standard to open states and then ignores them
This is a shorten list...
But can some one cite a worse example of a President handling of a crisis?
Consider the lives lost (it has not finished).
The extra time US had.

Some notes on his performance:
US has 5% of the World Population and 27% of Deaths.
For those saying he stopped China Flights, the airlines had already pulled flights by the time he said that. So effectively did little...
US per Captia has been way behind in Testing (about half of Europe) (with more time and resources)
US accused of stealing PPE from France and Germany (Germany and France accuse US of taking face masks as international tensions rise over coronavirus)

Please don't bother with TDS chants... It is old and tired...
I am not attacking Trump personally , I am questioning his job performance
On par with Hoover; Trump should likewise not be reelected.
Could you please cite worse with evidence..

Presidents have made mistakes in the past, but
  • consider the lives lost
  • the removal and downscaling the global pandemic team
  • the multiple warnings given to the President (not the governors)
  • lack of equipment control:
    • Federal Stocks unmaintained, unreplenished...
    • Uncontrolled bidding war
    • No standards for Antibody test kits
  • His mixed messages around number topics(Testing, PPE, hydroxychloroquine, UV light, Disinfectant...)
  • No proper leverage on War Production Act
  • Lack of knowledge of hat is going on (the Testing call with the Governors)
  • Divisive behaviour:
    • Tell states you are own
    • Rants at Media (even when given softball questions)
    • Insults any international ally
    • Refuses to work with the work and refuses to engage with a global effort
  • The just stupid stuff : Better ratings than the Batchelor, holding rallies, accuses Health Worker of stealing PPE....
  • Sets a standard to open states and then ignores them
This is a shorten list...
But can some one cite a worse example of a President handling of a crisis?
Consider the lives lost (it has not finished).
The extra time US had.

Some notes on his performance:
US has 5% of the World Population and 27% of Deaths.
For those saying he stopped China Flights, the airlines had already pulled flights by the time he said that. So effectively did little...
US per Captia has been way behind in Testing (about half of Europe) (with more time and resources)
US accused of stealing PPE from France and Germany (Germany and France accuse US of taking face masks as international tensions rise over coronavirus)

Please don't bother with TDS chants... It is old and tired...
I am not attacking Trump personally , I am questioning his job performance

He saved more Americans than died in Civil war and WWII combined.

President Trump is the best in American history, and perhaps the best ever. He will be compared to Caesars.
From Republican George Conway:
"For Trump supporters, let me make one thing VERY clear!
For the record NO ONE is blaming the President for the virus. Let me repeat. Coronavirus is not Trump’s fault.

George Conway is not a Republican.
Try again.
MeBelle does that mean he's stupid and his words have no meaning to you?? He lays it our pretty good how deficient this moron in our WH is Maybe he'll turn the rest of Gov't over to his son in law whose only qualification is a ring on his finger

No dear.

George Conway is the hubby of Kellyanne Conway (sp?)

So, compare what George has to say about Trump vs what Kellyanne says about Trump.

Kellyanne speaks from experience with Trump.
George bloviates his opinions on Trump.
kelly is a trump puppet george owes no one..............imo
Could you please cite worse with evidence..

Presidents have made mistakes in the past, but
  • consider the lives lost
  • the removal and downscaling the global pandemic team
  • the multiple warnings given to the President (not the governors)
  • lack of equipment control:
    • Federal Stocks unmaintained, unreplenished...
    • Uncontrolled bidding war
    • No standards for Antibody test kits
  • His mixed messages around number topics(Testing, PPE, hydroxychloroquine, UV light, Disinfectant...)
  • No proper leverage on War Production Act
  • Lack of knowledge of hat is going on (the Testing call with the Governors)
  • Divisive behaviour:
    • Tell states you are own
    • Rants at Media (even when given softball questions)
    • Insults any international ally
    • Refuses to work with the work and refuses to engage with a global effort
  • The just stupid stuff : Better ratings than the Batchelor, holding rallies, accuses Health Worker of stealing PPE....
  • Sets a standard to open states and then ignores them
This is a shorten list...
But can some one cite a worse example of a President handling of a crisis?
Consider the lives lost (it has not finished).
The extra time US had.

