Hate crime


Lakhota's my *****
Jun 4, 2011
Chad Washington of Columbia Lions charged with hate crime - ESPN New York

Uh oh.....

According to law-enforcement officials, Washington began heckling two women the victim was with early Sunday morning in New York. When the victim, a 19-year-old Asian, tried to defend the women, Washington allegedly called him slurs, started following him, pushed him against a wall and grabbed his collar, police said.

He's from Oakland....hmmmm

OMG not that.......first it's now illegal to taunt people?
Washington was taken into custody Tuesday and faces a misdemeanor charge of aggravated harassment as a hate crime

Got to love liberals, they've found a way to criminalize speech...
It's because he assaulted him by pushing him that there are hate crime charges. Without there couldn't be though libs would live to outlaw hate speech
Columbia Hate Crime Victim Allegedly Called "Chinky Eyes, Asian Motherf---er": Gothamist

Columbia University just issued a statement, "As educators and leaders of a diverse learning community, we are deeply concerned when racism, sexism, homophobia and incivility—whether in words, actions or posts of any kind—target individuals or groups. Such behavior violates our Community Principles" but added, "We ask that you respect the privacy of all individuals involved and allow us to investigate thoroughly and act according to our protocols and procedures. Speculation based on limited or inaccurate information reported in the press, or anonymous rumor, serves no one well and is detrimental to the wellbeing of those involved as well as to our community as a whole."

wow he wasnt kicked out?? I thought Columbia hated that stuff and had a zero tolerance policy? hmmmmmm

In order to prove that Washington committed second degree aggravated assault, the Manhattan DA's office will have to show that Washington either intentionally selected the victim based on his race, or committed the act itself based on the victim's race (see the hate crimes penal code). The DA's office declined to comment.

Is this serious? See when you get into fights with people you try and use the language that may most offend.....doesnt make him racist...just he was trying to piss off some asians.....

so is black protected status greater than asian protected status........inquiring minds want to know!
Columbia Hate Crime Victim Allegedly Called "Chinky Eyes, Asian Motherf---er": Gothamist

Columbia University just issued a statement, "As educators and leaders of a diverse learning community, we are deeply concerned when racism, sexism, homophobia and incivility—whether in words, actions or posts of any kind—target individuals or groups. Such behavior violates our Community Principles" but added, "We ask that you respect the privacy of all individuals involved and allow us to investigate thoroughly and act according to our protocols and procedures. Speculation based on limited or inaccurate information reported in the press, or anonymous rumor, serves no one well and is detrimental to the wellbeing of those involved as well as to our community as a whole."

wow he wasnt kicked out?? I thought Columbia hated that stuff and had a zero tolerance policy? hmmmmmm

In order to prove that Washington committed second degree aggravated assault, the Manhattan DA's office will have to show that Washington either intentionally selected the victim based on his race, or committed the act itself based on the victim's race (see the hate crimes penal code). The DA's office declined to comment.

Is this serious? See when you get into fights with people you try and use the language that may most offend.....doesnt make him racist...just he was trying to piss off some asians.....

so is black protected status greater than asian protected status........inquiring minds want to know!

Ya get an extra 5 years for making him cry before you robbed him lol
assuming that Washington in AA and not British in lineage...........

Can Washington play the race/slavery card?

whitey's fault?
Bush ?
GOP obstructionists?

Will he get a call from Obama supporting him cuz he looks like his son would?
He has courage?
Last edited:
Chad Washington of Columbia Lions charged with hate crime - ESPN New York

Uh oh.....

According to law-enforcement officials, Washington began heckling two women the victim was with early Sunday morning in New York. When the victim, a 19-year-old Asian, tried to defend the women, Washington allegedly called him slurs, started following him, pushed him against a wall and grabbed his collar, police said.

He's from Oakland....hmmmm

OMG not that.......first it's now illegal to taunt people?
Washington was taken into custody Tuesday and faces a misdemeanor charge of aggravated harassment as a hate crime

Got to love liberals, they've found a way to criminalize speech...


Did you see the score from the Harvard game?????


That's a crime!
Columbia Hate Crime Victim Allegedly Called "Chinky Eyes, Asian Motherf---er": Gothamist

Columbia University just issued a statement, "As educators and leaders of a diverse learning community, we are deeply concerned when racism, sexism, homophobia and incivility—whether in words, actions or posts of any kind—target individuals or groups. Such behavior violates our Community Principles" but added, "We ask that you respect the privacy of all individuals involved and allow us to investigate thoroughly and act according to our protocols and procedures. Speculation based on limited or inaccurate information reported in the press, or anonymous rumor, serves no one well and is detrimental to the wellbeing of those involved as well as to our community as a whole."

wow he wasnt kicked out?? I thought Columbia hated that stuff and had a zero tolerance policy? hmmmmmm

In order to prove that Washington committed second degree aggravated assault, the Manhattan DA's office will have to show that Washington either intentionally selected the victim based on his race, or committed the act itself based on the victim's race (see the hate crimes penal code). The DA's office declined to comment.

Is this serious? See when you get into fights with people you try and use the language that may most offend.....doesnt make him racist...just he was trying to piss off some asians.....

so is black protected status greater than asian protected status........inquiring minds want to know!

Where's Bruce Lee when we need him???
You guys are making a mistake, it's the combination of speech with an assault.

If you go up to some person who happens to be a lesbian, black jewish HIV positive person and you shout "I hate lesbian black jewish HIV positive people" it's not a crime. If you shove them while shouting that, then they will consider it a hate crime if they have hate crime laws. I don't agree with them, but this person isn't being prosecuted for just the speech, but in conjunction with an assault.

I think all assaults should be treated the same. However this isn't just "speech". There was an assault.
You guys are making a mistake, it's the combination of speech with an assault.

If you go up to some person who happens to be a lesbian, black jewish HIV positive person and you shout "I hate lesbian black jewish HIV positive people" it's not a crime. If you shove them while shouting that, then they will consider it a hate crime if they have hate crime laws. I don't agree with them, but this person isn't being prosecuted for just the speech, but in conjunction with an assault.

I think all assaults should be treated the same. However this isn't just "speech". There was an assault.

You can't be serious....

Rape is rape but if I call her a jew slut is something more?
I said I don't agree with hate crimes. But if you combine it with an assault, that is when they get you with hate crimes. If you go up to a woman and call her a jew slut, it isn't a crime. You shove her and say it, then that's a hate crime. It's stupid, but that's what the libs have given us. Not all assaults are the same to them.
Transgender Woman Dies After Assault in Harlem: Police

updated 8/24/2013

The death of a transgendered woman who was assaulted by a group of men in Harlem Saturday night has been ruled a homicide and is being investigated as a possible hate crime, police say.

The 21-year-old woman, Islan Nettles, died of blunt impact injuries to the head, the medical examiner's office determined Friday.

Nettles, who also goes by Vaughn Nettles and Alon Nettles, was out with a friend, another transgender woman, when they met a group of men near 148th Street and Eighth Avenue, according to police.

The two groups began arguing, apparently after the men realized the victims were transgender, police said. One man made anti-gay remarks and a physical altercation ensued.

The victim was taken to the hospital with injuries, and died Thursday after spending several days on a ventilator, police said.


Transgender Woman Dies After Assault in Harlem: Police - Local News - New York, NY | NBC News

Lashawn Marten Shouted I Hate White People Before Leaving

Considerate Racial Predators

September 10, 2013 By Colin Flaherty

Before he bashed the 62-year-old Jeffrey Babbitt in the face this week in a New York park, leaving him with permanent brain damage, LaShawn Marten proclaimed: “I hate white people.”

He saved us the trouble of wondering if the attack was “racially motivated.”

Same for Nkosi Thandiwe. Last year in Atlanta, Thandiwe testified he learned to hate white people in college and that is why he killed one white person and hurt a few others.

And if anyone had any doubts about why a car full of five black people drove through the French Quarter just a few days ago assaulting white and gay people, they cleared that up by announcing their intentions with racial and sexual slurs.


Considerate Racial Predators | FrontPage Magazine
Chad Washington of Columbia Lions charged with hate crime - ESPN New York

Uh oh.....

According to law-enforcement officials, Washington began heckling two women the victim was with early Sunday morning in New York. When the victim, a 19-year-old Asian, tried to defend the women, Washington allegedly called him slurs, started following him, pushed him against a wall and grabbed his collar, police said.

He's from Oakland....hmmmm

OMG not that.......first it's now illegal to taunt people?
Washington was taken into custody Tuesday and faces a misdemeanor charge of aggravated harassment as a hate crime

Got to love liberals, they've found a way to criminalize speech...
According to your posted description Washington's action was considerably more than "heckling." He physically abused and intimidated that fellow.