Some notes on his performance:
US has 5% of the World Population and 27% of Deaths.
For those saying he stopped China Flights, the airlines had already pulled flights by the time he said that. So effectively did little...
US per Captia has been way behind in Testing (about half of Europe) (with more time and resources)
US accused of stealing PPE from France and Germany (Germany and France accuse US of taking face masks as international tensions rise over coronavirus)

Please don't bother with TDS chants... It is old and tired...
I am not attacking Trump personally , I am questioning his job performance

First, why don't you tell me if you can name more than five US Presidents without looking it up, let alone tell me anything about their terms in office. Because I'm seriously doubting you have any historical basis to be asking that question.

Why not just stay on topic and debate the points made by the OP.

Nice try, but questioning the basis on which he asks his question IS debating his points. Frankly, pointing out that asking a question shouldn't BE making a point, by definition, would also be relevant.
Could you please cite worse with evidence..

Presidents have made mistakes in the past, but
  • consider the lives lost
  • the removal and downscaling the global pandemic team
  • the multiple warnings given to the President (not the governors)
  • lack of equipment control:
    • Federal Stocks unmaintained, unreplenished...
    • Uncontrolled bidding war
    • No standards for Antibody test kits
  • His mixed messages around number topics(Testing, PPE, hydroxychloroquine, UV light, Disinfectant...)
  • No proper leverage on War Production Act
  • Lack of knowledge of hat is going on (the Testing call with the Governors)
  • Divisive behaviour:
    • Tell states you are own
    • Rants at Media (even when given softball questions)
    • Insults any international ally
    • Refuses to work with the work and refuses to engage with a global effort
  • The just stupid stuff : Better ratings than the Batchelor, holding rallies, accuses Health Worker of stealing PPE....
  • Sets a standard to open states and then ignores them
This is a shorten list...
But can some one cite a worse example of a President handling of a crisis?
Consider the lives lost (it has not finished).
The extra time US had.

Some notes on his performance:
US has 5% of the World Population and 27% of Deaths.
For those saying he stopped China Flights, the airlines had already pulled flights by the time he said that. So effectively did little...
US per Captia has been way behind in Testing (about half of Europe) (with more time and resources)
US accused of stealing PPE from France and Germany (Germany and France accuse US of taking face masks as international tensions rise over coronavirus)

Please don't bother with TDS chants... It is old and tired...
I am not attacking Trump personally , I am questioning his job performance

That's an easy one, Lincoln, his lack of diplomatic skills caused the Civil War and killed a butt load more people.

Could you please cite worse with evidence..

Presidents have made mistakes in the past, but
  • consider the lives lost
  • the removal and downscaling the global pandemic team
  • the multiple warnings given to the President (not the governors)
  • lack of equipment control:
    • Federal Stocks unmaintained, unreplenished...
    • Uncontrolled bidding war
    • No standards for Antibody test kits
  • His mixed messages around number topics(Testing, PPE, hydroxychloroquine, UV light, Disinfectant...)
  • No proper leverage on War Production Act
  • Lack of knowledge of hat is going on (the Testing call with the Governors)
  • Divisive behaviour:
    • Tell states you are own
    • Rants at Media (even when given softball questions)
    • Insults any international ally
    • Refuses to work with the work and refuses to engage with a global effort
  • The just stupid stuff : Better ratings than the Batchelor, holding rallies, accuses Health Worker of stealing PPE....
  • Sets a standard to open states and then ignores them
This is a shorten list...
But can some one cite a worse example of a President handling of a crisis?
Consider the lives lost (it has not finished).
The extra time US had.

Some notes on his performance:
US has 5% of the World Population and 27% of Deaths.
For those saying he stopped China Flights, the airlines had already pulled flights by the time he said that. So effectively did little...
US per Captia has been way behind in Testing (about half of Europe) (with more time and resources)
US accused of stealing PPE from France and Germany (Germany and France accuse US of taking face masks as international tensions rise over coronavirus)

Please don't bother with TDS chants... It is old and tired...
I am not attacking Trump personally , I am questioning his job performance

That's an easy one, Lincoln, his lack of diplomatic skills caused the Civil War and killed a butt load more people.


FDR, whose policies not only extended the Great Depression about a decade longer than it needed to be, but also did damage to our economy and system of government that is felt today.
Could you please cite worse with evidence..

Presidents have made mistakes in the past, but
  • consider the lives lost
  • the removal and downscaling the global pandemic team
  • the multiple warnings given to the President (not the governors)
  • lack of equipment control:
    • Federal Stocks unmaintained, unreplenished...
    • Uncontrolled bidding war
    • No standards for Antibody test kits
  • His mixed messages around number topics(Testing, PPE, hydroxychloroquine, UV light, Disinfectant...)
  • No proper leverage on War Production Act
  • Lack of knowledge of hat is going on (the Testing call with the Governors)
  • Divisive behaviour:
    • Tell states you are own
    • Rants at Media (even when given softball questions)
    • Insults any international ally
    • Refuses to work with the work and refuses to engage with a global effort
  • The just stupid stuff : Better ratings than the Batchelor, holding rallies, accuses Health Worker of stealing PPE....
  • Sets a standard to open states and then ignores them
This is a shorten list...
But can some one cite a worse example of a President handling of a crisis?
Consider the lives lost (it has not finished).
The extra time US had.

Some notes on his performance:
US has 5% of the World Population and 27% of Deaths.
For those saying he stopped China Flights, the airlines had already pulled flights by the time he said that. So effectively did little...
US per Captia has been way behind in Testing (about half of Europe) (with more time and resources)
US accused of stealing PPE from France and Germany (Germany and France accuse US of taking face masks as international tensions rise over coronavirus)

Please don't bother with TDS chants... It is old and tired...
I am not attacking Trump personally , I am questioning his job performance

First, why don't you tell me if you can name more than five US Presidents without looking it up, let alone tell me anything about their terms in office. Because I'm seriously doubting you have any historical basis to be asking that question.

Why not just stay on topic and debate the points made by the OP.

Nice try, but questioning the basis on which he asks his question IS debating his points. Frankly, pointing out that asking a question shouldn't BE making a point, by definition, would also be relevant.

Well I got back to Coolidge and Harding before I mixed them up... So that was the last 14...

5 wouldn't bring you back to Reagan...

I got 7 the last sec of state (not counting acting) with out looking as well...
Could you please cite worse with evidence..

Presidents have made mistakes in the past, but
  • consider the lives lost
  • the removal and downscaling the global pandemic team
  • the multiple warnings given to the President (not the governors)
  • lack of equipment control:
    • Federal Stocks unmaintained, unreplenished...
    • Uncontrolled bidding war
    • No standards for Antibody test kits
  • His mixed messages around number topics(Testing, PPE, hydroxychloroquine, UV light, Disinfectant...)
  • No proper leverage on War Production Act
  • Lack of knowledge of hat is going on (the Testing call with the Governors)
  • Divisive behaviour:
    • Tell states you are own
    • Rants at Media (even when given softball questions)
    • Insults any international ally
    • Refuses to work with the work and refuses to engage with a global effort
  • The just stupid stuff : Better ratings than the Batchelor, holding rallies, accuses Health Worker of stealing PPE....
  • Sets a standard to open states and then ignores them
This is a shorten list...
But can some one cite a worse example of a President handling of a crisis?
Consider the lives lost (it has not finished).
The extra time US had.

Some notes on his performance:
US has 5% of the World Population and 27% of Deaths.
For those saying he stopped China Flights, the airlines had already pulled flights by the time he said that. So effectively did little...
US per Captia has been way behind in Testing (about half of Europe) (with more time and resources)
US accused of stealing PPE from France and Germany (Germany and France accuse US of taking face masks as international tensions rise over coronavirus)

Please don't bother with TDS chants... It is old and tired...
I am not attacking Trump personally , I am questioning his job performance

That's an easy one, Lincoln, his lack of diplomatic skills caused the Civil War and killed a butt load more people.


Could you be more specific...

Historians believe that the Confederacy belief that they would be backed by Great Britain and France was there massive miscalculation.
Could you please cite worse with evidence..