How would you like to be treated that way?
Hate Crime Laws Don’t Prevent Violence Against LGBT People

So why do many LGBT people, and others, feel so deeply about the need to have them?

Michael Bronski, Ann Pellegrini and Michael Amico October 2, 2013


Liberals’ support for hate crime laws is not universal, however. There are progressive LGBT groups, such as Queers for Economic Justice and the Sylvia Rivera Law Project, that do not support them. There are two main reasons for this opposition. The first is that the laws are disproportionately used against poor people and people of color. The second is that they simply try to fix the problem of bias crime by putting people in prison for longer periods of time, which usually leads to more-hardened criminals. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has long objected to many hate crime laws because they are predicated on punishing not only action, such as assault, but on punishing constitutionally protected free speech. The ACLU is concerned that hate crime laws criminalize thoughts, arguing that it should not be a crime to think or articulate hurtful statements. Hurting someone’s feelings may be offensive, even emotionally painful, but it shouldn’t be against the law.

The many religious and conservative groups against hate crime laws, particularly the inclusion of LGBT people as a protected class under the law, fear that they will not only impede but criminalize the articulation of deeply held moral or religious beliefs. Mike Pence, governor of Indiana, lobbied against the federal Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act when he was a congressman, stating:

The issue of hate crimes legislation that continues to be advanced on Capitol Hill is part of a larger effort that we already see working in state statutes. And however well intentioned, hate crimes statutes around the country have been used to quell religious expression. Individual pastors who may wish to preach out of Romans chapter 1 about what the Bible teaches about homosexual behavior … could be charged or subject to intimidation for simply expressing a biblical moral view on the issue of homosexual behavior.

Pence’s warning has nothing to do with how hate crime legislation actually works. His argument, echoed by many conservative religious groups, is a scare tactic intended to make LGBT activists look like dictators punishing people who do not agree with them. These religious organizations are probably more upset that any protections are being put in place for minority groups.


Hate Crime Laws Don?t Prevent Violence Against LGBT People | The Nation
Alleged Chicago Assault Reignites Issue of Hate Crimes Against Whites


Joe Sexton 6 hrs ago

The meaning and enforcement of the Illinois hate-crimes statute seems destined for intense scrutiny with the arrest this week of four young black adults in Chicago in connection with the assault of a mentally disabled white man. The arrests by the Chicago Police Department resulted in part from what appeared to a livestreamed video of the disabled man being abused while bound and gagged. The recording captures one or more of the attackers making references to Donald Trump and white people.

The Illinois hate-crime statute reads as follows:

A person commits hate crime when, by reason of the actual or perceived race, color, creed, religion, ancestry, gender, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, or national origin of another individual or group of individuals, regardless of the existence of any other motivating factor or factors, he commits assault, battery, aggravated assault, misdemeanor theft, criminal trespass to residence, misdemeanor criminal damage to property, criminal trespass to vehicle, criminal trespass to real property, mob action, disorderly conduct, harassment by telephone, or harassment through electronic communications.

On Wednesday, Commander Kevin Duffin said the department was weighing whether to bring hate-crime charges against the suspects, saying it was not yet clear whether the attack was motivated by bias, according to The Washington Post.

“They’re young adults. And they make stupid decisions,” Duffin was quoted saying in the Post account. “That certainly will be part of whether or not we seek a hate crime to determine whether this is sincere or just stupid ranting and raving.”


Chicago Police Department’s Periscope account Commander Kevin Duffin speaks at a press conference in Chicago, Illinois, on Jan. 5, 2017.


The Southern Poverty Law Center, an advocacy organization that has long monitored hate crimes and bias incidents, has long recorded attacks against whites, and has pledged to do so going forward, including those crimes against whites possibly inspired by Trump’s victory. So far the SPLC has recorded 23 anti-Trump incidents, though it acknowledges this may be an undercount given who is most likely to report incidents of bias to the SPLC.

Richard Cohen, president of the SPLC, declared the alleged Chicago assault a hate crime. “Whether this is a hate crime based on disability or a hate crime based on race, I think it is incumbent on the authorities to act swiftly,” he said, calling the crime “incredibly shocking.”

“The anti-white and anti-Trump remarks came one after the other,” Cohen said of the recording. “I take it as a synonym for anti-white rhetoric in their minds.”

The authorities, with the filing of charges Thursday, appeared for the moment to agree.

Alleged Chicago Assault Reignites Issue of Hate Crimes Against Whites

SPLC had to agree it was a hate crime, you know that had to hurt...

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