Presidents have made mistakes in the past, but
  • consider the lives lost
  • the removal and downscaling the global pandemic team
  • the multiple warnings given to the President (not the governors)
  • lack of equipment control:
    • Federal Stocks unmaintained, unreplenished...
    • Uncontrolled bidding war
    • No standards for Antibody test kits
  • His mixed messages around number topics(Testing, PPE, hydroxychloroquine, UV light, Disinfectant...)
  • No proper leverage on War Production Act
  • Lack of knowledge of hat is going on (the Testing call with the Governors)
  • Divisive behaviour:
    • Tell states you are own
    • Rants at Media (even when given softball questions)
    • Insults any international ally
    • Refuses to work with the work and refuses to engage with a global effort
  • The just stupid stuff : Better ratings than the Batchelor, holding rallies, accuses Health Worker of stealing PPE....
  • Sets a standard to open states and then ignores them
This is a shorten list...
But can some one cite a worse example of a President handling of a crisis?
Consider the lives lost (it has not finished).
The extra time US had.

Some notes on his performance:
US has 5% of the World Population and 27% of Deaths.
For those saying he stopped China Flights, the airlines had already pulled flights by the time he said that. So effectively did little...
US per Captia has been way behind in Testing (about half of Europe) (with more time and resources)
US accused of stealing PPE from France and Germany (Germany and France accuse US of taking face masks as international tensions rise over coronavirus)

Please don't bother with TDS chants... It is old and tired...
I am not attacking Trump personally , I am questioning his job performance

First, why don't you tell me if you can name more than five US Presidents without looking it up, let alone tell me anything about their terms in office. Because I'm seriously doubting you have any historical basis to be asking that question.

Why not just stay on topic and debate the points made by the OP.

Nice try, but questioning the basis on which he asks his question IS debating his points. Frankly, pointing out that asking a question shouldn't BE making a point, by definition, would also be relevant.

You weren't really questioning so much, just being a dick.
Could you please cite worse with evidence..

Presidents have made mistakes in the past, but
  • consider the lives lost
  • the removal and downscaling the global pandemic team
  • the multiple warnings given to the President (not the governors)
  • lack of equipment control:
    • Federal Stocks unmaintained, unreplenished...
    • Uncontrolled bidding war
    • No standards for Antibody test kits
  • His mixed messages around number topics(Testing, PPE, hydroxychloroquine, UV light, Disinfectant...)
  • No proper leverage on War Production Act
  • Lack of knowledge of hat is going on (the Testing call with the Governors)
  • Divisive behaviour:
    • Tell states you are own
    • Rants at Media (even when given softball questions)
    • Insults any international ally
    • Refuses to work with the work and refuses to engage with a global effort
  • The just stupid stuff : Better ratings than the Batchelor, holding rallies, accuses Health Worker of stealing PPE....
  • Sets a standard to open states and then ignores them
This is a shorten list...
But can some one cite a worse example of a President handling of a crisis?
Consider the lives lost (it has not finished).
The extra time US had.

Some notes on his performance:
US has 5% of the World Population and 27% of Deaths.
For those saying he stopped China Flights, the airlines had already pulled flights by the time he said that. So effectively did little...
US per Captia has been way behind in Testing (about half of Europe) (with more time and resources)
US accused of stealing PPE from France and Germany (Germany and France accuse US of taking face masks as international tensions rise over coronavirus)

Please don't bother with TDS chants... It is old and tired...
I am not attacking Trump personally , I am questioning his job performance
Hmmmmm...the stock market in the middle of the worst pandemic in 100 years because of China is still 6k higher than what Obama had. He has been great. Only mistake was the lockdown was too long. He will win again and your empty leftist head will explode.
Could you please cite worse with evidence..
Stagnant recovery
The cops acted stupidly
Riots across the nation
Cops being deliberately targeted for assassination

None of the things above even with the most right wing view could equate with the loss of lives and the cost to the economy as the missteps Trump made and continuing to make.

The trump administration is now presiding over getting:
Unemployment at 4.7% and is now at 14+% and rising
Deficit at $652bn and is now going to over $2 trillion

And he said this would be all over in the first week in March despite having multiple warnings that it would not be.

US was attacked and still is and he failed to prepare the country. That was a dreadful performance.
Could you please cite worse with evidence..

Presidents have made mistakes in the past, but
  • consider the lives lost
  • the removal and downscaling the global pandemic team
  • the multiple warnings given to the President (not the governors)
  • lack of equipment control:
    • Federal Stocks unmaintained, unreplenished...
    • Uncontrolled bidding war
    • No standards for Antibody test kits
  • His mixed messages around number topics(Testing, PPE, hydroxychloroquine, UV light, Disinfectant...)
  • No proper leverage on War Production Act
  • Lack of knowledge of hat is going on (the Testing call with the Governors)
  • Divisive behaviour:
    • Tell states you are own
    • Rants at Media (even when given softball questions)
    • Insults any international ally
    • Refuses to work with the work and refuses to engage with a global effort
  • The just stupid stuff : Better ratings than the Batchelor, holding rallies, accuses Health Worker of stealing PPE....
  • Sets a standard to open states and then ignores them
This is a shorten list...
But can some one cite a worse example of a President handling of a crisis?
Consider the lives lost (it has not finished).
The extra time US had.

Some notes on his performance:
US has 5% of the World Population and 27% of Deaths.
For those saying he stopped China Flights, the airlines had already pulled flights by the time he said that. So effectively did little...
US per Captia has been way behind in Testing (about half of Europe) (with more time and resources)
US accused of stealing PPE from France and Germany (Germany and France accuse US of taking face masks as international tensions rise over coronavirus)

Please don't bother with TDS chants... It is old and tired...
I am not attacking Trump personally , I am questioning his job performance
Hmmmmm...the stock market in the middle of the worst pandemic in 100 years because of China is still 6k higher than what Obama had. He has been great. Only mistake was the lockdown was too long. He will win again and your empty leftist head will explode.

Are you trying to equate the Stock Market to the Economy.... Seriously, have you seen the economy...

GDP growth is -4.8% and dropping...
Could you please cite worse with evidence..

Presidents have made mistakes in the past, but
  • consider the lives lost
  • the removal and downscaling the global pandemic team
  • the multiple warnings given to the President (not the governors)
  • lack of equipment control:
    • Federal Stocks unmaintained, unreplenished...
    • Uncontrolled bidding war
    • No standards for Antibody test kits
  • His mixed messages around number topics(Testing, PPE, hydroxychloroquine, UV light, Disinfectant...)
  • No proper leverage on War Production Act
  • Lack of knowledge of hat is going on (the Testing call with the Governors)
  • Divisive behaviour:
    • Tell states you are own
    • Rants at Media (even when given softball questions)
    • Insults any international ally
    • Refuses to work with the work and refuses to engage with a global effort
  • The just stupid stuff : Better ratings than the Batchelor, holding rallies, accuses Health Worker of stealing PPE....
  • Sets a standard to open states and then ignores them
This is a shorten list...
But can some one cite a worse example of a President handling of a crisis?
Consider the lives lost (it has not finished).
The extra time US had.

Some notes on his performance:
US has 5% of the World Population and 27% of Deaths.
For those saying he stopped China Flights, the airlines had already pulled flights by the time he said that. So effectively did little...
US per Captia has been way behind in Testing (about half of Europe) (with more time and resources)
US accused of stealing PPE from France and Germany (Germany and France accuse US of taking face masks as international tensions rise over coronavirus)

Please don't bother with TDS chants... It is old and tired...
I am not attacking Trump personally , I am questioning his job performance
Hmmmmm...the stock market in the middle of the worst pandemic in 100 years because of China is still 6k higher than what Obama had. He has been great. Only mistake was the lockdown was too long. He will win again and your empty leftist head will explode.

Are you trying to equate the Stock Market to the Economy.... Seriously, have you seen the economy...

GDP growth is -4.8% and dropping...
Let me ask you this.

Person A makes $400k but GDP is down 5%

Person B makes $60 and GDP is up 5%

Would you rather be person A or B?
Could you please cite worse with evidence..

Presidents have made mistakes in the past, but
  • consider the lives lost
  • the removal and downscaling the global pandemic team
  • the multiple warnings given to the President (not the governors)
  • lack of equipment control:
    • Federal Stocks unmaintained, unreplenished...
    • Uncontrolled bidding war
    • No standards for Antibody test kits
  • His mixed messages around number topics(Testing, PPE, hydroxychloroquine, UV light, Disinfectant...)
  • No proper leverage on War Production Act
  • Lack of knowledge of hat is going on (the Testing call with the Governors)
  • Divisive behaviour:
    • Tell states you are own
    • Rants at Media (even when given softball questions)
    • Insults any international ally
    • Refuses to work with the work and refuses to engage with a global effort
  • The just stupid stuff : Better ratings than the Batchelor, holding rallies, accuses Health Worker of stealing PPE....
  • Sets a standard to open states and then ignores them
This is a shorten list...
But can some one cite a worse example of a President handling of a crisis?
Consider the lives lost (it has not finished).
The extra time US had.

Some notes on his performance:
US has 5% of the World Population and 27% of Deaths.
For those saying he stopped China Flights, the airlines had already pulled flights by the time he said that. So effectively did little...
US per Captia has been way behind in Testing (about half of Europe) (with more time and resources)
US accused of stealing PPE from France and Germany (Germany and France accuse US of taking face masks as international tensions rise over coronavirus)

Please don't bother with TDS chants... It is old and tired...
I am not attacking Trump personally , I am questioning his job performance

That's an easy one, Lincoln, his lack of diplomatic skills caused the Civil War and killed a butt load more people.


Could you be more specific...

Historians believe that the Confederacy belief that they would be backed by Great Britain and France was there massive miscalculation.

There wouldn't have been a need for any calculations had Lincoln worked it out with the Southern States, instead of provoking war.

I don’t just blame Trump for this, but obviously a lot of it has to do with him. The CDC, WHO, and FDC dropped the goddamn ball as well. It’s flat out embarrassing, but I’m guessing republicans still delude themselves into thinking the US is the best nation in the world in every way.

South Korea has been a model country in the COVID response for instance. The numbers speak for themselves. SK has 1/6 of the population of the US, yet when the total count of testing in the US was at 416, SK had tested 56,000 people! That contact trace organization saved that country a lot of grief. What is the end result for the US? The US is the epicenter of the virus representing 25% of all deaths worldwide. Even in terms of population size, that is abysmal.

My point is perhaps republicans should stop pretending other nations are inept when in reality we should be looking up to them. Our healthcare system is a joke and always will be unless real reform is made. Oh and when we don’t have a idiotic president during a health crisis.
Last edited:
I don’t just blame Trump for this, but obviously a lot of it has to do with him. The CDC, WHO, and FDC dropped the goddamn ball as well. It’s flat out embarrassing, but I’m guessing republicans still delude themselves into thinking the US is the best nation in the world in every way.

South Korea has been a model country in the COVID response for instance. The numbers speak for themselves. SK has 1/6 of the population of the US, yet when the total count of testing in the US was at 416, SK had tested 56,000 people! That contact trace organization saved that country a lot of grief. What is the end result for the US? The US is the epicenter of the virus representing 25% of all deaths nationwide. Even in terms of population size, that is abysmal.

My point is perhaps republicans should stop pretending other nations are inept when in reality we should be looking up to them. Our healthcare system is a joke and always will be unless real reform is made. Oh and when we don’t have a idiotic president during a health crisis.
The American people, at least today, are nothing special.
I don’t just blame Trump for this, but obviously a lot of it has to do with him. The CDC, WHO, and FDC dropped the goddamn ball as well. It’s flat out embarrassing, but I’m guessing republicans still delude themselves into thinking the US is the best nation in the world in every way.

South Korea has been a model country in the COVID response for instance. The numbers speak for themselves. SK has 1/6 of the population of the US, yet when the total count of testing in the US was at 416, SK had tested 56,000 people! That contact trace organization saved that country a lot of grief. What is the end result for the US? The US is the epicenter of the virus representing 25% of all deaths nationwide. Even in terms of population size, that is abysmal.

My point is perhaps republicans should stop pretending other nations are inept when in reality we should be looking up to them. Our healthcare system is a joke and always will be unless real reform is made. Oh and when we don’t have a idiotic president during a health crisis.
The American people, at least today, are nothing special.
The American people are embarrassing.

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